PAGE 2 THE INDIANAPOLIS TIMES FEB. 17, 1936 LOCAL AND NETWORK DIALS BroadcaM- NOTRE Abbreviation*: N—National 90 SEEK PARTS DAME'S ‘CRADLE' NOW SHRINE STATE EDITORS ing Cos.: C—Colombia Broadcaatln* Sts- THE MIKE ton; — BEHIND M—Mutual Broadcasting Cos.; Or n a a run Orchestra. Best Short Waves Member stations and kilocycle* of the PARlS— 2:3o—“]> Malade Imiga- IN TECH PLAY. SET RECORD AT naire," m. (11880 kc.). Escapes network are: FYA. 25.2 Youth Prison Term by Pxecalling 00—Orches-ra, (760), WIRE <UO0). TOKIO— 3 JVM. Na- NBC-WEAF—WEAF 27.9 m. (10740 (€7O). zaki. kc.l. WI.W non), W’TAM (1070). WMAQ ROME— S 00—News bulletin. 2RO. Details of Radio Program. and WBM (6.70). 31.1 m. (9635 kc.l. ‘GROWINGPAINS’ ANNUAL DINNER WIRE (1400). " NBC-WJZ— WJZ (660). BERLlN—7:3o—Choral Union. DJC. ¦¦ WLW (700), WEN'R (870), WLS (870), 49 8 m. <6020 kc.l. <6Sfl). LONDON— 9:OO—"The Storv of a 1670), and WSM " BY RALPH NORMAN WMAQ Song. SD, 25 5 m (11750 Quotas, (860). WFBM (1230), G'a ke.h Adjustments on 1000 Democrats Hear 3 he listened to One Man's F’amily broadcast the night of CBS-WABC—WABC (1160). and WBBM (770). BECAUSEDec 4 Floyd Bond, 19, Chicago Negro, is a free man today. WOWO Duties to Benefit State Senators at Banquet The newtst alibi we know of. the radio, worked in his case. His When there Is no listing for a station TUESDAY knowledge oJ Onp Man's Family program of that night so detailed was at quarter and half-hours, its preceding A. M. Products. in Claypool. and accurate that a Criminal Court judge decided he must have been air. listed program i* on the —Family Prayer Period (M) WLW. a* home listening and not snatching a purse two miles away. The case g Ninety L-Z division seniors at Democratic editors had returned was nolle-prossed. MONDAY 6 15—Rise and Shine, WLW. Technical High School tried out for to their homes today after setting A copv script Francisco, 6:3o—Chuck WFBM. of the was obtained from San and it was P. M. Wagon. the cast of “Growing Pains.” a play Organ Reveille (Ci. anew attendance record at the checked in detail against Bond's story. The possibility that Bond might (Cl WFBM. (N' A —Howard Neumille Pollock and Lawnhurst WEAF. to be presented April 17, Miss Clara meeting of the Indiana have heard the same episode from an NBC Pacific Coast station at an Jolly BUI and Jane iN* WJZ. midwinter Morning Devotions, Ryan, director, announced earlier date was investigated, but Ross Grahari (Ni WJZ. W’LW. today. Democratic Editorial Association was 6:4s—Sunbeams (Ni WEAF discarded when it was deter- Toy Band (M) WLW. Yoichi Hiraoka INI WJZ. They were Dorothy LaPole, Alice Saturday night at the Claypool. mined his radio could have Time Tunes. WFBM. Morning Devotions. WIRE. not 4:ls—Tt? Layman, Eloise Leunimeier, Jack editors and fol- picked up the distant stations. Paiti Chapin id. News Flashes. W’LW. Nearly 1000 party Music Junior Radio Journal (N) WJZ. Lockhart, David Justin J. Bond, Armstrong, WLW. —Early Eirds, WFBM. Lynch, attended the annual ban- until his alibi w-as sub- Jack 7* * lowers Bluebirds iC). stantiated. faced BY JAMES THRASHER 4:3o—Jack Armstrong C>. Lynch, June Magel, Wilbur Martin, a one-to-ten Melody, Sparribs <Nt WEAF. quet in the Claypool Riley Room to year the best known Rose Room WIRE. Morning Devotionsi N) penitentiary sentence. Tom Mix iNi WEAF. W'JZ. Jacelyn Mason, Margery McCreery, hear addresses by United States for Lady (Ni WJZ, WLW Chandler Chats, WLW. a a CERTAINLYcomposition two vio- Singing 7. News, WIRE. Janet McDougall, Doris McDonald, Senators Alben W. Barkley, Ken- lins is the Bach D 4:3s—Willard Singers,WlßE. Along the Minor Con- 7:15 —News (Ni WEAF. Mary Louise Mclntire, Mary Eliza- tucky; Frederick VanNuys and airwaves—a mixup to be played by Herman 4:4s—Goldbergs iCI W'FBM Alden Edkins <N> WJZ. Myers, certo. Wilkinson 'N WEAF. WIRE. Trio, beth Merideth, Ethelda Rob- Sherman Minton, Indiana, and Gov. in switching of telephone lines James I Divano WLW'. Surasky and Florence Knope Orphan Annie iNi WJZ, WLW. Musical Clock, WIRE. ert Millholland, Rosemary Moore, McNutt. the put NBC's FIBBER M’GEE show with Hochstein String Or- r —Bohemians, W'FBM. 7:2o—Consumer's Guide (N) W’EAF. Frances Morgan, Marian Morris, The latter, in presenting Senators 3:45 U Guide (C). on CBS stations fo*- few chestra at tomorrow from Buck Rogers (C • 7:25 —Cosrymer’s Charles Mosiman, Charles Munsey, VanNuys and Minton, was out- a min- News F.ashes, WXF.E. (C). : Rochester, over NBC-WJZ Flving Time *N) WEAF. 7:3o—Freddie Miller Georgia