E-306 VOL. 1 LIEPAJA CITY COUNCIL :52 -Akrmene Vqrgde Du k SO'M Ploce s Public Disclosure Authorized Medz R6va 162 ~10 J__ Kapsgde, . DURBE 9Q5W ~~~~~~~~~~~Lie,i GOpcasRfdz Joun ;.384 LIEPAJA:--hde V6r[i- Cniden e -k GrGoavieze Taii 100 M611 Dube6 -' DSusta Cenkone 3 Pa> t Public Disclosure Authorized Pqrkone oii gem6 -- bun 100 BenihRudei z Wite - Nica BMit C-M 56'2tKyPla Beitdbdems 4480 qw SIOMsti FEASIBILITYSTUDY, PRELIMINARY DESIGN AND ENVIRONMENTAL Public Disclosure Authorized ASSESSMENT OF SUSTAINABLESOLID WASTE MANAGEMENT FORLIEPAJA CITY AND LIEPAJAREGION FINALENVIRONMENTAL IMPACT ASSESSMENT REPORT AMENDEDDECEMBER 7, 1999 Public Disclosure Authorized SWECO onsonsultants SWECOINTERNATIONAL in association with GEO CONSULTANTS Stockholm, December 7, 1999 ProjectNo. 1150335 LIST OF CONTElNTS I);dL 0 SUMMARY I) l I INTRODUCTION 1:1 1.1 Background 1:1 1.2 Structure of the report 1:2 1.3 Objectives and tasks of the EIA 1:2 1.4 Concepts of the Feasibility Study 1:3 2 GENERAL DATA ABOUT THE REGION 2:1 2.1 Territorv, inhabitants and administrative division 2:1 2.2 Inhabitants served by the current waste management system 2:2 2.3 Existing road network 2:5 2.4 Hydrometeorological conditions 2:5 3 OVERVIEW ON THE EXISTING WASTE MANAGEMENT SYSTEM 3:1 3.1 Institutional aspects and existing infrastructure 3:1 3.2 Waste amount and composition 3:3 3.3 Waste collection and transportation 3:6 3.4 Waste reuse and recycling 3:8 3.5 Waste disposal and existing landfills 3:11 3.6 Environmental and health impacts 3:15 3.7 Economic aspects 3:21 4 ACQUIS OF LEGAL REQUIREMENTS AND REQUIREMENTS FOR PROPOSED ACTIVITIES 4:1 4.1 Requirements of the EU legislation 4:1 4.2 National legislation and responsible institutions 4:2 4.3 Local legislation and instructions 4:20 4.4 Need for additional legislation 4:20 5 FORCAST OF FUTURE WASTE PRODUCTION, COLLECTION 5:1 AND LANDFILLING 5.1 Amount of waste 5:1 5.2 Future collection and transport svstem 5:5 5.3 Area and handling requirements at the new waste treatment plan 5:5 6 CHARACTERISATION OF THE PROPOSED WASTE 6:1 DISPOSAL SITES 6.1 History of site selection 6:1 6.2 Site selection criteria, procedure and results 6:1 6.3 Hydrological conditions 6:6 6.3.1 Methods and scope of work 6:6 6.3.2 Skede site 6:6 6.3.3 Grobina site 6:8 6.3.4 Possible impacts and mitigation nmcasures 6:11 6.4 Geological structure and hidrogeological conditions 6:11 6.4.1 General features on geological structure and hydrogeological conditions 6:12 6.4.2 Skede site 6:15 II 6.4.3 Grobina sile 6:1l 6.4.4 Possible impacts anid nmitignationmneaisures 6:22 6.5 Surface and groundwater quality 0:22 6.5.1 Skede site 6:23 6.5.2 Grobina site 6:30 6.5.3 Possible impact anid mitigation measures 6:31 6.6 Air pollution, loise aind vibration 6:33 6.6.1 Possible impacts and mitigationi measures 6:35 6.7 Assessment of Biological Diversity 6:35 6.7.1 Introduction 6:36 6.7.2 Potential site in Skede 6:36 6.7.3 Potential site in the former military training ground, Grobina parish 6:44 6.7.4 Comparison of the potential sites 6:48 6.8 Land use, land values and landscape 6:50 6.8.1 Skede site 6:50 6.8.2 Grobina parish 6:59 6.8.3 Comparison of the potential sites 6:62 6.9 Cultural and historical heritage and protection of cultural environment 6:62 6.9.1 Potential waste deposit site Skede 6:65 6.9.2 Potential waste deposit site "Grobina" 6:66 6.9.3 Comparison of the potential sites and conclusions 6:69 6.10 Impacts on human health 6:70 6.10.1 Description of harmful impact 6:70 6.10.2 Description of the existing situation 6:72 6.10.3 Conclusions 6:74 6.10.4 Recommended mitigating measures 6:75 6.11 Occupational health aspects 6:76 6.11.1 Description of risk factors 6:76 6.11.2 Assessment and preventive measures 6:79 7. TECHNOLOGICAL ALTERNATIVES 7:1 7.1 Waste collection and transportation 7:1 7.2 Recycling, separation and recovery 7:4 7.3 Baseline alternative for treatment and disposal 7:5 7.4 Alternatives for final disposal and comparison of them 7:5 7.5 Gas abstraction system 7:15 7.5.1 Gas extraction system in Skede 7:15 7.5.2 Gas extraction in energy cells at Skede and Grobina 7:15 7.5.3 Assessment of gas extraction svstem 7:15 8. Financial analysis of the alternatives 8:1 8.1 Investment costs 8:1 8.8.1 Total investment costs 8:2 8.2 Operational costs 8:3 8.3 Revenues 8:4 8.4 Financial viability and affordability 8:4 8.4.1 Viability 8:4 8.4.2 Affordability 8:5 9. Social-economic aspects 9:1 6iI 9.1 Finding^s(o1 Mir I lanck's studv 9:1 9.2 Attitude of local governments 9:3 9.3 Attitude of people 9:3 9.4 impact on