The Clinton Independent. ST. JOHNS, MICH., THURSDAY MORNING, MAY 5, 1892. VOL. XXVI.—NO. 32! WHOLE NO-1333 THE PROMISE OF SPRING. !OUR SPRING OPENING SALE —The new Sunday morning train from —The Racine (Wis.) Daily Times says MARRIED. Special Good Bargains in Millinery. CONTINUES THIS WEEK. the west now ’ brings the Sunday morn­ that Madame Fry’s Concert Co. is the O, day of God, thou brlngest back HEMMINGWAY—PENNINGTON—At8t John ’s A cyclone in prices brought crowds of ing Grand Rapids Democrat to our best of the best. The Bluffing of the birds, rectory by Rev. R. D. Stearns, April 30, appreciative patrons to our Special EXCEPTIONAL BARGAINS ON village. —Walter Davies, of Riley, recently With music for the hearts that lack, 18W, Goo. JF. Hcmralngway, of Westphalia, Trimmed Hat Sale last week. More musical than words! to Miss Katha T. Pennington, of Eagle. SATURDAY ! —Fildew & Millman, druggists, have purchased of It. G. Steel, of this village, On Friday and Satuiday of this week Thou meltest now the frozen deep we place on sale, at the same price. just added a new and handsome revolv­ a Victor bicycle, model C. Where dreaming love lay bound; BUSINESS LOCALS Trimmed Hats of equal, if not better ggr*To all new subscribers, ut well u to ing perfumery case and a novel cigar Thou wakest life in buds asleep. value. The best goods for the money —Reserved seat sale for Madam Fry’s And Joy in skies that frowned. This Means You. those who will pay up all arrearages, we case to their store furniture. concert to open when the first whistle ever offered. Respectfully, Not yet mar almond-blossoms dure “Buy of us once and you ’ll buy ever­ J. T. Cole & Co. will send The Independent and the weekly —Mrs. Mary Spayd, daughter of the blows, Tuesday a. m., at Littell’s. A wintry world to bless; more.” We wish to emphasize the fact Still do the trees their beauty wear that we have as fine a stock of Millinery Old silver watch cases taken in ex Detroit Free Press and Household, one year late Freeman Carr, died at the home of —It is a safe Investment to buy a Of glorious nakedness; her childhood in South-east Bingham, and fancy goods and at as low prices as change toward new gold filled or silver for $1.75, rash in advance. handsome residence lot, 40x150, on Oak­ But olouds are riven with the light were ever purchased on the market in ones at Allison ’s. of consumption, April 27,1892, aged 26 land street, the prettiest avenue in town Of old unclouded days. St. Johns. No special day for sales, but fW~ TO patrons and friends of THE INDEPEN­ years. And lore unfolds to longing sight DENT: Always bear in mind that you can obtain as for $47. His sweet and silent ways. every day. Call aud examine. Those new spring wraps and Reefers, —Three saloons have dried up in this —On Tuesday morning last, while Mr. —Annie Matheson. Hicks & Seaman , just received at Kendrick ’s, are pro ­ liberal clubbing rates for any and alt publications in 16 Clinton Ave. nounced by all as beauties and cheap. village since the first of May, viz: ,las. Josiah Upton, of our village, was lead* PERSONAL. this country, at this office as at any other place. Oive Ryan, in the opera house block ; The We have a fine line of Nottingham Sterling individual tea spoons at ut a tried. ing one of his cows to pasture, she made Steel, and Love ’s lower place. Mr. a sudden movement which threw him A. Wolcott, of this village, went to Lansing Lace Curtains. Come and see for your­ Allison ’s. Monday, self. Chapin & Co. Ryan is going to Ohio. to the ground in such a manner as to E. H. Lyon visited Grand Rapids last Satur­ Hosiery and Gloves, HOME MATTERS. —Gentlemanly Italian musicians have break the bridge of his nose. At first it day on legal business. Get your Wall Paper at Fildew & Mill- A nice line, at John Hicks ’. favored our people with sweet music in was feared he had injured one of his Will Davies, a student in a college in Chicago, man ’s if you want to get the latest in Brevities. is at homo for a vacation. everything. The best of work at modest prices at and out of doors, this. week. They eyes. Dr. Palmer repaired the injury. the St. Johns Steam Laundry. Miss Mullins, of Ionia, spent Sbnday with —Whole and clean old newspapers for played for a “hop,” by the young peo ­ Mrs. Dr. Dodge —The much-talked-of breech of Mrs. Dixon and daughter. Onr Unrivaled sale cheap at this office. ple, at Newton Hall, last Tuesday even ­ Will be