September 18, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE H8455 Coach Haskins arrived at Texas Mr. Speaker, when reflecting on his Mr. Speaker, I take the well to com- Western College in 1961 and retired in decision to start five African American ment on an event that occurred in San 1999 after 38 seasons with a record of players, Coach Haskins simply said, ‘‘I Diego, and that is regarding Sergeant 719 wins and 353 losses. He led our Mi- just played my five best players.’’ Rafael Peralta, who was killed on No- nors to seven Western Athletic Con- The SPEAKER pro tempore (Mr. vember 14, 2004 in the now famous bat- ference Championships, 14 NCAA Tour- JOHNSON of Georgia). The time of the tle of Fallujah. He was killed, and ab- nament appearances, and seven appear- gentleman has expired. sorbed the blast by an enemy grenade ances in the National Invitational Mr. REYES. I ask unanimous consent when, during house-to-house fighting, tournament. Couch Haskins also served for an additional minute. he was thrown into a small room while as an assistant coach in the 1972 U.S. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The he and three other marines were work- Olympic team. Chair cannot entertain that request. ing their way through this series of fire On September 29, 1997, Coach Haskins The gentleman will finish his remarks. fights. was inducted into the Naismith Memo- Mr. REYES. I’ll file the rest for the According to the eyewitnesses and to rial Basketball Hall of Fame. Ten years RECORD. Thank you. the citation that he received, he pulled later, the entire 1966 Texas Western PARLIAMENTARY INQUIRY that grenade to his body and absorbed team joined their coach in this honor, Mr. HUNTER. A parliamentary in- the full concussion and the full explo- becoming just the sixth team in the quiry. sive power of that grenade on his own history of basketball to do so. The SPEAKER pro tempore. The gen- body and, thereby, saved his fellow ma- Though known for his ferocity on the tleman is recognized. rines. court, off the court Coach Haskins was Mr. HUNTER. Could I be recognized Now it has just been announced that humble, compassionate, and witty. He for 1 minute and then yield it to my he was awarded the Navy Cross, the never relished in celebrity, even after friend from Texas? second highest award for heroism, but his story and that of the 1966 Texas The SPEAKER pro tempore. Without not the Medal of Honor. Western team made it to the big screen objection, the gentleman is recognized Mr. Speaker, the last person who did in the 2006 Disney production of Glory for 1 minute. that same act, in fact, who was a ma- Road. There was no objection. rine and who did that incredible act of He touched many lives, and never Mr. HUNTER. Thank you, Mr. Speak- sacrifice in Anbar province, was Cor- hesitated to help any person in need. er. poral Jason Dunham of Scio, New He was known for visiting coffee shops I would yield to the gentleman. York. He was given the Medal of around our town—many of them in Mr. REYES. I thank my friend from Honor—awarded it by President Bush poor areas—and would order a single California. in the White House—for falling on a cup of coffee, but leave a $20 tip. He Coach Haskins never sought or want- grenade, for taking the shock and the never once bragged or boasted about ed credit for changing college basket- deadly power of that grenade, thereby what he did for others. ball, and he would always say, ‘‘I just saving his colleagues. At Coach Haskins’ memorial service, wanted to win the game.’’ That is the standard that we have the University of Southern California Like many of history’s greatest role traditionally placed and the metric basketball coach, Tim Floyd, a former models, it was the humility and unas- that we have traditionally placed on UTEP assistant coach under Coach suming personality after achieving un- this act of heroism of a soldier or of a Haskins, shared a very moving story precedented success that, today, he in- that demonstrates the kinds of deeds marine who falls on a grenade or who spires us all. pulls a grenade under him when it’s in that Coach Haskins did for people often He is survived by his lovely wife, in need. It is told that one day Coach close proximity to his buddies, know- Mary, and was the proud father of ing full well that that grenade will Haskins was driving to El Paso from Brent, David, Steve, and Mark. Al- Van Horn, Texas—which is approxi- most likely kill him but making that though he is no longer with us, we split-second decision to give his life for mately 120 miles from El Paso. He