SOUTH BEND PUBLIC LIBRARY, 304 S.MAIN ST.f CITY. HAM FISH LAU EY ON WENDELL WILLKIE TRAIL TO OBLOQUY in noDEMANDS "PURGE " DY G.O.P. FRIDAY, DECEMBER 15th, 1944 DEFEATED ARCH-ISOLATIONIST SINGS SWAN-SONG XIT Thomas Edmund Dewey. The big "I from the Chicago (Fiiemdenblatt) Tribune, G. 0. ELIEVE IT ams"—Ham Fish and Robert Rutherford P. bible; wherefore there can be no mistake. We E McCormick, — -who led in the reading of must make no mistake about this; "out of the Wendell Willkie out of leadership in the Repub­ mouths of babes and sucklings" — comes inno­ OR ELSE lican party, have now cent truth, whether of pleasure or pain. MEA T O* THE COCONUT turned their guns on TWO MEN IN SAME BOAT Thomas Edmund They speak their sr ... Dewey. In his swan- feelings, their senti­ S/LAS WITHERSPOON F song to the lower ments; know no bet­ ! house of congress, ter than honesty. »f P Am no gen- "Babes in the woods" OUR"MENTOLOGISTSI eral in the from which he is to retire, come Janu­ are a good synonym 7 for McCormick and AND SUPERFORTRES ary, Fish, d i r-g i n-g AND SUPERFORTRESS _£ _. | Fish. McCormick's compo­ miral of the EXPERTS SEEMINGLY sition, bids that They put Willkie air; Jknow body, and Dewey, out on a limb; the GUESSED WRONG ON r/Ta* good-bye. Dewey did G. 0. P. lost no time strategy him dirt pre-Novem- in chopping off the NAZI "CRACKUP" ANDs t r i n gency, ber. For that Dewey limb. Dewey feigned or where, lost the presidency, disinterest, and held THAT SEIGFRIED LINE but as a the Republican partly aloof until "con­ half-baked layman, marooned out here in the lost the country, and scripted," then strad­ sticks, and nothing to do but ruminate, I h--l yawns. dling to the fray can't help it that now and then as things with a vengeance, happen, it occurs to mevthat something else We're taking it WENDELL WILLKIE THOMAS DEWE*. On Page Three) might better have happened with more effec­ tive results. I see by the papers, and hear from the air, that this, that and the other thing is going on, and that this and that Liberated From Nazidom—What Comes Next? didn't result, and then the query pops up, APTURED member of the Nazi gestapo says Hermann Goering shot and killed Adolf Hitler how come? It just seems to me that our the day before the alleged bomb plot last summer—but then the Nazi gestapos are such in­ strategists have not been as good guessers as C corrigible liars, like the rest of the Nazis, that it is as likely to be true as false, or vice might have done a better job. versa. That is why Henreich Himmler took over; the reason you have heard nothing from Goer­ Our mental-strategists have misread both ing, saith the captive. Goering is durance vile—or docile as the dodo that he dumped. Germany and Japan to our considerable fraz­ All just another story out. of Germany; no difference what. You can believe none, or all, and zle. Our mentalogists (psychologists) who reach the same conclusion. Time was when Hitler wasn't, then he was, and it is1 no more wonder­ have been going to crack Germany and Japan, ful that he should continue to be, or not, dependent on how you like it. As successor to its cam­ and especially Germany, down and out by paign of world aggressiciiiFGermany is staging a campaign of world confusion that simmers de luxe. way of internal revolt, thus saving the allies One thing, however,- they have not accomplished; they have not bluffed the Allies into not a lot of bloodshed, had something up their §ft£$i^« (On Page Three) -I _*•: sleeve worth the trying, but it doesn't seem to have panned out — or that it ever will. 'Shucks, You Ain't Tosted Nothin' Yet!' Then the war-builders, intrigued by the hus­ POET AND PLUTOCRAT PROBED tle and bustle of points African, Italian, Rus­ ~M sian, Balkan, Asiatic, Australian, and Euro­ BY SENATE SNIPE-SHOOTERS pean, decided that it was all a matter of speed, ILLIAM L. CLAYTON'S big and so let down on production of heavy ar­ business connections,. James C. tillery and aircraft, ditto, the sinews of their W Dunn's anti-Loyalism in Spain, operation, that now we're wondering heavily and the free verse and prose writings of what we were thinking about. True we have Archibald MacLeish, are being inquired our B-29 superfortresses, and they say there into in Washington by the senate foreign are going to be B-35s, B-3 7s, and