1 HELENA BASEBALL TEAM SHOWS UP STRONG 1 W"ry I mL-- SHIPMENT CITY BANKS ORGANIZE OPENING TRACK AND HELENA DEFEATS 1 A BASEBALL LEAGUE HORSES ARRIVE FIELD MET OP YEAR IF OCCIDENTAL TEAM L Six Are Institutions Represen- Logan Agricultural College yest Brings in Five of Lucky" and Will ted Play Every Will Meet University on Colli, Windy Day Prevents Boys I : Baldwin's Famous Turf Saturday. Cuinmings Field." From Plaving Fast. ! Ball. f An Interesting serlos of busehnll games is promised during the coming season by Everything is In readiness for the track kEENE the six teams recently organized by tho meet to bo held Friday afternoon on Cum-mln- BROTHERS HAVE City JOHNSON'S TWISTERS elerlts ot the various banks, under field between the University of I f SHIPPED THEIR STRING thu auspices of the Salt 7nl;: chapter of the American Institute of Banking. U Utah and the Utah Agricultural college, TOO MUCH FOR LOCALS M. McConnlfuv. tho jowelor, lias donated Promptly at 3 p. m the teams will line a handsome silver cup, to lie presented up for their to the winning team of the league. llrst baseball game of the torses Will All Arrive Before Games were Saturday, April 17, season, and at the same time Starter i'Langford Plays Sensational J, started Callahan will ; In a small way. and the end of cverv send the sprinters awav for End of Next Week From week during the rest of tho summer will the flrsl event In a dual track neet. j Fielding Game, Having ijj witness great activity on the part of tho Larsen Is in line form and Is expected California. money "handlers. " are the to pitch shut-ou- t ball against the Logan Seven Assists. teams represented In the league: Stale. ooys. For the "Aggies," Flcmmlng will Hank of I'tnh, Deserct National and Utah catcli and Morgan will be In the box. I 11 National hanks. McCornlck & Co.. The officials for the meet were selected A small crowd turned out to Cum- - ' The fit.st shipment of horses for lie Walker Thursday evening will HroK. bunk. Commercial National bank and be ns follows: minys - rty nice meeting to be helil and the National. Hani; Repub- Starter and refere. D. A. Callahan; Judges field Tluirsd:)3- afternoon to see ; d:is' of the of the finish. Dr. .the f:iir gniumls auspices lic. Joe Anderson, Lieut. the Helena rnterqiounlain league team under the Elliot and Dr. Plummer; timers, Lieut, ' the Utah Jockey club, begining May fcantschi, Dr. Plummer and John F, Tobln; give the Occidentals a severe dnuVbinp;, I ! Held - UTAH COUNTY Judges. W. S. Hedges. Pern- Snow the score S to 2. game , arrived Thursday morning from EXHIBIT and V. L. Oleson. bein Tho tvas f Jduml. But five horsey, Don Franco! OP STANDARD HORSES Coach Maddock has arranged his entries full of errors and poor Holding on lj; according to s the showing made by the the part of tlie plaj-er- of both teams, ly del Mundo. Liberto, La Chata and men in the class meets and the cross- Special to The Tribune. country run. as well as their records made but this was partly duo to the cold isteria, composed tho shipment of C. In practice PltOVO, April 2.'. At the I'rovo race windy tiny, which made it impossible p. West, but additional horses, inelinl-- yesterday The A. C. U. entries for this meet will track afternoon there was an be as follows- - up of standard-bre- d dash. Whitehead for tho pla3'crs to show at their the noted Lisaro. will arrive in (he exhibition stallions, trot- 220-ya- ting pacing and Carrol; dash. Whitehead and t irse of a few days. These horses were and horses. Considering the Carrol; best. unfavorable condition of the track and dash. Plant and Wyatt; , In dash. Plant. Worstenbome and In the seventh inning-- First Baseman rmerly the property of "Lucky" the short time which the horses have Martlnenu: mile, been trained this spring, there was some-las- t W'orstenhomc. Martineati Hnrmouth, of the Helena team, turned Id win and avo been leased by Mr. rime made. and Cooley: low hurdles. Conger and est for the eason. Mo expects to Harmonic, owned In Sprlngvlllc, trotted high hurdles. Conger and Aldertis. his ankle while sliding to iliird base, half-mli- high Jump. Robinson ft vo a string of a dozen of the best a e In 1:11. and Alderus; brand where he was thrown out by Pitcher Jump, Paddock Brv-an- t, jronghbreds hero for the meet. The lMllle Sherblt. owned In Provo. paced and Froitcr: weights, Langford. trying lo steal the bag, and ". jjP a half-mil- e In 1:12. HaddoeJ:. Freuer and Knapp: pols ... jfe rsitf were iinmodiatcly falcon to the vault. Bennion; relay, yet to be filled. ' was carried from the field. At first Queen Pomona, owned It. B. - ick tv Allen Utah's be- it was thought that his leg above the and quartered for trainin. half-mil- e tewzzr v ,.. 