of energy, Library materials and other items that have risen faster then inflation, facility renovation, and the need to replace federal funds that are no longer available as reasons for the increase. She started that salaries have failed to keep pace with the Con- sumer Price Index in the past years and salary increases are needed because "we cannot compete with Student Publication • corporate salries" and added that Vol. 19, No. 7 of Concordia Col lege, St. Paul, MN. "dedication is needed for people to work here." Marken pointed out that. Concor- centers and industrial states where dia's tuition continues to be the lowest Students Sought for millions are unregistered. of all the private colleges in Min- Freedom Summer Registration nesota and students receive a larger Voter Registration sites include: California, Connecticut, amount of financial aid here. Students Colorado, Georgia, Florida, Illinois, Students Work contribute only 61% of Concordia's lima, Louisiana, Maryland, total revenue. Tuition and fees make Drive Massachusetts, Michigan, Missouri, Overseas up 43%, room and board accounts for New Jersey, New York, New Mexico, 17%, and 1% comes from student ac- College campuses across the coun- North Carolina, Ohio,. Pennsylvania, tivities. Of the remaining 39%, 19% try are the focus of a massive student Tennessee, Texas and Virginia. For Through CIEE comes from Synod, 9% comes in the recruitment drive for an un- more information on volunteer form of grants and gifts, 1% is federal precedented voter registration cam- registration, contact: USSA-NSEF and state aid, and 10% comes from paign aimed at registering one 202-775-8943/202-785-1856 or Human other sources. SERVE 212-280-4053. The Council on International million low income voters. Educational Exchange (CIEE), the On the expense side, 35% of ex- The campaign, "Freedom Summer Flynn Appointed largest student travel organization in penses are instructional, 15% goes for '84," has already gained wide support the U.S., is offering young people the room and board, 9% for capital ap- from campus organizers and leaders Director of opportunity to work overseas this propriations, 8% for administration including students recently selected Development summer as volunteers on service pro- expenses and 6% for plant operation as paid coordinators. They will launch jects aimed at helping local com- and maintenance. 11% goes back to a recruitment blitz to enroll 5,000 stu- munities. Free room and board help the students as financial aid, 8% is for dent volunteers who will register to keep. participation costs minimal. Student Services (Registrar, Health voters at public assistance offices, "It met and surpassed all my ex- Services, Financial Aid Office, Study "cheese lines," health clinics and pectations," was the reaction of one Skills, and Dean of Students Office), other social service agencies in 60 participant in last year's program. 5% is for Student Activities which in- cities. The 10-week project, June 1 Although work camps have been cludes athletics, music grow s, thru August 11, is sponsored by the operating in many parts of the world drama, and Student Senate, and 3 is United States Students Association for more than 30 years, they are still a listed as other. Concordia's total (USSA), the National Student Educa- relatively new concept in the United budget is about $5,549,000. tional Fund and Human SERVE (Ser- States. They attract young people vice Employees Registration Voter from all over the world, providing Education) Fund. them with the chance to live and work Outward Bound The drive maiks the 20th anniver- together on a wide range of projects. sary of "Mississippi Freedom Sum- "We had no plumbing or electricity Offers Adventure mer 1964," a movement which drew and slept in a barn, but I think that students to the deep South. They This year more than 10,000 people — made us better as a group because we about half of them students — will played a major role in mobilizing and really had to work together and help registering many disenfranchised ( Photo courtesy of PR Dept.) take part in the unique wilderness Mike Flynn, CSP's new director of each other," reported a volunteer who adventure program called OUT- Blacks, helping to gain passage of the Development helped convert an old barn into a com- Voting Rights Acts of 1964. By: Kevin Bergmann WARD BOUND. Set in remote munity room (Denmark). wilderness areas in 16 states, Out- Freedom Summer '84 will involve a Within the next two months, Mike Other projects included clearing an broader spectrum of statewide stu- Flynn should be starting full-time ward Bound offers its participants ex- avalanche'on the side of a mountain citing and challenging experiences dent associations, student govern- work at his new position of Director of (Switzerland) ; performing farm ments and campus-based fraternities Development for CSP. emphasizing both self-reliance and chores at an anti-drug camp