M. utes; tne announcer, HARLOW 7:43—Summary Progra'ms (N) Noel. spoken in his defense of Senator (WIRE). News iN i W'JZ. of WJZ. •••' (N) Betty Nuckles, Melva Page, Betty i\ -.V' , ¦*. for the stand the latter has WILCOX, used to work for CBS Old-Fashioned Girl. WLW. Cheerio WEAF. WLW'. Minton This concerto is a duplicate 7:4s—Minute Men (Ni Palmer, Arthur Parker, Mary Kath- 5:05—Army Band (N) W'JZ. WJZ. taken for liberalizing Supreme and several of his former cohorts of the C Minor Concerto for Salon Musicale iC). Alice © s:ls—Ann Winters (C). ryn Payne, Jean Perkinson, Court decisions/ The Governor wired him congratulations on re- two pianos, the second move- (NI (C) Connie Gates WEAF, WIRE. —Bugle Call Revue WFBM. Francis Persell, Betty Marie Pick- made no mention of Senator Van- to . Citrus Commission turning COLUMBIA. With ment of which has been de- Talk, WLW. Organ Rhapsody <Ni W'EAF. erill, Jeanne Ann E. Edward Hidden behind a score of modern structures on the campus of the s:2o—Evening Concert, WLW. Breakfast Club >N) WJZ. Pluess, Nuys' declaration that he is against hotels trying to book GUY LOM- scribed by Spitta as. “a very • Joe Emerson. WLW’. Plummer, University of Notre Dame is this picturesque log chapel, a replica s:3o—League Louise Plummer, Martha any “tinkering with the courts of BARDO, RAY NOBLE and PAUL pearl of of Women Voters. WFBM. Musical Clock (Continued), W’IRE. of the mission church built in 1820 and used in 1842 first home noble and expressive Musical Interlude. WIRE. J. Pritchard, Vera Relford, Floyd as the B.ls—Streamliners (N)'WEAF. the Constitution.” WHITEMAN. CHICAGO may melody.” News (Cl (Ni WEAF, WJZ. Robinson, John J. Rochford, Mary of the “Fighting Irish.” It is a campus shrine and hundreds of Notre Enric Madriguera’s Or.. WLW'. Garden Talk. WLW. Are Minimized soon be a dance band mecca. Felix Fox, concert Dame alumni have returned to be married in the tiny chapel which Reports pianist, s:3s—Top Hatter's Or. (Ni WEAF. WIRE. B:2o—Souvenirs of Songs. WLW. Frances Rochford, Alberta Rogers, HARRY YON ZELL resigned his and the NBC' String Quartet King's Guard (Ni WJZ. B:3o—Way Down East. W'LW. Bernard Rose. is still in daily use. Father Badin, first Roman Catholic priest to be Both Senators minimized pub- newsreel job because of an an- to ordained in States, is under the floor of the are plav the Franck F s:4s—Milton Charles (C). WFBM. B:4s—News, WFBM. Seek the United buried building. lished reports about their differ- nouncing which includes Minor Andre Carlton (Ni WIRE. Rambles in Rhythm (C). Parts in Play schedule Quintet during the Billy and Betty (Ni WEAF. Back Stage Wife (M) WLW. ences over whom the party should HELEN HAYES. LAWRENCE Music Guild program Lowell Thomas (N) WLW. Georgeanne Schilling, Governor at 1 to- WJZ. —Romany Trail (C) WFBM. Marie nominate for and over PHIL morrow, TIBBETT, BAKER. FRED on the WEAF chain. Len Riley, WFBM. American Family Robinson, WIRE Schlueter, Wilma Mae Schakel, lona their Supreme Court views. ALLEN, and while he is in New r The composition was rendered 6 Myrt and Marge <C) News (Nl WEAF. WJZ. “Os course,” said Senator Minton, Dinner Concert (Ni WJZ. WIRE. Betty WXW. Schlueter, William Schneider, Clar- . Crocker. BENNY, . York, JACK The on a recent Guild broadcast Amos Andv (N) COLONEL FACES differences. Fred 'n' WEAF, WLW. “there are some generation 9:os—Happy Jack (N) WEAF. ence Shannon, Jerry Har- Poor Brou-n seventh of her family with Fgon Petri, Dutch pi- 6:ls—Charioteers (C) WFBM. Dream Singer iN) WJZ. Sheehan, likes Scotch and I prefer Bourbon. to become a stage star, ANNE assisting Uncle Ezra INi WEAF, WIRE. old anist. the quartet. (Ni 9:ls—Kaleidoscope. WIRE. Shingleton, Sam Scott, Fred Scripps-Uaward Newspaper Alliance He likes spinach and I don't care Capt. Tim WJZ. Home Sweet Home (N) SEYMOUR is the first to desert Saint-Saens (M) W'EAF, was at the pi- Lilac Time WLW. WLW. Sholty, Lorraine Simpson, Helen WASHINGTON, Feb. 17. much for it. But I want to tell you the theater for radio. ano 6:3o—Singin’ Sam fC) Edward Hugh (N) WJZ. COURT-MARTIAL for the WFBM. EVANS- first public per- Mac Slaughter, Ruth Rep. Percy Lee Gassaway, this, if you are as close together VILLE'S contribution to fun, JOE of the Edwin C. Hill iNi WEAF. WIRE. 9:30—80b and Rennie (C) WFBM. M. Smith, Dorothy formance work in 1880. Lum and Abner (N) WJZ, whose boots and 10-gallon hat here in Indiana in November as WLW. Sweethearts of the Air (Nl W'EAF.
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