'Jggpjja . .6r-?- j j entries will dash. of Prcvo. paced a in 1:101. z ,, ' William Ilawko has wired Manager Miss Ginger, by .1. Brinton, Carmlchael and Grant; 220-va- ankle had been broken. owned W. Knight, Jlo-va- half-mil- dash. Brinton - nn to reserve stall room for ten. 2 years old, paced a e In l:3"-l-. B. Y. C. LOGAN BASEBALL TEAM. and Walker: dash. The feature of the contest was the i three-year-o- Gutting and Parsons: - oho horses will be shipped from Hozemnn. ld stallion, and dash. fielding of Langford, who had seven as- a In half-mil- e Bailey. Roberts. Knowllon. Shields and in-il- - owned Sprlngvlllc. trotted a sists and. wit h men on bnses. his (al., fralurdav and wjll half-mi- Richards; mile. Alley. Cole. Dalgllsh;. d In 1:26. then paced a le In 1:101. was good all times. Three ifJ Pimkin. Cijiarlighter, Northwest, hurdles. Brinton and Illggs; d judgment at TIntIc, owned by John ltoundv, paced "AGGIES" JOHNNY WILL ATTELL plays pulled gnti ami Aum Kit. a h.ilf-mlle'- 1:25. HI HIIS, HUE hurdles. Stuart and Hlgg: high Jump, double wore off during the 1ST Adams. K At the sami' timo LO. .1. liamsey will Prodigal, owned hy It. E. Allen, trotted Steffenson. Hartley; broad Jump. game, Langford being party to the half-mi- le 1 Wilkinson, Convlll. Caldcr; pole vault, line-driv- e catch ! St iji from Hie same place and in his a In :i:t. U Adams, first in a sensational Spltko; Young, I of driving hummer throw, ; ing will be the splendid The exhibition teams owned Oleson; and throw from an awkward position handicap by Amanda Knight, Joseph T. Far- - Convlll. shot, Convlll. Richardson, ro C ressina. lie will also bring PLAY WITH CHIMED poonos Wilkinson. Oleson; discus, Convlll. Wil- to first base. 'j rer,.itvli. Allen and V. Lester Mangum H5 mitsiBE 5?St I LB.SJ.THEIB Johnson, who pitched first seven roaftfi', (d. White. Martinmas, 51a-- 1 marie a splendid exhibition, as well as kinson. Oleson. relay. Brinton.. Walker. the and others. good time. - Grant and Convlll or Carmlchael. evonings for the Helena team, was Hollander three i - ICeci'e Brothers shipped their string The Kenluckv saddle stallion owned bv and let down the colored hit- William Knight gnve a - mi Oakland Thursday and L. T. Lee J. wonderful HIGH SCHOOL BEATS tors with four scattered scratch hits. exhibition of his dlfterciit gaits. The Morgan. With Good Support.! Holdout Arranges His Business 'Coulon Says That He Will Xot King then relieved Johnson and was fij on M-- expected to arrive this morn-- f stallion Is considered the most wonderful C. jv. S with Would B. f. IN BALL GAME touched up for three hits in the eighth at o'clock their shipment. horse of his class that, has ever come Have Won His 'j and Will Report for Work Give Away Too Much by on Hi I'lio "fulnwav Special' left Los Ali- west. inning, which, assisted an error With all base and a stolon base, brought os Thursday morning. Additional these splendid and fast horses, Game Easily. May 2. , Weight. The high school baseball team won third e Utah county will try to lead in the horse trom the C. B. T team Thursday after- iu two runs, the only score made by the lly s wire placed on the train to aeeoni-dat- horses, line. noon on the high school campus, by a Occidentals. S't tho laige number of score of 12 to 10. Although the high lis being in cars. The The I.. D. S. baseball team won the CHICAGO. April 22. It Is rumored to- - CHICAGO, April 22. "There will be no Thomas and Petro of the Helena team Jji built .box school was In tho lend throughout the gT II r STRANG BUICK game clay allowed no stealing, while J. Burns was Lake "loute arranged a forty-hou- WITH with the Logan "Aggies" Thurs- that Catcher Johnny Kling. who has bout between Monte Attcll and Johnny j game, the outcome was In doubt to the last, B. caught, asleep for six rucks. 7? tcdu'e for the train so that ft will day afternoon, at Walker's Held, by the thus far refused lo rejoin the Chicago Coulon unless agrees to box 11". j as the C T. players were able WINS THREE EVENTS Altell at to hit at will. Errors were numerous The Helena team gave, indication of Th, : until sonic time Saturrtnj' score of 7 to 5.' Lack of consistent sup- National league team, will to hiB and ' airhe return pounds ringside." base running was poor.
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