ASME Baltimore Kinetic Sculpture Race About Race: Kinetic Sculptures are amphibious, human powered works of art custom built for the race. Each May, the American Visionary Art Museum (AVAM) hosts the East Coast Kinetic Sculpture Race Championship on the shore of Baltimore’s Inner Harbor in central Maryland. The eiGht-hour race covers 15 miles— mostly on pavement, but also includinG a trip into the Chesapeake Bay and throuGh mud and sand. Kinetic Sculpture RacinG traces its roots to Ferndale, California in 1969 when artist Hobart Brown upgraded his son’s tricycle into a 5-wheeled pentacycle that was part of a race down Main Street. (Hobart did not win.) Over the decades since, the California race evolved into a 3-day all-terrain Kinetic Grand Championship includinG treacherous sand dunes, water crossinGs, and elaborate sculptures and costumes. Goals for students: • Build a Kinetic Sculpture to win the Engineering Race! • Gain hands on enGineerinG experience desiGninG and buildinG the Kinetic Sculpture, to give students a jump-start on internship or entry level enGineerinG positions • Learn how to use Computer Aided Design software to prototype parts • Applying mechanics/materials to real world problems • Improve their teamwork, communication, and leadership skills Team Information: Team Name: ??? Team LoGo: Maryland Terrapin Team Meeting Times: 2 hrs, 2 days per week -> total of 4 hrs per week MeetinG days and times Tuesday: 6-8pm, Wednesday 6-8pm MeetinG Location: 3108 Mentor Contact Info: Erik Levin (Team Leader) Email: [email protected] Phone: 410-353-1711 Justin DiPalo (Team Leader) Email: [email protected] Phone: 203-609-1698 Deadlines: November 29, 2011 -> January 31, 2012 – DesiGn Sculpture (40%) February 1, 2012 -> April 15, 2012 – Build Sculpture (50%) April 16, 2012 -> May 4, 2012 – Fine Tuning Sculpture (10%) May 5, 2012 – Race Day Specifics/Rules on Race: A No.1. HOBART’S LAW OF KINETICS Sculptures must be human-powered! No pulling, pushing, paddling, or other propulsive method is allowed except by Official Pit Crew and Pilots (sometimes called Kinetinauts). Stored energy is allowed for non-propulsive purposes only. It is leGal to Get assistance from the natural power of water, wind, sun, and Gravity and friendly extraterrestrials. A1a. LIFE, LIBERTY, AND THE PURSUIT OF HAPPINESS RULE All Official Pilots, Pit Crew, and Barnacles in the race must accept and siGn the waiver of all responsibility (Waiver Of All Responsibility Form). #1. IRS RULE Entry forms, waiver sheets and entry fees must be turned in by the proper deadline in order to receive any frinGe benefits, like official stuff you need for the race. 1b. GEOMETRIC NEW MATH PRE-CALCULUS LAW OF PROPORTIONS Each Sculpture must be no more than 8 feet wide, 13 feet hiGh and 35 feet lonG while on the road or hiGhway 1+. PERSONAL SECURITY RULE Each Sculpture must carry at all times 1 comfortinG item of psycholoGical luxury heretofore referred to as the “Homemade Sock Creature” (HSC). Homemade Sock Creature must be made in a home, from a not-too-recently- worn sock from the home, and resemble a creature homemade from a sock. (penalty: 1 hour) 2B. OR NOT TO BE You may not start the race until you have passed THE Official Safety Inspection! Inspections will be handled by the Baltimore City Police Department, Baltimore City Fire Department, Dock Master, Ramp Master, Kinetic Kops, and/or the Kinetic Safety Check Committee, all of whom are touGh cookies. Inspections will also be conducted at the water entry, and as needed alonG the race course. The followinG safety equipment must be on board at all times. Citations will be issued for lost equipment! (penalty: 1 hour) • Approved warning triangle, 12”x12” • Coast Guard approved life preservers, one for each person on board the sculpture in the water • Operable and functioninG brakes • Affixed tow ring, attached firmly to the front of the Sculpture close to the center, strong enough to heave the entire sculpture throuGh and out of the water, mud, and other terrain • DrinkinG water (1 quart per pilot) • Paddle or Oar • Horn • First Aid Kit containinG band-aids and antibacterial cream or wipes • A cell phone ready to receive urGent race-related calls—for which the number must be Given to the race director • Each Pilot must have available an approved bicycle helmet on the Sculpture. At your own risk, you may wear other protective headGear includinG hard hats or batters’ helmets durinG the race. 2 +or-. TWO’S COMPANY RULE Each Sculpture must have 1 or more Pilots. Each Pilot must have 1 human Pit Crew member. Each Sculpture may have up to 1 human Barnacle. 