was know that his spirit will always live on driving, as all of us that knew and his colleagues and for his country. at UTEP and that his legend and leg- Sergeant Rafael Peralta made that loved him, in his signature white pick- endary stories will forever remain an up truck. While driving, he noticed decision. important part of our country’s his- Mr. Speaker, it appears to me that he that a station wagon had broken down tory. and was stranded on the side of the should have been awarded the same God blessed us with Coach Haskins, award that Jason Dunham and many road; it was a single mom with four and now we ask for God’s blessing for children. before him have been awarded in Viet- our coach. nam—the same theater that Mr. REYES b 1800 f fought in—in Korea, in World War II. Coach Haskins, typically, pulled The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a Where we have recognized that stand- over, and he asked the mother if she previous order of the House, the gen- ard of a soldier or of a marine who falls needed help. She told Coach Haskins tleman from Texas (Mr. POE) is recog- on a grenade or who pulls it to him to that she was trying to get to Los Ange- nized for 5 minutes. save his colleagues, we have tradition- les, but her car had broken down. (Mr. POE addressed the House. His ally recognized that act of heroism, Coach Haskins squeezed all of the four remarks will appear hereafter in the that act of sacrifice with the Medal of children and the mom inside the cab of Extensions of Remarks.) Honor. his pickup and drove them to El Paso. f So, Mr. Speaker, I intend to ask the He put the family up in a hotel, ar- President—and I hope a number of AWARDING THE MEDAL OF HONOR ranged for their car to be towed and re- other people join me to ask the Presi- TO SERGEANT RAFAEL PERALTA paired, and he gave the mother $1,000 dent—to review this award and to to help her get to Los Angeles. The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a award to Rafael Peralta, post- Coach Haskins never mentioned this previous order of the House, the gen- humously, the same award that we to anyone, including to his wife. It tleman from California (Mr. HUNTER) is awarded just a few months ago to Cor- wasn’t until the mayor of Van Horn recognized for 5 minutes. poral Jason Dunham. called the coach’s office and the now Mr. HUNTER. Mr. Speaker, I think f Coach Tim Floyd answered the phone it’s appropriate that I follow the re- that he found out what had occurred. marks of my great friend SILVESTRE FEDERAL FUNDING SHORTFALLS Coach Floyd never shared this story REYES, who was a great veteran of CRIPPLING NATIVE AMERICAN while Coach Haskins was alive because Vietnam and who was a wonderful lead- COMMUNITIES he knew that Coach Haskins wouldn’t er, I think the best leader in the his- The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a want anyone to know about it. tory of the Border Patrol, and who is a previous order of the House, the gentle- This is but one example of the hun- great Member of this body, but he is a woman from South Dakota (Ms. dreds of stories that people tell about gentleman who has been to Iraq many HERSETH SANDLIN) is recognized for 5 our legendary coach. times and to Afghanistan many times. minutes. VerDate Aug 31 2005 02:37 Sep 19, 2008 Jkt 069060 PO 00000 Frm 00057 Fmt 4634 Sfmt 0634 E:\CR\FM\K18SE7.107 H18SEPT1 smartinez on PROD1PC64 with HOUSE H8456 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD — HOUSE September 18, 2008 Ms. HERSETH SANDLIN. Mr. Speak- sent to the scene of a traffic accident. tleman from Indiana (Mr. BURTON) is er, I rise today to address an issue that After waiting 2 more hours, they called recognized for 5 minutes. has reached crisis levels in many Na- yet again. In the end, the police officer (Mr. BURTON of Indiana addressed tive American communities: the Fed- never came to take her statement. the House. His remarks will appear eral funding shortfalls crippling tribal Large land-based reservations are hit hereafter in the Extensions of Re- law enforcement and justice systems. especially hard by insufficient funding. marks.) Native American families, like all For example, the Cheyenne River Sioux f families, deserve safe and secure com- tribal chairman has testified that his The SPEAKER pro tempore. Under a munities. Tragically, there is a perva- tribe has only three officers per shift to previous order of the House, the gentle- sive sense of lawlessness in too many cover an area almost the size of Con- woman from California (Ms.
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