Polaris IP, LLC v. Google Inc. et al Doc. 631 Att. 1 Exhibit A Dockets.Justia.com UNITED STATES DISTRICT COURT EASTERN DISTRICT OF TEXAS BRIGHT RESPONSE, LLC DEFENDANTS' JOINT TRIAL EXHIBIT LIST V. CIVIL ACTION NO. 2:07-CV-371 GOOGLE INC., YAHOO!, INC. Presiding Judge Plaintiff's Attorneys Defendants' Attorneys Hon. Magistrate Charles Verhoeven, Amy Candido - Google Inc. Marc Fenster, David Pridham, Alex Giza, Judge Chad Everingham William Rooklidge, Jennifer Doan - Yahoo!, Inc. Andrew Spangler, Adam Hoffman, John Hueston, Adam Goldberg, Elizabeth Wiley, Andrew Weiss Trial Dates Court Reporter Courtroom Deputy August 2 - August 6, 2010 Susan Simmons Jan Lockhart EX. # DATE OFFERED MARKED ADMITTED DATES BATES BEG BATES END DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION Objections DX0001 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 1/30/2001 BR000097 BR000110 U.S. Patent 6,182,059 - Angotti DX0002 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 No Date BR000111 BR000345 File History for '059 Patent Merchant & Gould Consulting DX0003 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 2/4/2003 BR001263 BR001265 agreement with Amy Rice Amy Rice Patent Declaration for DX0004 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 6/9/1998 RICE000033 RICE000034 Application No. 09/054,233 DX0005 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 4/2/1998 BR000547 BR000585 Patent Application No. 09/054,233 Automatic Message Interpretation and DX0007 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 No Date HSU0235 HSU0281 Routing System Brightware PowerPoint presentation entitled, "Automated Customer DX0009 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 No Date RICE001117 RICE001203 Interaction on the Net" Technology Transfer Plan for DX0011 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 01/02/96 RICE000834 RICE000851 Knowledge-Based Systems Confidential Outside Counsel Only Page 1 of 27 EX. # DATE OFFERED MARKED ADMITTED DATES BATES BEG BATES END DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION Objections DX0012 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 11/12/99 GOOG1624571 GOOG1624884 SEC Form S - 1 for Firepond, Inc. DX0013 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 10/31/01 GOOG1624499 GOOG1624567 SEC Form 10 - K for Firepond, Inc. BR- Patent Purchase Agreement between DX0014 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 1/28/2004 CWC002414 BR-CWC002429 Firepond, Inc. and Orion IP, LLC Assignment of patent applications of DX0015 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 03/23/04 BR001203 BR001226 Firepond, Inc. to Orion IP, LLC Patent Assignment - Corrective Assignment of Firepond, Inc. to Orion DX0016 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 11/8/2004 BR001227 BR001240 IP, LLC Patent Assignment - New Assignment of patents from Orion IP, LLC to DX0019 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 8/31/2004 BR001241 BR001242 Circinus IP, LLC Patent Assignment - New Assignment of patents from Circinus IP, LLC to DX0020 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 2/14/2006 BR001243 BR001249 Polaris IP, LLC Certificate of Correction for U.S. Patent DX0022 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 11/08/05 BR000540 BR000540 6,411,947 Notice of Recordation of Assignment of Assignor's Interest in U.S. Patent DX0024 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 2/25/2003 BR000850 BR000853 6,411,947 Intellectual Property License Agreement between Firepond, Inc. and DX0025 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 11/28/2005 BR001307 BR001309 Serviceware Technologies, Inc. Patent License Settlement Agreement between Triton IP, LLC, Polaris IP, LLC, Oracle Corp., and Siebel DX0026 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 09/07/06 BR009813 BR009832 Systems, Inc. 401, 402, 408 Fred Cohen's Consulting Agreement DX0028 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 12/20/2005 BR001300 BR001301 with Latham & Watkins LLP DX0029 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 6/25/2002 U.S. Patent 6,411,947 - Rice Proceedings of the 13th National Conference on Artificial Intelligence And the Eighth Innovative Applications Of Artificial Intelligence Conference DX0030 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 00/00/1996 BR001250 BR001262 (Vol. 2) Settlement, License and Assignment Agreement between Brightware, Inc. DX0031 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 03/31/98 JPM00297 JPM00312 and The Chase Manhattan Bank 401, 402, 403 DX0032 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 5/8/1997 BR000131 BR000191 Patent Application No. 08/853,074 GGL- Ads Quality: SmartASS Models DX0036 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 9/12/2009 PA01653382 GGL-PA01653395 Overview Confidential Outside Counsel Only Page 2 of 27 EX. # DATE OFFERED MARKED ADMITTED DATES BATES BEG BATES END DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION Objections Ad Auction - Estimated Clickthrough DX0037 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 11/12/2003 GOOG0014731 GOOG0014734 Rate SEPLA (A SmartASS Prediction DX0038 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 05/00/2007 GOOG0007766 GOOG0007774 Model) DX0039 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 Dec-09 GOOG1689757 GOOG1689765 Online Gradient Descent DX0040 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 09/30/03 GOOG0018555 GOOG0018570 Introduction to Ad Spam Filtering Source Code - Un-bates-stamped DX0041 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 printout of code for Google 13b