Volume 6, Issue 1 CANADIAN ADVENTIST TEACHERS’ NEWSLETTER Winter 2012 CAT~news A publication from the Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada Office of Education THE SPIRIT OF GENEROSITY make-shift tents and sleeping bags in alleys and less Dennis Marshall, General Vice-President/Director of Educa- travelled streets; some live in shelters and other pub- tion lic places; others live unnoticed in your neighborhood. Two thousand years ago a phenomenal A great opportunity awaits you this Christmas to show event took place that would change the love to the needy people living among you. Let the world. The angel Gabriel appeared to a spirit of generosity come alive in your heart today and virgin named Mary living in Nazareth, a take the initial steps to bring joy to someone in des- town in Galilee, and said to her: perate need of your help. In addition or in lieu of “Greetings, you who are highly favored! sharing gifts with those you love, plan to give a gift to The Lord is with you.”...Do not be afraid, a family in need or to a homeless stranger. Mary, you have found favor with God. You will be with child and give birth to a son, and you In this edition of CAT~news, the focus is on the are to give him the name Jesus." (Luke 1:28-31) theme, The Spirit of Generosity, most appropriate for the Christmas season. In the next few pages, you Mary believed the angel and nine months later she will read stories from different schools about their bore a son and named Him Jesus, as she was told. generous acts of love for needy families in their com- Wise men from the east went to Bethlehem where munity and abroad. As you read, may the spirit of Jesus was born in a manger to celebrate His birth, generosity compel you to spread God’s love by giving bringing with them gifts of gold, incense, and myrrh, generous gifts this Christmas to the broken and the gifts that symbolized His kingly authority and the re- less fortunate people living among you. demptive purpose of His birth. To all our teachers and school administrators who The apostle John, in his gospel, states clearly the have labored long and hard educating our boys and reason for the birth of Jesus Christ: "For God so girls to become responsible and self-sufficient citi- loved the world that he gave his one and only Son, zens, who are spiritually accountable to God, we say that whoever believes in him shall not perish, but Thank You. May you be richly blessed during this have eternal life." (John 3:16). Similarly, the apostle Christmas season. Paul captures the essence of Jesus’s ministry with these words, “But God demonstrates his own love for us in this: While we were still sinners, Christ died for us". (Romans 5:8) These two verses inform us that Jesus Christ is God’s love gift to the world for the redemption of man, that God so loved us that he offered His only Son as What’s Inside? a ransom for our sins in order to reunite us with Him forever. What greater gift can we desire? And how Featured Schools .............................................. pg 2 can we say thanks to God during this Christmas sea- North American Division News .......................... pg 3 son for His generous gift to us? SDACC News .................................................... pg 4 The best way to express your love to God is to show SDACC News .................................................... pg 5 love to someone else, especially the less fortunate. Teaching Tips/Ideas .......................................... pg 6 There are many needy families living among you: Professional Development/Resources .............. pg 7 they live in homes without heat; they live in cars and The Back Page .................................................. pg 8 vans parked in inconspicuous places; they live in Dates of Importance .......................................... pg 8 Contact Information Education Director/General Vice-President: Dennis Marshall ([email protected]); Associate Director/Registrar: Betty Bayer ([email protected]); Administrative Secretary: Brandy Perkins ([email protected]) Address: Seventh-day Adventist Church in Canada, Office of Education, 1148 King St. E., Oshawa, Ontario L1H 1H8 Phone: 905-433-0011 Toll-Free: 1-800-263-7868 Fax: 905-433-0982 Website: http://catnet.adventist.ca C ANADIAN ADVENTIST TEACHERS’ NEWSLETTER 2 Featured Schools COLLEGE PARK ELEMENTARY SCHOOL school spirit, have fun and help those who are not as OSHAWA, ON fortunate. Students at College Park AVALON ASSISTS LOCAL FOOD BANK enjoy many opportunities to Avalon Adventist Jr. Academy, Port Hardy, BC give to others. Some of the On Friday, November activities we participate in 23, 2012 Avalon stu- are: giving gifts from the dents from grades two ADRA catalogue to help to ten delivered over people in need around the 500 grocery bags to be world, sponsorship