l i :,'d e :j p 'j s l i c LinPAP.Y, l i :o e ::, r'. j . L D The ONLY Newspaper Printed he f inDen le m s -(f hsemer In Linden The L IK O E N N EW S, established 192?. combined with The L IN D E N O B S E R V E R , esiabtlshed 1920. Enteied a.s secoiirt class niatl m atier h \ PRICE: FIVE CENTS Vol VI — No. 53 8 PAGES '■ LINDEN, N. J., THURSDAY, JUNE 30, IWO .hp P.w' OffL-A af Linden. N J ____ Murray Segal Elected Playgrounds School Board Awards To Head PAL Board Open July 5 The I*AL Advisory Board elected Committee chairmen ansnounced 17 playgrounds and a tiny eainp Contracts For Summer Murray Segal of 30 East Elm Street by Mr. Segal are as follows: Pro­ will bi‘ opened by the Recri'ation to succeed Stanley Bojak as its motional director and fund raising, Commission on Tuesday. July 5th, president at a meeting held Tues­ Mr. Reagan and Ralph DeWalt; 19fiD for a summer program of 8 day evening, June 28, in the PAL publicity, Herman Mopsick & W il­ weeks. A staff of 43 I’iayground Youth Center. liam Bronstein; attendance. Mat­ Directors and Assistants will be in charge of conducting supervised Repair Program Other officers elected were: Vice thew Malinowski. Holmuth Breisch and Detective Steve Halasz; good programs at these centers. The preaidents, Jerome P'isc'her and At an adjourn»*d meeting of the the in.3tallation of the new burners Richard Beecher; treasurer, Law- and welfare, Mrs. Dougherty and staff will be under the direction of l^oard of Education held Tuesday is .$85,467.00. Mrs. Sophie Tomaszewski; insur­ Idayground Supervisor, Mr. Joseph evening. Juno 28, contracts for the ance. Mr. Beecher and Dr. Harry A. Martin who will be assisted by Big Stash to Open Other contracts awarded wore as installation of new boilervS in Silver; building and grounds. Mr. Mrs. Margaret li. Po.ston, R«‘crea- follows: Athletic supplu'S, Solo­ Schools No. 1. 6 and 7 w ere aw ard- Fischer. Rudy Kuchta and John tion Supervisor of Women's and mon's, Inc., E lizabeth, $4,686.66; c a r­ New Dining Hall {'d to the Hubert T, Richardson Girls’ Activities. \ penter \TOrk for the school year Gregorio. Compant of Clifton, who submitted Also, cons'titution and by-laws, at­ The 17 playgrounds are well dis- ' 1960-61, F ra n k M anm izza & Sons, a combination bid of $80,100. torney representing PAL, Union tributed throughout the City. The | Announcement was today made Inc., Linden. $34,280.00; electric St'aled bids had been receiv^^i at County Assistant Prosecutor Leo following idaygrounds will be in | )>y Big Stash of Big Stash's Ta-»'rrn lighting fixtures for the school year the regular June mei-ting of the Kaplowitz; finance, Mr. Beecher, operation: !of 1020 South Wood Avenue, that 1960-61, S tandard E lectric M otor l>oard which was held on W^xines- Mr. Gregorio. Dr. John O’Brien and Woodrow Wilson I’ark, Orchard ' beginning Friday. July 1 and con­ RexwLir Go., Linden, $3,435.00; m ed­ day, June 15. The board at that Gail Clarke: sergeant at arms. Ed­ Terrace: 2nd Ward Park, N. Stiles’ tinuing every Friday, Saturday and ical supplies, Amercian S\irgical Mr. Raymond Bjiuer of the L.iuleii Trust ( ompany presents Sunday, the^«^afte^ he was opening time referred all bids to the Pur­ ical Supply Co., Inc., Newark, ward I’oskay; rifle committee, Jo­ Strivt and Elm Street; James Dob-1 825.00 Savings Rond to floseph KomorsUi for top science award chasing Agent and Attorney to re- seph Terefinko and Patrolman son Park. E. Blancke Street and a second dining hall for the pur^Kxso Co., N ew ark, $419.30; G eneral Med- and Eileen Thomas for top world history award. j v'iew and submit the bids at Tues­ Fred HcLss; cannisters. Patrolman Maph' Avtmue; -ILh Ward Park, ; of sc'rving family style dinners. $.87-69; McCarthy’s Pharmacy, Lin­ day’s me(‘ting. Building.s and George Gordon and Warren Eich- Mr. Raymond Bauer of the Lin­ new officers: Thomas ObsiLnik, McCandless StrwH; 5th Ward Park,! Recently renova;Led, the new din­ den. $126.00. Grounds Chairman Commissioner horn, and certificate of merit, De­ den Trust Company presented the president: Joann Natkie, vice- Adams Street und Dill Avemn-; St. i ing hall will cater to those who de­ T('acher appointments approved I^aul Cuv'ala r<‘commended the tective Edward Flanagan, Mr. Bo­ top science aw ard, a $25.00 Savings Ijrtsident for ninth grade; Diane Marks Park, St. Mark Place and ! sire to take mother out of the kit­ by the board upon the recommend­ chen during the months of July awarding of the contract to the jak and