Generalized Essential Telangiectasia in a Patient with Graves’ Disease: Should the Spectrum of Autoimmune Diseases Associated with Generalized Telangiectasia be Expanded? LCDR Ronald Buckley, MC, USN, Bethesda, Maryland COL Kathleen J. Smith, MC, USA, Bethesda, Maryland Henry G. Skelton, MD, Hurndon, Virginia Generalized essential telangiectasia (GET), as orig- rhagic telangiectasia, metastatic carcinoid syndrome, inally described, is not associated with any under- angiokeratoma corporis diffusum, ataxia-telangiecta- lying disease. Although patients with GET lack the sia, portal cirrhosis, and congenital dysplastic an- typical periungual telangiectases associated with giopathies.1 In addition, an entity known as general- autoimmune collagen vascular diseases, these pa- ized essential telangiectasia (GET) has been tients may have an underlying autoimmune described without associated disease.2 process. We present a patient with a history of The majority of the patients with GET are female, Graves’ disease and low-titer anti-nuclear antibod- with onset usually around the fourth decade of life.2 ies, who developed rapidly progressive general- In general, telangiectatic vessels first appear on the ized telangiectases. The gender and age of the ma- lower extremities, and over a few years to decades, jority of patients with GET fit well within the there is progressively more diffuse skin involvement.2-6 demographics of most autoimmune diseases. The Although lack of an association with systemic au- documented occurrence of an autoimmune disease toimmune disease was a criterion for this diagnosis in several of the limited number of patients previ- in the original report, our patient, as well as some ously diagnosed with GET provides additional evi- others who carry this diagnosis, have a documented dence that GET may be associated with an under- or probable underlying autoimmune disease. lying autoimmune disease. Case Report idespread acquired telangiectasias have been A 42-year-old white woman with a history of Graves’ associated with both hereditary and ac- disease since 1985 presented with widespread telang- W quired diseases. These include scleroderma, iectases. She was treated with radioactive iodine, and dermatomyositis, systemic lupus erythematosus, placed on the thyroid replacement therapy, levothy- syphilis, cutaneous polyarteritis, hereditary hemor- roxine (Synthroid®). In 1995, the patient developed telangiectases on her thighs, which quickly appeared on her calves, and within a year, on her upper ex- The opinions or assertions contained herein are the private views tremities (Figure 1, A and B). Although the patient of the authors and are not to be construed as official or as reflect- ing the views of the Department of the Navy, the Department of did develop a few lesions (less than 1 cm in diame- the Army, or the Department of Defense. ter) on her face, she had no periungual or mucous Drs. Buckley and Smith are with the National Naval Medical membrane lesions. The patient exhibited no evi- Center, Bethesda, Maryland. Dr. Skelton is with the Laboratory dence of exophthalmos or pretibial myxedema. Her Corporation of America, Hurndon, Virginia. general health has remained excellent and she has REPRINT REQUESTS to the Department of Dermatology, National Naval Medical Center, 8901 Wisconsin Avenue, Bethesda, had no complaints of joint pain, muscle weakness, or Maryland 20889-5600 (Dr. Smith). sun sensitivity. VOLUME 65, MARCH 2000 175 GENERALIZED ESSENTIAL TELANGIECTASIA A B FIGURE 1 A and B. Bilateral lower extremities show telangiectatic vessels diffusely over the anterior thighs as well as the posterior lower legs. Laboratory studies, including complete blood cell Comments count and differential, blood-urea-nitrogen, glucose, Most of the patients with GET have been female, and creatinine, serum glutamic oxaloacetic transaminase, autoimmune disease is more common in females. The lactate dehydrogenase, alkaline phosphatase, total usual age of onset of GET is also a relatively good fit bilirubin, and urinalysis, were within normal limits. for an autoimmune process. In our patient, and in at Anti-thyroglobulin levels were elevated at 2.40 IU/ml least one previous report of a patient with GET, there (normal range, 0 to 2 IU/ml). All other thyroid func- was a documented occurrence of autoimmune dis- tion measurements were within normal limits, in- ease.3 Our patient had Graves’ disease. As with other cluding the thyroid-stimulating hormone-receptor patients with autoimmune thyroid disease, she did antibody. Antinuclear antibodies were positive at a have low-titer, positive antinuclear antibodies, and titer of 1/320 with a diffuse pattern, and at a titer of she did not have scleroderma, dermatomyositis, or 1/80 with a nucleolar pattern, and anti-histones were systemic lupus erythematosus, the autoimmune dis- positive (H). Anti-Smith, anti-RNP, anti-SSA, anti- eases most commonly associated with acquired SSB, anti-Jo-1, and anti-Scl-70 antibodies were all telangiectasias. In addition, our patient did not have negative. the typical periungual telangiectases commonly asso- Dilated vessels were present exclusively within the ciated with collagen vascular diseases, and no mucous papillary dermis, with minimal mononuclear inflam- membrane lesions. matory infiltrate (Figure 2). An Alcian blue stain at Reports of cases diagnosed as GET are rare. Al- pH 2.5 for acid mucopolysaccharides showed in- though the information available on the patients in the creased staining most marked within the papillary first report of this entity was minimal, two patients, one dermis around dilated vessels. After hyaluronidase di- with thyroid disease and one with diabetes, may both gestion, there was no increased staining. have had an underlying autoimmune process. 176 CUTIS® GENERALIZED ESSENTIAL TELANGIECTASIA FIGURE 2. Biopsy specimens show diffuse dilatation of vessels within the papillary dermis (H&E; original magnification, X 150). 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