GOOG1657696 GOOG1657698 DX0042 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 GOOG1657803 GOOG1657826 Source Code DX0043 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 GOOG1657591 GOOG1657638 Source Code DX0044 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 GOOG1658175 GOOG1658232 Source Code DX0045 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 GOOG1688298 GOOG1688318 Source Code GOOG1688219 GOOG1688323 DX0046 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 GOOG1689679 GOOG1689683 Source Code DX0047 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 GOOG1688330 GOOG1688348 Source Code DX0048 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 GOOG1689390 GOOG1689432 Source Code DX0049 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 GOOG1689434 GOOG1689460 Source Code DX0050 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 GOOG1689474 GOOG1689494 Source Code DX0051 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 GOOG1689556 GOOG1689588 Source Code DX0052 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 GOOG1689611 GOOG1689627 Source Code DX0053 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 GOOG1689654 GOOG1689664 Source Code DX0054 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 5/5/2004 GOOG0014735 GOOG0014738 Ad Auction Ranking and Pricing Smart Ad Selection System DX0055 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 10/30/2003 GOOG0007822 GOOG0007827 (SmartASS) SmartASS for Smarties - A Reference DX0056 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 No Date GOOG0021301 GOOG0021312 for the Rest of Us GGL- DX0057 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 8/24/2006 PA00028339 GGL-PA00028340 SmartASS Feature Generators Confidential Outside Counsel Only Page 3 of 27 EX. # DATE OFFERED MARKED ADMITTED DATES BATES BEG BATES END DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION Objections License Agreement between DX0068 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 06/28/06 GOOG1646234 GOOG1646240 Teknowledge Corp. and Google DX0069 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 No Date GOOG0638162 GOOG0638166 Google Revenue Spreadsheet DX0070 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 6/1/2007 GOOG0006323 GOOG0006365 The Life of a Dollar DX0072 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 No Date BR000541 BR000785 File History for '947 Patent Portions of the File History for '947 DX0073 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 8/30/2004 Patent DX0074 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 12/3/1996 U.S. Patent 5,581,664 The Chase Manhattan Bank, N.A. DX0075 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 8/1/1995 HSU0071 HSU0102 Partnership with Brightware, Inc. DX0076 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 10/26/1995 RICE000282 RICE000295 EZ Reader Business Vision 401, 402, 403 Advantages of Knowledged-Based Technology for Chase Manhattan Bank DX0077 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 11/8/1995 HSU0103 HSU0112 N.A. 401, 402, 403 Chase - EZ Reader - Embedded AI for Automatic Electronic Mail Interpretation DX0078 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 No Date RICE001414 RICE001426 and Routing 401, 402, 403 DX0079 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 7/12/1995 RICE000352 RICE000359 EX Reader Project Meeting Minutes 401, 402, 403 DX0080 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 4/13/2009 RICE001216 RICE001218 Spreadsheet titled "EZ Reader" 401, 402, 403 JPM00313 JPM00351 EZ Reader User's Guide and Reference DX0081 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 2/6/1996 JPM00001 JPM00021 Manual 401, 402, 403 Brightware, Inc. - Product & DX0082 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 No Date HSU0004 HSU0030 Technology Overview Letter from Bill Busiek to Anthony Angotti re: a proposal for IBM main DX0083 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 4/26/1995 RICE00268 RICE00270 frame ART-IM software Provisional Patent Application for DX0084 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 4/3/1997 BR000065 BR000096 Application No. 60/042,494 Provisional Patent Application for DX0085 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 4/4/1997 BR000023 BR000049 Application No. 60/042,656 EZ Reader User's Guide and Reference DX0086 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 2/6/1996 RP0003 RP0062 Manual 401, 402, 403 Business Proposal - Partners in Thinking with The Chase Manhattan DX0087 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 No Date RICE000271 RICE000281 Bank, N.A. Potential Applications of Knowledge- DX0089 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 5/8/1995 HSU0040 HSU0070 Base Technology GGL- Hewlett-Packard/Google Software DX0094 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 10/7/2004 PA01626784 GGL-PA01626817 License Agreement Letter to Michelle Lee from Donald L. GGL- Wenskay of The Walt Disney DX0095 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 8/2/2004 PA00098478 GGL-PA00098522 Company (with attachment) DX0112 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 6/13/2003 GOOG1624930 GOOG1624964 Form 10-Q for Firepond, Inc. DX0113 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 1/28/2004 FP03408 FP03410 Orion IP, LLC, Promissory Note Confidential Outside Counsel Only Page 4 of 27 EX. # DATE OFFERED MARKED ADMITTED DATES BATES BEG BATES END DOCUMENT DESCRIPTION Objections Assignment Invention & Patent DX0115 8/2/2010 X 8/2/2010 4/8/1998 BR000898 BR000900 Application for Appl.
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