AGENDA −−ITEMNorthNo. Lanarkshire Council Planning Applications for consideration of Planning and Transportation Committee Committee Date: 22 March 2017 Ordnance Survey maps reproduced from Ordnance Survey with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved APPLICATIONS FOR PLANNING AND TRANSPORTATION COMMITTEE 22nd March 2017 Page Application No Applicant Development/Site Recommendation No 11−22 16/0I271IPPP Barratt Homes Residential Refuse (P) West Scotland development with And CALA associated Homes (West) infrastructure, landscaping and engineering works. Land To The North Of Cumbernauld Road And East Of Hornshill Farm Road Stepps 23−30 16/01 925/PPP Mr S Linn Erection of Grant Dwellinghouse (Permission in Principle) Coach Close Kilsyth 31−36 16/02182/FUL Mrs Razia Change of Use of Refuse Afzal Shop to Hot Food Request for Takeaway (8AM − Hearing 5PM) and erection of flue 115 High Street Newarthill Motherwell MI−1 5JH 37−49 16/02234/MSC Bellway Erection of 155 no. Grant (P) Homes & Dwellinghouses and Deuchny Associated Works Properties LLP Site East Of Johnston Road And lnchnook Avenue Junction Gartcosh 50−58 16/02253/FUL Energen Installation of Plant Grant Biogas (Combined Heat and Power Unit) with a 22m High Stack and Grid Connection Apparatus Enclosure 3 Dunnswood Road Wardpark Cumbernauld G67 3EN 59−68 16/02281/FUL Clyde Valley Demolition of Grant Housing Existing Building and Association & Erection of 40 Wilson Dwellings Developments Site At Ltd 22 F rood Street Forgewood Motherwell MI−1 3TA 69−75 16/0231 4/FUL PMH Erection of a Storage Grant Developments and Distribution Unit Ltd with Associated Car Parking, Servicing Areas, Landscaping and an Attenuated Drainage Strategy Site To The West Of Woodside Eurocentral Holytown 76−80 1 6/02346/FUL Telefonica Installation of a 21 Grant metre Slimline Lattice Mast with 3 no. Antennae, 2 no. 300mm Dishes, Radio Equipment Housing and Ancillary Development Woodend Farm Dullatur Road Kilsyth G65 OPZ 81−85 16/02385/FUL Mr John Change of Use from Grant McAllister Class 5 (General Industry) to Tyre Recycling Business (Sui Generis) Centrelink 5 Calderhead Road Dykehead Shotts ML7 4EQ 86−91 1 6/02405/FUL North Change of Use from Grant Lanarkshire Agricultural Land to Council New Park and Ride Car Park (174 Parking Bays) and Associated Works Site South Of Harthill South Services Harthi II Shotts 92−96 1 7/00004/FUL Miss Xiang Change of Use of Grant Lan Lin Class 1 Retail Premise to Class 3 Hot Food Carry Out, Installation of Extract Flue to Rear Elevation, Erection of Signage and Internal Alterations 40 − 48 Main Street Village Cumbernauld Glasgow G67 2RX 97−104 1 7/00034/AMD Viridor Limited ApplicationNon−compliance 1: Grant with conditions 1 & 14 of planning approval ref: 1 5/02537/AMD: Amend Design and Scale of the Facility Including Incorporation of 35m High Chimney Stack Viridor Waste Management Langmuir Way Bargeddie G69 7RW 105−110 1 7/00035/FUL Viridor Limited TwoErection−Storey of a Grant Office Building, Acoustic Fencing, Relocated Weighbridge, Alterations to the Existing MRF Facility and Associated Parking, Yard, Access and Environmental Improvements Viridor Waste Management Langmuir Way Bargedd ie G69 7RW 111−117 1 7/00062/PPP Mr Daniel Dwellinghouse (in Refuse Smith Principle) Site To North East Of Macinnes Drive Newarthill Motherwell 118−130 1 7/00160/AMD Macrocom Section 42 Grant (1023) Limited Application to Modify Request for Planning Conditions Hearing Relating to Archaeology and Finished Materials for Waste to Heat Energy Recycling Facility (1 3/02371/AMD). Site At Former Drumshangie OCCS Greengairs Road Greengairs 131−137 17/001 78/FUL McGoldrick Construction of 6 Grant Developments Flats (Renewal of Ltd Planning Permission) 10 Old Mill View Croy G65 9JB 138− 17/00191/FUL Ogilvie Homes Proposed Erection of Refuse (P) 150 Ltd 11 No. New Dwellings to Vacant Site Sites East Of King's Drive Westerwood Cumbernauld (P) 16/01271/PPP If minded to grant, legal agreement required for education contribution 16/02234/MSC If minded to grant, legal agreement required for affordable housing provision 17/00191/FUL If minded to grant, legal agreement required for affordable housing provision Application No: Proposed Development: 16/01271 /PPP Residential development with associated infrastructure, landscaping and engineering works in principle. Site Address: Land to the North of Cumbernauld Road and East of Hornshill Farm Road Stepps North Lanarkshire Date Registered: 4th July 2016 Applicant: Agent: Barratt Homes West Scotland and GALA Homes Geddes Consulting (West) Quadrant C/O Geddes Consulting 17 Bernard Street 17 Bernard Street Edinburgh Edinburgh UK Scotland EH6 6PW EH6 6PW Application Level: Contrary to Development Plan: Major Application Yes Ward: Representations: 005 Strathkelvin 81 