Rudarsko-geološko-naftni zbornik Vol. 18 str. 43-61 Zagreb, 2006. UDC 551.7:552.18 Original scientific paper UDK 551.7:552.18 Originalni znanstveni rad Language/Jezik: English/Engleski GEOLOGY AND METALLOGENY OF THE DRINA-IVANJICA METAMORPHIC COMPLEX IN EASTERN BOSNIA – WESTERN SERBIA IVAN JURKOVIĆ University of Zagreb, Faculty of Mining, Geology and Petroleum Engineering Pierottijeva 6, 10000 Zagreb, Croatia Key words: eastern Bosnia, western Serbia, Drina-Ivanjica Formation, Ključne riječi: istočna Bosna, zapadna Srbija, Drina-Ivanjica formacija, Neo-Proterozoic, Paleozoic, iron ore deposits, age and genetic types neoproterozoik, paleozoik, ležišta željeza, starost i genetski tip Abstract Sažetak This paper gives a critical review of all relevant, published works on U radu je dat kritički osvrt na sve relevantne publicirane radove the stratigraphy, tectonics, magmatism, metamorphism and metallogeny o stratigrafiji, tektonici, magmatizmu, metamorfizmu i metalogeniji of the metamorphic complex of the Drina-Ivanjica Formation in eastern metamorfnog kompleksa Drina-Ivanjica formacije u području istočne Bosnia-western Serbia. Special attention was paid to all unresolved or Bosne-zapadne Srbije. Posebna pažnja je usmjerena na sve neriješene controversial issues in geology and metallogeny of this area. The basic ili dvojbene probleme u geologiji i metalogeniji tog područja. Osnovni controversial geological problem is the question whether the Drina- dvojbeni geološki problem je pitanje da li Drina-Ivanjica formacija Ivanjica Formation ends with the Drina Phyllitoid Formation of Upper završava s filitoidnom Drina formacijom iz razdoblja gornjeg Cambrian-Lower Carboniferous age, or underneath it discordantly lies kambrija-donjeg karbona ili ispod nje diskordantno leži željezonosna an older iron-bearing volcanogenic-sedimentary formation of Lower vulkanogeno-sedimentna formacija iz donjeg kambrija-vendija. Detaljna Cambrian-Vendian age. Detailed analysis of all studied Caledonian analiza svih proučenih kaledonskih i kadomijskih metalogenija u Bosni and Cadomian metallogenies in Bosnia and Herzegovina, western i Hercegovini, zapadnoj Makedoniji i Srbiji, i njihova komparacija Macedonia and Serbia, and their comparison with iron deposits of sa željeznim ležištima Drina formacija u znatnoj mjeri je rasvijetlila the Drina Formation, considerably clarified the problem. As for problem. U odnosu na dvojbene metalogenetske probleme, razmatran controversial metallogenetic problems, a number of ore horizons, their je broj rudnih horizonata, njihova starost, genetski tip i ekonomska age, genetic type and commercial value were considered. This led to the vrijednost. To je dovelo do zaključka da postoje samo tri rudna horizonta. conclusion that only three ore horizons exist. The first horizon containing Prvi horizont koji sadrži magnetit je ujedno i najstariji i predstavlja magnetite is also the oldest one and represents the liquid-magmatic likvidno-mgamatski segregacijski tip rude. Drugi horizont se sastoji od segregation type of ore. The second horizon consists of Fe-quartzites Fe-kvarcita i odgovara SEDEX tipu rude. Karakteriziran je hematitskim and corresponds to SEDEX type of ore. It is characterized by hematitic i magnetitskim subhorizontima. Prvi i drugi horizont su vezani za istu and magnetitic subhorizons. The first and second horizons are bounded vulkanogenu-sedimentnu formaciju. Treći horizont koji sadrži hematit to the same volcanogenic-sedimentary formation. The third horizon takođe predstavlja SEDEX tip rude ali je vezan na mlađu karbonsku containing hematite represents also SEDEX type of ore but is bounded vulkanogeno-sedimentnu formaciju. to the younger, Carboniferous volcanogenic-sedimentary formation. Introduction The Drina-Ivanjica Formation extends into the part of At the south-east, its boundary with the Ophiolite the Drina Basin from Vlasenica, Zvornik and Ljubovija in Belt is mostly covered by Triassic limestone olistoplaques. the north-east, across Bajina Bašta and Rogačica, Užice The north-west part of the terrane is covered by Eocene and Užička Požega in the central part, and in the south- deposits according to Dimitrijević (in Karamata et al., east from the area of Arilje, Ivanjica, Novi Pazar to Mokra 1994). The geologic synthesis of the Drina-Ivanjica Gora (Fig. 1, Fig. 2, Fig. 3). Formation was made by Đoković (1985), the petrology of Its current name was first used by Dimitrijević (1974). low-metamorphosed rocks by Milovanović (1984), and The terrane boundary at the north-east and east toward the the metallogeny of iron ores by Popović (1984). Vardar Zone (the Jadar Paleozoic) is the Zvornik suture, a system of westward oriented thrusts. Rud.-geol.-naft. zb., Vol. 18, 2006. 