SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW $2.00 WINTER 1980 NUMBER 37 SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW (ISSN: 0036-8377) Formerly THE ALIEN CRITZ® P.O. BOX 11408 NOVEMBER 1980 — VOL.9, NO .4 PORTLAND, OR 97211 WHOLE NUMBER 37 PHONE: (503) 282-0381 RICHARD E. GEIS, editor & publisher PAULETTE MINARE', ASSOCIATE EDITOR PUBLISHED QUARTERLY FEB., MAY, AUG., NOV. SINGLE COPY — $2.00 COVER BY STEPHEN FABIAN SHORT FICTION REVIEWS "PET" ANALOG—PATRICIA MATHEWS.40 ASIMOV'S-ROBERT SABELLA.42 F8SF-RUSSELL ENGEBRETSON.43 ALIEN THOUGHTS DESTINIES-PATRICIA MATHEWS.44 GALAXY-JAFtS J.J, WILSON.44 REVIEWS- BY THE EDITOR.A OTT4I-MARGANA B. ROLAIN.45 PLAYBOY-H.H. EDWARD FORGIE.47 BATTLE BEYOND THE STARS. THE MAN WITH THE COSMIC ORIGINAL ANTHOLOGIES —DAVID A. , _ TTE HUNTER..... TRUESDALE...47 ESCAPE FROM ALCATRAZ. TRIGGERFINGER—an interview with JUST YOU AND Ft, KID. ROBERT ANTON WILSON SMALL PRESS NOTES THE ELECTRIC HORSEMAN. CONDUCTED BY NEAL WILGUS.. .6 BY THE EDITOR.49 THE CHILDREN. THE ORPHAN. ZOMBIE. AND THEN I SAW.... LETTERS.51 THE HILLS HAVE EYES. BY THE EDITOR.10 FROM BUZZ DIXON THE OCTOGON. TOM STAICAR THE BIG BRAWL. MARK J. MCGARRY INTERFACES. "WE'RE COMING THROUGH THE WINDOW" ORSON SCOTT CARD THE EDGE OF RUNNING WATER. ELTON T. ELLIOTT SF WRITER S WORKSHOP I. LETTER, INTRODUCTION AND STORY NEVILLE J. ANGOVE BY BARRY N. MALZBERG.12 AN HOUR WITH HARLAN ELLISON.... JOHN SHIRLEY AN HOUR WITH ISAAC ASIMOV. ROBERT BLOCH CITY.. GENE WOLFE TIC DEAD ZONE. THE VIVISECTOR CHARLES R. SAUNDERS BY DARRELL SCHWEITZER.15 FRANK FRAZETTA, BOOK FOUR.24 ALEXIS GILLILAND Tl-E LAST IMMORTAL.24 ROBERT A.W, LOWNDES DARK IS THE SUN.24 LARRY NIVEN TFC MAN IN THE DARKSUIT.24 INSIDE THE WHALE RONALD R. LAMBERT LETTERS BY JACK WILLIAMSON TIE SUNDERED REALM.24 F. PAUL WILSON FIND THE CHANGELING.24 JERRY POURNELLE RICHARD S. MC ENROE JACK CHALKER.18 THE SCALLION STONE.25 CLAY KIMBALL SF AND FANTASY AUTHORS.25 ORSON SCOTT CARD takeoff!.25 CHARLES PLATT THE TALKING COFFINS OF CRYO-CITY.25 AND THEN I READ.... STUARD DAVID SCHIFF BY THE EDITOR.24 NELSON W. BLACK Copyright (c) 1980 by Richard E. OTHER VOICES.26 THE HUMAN H0TLIISE Geis. One-time rights only have BOOK REVIEWS BY TERRY CARR S-F NEWS been acquired from signed or cred¬ STEVE LEWIS BY ELTON T. ELLIOTT.60 ited contributors, and all other JAFES J.J. WILSON rights are hereby assigned to the PAULETTE MINARE contributors. MARK MANSELL DOW VICHA THE ALIEN CRITIC MARTIN M. WOOSTER BACK COO BY MARCO BIANCHINI SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW STEVEN E. MCDONALD Available in microform from: GENE DEWEESE OXFORD MICROFORM PUBLICATIONS, LTD KATHLEEN D. WOODBURY Wheatsheaf Yard, Blue Boar Street JOW SHIRLEY Oxford OX1 4EY, United Kingdom DEAN R. LAMBE ELTON T. ELLIOTT SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW is published PAUL HARWITZ at 1525 NE Ainsworth, Portland, OR TOM STAICAR 97211. NO ADVERTISING WILL BE ACCEPTED UNITIES IN DIGRESSION Second Class Postage Paid BY ORSON SCOTT CARD.36 at Portland, OR 97208 WARHOON 