Mr. Kuchta. Bond, to Joseph Komoroski. Ed­ Stracensky, vice - president for Monmouth Avenue; 7th Ward Play- | ation of Emanuel Bedrick, superin- and August and enable her and her Richardson firm. Detective Flanagan who has ser­ ward Babulski and Joan Wronski eighth grade; James Daniels, secre­ gi"ound, 17th Street; Tremley Iday- tend<'nt. were as follows: Thomas family to enjoy a home cook(‘d fam­ The electrical work at the above ved so ably as organizer and di­ took second and third places re­ tary; and Frank Fischer, treasurer. ground, Tremley Point Road. R. Oves, high school hc'alth and listixi schools awajrded to Uie rector of the PAL is to continue spectively. Miss Meagher was presented a AUso, Liru-oln Playground,* Lin­ ily style meal in cool and comfort­ driver education and Donald C. Van able surroundings. Unger Electric Company for the in his posiition as director. The final award in World His­ r<direment gift by Mrs. Kosydar on coln and McCandless StretTs; Mc­ Handel, to be assigned later. Both Watch next weeks edition of the total cost of $5,367.00. tory, a $25.00 Savings Bond, was behalf of the P-TA. Manus Playground. DeWitt Ter­ teachers are to start effective Sep- News-Observer for complete details. The total cost of construction for made by Mr. R. Bauer of the Lin­ The program closixi with the race; Deerfield Playground, be- temb<'r 1. den Trust Company to Eileen singing by the ninth graders of the tw'een Andover St. & Deerfield Ter­ The board rejected the Janitorial MCRRAY SEGAL Mrs. Hlavka Thomas. Dorothy Wagner and "School Song" and "When You race; 12th StrtHit Playground, 12th Bids that were received at the May Cynthia Trooskin won second and Wish Upon a Star.” They were Stre'ot, cairt.; C lifford Lawson M em ­ 18 meeting and authorized the re- rence Reagan; and, secretary, Mrs. third place awards. directed by Mrs. Harriet Somko- orial Park, Walnut Street; 10th advortising for the ^m e with bids Ann Dotigherty. poutas and accompanied by Mrs. The outgoing president of the Ward Park, Wiekersham Aven-ue; to be received at the July 20 meet­ Pa»t President Stanley Bojak was Beartice Tannenbaum. Cttrtis Street Park, West Curtis ing. elected to the executive hoard for Installed As Student Council thanked all con­ The entire proram was coordi­ Street; Newton Street Park. New- The maintenance departniont was a three year period. cerned for a successful year in of­ nated by Mrs. Harriet Somkopoulos toft S treet; and, 8Ui W ard P ark , authorized the purchasing of suffi- Mr. Segal, the proprietor of Mur­ with the assistance of the faculty. fice and offered best wishes to the Bedle Place and Park Avenue. oient paint to paint fences at all ray's Men’s and Boys’ Shop of 226 Regent The day camp will be operated at schools where fences are located. North Wood Avenue, has been a 10th Ward Park, adjacent to High­ A pfUnting contract for Schools member of the Police Athletic Lea­ land Avenue School, aad will be No. 1 an<l 4, and th e high school gue movement since its inception. Mrs. Ann Hlavka was installed located in the wooded area in the was award<‘d to William Fern Com­ as Senior Rt'gcnt of Linden Chap­ Margery Heller Winner park. ter No. 595. Women of the Moose, pany for tihe total cost of $7,890. The playground program will in­ Bf)ard members who participated on Saturday evening, June 25th, at clude: games, spt'cial days, tourna­ the installation ceremony held in in addition to School Board Presi­ ments. story hours, table games, Commend the Moose Home, 101 Luttgen Place, Of Golden Acorn Award dent Abraham RoLhberg, who pre­ athletics, handicrafts and nature sided, were Commissioners Ber­ Idnden. She succeeded Mrs. Ger­ lore. SuperviscHl games for the ing that Miss Heller w-as influenced nard Harkins, Raymond J. Dona­ trude Derkoch. Other officers in­ Miss Margery Heller, who is Uii.s ^ younger children will be conduct­ j in choosing her field of study, hue and Paul Cuvala. stalled were: Junior Regent. Mrs. years v'aledictorian in the college ed at all playgrounds. UC Safety i mathimiatk's, by her teachers, he Margaret Menzaco; Chaplain, Mrs. preparatory section of Linden High Speei-aJ day program s included Marie Carson; Re^corder, Mr.s. Mar-i School, was presented the Golden' complimented the faculty of Lin­ j this yf\ir will be: scavenger hunt.s, [ ion I^elan; Treasurer, Mrs. Wilma Acorn Award by Everett C. Sher-, den High School for providing a p< t and doll shows, bike rodeo.
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