44 I. Jurković: Geology and metallogeny of the Drina-Ivanjica... Fig. 1 Toponymic sketch of the Drina-Ivanjica Formation (modified after Đoković, 1985). Sl. 1. Toponomska skica Drina-Ivanjica formacije (modificirano prema Đoković, 1985). Figure 1a Geographic situation of the Drina-Ivanjica Formation (DIF). Slika 1a. Geografski položaj Drina-Ivanjica formacije. In Mojsisowics et al. (1880) E. Tietze provided the 1935, 1938). Studying the Drina-Ivanjica Formation and first account and classification of the Paleozoic of Eastern the Jadar Formation he identified very clear differences Bosnia. Žujović (1893) was the first to identify Paleozoic between those two Paleozoic complexes. Milovanović in the area of Dragačevo, western Serbia. (1934) found Paleozoic rocks in the Vardište region and a A significant contribution to the understanding of large antiform in Mt. Jelova Gora. the Paleozoic of Eastern Bosnia was made by Katzer After the Second World War, the exploration of the (1924). Katzer suggested Permian age for limestones and Drina-Ivanjica Formation was intensified. Podubsky Carboniferous age for all other rocks. He claimed that (1979) established the following rock series: a) the oldest there are not magmatic rocks of Paleozoic age in Eastern one, of presumed Lower Paleozoic age (no fossils), Bosnia. consists of metasandstones and phyllite shales (thickness Katzer’s (1924) assumption about the Carboniferous- is unknown); b) the Lower Carboniferous (C1) one, being Permian age of the Paleozoic had also been accepted by verified by conodonts, 200 m thick, composed of graphitic Serbian geologists until Ercegovac (1975) discovered shales, phyllitic shales and phyllites with local layers of palynomorphs (acritarch) from Cambrian, Ordovician metasandstones and carbonate rocks; and c) the Middle and Silurian in the deepest parts of the Drina Formation Carboniferous (C2) one, documented by macro- and at Crvice, Okletac, Varda, and Kostojevići. micro-fauna, 400 m thick, composed of metasandstones of The more significant publications between Wold War subgraywacke and graywacke type with subordinate layers I and II are those written by Simić (1933, 1934, 1934a, of shales, limestone and dolomite, rarer ankerite. In the Rud.-geol.-naft. zb., Vol. 18, 2006. I. Jurković: Geology and metallogeny of the Drina-Ivanjica... 45 uppermost part, there are interstratified magmatic rocks, formation), clastic and carbonate rocks unit and the Drina brecciated and conglomeratic sandstones. The fourth anticlinorium have been singled out from maps. series belongs to Permian, consisting of quartz-sandstones Dimitrijević (1974) examined geotectonic positions and reddish shales (no findings of fossils). of the Drina-Ivanjica Element, Jadar Block, Bukulja The Paleozoic complex of Eastern Bosnia is regionally Paleozoic and Studenica Series. He believed that the metamorphosed, mostly as greenschist facies, less Bukulja Paleozoic Formation (BF) and the Jadar Block frequently as semimetamorphic rocks, and as epidote- Formation (JF) belonged to the extreme Vardar Subzone, amphibolite facies. and that the Drina-Ivanjica Formation (DIF) belonged to In the post-war period basic geological maps a separate geotectonic unit. The Paleozoic of the Studenica (1: 100,000) were made covering the Drina-Ivanjica Series (SS) is considered as a tectonic plate between DIF Formation on both banks of the Drina. Lithostratigraphic and the Kopaonik Block. units of “green rocks” (volcanogenic-sedimentary Figure 2 Shematic configuration of Paleozoic complexes (Đoković et al., 1995). Slika 2. Shematski prikaz paleozojskih kompleksa (Đoković i dr., 1995). Figure 2a Correlation shema of the Drina-Ivanjica, Jadar and Studenica series Paleozoic Formations (modified after Đoković & Pešić, 1985; Đoković, 1990). Slika 2a. Korelacija između Drina-Ivanjica, Jadar i Studenica paleozojskih formacija (modificirano prema Đoković & Pešić, 1985; Đoković, 1990). Rud.-geol.-naft. zb., Vol. 18, 2006. 46 I. Jurković: Geology and metallogeny of the Drina-Ivanjica... The best developed study of the geology and tectonics (Fig. 3). Its thickness is estimated at over 1 km. It is of the Drina-Ivanjica Formation in the territory of western characterized by polyphase folding during the Variscan Serbia was written by Đoković (1985). This formation, and Alpine orogenies. Several generations of folds are extending NW-SE, consists of a 3 km thick succession of distinguished, with axes that are congruent or partly at the low metamorphosed sedimentary and magmatic rocks, right angle. The Variscan orogeny produced anticlinal and divided into four units formed from Upper Cambrian to synclinal features, while the Alpine orogeny produced a Upper Carboniferous. long antiform parallel with the Drina-Ivanjica Paleozoic belt. The deepest
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