28. INTERIOR ART- HE GATES OF HEAVEN. ... INTERNATIONAL CbWSPifWCV' , / | OF ET1_E.CXR.1C "PoWER COM PA/0 Its.' 0 _ THE MAKING OF STAR TREK tim kirk—2,4,10,24,49,67 THE MOTION PICTURE. smiw^ h/orli> congest... ALEXIS GILLILAND—3J>,8,9,15,16, RHEA. THE DEVIL WIVES OF LI FONG. ^,^,26,28,29,30,33,40,41,46,48 IF YOU COULD SEE PE NOW.... GHOST STORY. KURT ERICHSEN-3L3b THE FADED SUN: KUTATH. ALLEN KOSZOWSKI—17,34,39 THE SPINNER. KURT REICHEL—17 DRAGON S EGG. RANDY MOHR-7,22, A SHADOW OF NIGHT FALLING.. BRUCE CONKLIN—14,5.1 OCTOBER S BABY. MIKE GILBERT—20 ,, ALL DARKNESS PET. PAUL CHADWICK—25,42,44 THRICE IN TIPE. BUZZ DIXON-27 ^ THE ARTIFICIAL KID. RICHARD BRIBING-32 STAR GOD. D.E.P.—37 SCAVENGERS. RANDY RUSTIN—38 STAR DRIVER. JAPES MCQUADE-43,55 JAPES SHULL—-46 SUBSCRIPHONS LORD OF THE TREES/lTE MAD GOBLIN; SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW HARVIA-56 GOLDEN VANITY. P.O. BOX 11408 THE OGDEN ENIGPW. MARCO BIANCHINI-61 PORTLAND, OR 97211 SHATTERDAY. JOFN MUNDY-64 THE MASK OF THE SUN. For One and Two Years WEB OF ANGELS. At Four-Issues-Per-Year Schedule FANTASY FOR CHILDREN-CHECKLIST..2 THE DANCERS OF ARUN/WATCHTOWER..5 ANALOG-June-July-Aug-Sept-Oct,. UNITED STATES: $7.00 One Year ASIMOV'S-September.. $14.00 TVo Years F&SF-September-October., .43 DESTINIES-Summer, 1980.44 CANADA*: US$7.50 Che Year GALAXY-Vol.40, No.l.44 US$15.00 Two Years OPNI-June-July-Aug-Sept.46 *Canadians may pay with personal PLAYBOY-July.42 cheques if the chequing acct. TFE BERKLEY SHOWCASE-Vol.1-2....47 number on their cheques is print¬ DESTINIES-Spring-Sumner, 1980...4/ ed in computer numerals. (Thus NEW VOICES III.4/ ALL SUBSCRIPTIONS, NEW AND OLD, we become slaves to the needs of NEW DIMENSIONS ID.47 ARE HONORED AND FULFILLED ON AN the Machine.) OVERLOAD #3. 49 ISSUES NUMBER BASIS. HONOR TO FINULKA #3.49 UNITED KINGDOM: Send pound equiva¬ PALADIN.49 lent of US$7.50 Che Year THE NEW ADVENTURES OF JESUS.49 US$15.00 TWo Years THE CARTOON HISTORY OF Next Issue. to agent WM. DAWSON 8 SONS THE UNIVERSE, BOOK ONE.49 Cannon House, THE AFFAIR OF LOGICAL THE S.F.P.A. POETRY POSTCARD Folkestone, Kent CT19 5EE LUNATICS SERIES.i.j,..49 By Philip Jose Farmer or write them for current quote THE DENVER FANZINE MONITOR 1-3..49 SOME BACK ISSUES OF TAC AND SFR MASQUERADE.49 ARE AVAILABLE FROM: THRUST #16....49 AN INTERVIEW WITH JACK WILLIAMSON FANTAST (MEDWAY) LTD FANTASY NEWSLETTER #30.49 39 West Street, A HISTORY OF THE HUGO, NEBULA, SELECTED ESSAYS FROM Wisbech, Cambs., PEI3 2LX AND INTERNATIONAL FANTASY THE ENGINES OF THE NIGHT AWARDS.50 BY BARRY N. MALZBERG AUSTRALIA: Send A$ equivalent of SCIENCE FICTION AND FANTASY US$7.50 One Year PSEl A STRING OF DAYS RBCC ‘ US$15.00 Two Years BT:: BY GREGORY BENFORD to agent SPACE AGE BOOKS 305-307 Swanston St. Melbourne, 3000 Vic. ALL OTHER FOREIGN US$7.50 Che Year US$15.00 Two Years All foreign subscriptions must be paid in US$ cheques or money orders except to agents. MAKE ALL CHEQUES, CHECKS AND MONEY ORDERS PAYABLE TO SCIENCE FICTION REVIEW SAVE A HASSLE AND EXTRA EXPENSE IF YOU MOVE