teamwork. Most students will leave and sororities. They will be supervis- Flynn said that the Development (Sweden) ; and housecleaning at the ed by leading voter registration post involves fund raising for Concor- Outward Bound with a new Technical Institute at. Gdansk understanding of themselves after organizations such as the Voter dia. He indicated that there are three (Poland). Education Project, Midwest Voter basic sources from which funds are discovering they are capable of doing Except for a modest program fee of things they might previously have Registration and Education Project, sought: friends of CSP and alumni $100, there is no cost other than the Southwest Voter Registration and who are reached by direct mail, ma- thought impossible. Outward Bound .airfare — and even that expense may believes most limits are self-imposed. Education Project and Project jor donors, and congregations. be reduced by special student and VOTE ! Many students will receive According to Sharon Hein, the No wilderness experience is youth fares available through the necessary, only a willingness to try. course credit, while more than 40 President's Secretary, the position of Council. social work departments are placing Director of Development was first fill- Mountain backpacking, canoeing, Work camps, usually two, three or sailing, rafting, skiing and dogsled- students as part of field work ed in 1973 by former Campus Pastor four weeks in duration, are available programs. Mack. He held the position until 1976 ding form the core of the Outward in Belgium, Czechoslovakia, Den- Bound experience, with the activity "Freedom Summer. '84 will be the when former President Hyatt arriv- mark, Finland, France, Germany, most important project that students ed. From that point until his depar- depending on the area and time of The Netherlands, Norway, Poland, year the course takes place. Each can commit themselves to this sum- ture last September, Dr. Hyatt did the Spain, Sweden and Switzerland. A mer. It will be an invaluable learning development work for CSP assisted, small group of 8 to 12 students has one knowledge of German is helpful for or more expert instructors and experience and provide the opportuni- by Sharon Hein. placements in Germany ; language ty to move into the forefront of the Flynn was offered the post last specialists who help develop outdoor requirements apply in France and and interpersonal skills. Following a political arena," said USSA President November. He accepted and was of- Spain, Volunteers must be at least 18 Greg Moore. "By November, any ficially appointed just before training period, an extended group years old (except in Germany, which. journey, and a one-to-three-day solo lingering doubts about the impor- Christmas. Flynn indicated that the accepts 16-year-olds). tance of students in the electoral pro- decision was not an easy one for him period, the course culminates with a For more information on the pro- final expedition. Planned and ex- cess should be dispelled." to make. He said that he gave the of- gram, write or phone: CIEE, PR-WC, USSA includes 3.5 million members fer prayerful consideration before ac- ecuted by small groups of three or 205 East 42nd Street, New York, NY four students with minimal instructor and affiliates on over 300 campuses. cepting it. He said that he will miss 10017, (212) 661-1414; or 312 Sutter Many of the affiliates have already the contact he has had with students supervision, the final expedition is an Street, San Francisco, CA 94108, (415) exercise in the skills learned during recruited volunteers and are conduc- as Director of Financial Aid, but he 421-3473. ting campus voter registration. believes "it is time to move on." With the course. Freedom Summer Coordinators, a smile he said, "Raising money is Over 150 educational institutions selected from every region, will be more challenging than spending it." have granted for a variety of subjects, paid weekly stipends and will launch Flynn also said that he considers the Tuition Costs . including physical education, campus rallies, teach-ins, classroom Development post a ministry — if he sociology, botany and English. Finan- speaking and other drives to reach didn't he would not have accepted it. to Increase for `Adventure,' See Page 4 large numbers of students. Flynn said he is just beginning to Human SERVE Executive Director learn what the job entails. He recently Hulbert James noted that student par- attended a conference of Directors of 1984-85 ticipation will give significant Development of Synodical Colleges in By: Kirk Lee Inside this issue momentum to ongoing registration St. Louis, and he will be attending a The cost of tuition, room and board drives at social service agencies. conference of the Development at Concordia is increasing 8% next of the SWORD Human SERVE is a clearinghouse for Association for Christian Institutions year.
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