letter(s) of representation received. William Hogg, Frances McGlinchey, John McLaren, Brian Wallace, Recommendation: Refuse Reasoned Justification: The proposed development is contrary to the Development Plan (Spatial Development Strategy of the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan 2012 and the North Lanarkshire Local Plan 2012). The impact of the development is not sustainable in terms of the loss of open green belt land and the impact on the schools infrastructure. The applicant has failed to demonstrate the need for additional housing land at this location to meet a perceived shortfall in housing land supply within North Lanarkshire. The applicant promoted the site through the local development plan process and it was rejected by the Council as not meeting the assessment criteria and as such the proposal runs counter to the plan led approach to development. If granted, the proposal would set an undesirable precedent for other similar inappropriate development within this pressurised housing area. Legal Agreement If minded to grant, planning permission should not be issued until a legal agreement has been concluded which allows for a financial contribution from the Council to address education mitigation. ' \ Glen − − Issues r nsh ill G en −1c4 OPiw.Iion tRecreation Lj I C 00 1144. − −. − r1II 1U 191M Hot Salaucing Buchanan Pnd Business Park Reproduced by permission of Planning Application: 161012711PPP the Ordnance Survey on behalf Name (of applicant): Barratt North of HMSO. ©Crown copyright Homes N A narkhireCoundl and database right 2009. All West Scotland And CALA Homes j rights reserved. Ordnance (West) V Survey Licence number Site Address: Land To The North Of PA 100023396. Cumbernauld Road And East Of Hornshill Farm Road Stepps North Lanarkshire Development: Residential development with associated infrastructure, landscaping and enaineerina works. Recommendation:Reasons:−The Refuse for the Following proposed development is contrary to the Spatial Development Strategy of the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan 2012 and policies DSP1 (Amount of Development), DSP2 (Location of Development), DSP4 (Quality of Development), NBE3A (Green Belt) of the North Lanarkshire Local Plan as it is considered to be an unjustified incursion in to the Greenbelt. The site is not supported by the Local Plan development strategy and would constitute an unacceptable form of Green Belt development. The site is included as part of the designated Green Belt and its development would result in the ad hoc eastward expansion of the settlement of Stepps. The proposal would therefore result in the unacceptable of loss Green Belt land and have an irreversible adverse visual impact on the open character of the site. 2. The information submitted by the applicant does not support the need for additional housing land at this location to meet a perceived shortfall in housing land supply within North Lanarkshire. The development will also have a negative impact on the public infrastructure within Stepps in terms of the need to develop additional teaching space within Stepps primary school and relocate existing community uses currently contained within the school. The proposed development therefore does not accord with the Sustainable Location Assessment (as contained within Diagram 4) of the Glasgow and Clyde Valley Strategic Development Plan 2012. Background Papers: Consultation Responses: Scottish Environment Protection Agency, received 21s' of July 2016 Scottish Natural Heritage, received 31d of August 2016 Transport Scotland, received 8th of February 2017 The Coal Authority, received 11th of July 2016 Scottish Water, no response received Strathclyde Partnership for Transport, received 5th of August 2016 Play Services Manager, received 1 11h of July 2016 Traffic & Transportation Team, received 3rd of November 201 6,231d of January and 7thof March 2017 Learning and Leisure Services, (Education Resources) received 21st of July 2016 Environmental Services, (Greenspace Development Team), received 6th of October 2016 Protective Services (including Pollution Control), received 21st of July 2016 Planning and Transportation committee report of 27 th January 2016, Local Development Plan Planning and Transportation committee report of 101h August 2016, Local Development Plan Contact Information: Any person wishing to inspect these documents should contact Mr Craig McIntyre at 01236 632500 Report Date: 13th of March 2017 APPLICATION NO: 161012711PPP REPORT Site Description 1.1 The application site extends to 14.8 hectares (36.5 acres) and mainly comprises open grassland and some scrub woodland. It is located to the north and east of the urban area of Stepps south of Garnkirk Burn and west of the A806
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