pleased to receive pupils, for in ­ promise case of Etta Rutter vs. Wm. J. R. Abbott, who spent lust winter in Florida struction in the latest and best methods 25c. Vests can be had in short or long —Do not forget to be at Littell's when ing. Collins, has come to an untimely end is experted home this week. for Piano and Organ. Have had years sleeves. Chapin & Co., the first whistle blows, Tuesday a. m. —A young sou of Peter Smith, in for want of security for costs on the Ralph Kellogg, of Alpena, is visiting friends of experience as a teacher, and have The Dry Goods Hustlers. aud relatives in St. Johns. —John Thomas, a charge at the poor South-east Bingham, had a thumb and made music a life study. Inquire at To the Farmers. part of the plaintiff. The suit was dis­ Mrs. R. M. Steel and son, George A., left for farm, died last Tuesday morning, aged the end of one of his index fingers shot missed on Monday last, with a judge­ Frazell’s Music Rooms, Gibbs block, Are you going to build new fence Pasadena, Cal., last Tuesday. Clinton Avenue. 61 years. off while dissecting a dynamite cap with ment in favor of defendant for costs. S. A. Sturgis, the music dealer, was in Grand this season ? If so, be sure and see the —The Erie canal was opened for the an irou nail, last Sunday. Dr. Gillam S. L. Kilbourne, of Lansing, appeared Rapids last Monday, on business. Lumber of all kinds for sale cheap. Keystone woven wire styles before you J. H. Stephenson and Geo. G. Whitcomb, of 1333:tf W. C. & E. II. Lyon . complete your arrangements. season ’s navigation and business last repaired the injuries. for the plaintiff, and Lyon & Dooling, Wm. P. Schanck , Ag't., Saturday night. —A union meeting of the Shiawassee of this village, for defendant. Lansing, spent last Sunday in St.Johns. To Dlcycle Riders. 1329-tf St. Johns. and Clinton county teachers* associa­ Leonard Aiken, of Elgin, Ill., was in town —W. R. H. Balcom, of this village, —In referring to Madame Fry's con ­ over Sunday renewing old acquaintances. If your wheel needs cleaning or re­ Ginghams, took possession of the Central House, tion will be held at Ovid, Saturday, May cert company, the Chicago Times says : Miss Cora Putnam left Monday morning for pairing, call on me, over Allison ’s jewelry store. Wm. Crich . 10 cents a yard. These are the cele­ last Monday, as leasee. 21. This meeting will take the place of “ The entertainment on Tuesday even ­ a visit at her home in Marshall, this state. 1333 tf. brated “Toile du Nord” Ginghams. —In the record of public shearing, the regular meeting to have been held ing in the Young Men ’s Christian As­ “Dune ” McGibbon, now located in Detroit, They are always sold at 124 cents a yard. the sheep shorn by Charles Travis was at St. Johus on the same date. sociation Course, by the Madame Fry spent a portion of the past week in our village. Baby Carriages and Express Wagons We sell them at 10 cents. Mrs. H. L. Kendrick is spending a short At Sherman ’s Bazaar . JonN IIicks . a ewe lamb instead of a ram. —Henry Young and Henry Messig, Concert Company, filled ever}' seat in vacation with friends in her old home in Elsie. —Timothy II. Clark, a late law of St. Johns, masons, recently laid, in Farwell hall. The ladies presented the H S. Fuller, of Ludington. spent last Sunday Wall Paper, Mixed Paints, Window- The largest and finest line of Carpets student in the office of II. J. Patterson, ten and three-fourths days’ time, 250 several members of a well-arranged with his sister, Mrs. G. E. Corbin, this village. Curtains and Paint Brushes at lowest in SL Johns is at Kendrick's, at lowest prices, at Fildew & Millman ’s prices. ___________ was admitted to the Clinton county bar running feet of block stone wall, vocal and instrumental programme in a Miss Franc Bishop arrived home last Satur­ last week. averaging 6 feet high, for a new nouse manner to meet the appreciation and day, and after a short visit will return to Grand Two good second-hand threshing The finest line of Dress Good in St. Rapids. Johns may be found at —Don ’t forget that you can buy a lot for Wm. T. Bare, in Grcenbush town ­ elicit the frequent applause of the large eugines, one traction and the other Mr. John Hicks will arrive at his home in plain ; one good second-hand separator II. L. Kendrick ’s. 40x1-50 with alley, in the prettiest part ship. audience. ” Newton hall, May 12.
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