of FACE filled by residents of children in Uganda, filling Operation Christmas Child Port Hardy as donations shoeboxes, supporting to the Harvest Food special projects or needs Bank. as we learn of them, as well as Fall and Christmas The students then retrieved the bags full of non- Food Drives. The grade 5 perishable food on November 30, 2012. We had an classes are currently doing excellent retrieval rate and many bags of food were a food collection drive in- delivered in time for Christmas hampers. volving the workplaces in Student comments: closest proximity to us. “It felt like we could help some less fortunate people Boxes have been distributed for collection purposes, have a better Christmas this year.” Audrey Johnston and soon the students will go caroling to each work- “I felt happy to help those in need.” Talia Markin place and gather up these boxes of food and supplies “I felt like I was helping people who need help.” destined for the Adventist Community Services Cen- Ekikah Walkus tre. We thank God for his blessings at CPES and for allowing us to help others. WHAT’S YOUR CHRISTMAS WISH? Chinook Winds Adventist Academy, Calgary, AB GRANDVIEW ADVENTIST ACADEMY, MOUNT HOPE, ON In November Ms. Juana Gal- damez (Math Teacher at Chi- For our school nook Winds Adventist Acade- spirit week, stu- my) began asking her students dents at about how they might reach out Grandview not to the world this Christmas sea- only had a great son. She showed the students time dressing up the ADRA Canada gift catalogue and invited them to but also helped think about how they might be generous. As a result, the local wom- the Junior and Senior High students at CWAA chose en’s shelter Inas- to partner with ADRA in providing support to various much House. projects. Each grade picked a gift(s) from the cata- Each day stu- logue and are currently raising money to make dents donated someone’s Christmas wish come true! The Grade 7 items related to our spirit day. On Monday, the stu- wish list includes: Keep a girl safe from Trafficking dents wore their pyjamas to school and brought in and Exploitation, Eco-friendly Stove, Bucket Drip Irri- blankets, pyjamas, and pillows. There was no school gation System, and Alpaca Blanket for a child or El- on Tuesday due to parent-teacher interviews. derly person in Peru. The Grade 8 wish list includes: Wednesday was Wacky Hair Day and the students three Chicken and worm farms and Alpaca Blanket brought shampoo, conditioner, barrettes, and other for a child or Elderly person in Peru. The Grade 9 hair accessories. Thursday was Teddy Bear Picnic wish list includes: Emergency, food, water, and shel- Day. The students brought both their own teddy from ter materials. The Grade 10 wish list includes: Emer- home and a new one to donate. Friday was superhe- gency, food, water, shelter materials and a Solar ro day. On that day, we were local heroes for the food Greenhouse. The Grade 11 wish list includes keep a bank as we brought canned goods and food for the less fortunate. This was a great opportunity to show continued on p. 4 C ANADIAN ADVENTIST TEACHERS’ NEWSLETTER 3 North American Division News NAD DASHBOARD ducing students not just to an understanding of Bible You can now access your Certification truth but also to a personal Savior. If you teach Bible Data Sheet on the new NAD Dashboard and are interested in reviewing the materials, contact website. Secure File Access is available Betty ([email protected]). at www.dashboard.nadeducation.org . GRIGGS To access the new app, log in to the The courses and services provid- Adventist Education Toolkit using your e ed by Griggs are undergoing a -mail address and password, and click on the image significant transformation, and we that looks like the one posted here. If you do not think you’ll like what you see! know your log in information please contact your One example is that the Conference Education Secretary, Boarding Academy webquests they are developing for various courses Principal or Brandy Perkins at the Seventh-day Ad- will be made available for K-12 teachers to use in ventist Church in Canada. You can also access other their classrooms. Stay tuned for further information! resources for GoMath, Big Ideas, and Stepping Stones, as well as TDEC Resources and Webinars. LEARN 360 Just click the FILES icon. This new video-streaming service has partnered with organizations NAD CONVENTION 2018 such as National Geographic, His- The next NAD Teachers’ Convention will be held in tory Channel, and the BBC to pro- Chicago. Plan now to be there! vide even more videos, film clips, BYDESIGN ELEMENTARY SCIENCE audio files, images, music tracks, The texts and teacher resources are sound effects, and articles than Discovery Learning now available for Gr.
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