2.1 I FOUGHT THE LAW AND THE LAW WON LAW OF NATURE All Law Enforcement orders must be followed in cases of hazardous conditions. (penalty: Banishment) 2bad. I FOUGHT THE LAW AND THE LAW WON LAW OF THE ROAD All Law Enforcement orders must be followed and all Sculptures must follow the rules of the road. A Maryland Vehicle Code Violation resultinG in a citation issued by an official law enforcement aGent also carries a Kinetic penalty. (penalty: 1 hour) 2big2b4gotten. PACK MULE RULE All special terrain equipment must be on board the Sculpture at all times. (penalty: 2 hours) 2C. SELF-EXPLANATORY EXPLANATION REGULATION Your Sculpture must not be danGerous or harmful to yourself or anythinG else in the world. Projectiles such as arrows, anchors, and grappling hooks fall into this category and are not allowed. 2D. SAFETY OF OTHERS RULE No Sculpture may carry on board any potentially danGerous items without receivinG permission from the Race Director before the race beGins. Your sculpture will be travellinG throuGh crowds of fans, who must not be harmed. (The best ways to locate the Race Director to discuss these matters are at volunteer meetings, or via telephone or email.) 2D or not 2D. MOM’S HIGH ANXIETY RULE Make sure you can Get out of your Sculpture in an emerGency. Each Pilot must have a quick exit path. In addition, life jackets must be worn while on the water! You will not be allowed to beGin a water crossing unless you are wearinG a life jacket. Go2. NO PUSHING AT START REGULATION The Kinetic Sculpture race beGins at AVAM with a LeMans start. Pit Crews or spectators are not to assist Pilots at the start. (penalty: 1 hour) 2go go. VARIATION ON A THEME OF NO PUSHING REGULATION No pullinG or pushinG on Race course allowed except by Official Pit Crew and Pilots. Exception: in any Official- designated Push/Rope areas. 2 4/3. POETIC KINETIC LICENSE Your Official Kinetic License Plate must be visible on your Sculpture at all times. The name of your Sculpture should be visible to spectators, the major TV networks, local TV Crews, Glossy maGazine writers, Kinetic Kops, Officials, Posse, and JudGes. 3. GILLIGAN’S DRIFT LIMIT The drift limit in the Harbor is to be set by the Coast Guard and/or Ramp Master. If you drift out of limits the Coast Guard or Posse will tow you back on course so as not to lose you to the HiGh Seas. (penalty: 1 hour) 3D. DRAFT HOGGER REGULATION No draftinG of motor vehicles on land or water. (penalty: 1 hour) 4xoxo. KINETINAUT CODE OF CONDUCT Harassment of Officials is disallowed. Officials are doinG the best they can. If things are not going your way, take it personally—they are picking on you. Pilots, Pit Crews, and Officials will not involve themselves in incidents of kicking, biting, scratching, or fisticuffs. Anyone engaging in such outrageous activities is not honored, but disGraced. (penalty: 1 hour or Banishment) 4#@!%. HONK AND PASS POLITENESS LAW Sculptures honked upon must yield riGht-of-way and pull aside at the first opportunity to allow faster movinG sculptures to pass. PassinG pilots should Gesture or display an obliGatory siGn of Gratitude. 5. THE ROSIE RUIZ RULE All ACE Sculptures must stay on the course at all times. Only Official Kinetic Shortcuts allowed. 5A. MOTHER’S BIG : LITTLE RATIO At least one adult Pilot (over the aGe of 18 and having siGned a Waiver of All Responsibility<) must be on board Sculpture at all times while travelinG the course. (penalty: Banishment) 6. ARMAND’S ARM AND LEG LAW To become an ACE Pilot and receive the title of Most Visionary Professor and other accolades, your sculpture must be ridden by all Pilots at all times over the entire course. Therefore, at no time (includinG water entry and exit) can your sculpture be pushed, pulled, or otherwise propelled along the course by Pilots and/or Pit Crew except in any desiGnated “LeGal Push/Rope” areas. Your Sculpture may be moved sideways or backwards, either by Pilots or Pit Crew or both to areas to perform repairs or to Gain better course conditions or to clear the course. In addition, no gadgets, such as skis, snowshoes, boards, etc. attached to your feet will be considered part of the sculpture. (penalty: 3 hours) 7.007. REAL THING/RIGHT STUFF RULE For the pilots on a sculpture to receive ACE status, no relief pilots will be allowed under any circumstances durinG timed competition. Pilots must stay with their Sculpture and are not allowed to ride on Pit Crew vehicle while Sculpture is proGressinG the course. In other words, you may not rotate pilots durinG the race. (penalty: loss of ACE status and 1-hour penalty) 7 1/2. THE AGONY OF DE FEAT LAW: THE NO TOWING RULE An ACE Sculpture must neGotiate the course without assistance from any motorized vehicle. Receiving a tow suGGests enGineerinG improvements are required. Back to the old drawinG board, and better luck next year! (exception: See rule 3, Gilligan’s Drift Rule) 8.
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