T»7 THE HILLSIDE THE WEATHER For Your Next O rte Fair today and tomorrow PRINTING OFFICIAL NKWSI* VOL. XIII, No. 689 HILLSIDE, N. J., FRIDAY, FEBRUARY 25, 1938 O F T il K TO W N SH IP O F TRICE FIVE CE Chief Speaker Don’t Aid Voted Hillside’s Tax Problem Legion To State Forces \\Shat Caused It? Mention It In Zoning What Can Be Done About It? Induct 50 X a x R a t e R i s As reported in another column’ Joe Louis will.be at the public- meet­ ing tomorrow night of Hurden- Do you know why Hillside's tax /a le went up 101 Looker Past 50, American Legion and Case Here points this year? Members its auxiliary. True enough, j/k "t»qis will be Do you know whether it is going up higher or coin­ there. It’s assured. Of Four Point Liberty Park Association ing down lower in years to come? Joe Louis w o p k s in Hillsrtfc’ He Record Number Will Be to Raise Funds for Ap­ Do you know how much potential revenue is tied up works for Jaclr Kevoe, commander Initialed; Elaborate Uere- Stringent Requirements of Auditor Cause Added In* of the legion/ who has a cleaning peal from Ruling in Hillside’s tax title liens? monies are Planned establishmej*x on Maple avenue. crease hy Revising Town Debt Service • Do you know if there is anything that can he done Another Joe Louis, in fact,' thp- GROUT IS PLANNING to keep future Hillside budgets down to a more reason­ The largest number of new can­ INSISTS UPON ASSESSMENT RESERVE Joe Loifls, brought about an eafly BIRTHDAY BANQUET able figure? didates ,£ver Inducted into Hurrien- adjournment of the Township Ccin- Lookcr Post No 50, American Le­ These questions, and others, will be answered in a gion, and possibly the largest by Stringent, conservative rules of the state auditor’s office this week milted meeting Wednesday night., The Liberty Park Community As­ Tlie oftHcials^ wanted to rush home series of articles on “Hillside’s Tax Troblem,” which any Legion post in this part of the forced a revision ol the debt service ot the township to bring about an sociation, which is fighting the.•■ap­ stale will be initiated tomorrow estimated $5.40 tax rate lor this year, instead of $5.36 as local officials to listen>^o the flight. Those who plication df Frank and Katheffihe had to wSR afterward over the will begin next Friday in this newspaper. night in Masonic Hall at a specially *lmd estimated. Laseck for an addition to the Liberty prepared ceremony ami program. The changes directed by the state will have to be made by ths. signing of checks didn’t get their Park Bar and Grill, at 1144 Liberty Make it your business to follow this series of arti­ telephone call, however, which they ju d g e MMCisiioHM About 50 candidates will become Township Committee os amendments to the budget when it is finally avenue, last night voted Jx> assist cles. There is nothing in Hillside’s municipal affairs at members of the post, Commander approved March 9 at the close of the public hearing in the high school. wanted if the fight ended by the Louis En'derle, property 'owner third round. the presept time more important than the subjects that Jack Z. Kevoe announced yesterday. The chief cause of the advance In the neighborhood, in his appeal from An elaborate program will open the tax rate is the state’s insistence- the local Zoning Board of Adjust­ Hillside High School’s baseball will be discussed in the series. tlks To H o ld when Fred Martin, chairman, re­ that part of the cash from assess­ ment’s ruling granting permission ceives the massed colors as the as­ Tax Rate High? ments already on hand and listed M team of this spring should have a for the addition. Taxes affect everyone, home owner or rent payer. good season, good field or no field. semblage sings "The Star Spangled a revenue to the extent of $123,000 Efforts for assistance financially, Understand the problem Hillside officials arc facing, M iglil Banner.” Then Commander Kevoe Look At These bo cut almost $40,000, to $83,414.56. There is a good bat in the midst. both within and outside the organ­ Arl Lee Ask Pat McEntee. and then do what you can to help solve the problem. will briefly welcome state, county What this amounts to is holding ization were voted. To raise funds antH^U.officials, members of visit­ part of the cash already received as • j from sympathizers with its cause The series starts next Friday. Reserve your copy Just in case there arc some Hill­ Talking about baseball, Arthur T. Lee night will be ob­ ing delegations ;TYNI guests This will side taxpayers who may think the n reserve to pay maturities