INFRASTRUCTURE Bangkok has been undergoing rapid urbanization and industrialization since 1960. The increasing population is due in part to the development of infrastructure, such as road networks, real estate developments, land value, and a growing economy that resulted in expansion into the surrounding areas and the migration of people to the city from all parts of the country. 7>ÌiÀÊ ÃÕ«ÌÊÊ >}Ê>`Ê6VÌÞÊÀi> Õ°° Discovering the City the Discovering City the Discovering xxÈ°Ó Èää x£È°Ó xän°£ {nÈ°Î {n°È {ÇÈ°Ç {ää Óää ££°Ç È°{ n°£ ä ÓääÓ ÓääÎ Óää{ , - / *1 Ê7/ ,Ê-1**9Ê Ê"/ ,- 1- --]Ê-// Ê / ,*,- ]Ê"6¿/Ê 9Ê Ê 1-/, Source: Metropolitan Waterworks Authority /Ì>Ê7>ÌiÀÊ*À`ÕVÌÊÉÊ Water Management ->iÃÊÊ >}Ê>`Ê6VÌÞÊÀi> At present, the Metropolitan Waterworks To develop an effl uent treatment system, To build walls to prevent and solve Authority (MWA) provides the public and establish a “Flood Control Center” fl ood problems caused by seasonal, water supply in the BMA, Nonthaburi with 55 network stations, using low-cost northern and marine overfl ows in the and Samut Prakarn provinces at an treatment techniques and building Bangkok area. Ê Õ°° average of 4.15 million cubic meters additional water treatment systems, while Ó]äää per day, over a 1,486.5 sq. km area. restoring the beauty and cleanliness To develop an information technology £]xÎn°Î £]xää £]xäx £]x£È°£ of canals and rivers. system to support drainage systems £]{n£°Ç £]{În°x £]äÇÈ The BMA continuously monitors the throughout Bangkok. £]äää È°{ £]ä£Î° Ó°x nnä°Î quality of the water supply and canals. To provide timely solutions to fl ood risk xää It has adopted the following strategy areas caused by heavy rains through ä on environmental management and enhancing the effi ciency of pumping Óäää Óää£ ÓääÓ ÓääÎ Óää{ *," 1 /" - - energy conservation: and drainage systems. Source: Metropolitan Waterworks Authority 58 449-05-055_058-075_W.indd9-05-055_058-075_W.indd 5858 99/7/06/7/06 88:59:07:59:07 AAMM Electricity Telephone digital networks: Advanced Info Services (AIS), The Electricity Generating Authority Bangkok is served by two fi xed-line telephone Total Access Communications (TAC) and True Move. of Thailand (EGAT) Load Forecast operators: the Telephone Organization of Thailand A wide range of service packages are available, Committee forecasts that the power (TOT), a state enterprise, and True Corporation Plc., with many prices and options from which to choose. consumption demand in Bangkok and a private company, both of which can install phones The number of mobile subscribers has soared from its neighboring provinces of Nonthaburi in a timely fashion; usually a matter of days. Local a less than 2 million in 1997 to about 31.5 million and Samut Prakran (covered by calls are not timed and carry a fi xed charge of 3 in 2005. Metropolitan Electricity Authority) will baht per call. Areas outside Bangkok are served by grow by fi ve percent between 2006 TOT and another private company, TT&T Plc. The The internet is widely available within Bangkok and and 2008. fi xed-line network has a total capacity of over 8 throughout the country. About one dozen private million lines, of which about 7 million are in use. companies offer services for personal and corporate Bangkok’s highest electric consumption, accounts. Prepaid or subscription services are about 40 percent of total consumption, International calls are handled by the Telephone available at reasonable rates. Monthly rates from is by the industrial sector, with Organization of Thailand (TOT) and the Communications some companies are as low as 500 baht per month approximately 35 percent consumption Authority of Thailand (CAT), which provide direct for unlimited service. The government has committed by business and 22 percent by access to just about any country. International rates itself to making broadband internet service widely residential sectors. have been falling due to competition among providers. available and affordable. In 2004 the number of internet users rose to over 6 million people, Mobile phones are readily available at competitive or approximately 10% of the population. prices from three main service providers using GSM COMPARISON TELEPHONE AND MOBILE’S STATISTICS OF TELEPHONE SERVICES: 2004 TELEPHONE LINE IN USED IN BANGKOK: 2000-2004 n]äää]äää È]Ó{ΰ iÕ>À Ç]äää]äää Li½ÃÊ* i £x]ä{Î°È Óä]ä°ä È]äää]äää È]Ó{Î]nÇÓ x]xnx]Óä{ £]nÈÓ°{ x]äää]äää ViÃÃ>Àià Î]äÈn°x ià {]äää]äää Î]Ó££]£x Î]În]Î£È {]£ää°ä Î]äää]äää Î]x£n]äÇä Î]{xx]È Î]{Ón]{Ó Ó]Çx]ä£È £]xÈx°x Ó]äää]äää £]nÎÎ]{{Ç /"/Ê À«À>Ì Î]Ç£n°£ £]äää]äää {]xÓx°Î nÓn]änä ä x]äää £ä]äää £x]äää Óä]äää Óx]äää Óäää Óää£ ÓääÓ ÓääÎ Óää{ >Ê/ii« iÊiÊ­iÌÀ«Ì>ÊÀi>® >Ê/ii« iÊiÊ­7 iÊ}`® /ii« i Li½ÃÊ/ii« i iÊ >«>VÌÞ Source: TOT Corporation Public Company Limited Source: TOT Corporation Public