WE NEED YOUR FORPER ZIPCODE AND YOUR NEW COMPLETE ADDRESS. Playboy. Ace showed 20% growth ALIEN THOUGHTS (but is still in deep trouble). Pinnacle actually lost ground in BY THE EDITOR 4 sales during the year-and soon after that lost Patricia Mathews and Don Pendleton. Wow. Playboy's sales, worst in the business, a- mounted to $6 million, which cer¬ tainly qualifies as paltry. I do notice out here that Playboy actual¬ ILLUSION AND REALITY, PART II ly has a hard time getting on some newsracks.' OF COURSE there are honest pub¬ lishers, editors, agents. I would This man himself has inform¬ even go so far as to say the major¬ ants and news tentacles that reach ity of them are honest and ethical deep into the corporate and con¬ and moral. It is a pleasure doing glomerate guts of the publishing business with them. business. But. Finally, from a writer friend When you read THE WALL STREET in the East: JOURNAL every day...when you read BUSINESS WEEK every Saturday (if 'You tell them all the truth the post office has done its job) in your editorial in this new SFR ...you soon notice an alarming and good for you, but do you think evidence and incidence of utter they'll listen? Do you think ruthlessness in the corporate they want to hear it or are capable world. I mean, these guys play of learning from it? Do you think for blood! we were? The only way to know the And as for corporate behavior truth is to live it....' toward the public!! They lie, I suppose learning things the cheat, shortweight, skim, mislead, hard way—the expensive way—is you name it. Then when they're 'At _ they didn't mention for most people the only way. Es- caught they deny, lie, obfuscate, a 2nd printing of_, specially the young and inexperi¬ stonewall...and if brought kicking ... No mention on the statement. enced: they're taught so much i- and screaming to the wall by pri¬ At _ two extra printings dealistic shit in school to make vate or government evidence and took place—maybe another 40,000 them nice, tractable sheep for lawsuits, will then reluctantly copies is my guess-and were not a lifetime of shearing. agree to a 'consent decree' which even mentioned on the statement. Some rules to live by as a means they deny they done wrong 'The only defense a writer has writer might be: but will agree not to do it no is to lose, immediately and for¬ more. Sometimes they are fined ever, the illusion that he can DON'T BELIEVE AN EDITOR UNTIL a small amount (of their ill-got¬ make it by himself-and find him¬ YOU HAVE A CONTRACT. ten gains). Sometimes small self a tough macher like Engel or DON'T BELIEVE THE CONTRACT corporations are even put out of Jay Garon who can deal with the WILL BE LIVED UP TO BY THE PUB¬ business. SOBs on their own terms. Those LISHER. The point is that in a terri¬ guys can make a man rich. They bly large percentage of corporate take a big chunk themselves but DON'T SPEND ADVANCE MONEY UN¬ executives' minds, ripping off they earn every goddamn bit of TIL YOU GET THE CHECK.
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