See if Your Representative Voted to Slash U.S. Veterans’ Medical Benefits. Page 7. AMERICA FIRST WEEKLY NEWSPAPER: DO NOT DELAY—DATE MAILED: 8-1-03 Orthodox Rabbis Protest Ariel Sharon’s Visit to the States. Say Israel “Illegitimate.” Page 11. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ CIAWanted Saddam’s Sons Taken Alive. AmericanFreePressAmericanFreePress Page 3. ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★★For Life & Liberty . Against the New World Order ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ ★ VOLUME III NUMBER 30 AUGUST 11, 2003 www.americanfreepress.net $1.50 EACH Voting Machines Exposed Prisoners Experts Cast Doubt on Veracity of Computer Voting Brutalized An independent team of computer experts has exposed how electronic voting machines In Baghdad are insecurely programmed and are vulnera- ble to hackers who can manipulate data and steal elections without leaving a trace. Gulag Prison EXCLUSIVE TO AMERICAN FREE PRESS Former prisoners and aid workers By Christopher Bollyn provide insight into the brutal living conditions of those held in makeshift team of computer security experts has examined the software that runs one of the leading touch- prison camps in Iraq. screen voting systems currently being used in the A United States and discovered “significant security EXCLUSIVE TO AMERICAN FREE PRESS flaws.” The voting system examined fell “far below even the By Gordon Thomas most minimal security standards.” Three experts from the Information Security Institute ach prisoner receives six pints of dank, (ISI) at Johns Hopkins University in Baltimore and a fourth tepid water a day. He uses it to wash and from Rice University in Houston analyzed the source code— drink in summer noonday temperatures of programming that makes up software which runs a comput- E120 degrees Fahrenheit. He is not allowed er system—found on a publicly available web site belonging to wash his clothes. He is provided with a small cup to Ohio-based Diebold Election Systems Inc. (DESI). of delousing powder to deal with the worst of his body infestation. Bob Urosevich heads DESI. His brother Todd is a vice PHOTO BY DAVID MCNEW/GETTY IMAGES president at a competing company, Omaha-based Election For the slightest infringement of draconian rules he is forced to sit in painful positions. If he cries out Systems & Software. These two companies count nearly 80 An access card is used to begin the voting process on in protest his head is covered with a sack for lengthy percent of the votes cast in the United States. an AccuVote-TS electronic machine during a demon- The Hopkins group and other experts believe the “source periods. stration. Experts have raised doubts (as has AFP since This is daily life in America’s shameful Gulag— code” they examined is used in Diebold’s direct recording its first issues) as to the reliability of computer voting. electronic (DRE) AccuVote-TS (touch screen) voting system. Camp Cropper on the outskirts of Baghdad Smart cards, above, for instance, can be easily tam- International Airport. (See SCIENTISTS CONCERNED, Page 15) pered with. Except for guards and prisoners, only the International Red Cross is allowed inside. They are THE INSIDE SCOOP: Page 2: News You May Have Missed. • Page 4: Iraq Intervention a forbidden to describe what they see. But some of its staff have broken ranks—to tell Flashback to Vietnam Bled by House to the Tune of $2 Billion. • Page 7: Veterans’ Medical Care • Page 7: Roll Call: Amnesty International (AI), the London-based Find Out How Your Congressman Voted on Slashing the VA’s Budget. • Page 8: Spotlight on Congress: Major Blow human rights watchdog, of the shocking conditions Struck at Patriot Act; Bill to Buy Cheap Drugs from Canada, Mexico Approved; Rash of Free Trade Deals Approved. the 3,000 Iraqi prisoners are held under. • Page 10: Critics of Israel Smeared as Racists, Nazis. • Page 12: Christians Take On Zionism and Its Supporters. None had been charged with any offense. They are listed as suspected “looters” and “rioters.” Or • Page 12: Demjanjuk’s Defender Tries to Recoup Some of His Losses. • Page 16: Classifieds. Page 18: Letters. listed as “loyal to Saddam Hussein.” Every day more prisoners are crowded into the U.S. GIs Proposal to Hungry Fed American- broiling, dusty compound. Surrounded by 10-foot- Used in Buy From Beast Anglo Aims high razor wire, they live in tents that are little pro- Bio-Chem U.S. First Gobbles Up Go Way tection against the blistering sun. They sleep 80 to Tests. Attacked. Tax Dollars. Back. a tent on wafer-thin mats. Each prisoner has a long-handled shovel to dig Page 3. Page 8. Page 9. Page 3. his own latrine. Some are too old or weak to dig the ordered depth of three feet. Others find they have (See IRAQI POWs LIVE, Page 3) 2 AMERICAN FREE PRESS August 11, 2003 Feds Won’t Enforce Bans on American Free Press Pledge, Ten Commandments Your weekly newspaper from Washington, D.C. (A