B-42s— relations committee — inquiring into the heavy and enormous-pounders,—but so far fitnesses of six nominees for high state de­ somehow we have used them only on Japan: partment posts in the regime of Secretary on those pill-boxes that we used to say would of State Edward R. Stettinius—Bennett not stand up against a good gust of wind. Champ (Chump) Clark (Dem., Mo.). Why not on the Seigfried line? The light- retiring in sequence of his America First- (On Page Two) ism, pre-Pzarl Harbor, being out partic­ ularly after the scalp of Archibald Mac­ Leish. THE PROMISE Senator Joe Guffey (Dem., Pa.) too is By SOMERSET MAUGHAM investigating the activities of Dunn in con­ nection with the Spanish civil war. Dunn Y WIFE is a very unpunctual woman, so when, having arranged to lunch with then was in charge of the state depart­ M her at Claridge's, I arrived there ten ment's European division. minutes late and did not find her I was not sur­ Critical of Dunn's attitude against lend­ prised. I ordered a cocktail. It was the height ing aid to loyalists in the Spanish civil of the season) and there were but two or three vacant tables jpl the lounge. Some of -the people war, Guffey told the committee he was (On Page Eight) (On Page Four) Page Two THE MIRROR "% proved more successful in the pursuit ©I bull lights. B-29s over Germany; say over the situs ELIEVE It f m eanstrMfiofl of those V-I, II and IH robots. They're training them for us, now saith the warning-doves. Mayor Pavey had better get Or ELSE'. busy and praetke his air-wardens, etc., up on (Front Page Ofcej "Wadk-Ofrtff/' We may need tlbem so©**,, to veil er and speedier aircraft we have been producing nrrcE ELEA.SOR STEBER ourselves so the pilotless buggies will not be seem to have about as much effect on those de­ WHEEL\n<_l w. VA., HAD able to find us. NgVfcR SEE** A* OPERA, Sf« 3(C Ztft ^t* fenses; well, 38. the Republican party had s&tife &UT"¥©U. THE *M03 SHE while ago woodpeckering at the 4th term and Notwithstanding the G. \NO\H,%> so/^e GS**/5MKJ H n the New Deal. The Seigiried line appears quite AT Tfcffc MSTJ?0*t>trrAA».,. O. P. "Whispering Jen­ as impregnable as Berlin has been bragging it. nies" who are hartmng it. We have busted through in ©lie small spot. around/ that the war Why not bring some of tlaose B-29s over from Brands Uncle bonds will never be paid; Saipan, or based elsewhere, and drop some ex­ w¥m that Uncle Sam will re­ plosive weight on the Seigfried forts to let them Sam Deadbeat pudiate them; that he know there is a war on; not a 4th of July cele­ never ean pay them, and bration. Where in hades-have our mentalogists so on — evidently the been, and this seems to apply somewhat to our And Money in people do not believe armv and air experts, as well as our political and Ar.D H*IJO WOKH them any more now, civilian maneuverers. Why couldn't they have SAW rtfeft -HW.OUCH Mfiw Bonds Skidoo than they did "pre-No- contemplated the situation on the western front £ **Cii. AMI) COAJ.5 Ir wyATORY., vember 7th. The 6th war loan is going over that now confronts them, and have prepared for Of* -MijoiC. the top with a bang. It is j.ust so much more it? pro-Axis propaganda; pro-Axis in effect, re­ * * * * f gardless of design. Hitler was fKf **)MO A/*c*Tt?t>*>6t.«.TAN," S3T7 '^*7 Many of the 6th loan botids may have been Some B-29s on West about 47% bought, and are being bought-by the sale of fight — about 9jp AUPITIOMSOF THg-All? Ey S*»e- <**">*- 4 COMTHfAC-f bonds previously pusfenased, turning them into same as the Re­ |£*' WITH fMF Mg~r— cash at one bank window, and then walking front Might Serviee publican vote hMADK A TRyujAPMANT over to the bond booth and rein vesting k. That . 0£t$UT... way they keep ori the list of bond-buyaRS with­ Victory As Much As *2t$£* /? L/FMD out saving any more money; they can blow us a "money- JOW HEP ANNUAU what ought to be bond-money for Christmas, Bombing Pill-Boxes grabfefffg, pleas­ « HOM#£:G*!MW. A«f5 our anything they want to btty. frugal or fool­ ure - seeking, COMC«=t?.T vw WHEELING 13 KtXfWt*. A*<> HAve/tOWNCe ish. In tidis, however, Henry Morgenthau, Jr , namby - pamby secretary of the treastSUry, may haVe become In Tokyo or two Jima people" (save rch ame mue. something of a contributing agency.
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