development and land owners 9:4 9.5 Impact on local governnments 9:4 9.6 Impact oniNational budget 9:5 9.7 Impacts on household's budgets 9:5 10. COMPARISON OF ALTERNATIVE SITES 10:1 10.1 Evaluation criteria and comparison of two sites 10:1 10.2 Conclusions 10:6 11. SEQENCE OF THE PROJECT IMPLEMENTATION AND MATERIALS 11:1 11.1 Realisation of construction works 11:1 11.2 Implementation schedule 11:3 11.3 Materials 11:3 11.4 Potential environmental impacts during construction 11:4 12. ACTIVITIES DURING THE OPERATION OF THE LANDFILL 12-1 12.1 Local guidelines 12-1 12.2 Daily operation 12-1 12.2.1 Waste reception, registration and guarding 12-2 12.2.2 Waste sorting, tipping and covering 12-2 12.2.3 Waste treatment areas and process control 12-3 12.2.4 Personnel for daily operation and management 12:4 12.3 Security and safety measures in emergency cases 12:5 12.4 Monitoring 12:6 13. CLOSURE AND POST-CLOSURE ACTIVITIES 13:1 13.1 Final shaping and cover of the landfill 13:2 13.2 Preparation of new surface runoff ditches 13:2 13.3 Control of landfill gas 13:3 13.4 Relocation of leachate drains and ditches 13:3 13.5 Leachate control-and monitoring 13:3 13.6 Environmental monitoring 13:4 14 CONCLUSIONS ON SELECTED SITES 14:1 15 REFERENCES 15:1 List of Tables 2.1 Distribution of Inhabitants in Liepaja region 2:1 2.2 State of bridges on roads supposed to be used for waste transportation :5 2.3 Water balance at Skede and Grobina sites, mm/year 2:6 2.4 Recurrence of wind directions, in percents of total number of observations (1989-1998) 2:7 2.5 Averaue wind velocity per month, in mJsec (1989-1998) 9: 3.1 Organisation of Waste Collection and Transportation in Liepaja district 3: 3.2 Enterprises providing waste management scrvices 3:3 3.3 Disposed waste Amounts and Composition in LielpajiaRegion (1 998) ):4 3.4 Waste generation per capita 3:5 tv 3.5 Morphological Composition of wastc 3:6 3.( Techni(lquesUscd for Waste Collectioni and Transporlatiln 3:7 3.7 \'Waste collection frequcncy 3:8 31.8 Backgr-ounlddlatai oni experimental \vasIC Sorlilln at site 3:1() 3.9 Results obtained dulino exper-imienitalwaste Sortillo 3:1 1 3.I( Dump Sites in Liepajaregion 33:1 3.11 Location oi Dump Sites. Employees, and Related Problems 3:14 3.12 Value of Nature Resources Tax 3:21 3.13 Operational costs 3:22 4.1. Review of Latvian legislation on conslruclion of solid household waste disposal sites 4:6 5.1 Forecast on population growth and serviced population 5:3 5.2 Forecast on economic development 5:3 5.3 Forecast on waste amounts to be collected and disposed. in m3 5:4 6.1 Comparison of leachate. ditch and Alande river discharees 6:10 6.2 Characterisation ofgeological cross-section 6:12 6 3 Leachate composition 6:32 6.4 Characterisation and quantification of biological criteria 6:49 6.5 Comparison of biological diversity for potential sites 6:49 6.6 Comparison of land value/use and landscape for potential sites 6:62 6.7 Comparison of cultural and historical heritage for potential sites 6:69 6.8 Results of well's-survey at the Grobina site 6:73 6.9 Impacts and mitigation measures: construction period 6:81 6.10 Impacts and mitigation measures: operation period 6:81 6.11 Impacts and mitigation measures: post-closure period 6:82 6.12 Site's correspondence to requirements stated by Regulation no. 38 from February 9, 1999 6:83 7.1 Household waste collection and transport in parishes and towns 7:2 7.2 Time consumption for collection and transportation 7:3 7.3 Alternatives considered for the Skede and Grobina .7:6 7.4 Comparison of-waste treatment alternatives 7:14 7.5 The total gas energy from landfill and energy cells in Skede and Grobina 7:16 8.1 Investments for solid waste treatment in Liepaja Region 8:1 8.2 Total investment costs for Liepaja waste management, years 1-6 8:2 8.3 Operation costs: vehicles and waste containers 8:3 9.1 Attitude of people towards " new landfill siting 9:3 10.1 Criteria for comparison of locations 10:2 10.2 Evaluation and comparison of sites 10:5 10.3 Comparison of main problems for Skede and Grobina sites 10:5 11.1 Sequence of construction works 11:2 11.2 Implementation schedule 11:3 12.1 Staff required for landfill operation 12:4 13:1 Typical elements of a landfill closure plan 13:1 13:2 Function of monitoring facilities 13:4 14:1 Evaluation of alternative sites 14:1 List of Figures 1 Administrative division of the Liepa a Region ':3 Poptulallon (ICISy 2':4 3 Waste dLisposal1siles in Li-epaa Reg1ion 3:1 2 4 Contamiiinaltioniof surface water.
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