on as­ , , „ , , ^ , y all over town, the association ap- served next Thursday by Hillside sessment bonds falling due in 1939 should Lyons Farms be honored by. pointed a committee headed £y to-dav. be followed' by an expression ol local tax rate is jiul about the high Lodge 1591. B. P. O. Elks, when Lee, thanks uy the commander 'to the >1 in the stale, the following figures and 1940. Otherwise the maturities box seats for the Newark Bears , charles B. Taylor, motor vehicle who holds the post' of esquire in the would have to be met out of ap­ opening game rather than Hillside? agC11(, here, and composed of Harry membership and arrangement com -|an, published, showing how mucl I lodge during the year, will preside raiUws. Robert Alston for 111.- mo worso wus lost your in a lot of propriations in the budgets of the Hess, Frank J. Lyman, Frank Kortz Set Hearing On Bank Holdup as exalted ruler. next two years. and Carl SLrebinger. A game party thm pictures, S hi Simon lor Uie oUlt.r pin,,., in Now Jersey The meeting will also receive nom- public address system, tlx1 Revellers Longporl $ 1 $45 To Meet Bonds will be held tomorrow night in, Dar- , illations for officer;; for the coming I On-Di-stra. the Guldinguy Guards, Elks Dinner To cay Ilall to raise funds for the as Harnegat City 10.05 Loral officials admitted this week Train Serviee Held Solved year Flection ol officers will take jp,. .stale Championship Ritual Team' South Ihmken.saek 9.61) that lit is a matter of conservative . sociation itself. j Place at the following meeting., on of uahwnv the Irvington De Malay. The club 'also decided Ip hold a Wildwood 9.00 good business, since the last of the Bears’ Leader March 17. A delegation of members I Hj11>si(|(. Rainbow Girls. Miss Mae Ocean City 7.10 assessment boncls will be paid off in banquet on March 23 observing its Jot the local lodge will attend a s |) l>- M ctw n Joe Louis. Hast State Com- tenth anniversary at the Hillside Lehigh Valley Would Dis­ G-Men Report Capture o! Lakewood 6.54 the next two years. The $40,000 icial meet ms of the. Elizabeth Lodge | mancler William Regan, county of Liong Branch 5.71 cut l5y the state Is practically ths . Members of Hillside Lodge 1591, Elks Club. The association is prob­ continue Early Morning Paroled Convicts Sus­ next Saturday night. March'S, when fleers and the speakers. able tbc «n]y civic organization in Hoboken i 5.67 amount of the maturities a n d in­ B. P. O Elks and numerous friends and Sat. T. M. Trains pected of Robbery Charles Spencer Hart, of Mt, Vernon. Regan In Charge Asbury Park 5.66 terest for 1938, 1939 and 1940. Ths gave an expression of confidence last town which has leached such a N. Y„ grand exalted ruler, will make Mrs. Metzger will then be escorted comparatively mature age. The "ban­ Perth Amboy 5.41 balance is already provided for by night to Johnny Neun, new manager his official visit to Elizabeth. The to “the rostrum. With Past State the fact that the officials had slight­ quet will be for members only and Tlie transportation committee of- Rcports from the Federal Bureau neighboring h'f,ire is planning a large of the Newark Bears, at a dinner the Township Committee will at­ of Investigation last night indicated Commander Regan acting as master ly more than $123,000 cash, to start tiie committee in charge is Stanley meeting and gathering in honor or of ceremonies, under escort of a at the clubhouse on Hillside ave­ H. Weston, chairman, Harry Wolf, tend the hearing March 24 in New­ the holdup November 2, 1936, of the Junior Women’s with. • nue. ark on a request of the Lehigh Val­ Hillside Trust Company probably the visiting official. guard, he will receive delegations ol Tlie $40,000 slash from the assess­ Gustave A. Falzer was toastmaster. Arthur Shoudy, Jacob L. Kunz and post commanders in Union County. Frank Valentine. ley Railroad to eliminate its early has been solved. ment cash appropriated as a revenue Speakers included Dr. Fred H. morning and Saturday afternoon Thomas J. Donegan, in charge of Newark Post No. 10 and the Jewish Group To Meet was partly offset this week when Roever Jr., exalted ruler of the lodge, commuters’ trains. the Newark office, announced that Will (.ontiiuie To War Veterans. He will also receive Finance Chairman Harry Schnabel Township Committee Chairman The Township Committee referred two convicts, with long criminal the president'of the county auxiliary Thu welfare department of Uixi, and Township Clerk Howard J.
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