' ' ' . • t „ Arcnige Daily Net FTcoa Ran The Weather For Hm W ««k Km tot FerM^at at t . B. WMtiwr B u m MONDAY. APjHU 2. 19M M ai«k t l , 1»M PAGE FOURTEEN Cloudy, fbggy. ncBMieaal Uglit 1 1 ,9 5 0 drizzle toaiglit Low near 4#. of Ufa. 'AU thtnga mAda bgr that aM In tha gravaa ahall h « r AnyMe knowing the where- HU role# and ahall come tor^, Throw Thwg WediiMHiay, eloody. milder, chaoee ’Lord of Life’ Him,' gMd John. Mcwrilm of tlw A M it of ohowero. High 50-88. abouta o f Dolorea Bach, , Krneat Witham-Slarkweather Wedding . 'I am tha Way, tha TVuth, and they that have f*®"® px*** Away Borcoa «t Olitniattim ,^ ^ u tT o > v n reaumetion of life: and they that Rrltamacher, John N a'l b a 11, Easter S^rmoti tha Ufa,' aMd tha Maatar. Ha alio Still tIh etS V ® *'' l®H Id Manche»ter>-^A City of Village Charm Marilyn Worden, Vincent Kadel- aaid, ‘I am. tha raiurractlbn and have done evil, Unto thq resuryec- •hoeo brai^t hera Tar aki and George Tedford, Claaa of By Rev. Wittslow the life . I lay down my life tlon of damnation.' expert re|U«rtaf- wming Worktm Group of 1B46. Mancheater High School, that r might take It again . No' -W a' thrill to the beauty of (ClaoMflod AdrdrtWag m P o f* U ) MANCHESTER, CONN., TUESDAY, APRIL 3 .195« FRICE FIVE CENTS W8C8. South M tth o d ls t should contact William Mullen. M aprlngtlme. with lU sunshine and WORR DON* WHHJB VOL. LXXV, NO. 154 man taketh it Worn me, but I lay , Y o D ^ n r _____ wlil moot at th« church Maple St., Instead of George Mul­ uioWera calling life from the sleep; f "Christianity difterii from all It down., and ih a v a power te UH« Wattoaaday at 2 p m. Ho»te**ei len, aa waa stated In Saturday's Is­ it again . ... 1 am Ha that.llveth of winter. But think o f tlie resurr will ba Mra. Antila Young and sue o f The Herald. other religions ln4hat i'U Founder and was dead; and behold, I am rectlen mbrhlng, ivhen the mush' of.,heaven's trumpet nfverberates SAM Y U LY ES MM. Olady'a Jobart lives,", stated Ule Rev. C. E. Wtn- allvaforevemore, amen; and have . SHOE REPAIRINtFv Ike W arns A sente nee In Saturday’s •low, apeaklp^ on "The lx)rd of the keys of hell and deatli . Be- throughout the ends of the earth. ( OF THE BETTER UNB. Milk Strike Govetiior Hedges All Tall Cadara planning to at- "Court Cases" which aatd Atty. cauee f Ilye, ye shall live alao'.*' ‘ calling together those who have ladiaa night on April 14 are Life” Sunday morning at the been ao long gdhe. Think of what Id Maple Sh— Acrota From’' Philip Ba>’er represented Frank “ Yea, ih e throne of death shall First National Farldnc Let rtmindad that tha deadline for w- Neumac, Ldiurel, Md., should have Church qf'.the Nadrene. come down, his sceptre mUat It will mean to be reurrted with On of aaraattona, which hiay by made by read that Bayer waa the prosecu­ "All j^irat moral movements of bre*k/'M arvel not at this, for the 1 those whom we have 'loved long Suspended aadUng 1 ^ 1 * Cuater, 32 Strong the world have had thalr birth In ' ainee. and lost awlille.” ^ On ’57TdxOuUQok tor who Issued the war.ant for hourTs'com ing in the Which all St. la Mturday. Neiimac'a arrest. prof^nd convictions! Founders and pr^oters have convinced their fol- In D etroit Hartford, I April 3 (4*)—Governor Ribicoff aaid today it’s Armaments Tha Regina d'ltalla Society will Im'crs .of the validity of tlielr bold Ita monthly meeting tonight « r s . Raymond Hagedorn is on too early for him to gauge the state’a 1967-69 tax prospects, the ticket committee for the an­ ,^almi. Christ was no exception to . at T;SO at the lUllan American this rule. The Jalthfut bend of Detroit, April 8 (A>-^I.,ead- but ho mode it plain that any new services must be backed Washington, April 3 (4V— Club on iCldiidge Bt. nual benefit card party for the" Convent of , Our Lady of ^ h e apostles and disclplea had beci>' er* of Detroit’s mtHc strike to­ up with tax increases. Asked by newsmen to comment on a ProBijient Eisenhower today completely persuaded to sweer Tha Holy Family M oth er’a Cenacle. Middletown, to be 4ield day called off their ^-day old Connecticut Public ' Expenditure'.^„.,^_^..H^__^^^HMMMi^B cautioned aganat putting /' Saturday at 2 p.m. leglance to. Ihe Master, the L^rd Council report, that the state faces, • isk t s -'-Y Circle will meat Wedn^eaday night of alt. By various miracles. 