SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY DIGITAL EDITIONS SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY VOL 22: THE PARISH REGISTER OF COWFOLD, SUSSEX 1558-1812 Edited by P S Godman First published 1916 This edition is a reproduction of the Society’s original publication and is copyright © Sussex Record Society Copies may be downloaded free of charge for personal use. Extracts may be copied and reproduced provided appropriate acknowledgement is given © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY SUSSEX REC() RD SOCIETY. IFOUNDED FOR THE PUBLICATION OF RECORDS AND DOCUMENTS RELATING TO THE COUNTY. VOLUMIE XXII. PUBLISHED BY THE SOCIETY. 31qmJum : MITcHELL HUGHES AND CLARKE, PRINters. 1916. © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY a -it -g y$^ £3TJ ® A. • • 7 , f , ^'.._ . , ®£;-* £à-&&**£££? -<*>&**&*. 5** *• ——-TJT £; -4- 2** +&4*e%*£%¥**®-* . - - -- £;a- s.; ;*££;£$•>£££-***>*£*£&-â - £y%g/jr^. 43j?. ; ■ e*a w%-&***•*£A**/?*£*. e£-: L<..…aaz^\^cH,3;***£*£*£/*;^-£* - Σμ. æ.….a££££ %.; „ ?*%*. $*****-**-®** I., -- 2-aa-3*--e********- - T.■*-* £**&&*•*. *.as ~, _ ■, , — ^^••* £a7?>*£**-4 *******— Ę** £*> ! … ¥….4 — A.T: £>&a*/&*~£«273*… jT*******-£3:£v-a, -- Σ. ya I ^•***••£?£% ®*®**** /e,-…a. - - - te?*******£*/?.y/ì^,- •;.. … f*/** **/%,….….II. II 20 T. - 3–4*-*££....….Aa. .. 7…>a4a.< £*** 9 /£,-a.a;. ■1* £ei-e….…. Ä, - +TC-*-*-*•-*£.;.;.., a..… - J. •*….” - -| « £* . E*^**-*®*«/A.\.c.& - • •*©£;« - .… £*££; - - ***sa…. | . II**.>*££*-££.££*j*.-°**^*-*&Aę. Ζ…* | Facsimile of the first page of Cowfold Registers, 1558. © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY TIHIE PARISIHI REGISTER OF COWFOLD, SUSSEX. 1558—1812. EDITED BY P. S. GODMAN. IssuI:Id To MEMBERs oF THE SUssEx RECORD SociETY As AN ExTRA VOLUME FoR THE YEAI. 1916. © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY DA /, 7-0 , S 7 7 S 12. V· QJJ © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY IPREFACE. VIVBIE first register book of Cowfold is in a vellum cover 12 inches by 53 inches, and rums from 1558 to 1782. It has no exterior title. The leaves having become loose and unsewn it was in 1918 carefully taken to pieces and resewn in the same cover, and is now in a, good state of preservatiom. In the course of renovation it was found that the leaf following 1633 had been cut out—on it were the entries for 1634—which, with the Terrier of the Parsonage, are entirely missing. The entries now shewn forthis year have been taken from the Bishop's Transcripts. After 1642 another leaf had been cut out as well as after 1651, 1707, and 1709, and three or four pages toward end of book. These were probably blank, as there seem to be mo further entries missing. From March 1642 to July 1648 there are no emtries, and those for 1650, 51, and 52 are very scanty. The entries are in Latin from the commencement up to 1598, probably written by a pro fessional, afterwards probably by the vicar of the period, excepting from 1649—1654, when they were kept by a registrar elected by the parish and confirmed by a J.P., to the evident annoyance of the vicar (vide note under 1658). There were a few Anabaptists in the parish in the beginning of the eighteenth century, who seem to have been a thorn in the side of the incumbent (vide burial 1727). In 1651, 6th September, is a note by the vicar that the register book, which had been kept from him from 1649, -' was brought back to him. © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY xiv PREFACE. In 1653 is a note that George Winter, the vicar, handed over the book to a registrar chosen by the parish, who was approved by William ffreeman, a justice of the peace. Then follow five marriages before him with the names of the witnesses. In 1654 there were twenty-seven marriages, in 1655 eighteem, in 1656 fifteen, in 1657 thirteem, being many more tham the average number, and many of them from neighbouring parishes. In 1658 is a note that the book was handed back to the vicar, G. Winter. There are many entries throughout relating to people ** From the forest of S' Leonard's, Beeding, by leave.” At that time there was no church in Lower Beeding. But few Puritan names occur; of these **Sin-demy** is perhaps the most umcommon elsewhere. Inside, on the vellum cover of the book, is “To this our Regester boke I the Veker and churchwardem have putt to our hands the 8th day of Januarie by me Richard Ashton Clark, by me Richard Wood, by me John Bull,” and in a later hand writing ** mowinge ground as mesurd by R. B., Aug. 11, 1648. For the culvereroft, length 413 Rod, bredth 20 Rods. barne, - For the left little meddow next the at one emd length 20 rod, bredth 7 rod, other end length 19 rod, bredth 4 rod. For the other little meddow next the highway, of one side length 18, bredth 18, om the other side length 20, bredth 16, paid for 7 aeres and 3 quarters as the whole came to by Rehd. Crips count.” By the kindness of Miss Cooper the registers have been collated with the Bishop's transcripts, which begin 1606. The second register book is 12} inehes by 74 inches, whole bound in leather, in a good state of