Company Limited 59 449-05-055_058-075_W.indd9-05-055_058-075_W.indd 5959 99/7/06/7/06 88:59:25:59:25 AAMM CONVENTION CENTERS Thailand is one of the main places in Asia for trade fairs, most of which take place in Bangkok. All industries hold trade fairs at least once a year, while some are held several times during the year. The three main trade fair and exhibition centers in Bangkok are: Bangkok International Trade and Exhibition Center Exhibition Area 36,000 sq.m. Discovering the City the Discovering Car Park 4,700 cars Impact Arena, Exhibition and Convention Center Exhibition Area 160,220 sq.m. Car Park 20,000 cars Queen Sirikit National Convention Center Exhibition Area 64,665 sq.m. Car Park 700 cars, 30 buses 60 449-05-055_058-075_W.indd9-05-055_058-075_W.indd 6060 99/7/06/7/06 99:04:17:04:17 AAMM INDUSTRIAL ESTATE ZONE: AVAILABLE AREAS Industrial estates in Thailand resemble town or city Industrial Estates in Greater Bangkok that provides the complete infrastructure necessary Metropolitan Area for industrial operations, such as an ample electric and water supply, fl ood protection, wastewater There are 8 industrial estates located in Bangkok treatment, solid waste disposal, etc. They are and its neighboring provinces in the Greater accessible to seaports, airports and other Bangkok Metropolitan Area: transportation centers. In addition to providing Industrial Zone/Available Area communication facilities and security systems, Industrial Estate Zone Zone /Area an industrial estate also contains commercial (Rai) (Sq.km) banks and a post offi ce. Some have customs Bangkok Area offi ces, schools, hospitals, shopping centers and Bangchan Industrial Estate 510 0.82 Minburi, Bangkok other facilities needed for investors and workers. Gemopolis Industrial Estate 176 0.28 Praves, Bangkok Lardkrabang Industrial Estate 1,899 3.04 Ladkrabang, Bangkok They are, in fact, self-contained communities. Vinicity Area Bangkadi Industrial Park 907 1.45 Samutprakan Industrial Estates in Thailand are classifi ed Nava Nakorn Industrial Estate 6,135 9.82 Pathum Thani into three categories Bangplee Industrial Estate 1,004 1.61 Samutprakan Bangpoo Industrial Estate 3,902 6.24 Samutprakan u Those owned and managed by the Industrial Samut Sakorn Industrial Estate 1,041 1.67 Samut Sakhon Estate Authority of Thailand (IEAT), a state Total Available Area 15,574 24.92 enterprise attached to the Ministry of Industry. Source : IEAT u Those that are joint-ventures between the IEAT Industrial estates are generally divided into and private developers. two zones: u Those developed, managed and wholly owned by General Industrial Zones (GIZ), which are reserved private developers. for the location of industries manufacturing for domestic and/or foreign consumption. Export Processing Zone (EPZ), reserved for the location of industries manufacturing for export only. Most industrial estates with EPZs have government customs houses for fast clearance. 61 449-05-055_058-075_W.indd9-05-055_058-075_W.indd 6161 99/7/06/7/06 99:04:19:04:19 AAMM (FDI) in 2005 GLOBAL CITY (Million Baht) Top 5 Foreign Direct Investment 25,085.6 2,147.3 3,128.42004 1 2005 Japan 27,578.1 10,598.237.8 Singapore USA -1,155.9713.7 6,661.9 Bangkok is widely considered a global and hosts many key international Bangkok is a global city for living, Hong Kong 2,280.6 10,09 city. It has many characteristics similar organizations. It also host many investing and visiting. Germany Board of Investment6, Offi ce of the to many prominent international cities. regional international news bureaus. Source : Bangkok has an international fi rst-name Bangkok is a cost competitive global familiarity. It has active infl uence in The city has a lively cultural scene city that has attracted a large community approximately 15,000 Americans living international events and international that is growing in recognition such of residential expatriate community. in Bangkok. and regional affairs. as the annual Bangkok International Its cosmopolitan lifestyle, close Film Festival, Bangkok Jazz Festival, proximity to the beaches, mountains, Bangkok is Thailand’s investment Bangkok has a large population, and the Bangkok International Festival and other neighboring countries, gateway and a global city for advanced communications infrastructure of Dance & Music. and friendliness of the Thai people, investment from all over the world and transportation system, including has made Bangkok a friendly place particularly from Japan, Singapore, Discovering the City the Discovering a strategic international airport. According to the Globalization and for foreigners to relocate, start a United State of America, Hong Kong, World Cities Study Group and Network business, or to retire.
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