'He | tieup.r The order fropi the stock in “ ignorant, unin­ at the home of Mra. TL*slle Hoyt. posalble |«0 million u x Increase I K U S S l f l M a V . D e l a V had verifled the claima He, had striking Fiair Share Bargain­ tor the■*“ next*■* two - years,.......---------------- the.gover­- ---^ ■- 0 . formed argument that oni>^ 8S Pitkin S t. at S o'clock., • The annual Spring Rummage Sale of the Women's Auklllary of made to diety. Therefore, w^eh He ,| ing Assn., said all pickepng nor said. / Dag Peace Mission in armaments are we going to Manchester Memorial Hospital submitted to the relentless and uni- was to end at 1 pjn. toda>\ ' Impressed by Keport ✓ ■ find a solution to our foreign Tha Wealey Group of South versal enemy, death, tM whole Mathodlat Church will meet which waa postponed bicause of End o f the .-violence- marked "I waa impi-essed with the re­ problems.’’ Will Ignore structure of their Christian faith j port. In calling, attention to the u n ited Ns'tlon.'i. N. Y., April Wadneaday at 8 pm. at the stormy weather will be held strike came as Detroit's milk. sup\ 14*1—Russia today submitted a Thursday morning at the Ameri­ waa undermined. The prediction i Jiard facts and realltlea o f govern- 8 The President made his aUte- home of Mra. Fred Gayer. ply rose to more than 75 per cent aeries of amendments .which jnent In a brief informal talk to j8S~.!^naUnce Dr. Gpne Sualam can Legion Home. that the Shepherd would be amit- j of normal. hqent, the Council has done the ten and the sheep scattered waa | p ^ l e of the State a decided aerv- n.ay delay approval of a tJ.S. about ^50 members of the Ad­ Congress in wUlil^ak on Interior decorating. Holland Brengle. president qf the plan to send Secretaiy General vertising Council, an organization Co*hoeteaaea 'with Mra. Gayer will The Entered Apprentice degree literally fulfliled, and we must look i with sympathy and understanding! Fair Share group, said, “ We O l^ rvers recalled that the Dag Hammarskjold on a special which helps the government pro­ ba Mra. Prank Mott, Mra. William will be conflnned on a class of gained one objective. Our milk Middle East peace mission. mote public service programs for Naubauer and Mra. Cecil Tread- candidates at the special com­ on the disciples, who were scat-1 CounciV.a 880 million tax increase tered momentarljly. price waa Increased.'* eatimate\coincided with thst'm sde Th^ smendfnenta were circu-, better 'Understanding of the wait munication of Mlinchester lx)dge. /'' However, other union leaders Isted upexpectiedly Just as the American way of life. No. 73, A.,K. and A.M., to be held XDealh had triumphed over life last November by the" Governor’s „ ' blamed the' decision to call off the own budget advisor. State Budget ll-nst{on Security. Council ad­ In speaking ou/agalnst 'X'hat he at the Masonic Temple on Tuesday tem ^rafily. Death la the world's strike on court orders that re­ journed Jts mbmlng session. So­ aahingtefh, April 3 (IP)— evening at 7:30. In the absence of great^t conqueror. He has tIUed Director Frrterick A. Schuckman. termed “ignorant, uninformed, stricted picketing activities and po­ ••If the budget program on con­ viet delegate Arkady A., Sobolev argument" in favor of armament. /tary Dulles said today the masler and the senior warden, trenches^in every hemisphere with lice escorts for milk trucks ' was scheduled to speak at the who will be attending the -Grand hla vlctlmKthrough the centuries. templated expenditures show s Eisenhower made no mention of iu^t President EikeiN braving the picket blockada. that taxes wIlL have to be In­ opening of an 'afternoon meet-^ M & M Ledge banquet at the Hotel Other kings Tall back ai some time ' the dispute between the Arab na­ ‘ Show (Sood Faith' ’/ Ing. liower .'Would not expect to Statler in Hartford. .lunlor or other and Aun endcr territory. • We call for your pre- creased," Gov. filblcoff said, "I tions and IsrSel, nor did he men- OIL SERVICE Fait Share officials said/the will be frank ahd tell the. people." While discussion of the ,tion Isrsri's month-old application use Afneraan armed forces in Warden Harold W. Lavenway will gained. But this wpody tyrant hai.! acriptions, compound amendments may holA up the be In charge'Of the meeting. At t • . V pickets were withdrawn "to show Desrribea View as ReaHsllo , to purchase $83 million , of Ameri­ the/Middl^ast without cone kept ail he has Won.
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