preservation, marked outside 1785—1801. Inside are several notes, amongst them names of the owners of the panels round the churchyard, extracted from old books 9 Oct. 1682, to which have been added notes for identification at the © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY PREFACE. XV present date, and a more recent repair in 1918, also some of the eustoms of the parish. Marriages are in a separate book after 1754. In 1778 is recorded an epidemie of fever, which carried off many, and when the poor-house was used as a hospital. In the book of marriages are also recorded Banns published of parishioners whose marriages were solemnized elsewhere. The third book, 144 inches by 9$ inches, is fully bound, and begins 1803. An Appendix has been added to this Volume, con taining an account of sundry papers connected with the parish, and kept in a nice old oak chest in the vestry. CONTENTS. IPAGE Baptisms from 1558 to 1812....................................... 1 On pp. 53—58 is a statemept as to Churchyard Panels. Marriages from 1558 to 1812 ........................... ........ 94 Banns of Parishioners of Cowfold married elsewhere (1754 to 1810) .......................................... 160 Burials from 1558 to 1812 ....................................... 163 List of Churchwardens (1525 to 1845) ........................ 233 List of Overseers (1623 to 1844)................................. 245 List of Waywardens (1642 to 1725) ........................... 251 Index Nominum.................. ................................... 255 Index Loeorum ...................................................... 287 © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY ( xvi ) ADDENDA ET CORRIGENDA. IPAGE. 1584. Thomas Chenie s. of Cheny should be s. of Thomas Cheny. 1586. Marie Master should be Marter. 13. 1598. Sparrs Hall shouid be Sparro Hall. 14. 1601. Isett Bull s. of John Bull should be d. of John Bull. 22. 1626. Francis s. of John Shellye should be d. 30. 1652. Ame Awood should be Anne Awood. 31. After last baptism in 1654 omit 1685. 34. 1665. INuggridge should be Muggridge. 99. 1595. Thomas Ball should be Thomas Boll. 99. 1595. Antony Allen= Margaret Crepes should be Person. 104. 1621. Susan Holney should be Susam Holden. 106. 1632. IBull should be Bulls. 109. 1654. Mathew Waterman=Joane Bacon of West Grin stead, 10 April, add in presence of John Elvy, Thomas Woolvim and Will'm Haseldem. 110. 1654. Elizabeth foreman should be ffreeman. 114. 1657. Wm Jupp and, etc., married by M* Robert ffish of IRudgurick should be of Nuthurst. 116. 1660. Elizabeth Hurst qf this parish should be qf* y* parish of Shipley. 116. 1664. Edward Michell married Edith Holder should be Holdem. 116. 1664. Mary Woobridge should be Mary Woolridge. 175. 1614. Joane Wells should be Joane Weller. 175. 1614. Omitted—Anne Michell d. of John Michell, 14 July. 203. 1706. Omitted—Sarah wife of Richard Symonds, 7 Oct. 203. 1706. »» Mary d. of Thomas Coats, 15 Jan. 206. 1720. Richard Stophett should be Stophell. 206. 1722. Omitted—Thomas Vincent, 14 Oct. 208. 1732. » » Sarah Philpott, 20 Mar. 223. 1790. » » Mary Roberts, widow, 17 Mar. © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY £tgigter of tfje É}arigi) of Compfolù, $ugger, [Entries printed in italio are from the Bishop's Transoripts.] CHRYSTENYNGS. 1558. Baptizatus /a erat Johannes Moxford - 8 May Cicely Celden 29 July Elizabeth Setolde 23 Nov. Johens Wood filius Johis Awood 28 ,, Margareta Michell 26 Dee. 1559. Baptizatus /a erat Johes Eving 30 Jan. Johes Morley 6 Feb. Alicie Stedman 25 Mar. Eicus - Bartleet 21 May Margareta Whit 26 ,, Elizabeth Bull 16 Sept. Johes Grover 18 Oet. IRieus Roberts 28 ,, VWillmus Gandron 16 Nov. Johes Stele 3 Dec. Eicus Pecham 16 ,, Margery and Johanna Wood 30 ,, 1560. Baptizatus /a erat IElizabeth Druet 9 June Elizabeth Gayte 23 ,, Johes Davis 9 July WOL. XXII. B © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY 2 COWFOLD PARISH REGISTER. Julia Slater 1 Oct. Radulphus Bull 22 ,, Johanna ffannar 8 Nov. Thomas Person 4 Jan. 1561. Baptizatus /a erat Margerye Bull IMarie Martem Elizabeth Mychell Elizabeth Selden Maria Gandron Johes Bull Radulphus Risbey Ricus Streter Maude Agaytes IMaria Bartlet James Grover Anna Vigham 1562. Eaptizatus /a erat IHenricus Gratwicke Gylian Lewar Jama Smith Margery Gratwick Johes Awood IRicus Rossom IElner Risbe Anna Bull Margeria Mychell Thomas Coppock Margeria Agate Maria Nye Maria Picham Angneta ffieste Johes Slater Johes Peper 1563. Paptizatus /a erat Johes Mychell Willmus Batlett Janna Michell Johes Mychell Johes Streter James Bull Johes Peres © SUSSEX RECORD SOCIETY BAPTISMS. * 1564. Baptizatus erat Johe Risbie Lettis Gratwicke Johes Person Thomas Tirell Cicellye Michell Johes Cozen Johes Goughe Margerie Dunstall Elizabeth French Elizabeth Smith Nicolas Browne Doritee Martyr Johes Gratwicke 1565. Eaptizatus erat Elizabeth Agate 28 Jan. Avisie Bull 19 Feb. Pogerus Bartlett 1 May IMaria, Streter Anna Wood Thomas Peter and Maria Seldem 3 Jühe Johanna Michell 10 Feb. Willmus Coppock Βobtus Eston ó óet.
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