compilation of significant news items OUR PROMISE TO YOU The point of view of the American Free Press (AFP) is best des- that failed to appear in most of the nation’s cribed as populist and nationalist. AFP is FOR Life and Liberty and press.) AGAINST the New World Order. American Free Press is 100% employee-owned. You can trust the ★★★★ American Free Press to give you “the other side of the news” —to HOUSE DEFANGS COURTS. The House has News report on events which are vital to your welfare but which would otherwise be hushed up or distorted by the controlled press. We voted to stop enforcement of court rulings that make no attempt to give you “both sides.” We’ll leave the estab- forbid public school students to recite the Pledge Missed lishment side to your daily newspaper, television and radio. Fur- thermore, we pledge that the American Free Press will correct any of Allegiance and that ban the Ten Command- You May Have meaningful error of fact. Make up your own mind who is being hon- ments at a courthouse. U.S. marshals are not est with you: the establishment media or the American Free Press. allowed to enforce those decisions under amend- OUR GUARANTEE ments passed as part of the House’s spending bill Schoomaker referred to the U.S. occupation of AFP will promptly refund the unused portion of your sub- scription if you are dissatisfied with our unique newspaper. To for the departments of Commerce, State and Iraq, where 16 of the Army’s 33 active duty com- cancel, drop us a note saying you want to end your subscription. Justice. bat brigades are committed to the country. NATIONAL STAFF ★★★★ Meanwhile, as the U.S. Army protects the bor- ARCHBISHOP HEALING Managing Editor: Christopher Petherick; Editor Emeritus: PATRIOT COMPLAINTS. Justice Department ders of 130 countries not one soldier is assigned Vince Ryan; Senior Editor: James P. Tucker Jr.; Contributing ALBANIA WITH TRUE Editor: Gordon Thomas; Correspondents: Mike Blair, F.C. Blahut, investigators report finding 34 credible com- to protect our border with Mexico, even as mil- Michael Collins Piper; Copy Editor: John Tiffany; Editorial plaints about violations of civil liberties under lions illegally cross it. CHRISTIAN IDEALS Assistant: Julia Foster; Circulation, Subscription & List Director: Lois Hodges; Production/Art Director: Paul T. Angel; the Patriot Act. Many complaints were from ★★★★ Parade magazine, known for its canned REGIONAL BUREAUS Muslims or people of Arab descent who claim WHAT PRICE VICTORY? The Bush adminis- puff pieces on celebrities and top U.S. offi- East: Jeffrey Smith; Southeast: Eustace Mullins, Jerome S. they were beaten or verbally abused while tration plans to ask Congress for a $1 billion aid cials, has gone soft—at least for one issue. Myers, Pat Shannan; Robert Weems; Southwest: Howard Carson; detained. A Muslim inmate said he was ordered Ted L. Gunderson; Donald MacPherson; Midwest: Ken Hoop; Van package for Afghanistan. This is more than triple It reports on an Orthodox archbishop who D. Loman; West: Anthony L. Hargis; Anthony J. Hilder; Daniel to “remove his shirt so that the officer could use the $300 million Afghanistan now receives. is helping to rebuild the destitute nation of Hopsicker; George Kadar; Rev. Ted Pike it to shine his shoes.” President Bush hopes to counter criticism that Albania through religion. Archbishop Anas- INTERNATIONAL BUREAUS ★★★★ U.S. officials have lost interest in that country as tasios, the head of the Orthodox Church of Australia: Geoffrey Muirden; Europe: Christopher Bollyn South America: Gonzalo Baeza U.S. BEHIND 9-11. According to recently poll, attention shifted to Iraq. Albania, teaches the predominately Mus- American Free Press (USPS 020-383) is published weekly nearly one in three Germans under the age of 30 ★★★★ lim population, which suffered under dec- except for two issues combined into one at the beginning of the year believes that the U.S. government may have U.S. SOLDIERS CHARGED. Four U.S. sol- ades of communist rule, that some Amer- for $59 per year by National News Reporting Company at 1433 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington, D.C. 20003. sponsored the 9-11 attacks, reports Reuters. The diers have been charged in an investigation into icans respect other countries and still cher- Periodicals postage paid at Washington, D.C. and additional same poll noted that 68 percent of all Germans— suspected abuse of Iraqi prisoners of war, ish the values of our Founding Fathers. mailing offices. young and old—feel that the media has not Reuters News Service reports. “There is an Around the world, Muslims have grown POSTMASTER: Send address changes to American Free reported the full truth in regard to the Sept. 11 investigation into alleged mistreatment of some hostile and suspicious of the United States Press, 1433 Pennsylvania Avenue SE, Washington, D.C.
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