EYE OF THE BEHOLDER: what’s ON SPORTS CHAT: WACO’S ECLECTIC ART AMBUSH OFFERS The HEY SPORTS FANS! GET THE LATEST SCOOP MUSIC, CLOTHING AND BODY ART WEB? ABOUT BAYLOR BASEBALL AND BASKETBALL FOR ALL AGES www.baylor.edu/lariat ROUNDING UP CAMPUS NEWS SINCE 1900 THE BAYLOR LARIAT TUESDAY, FEBRUARY 24, 2009 Local bar manager Student Life to stabbed in arm study Baylor By Brittany Hardy Melvin Roseborough of the Christopher Day was Staff writer Waco Police Department. charged with public intoxica- Adam Day substance use The other man used a pock- tion. Two brothers were arrested etknife to stab the manager in Both men were sent to early Saturday morning after a the arm several times, Rosebor- McLennan County Jail. bar fight in Scruffy Murphy’s ough said. The two men then Christopher Day received By Sommer Ingram from the surveys, Student Life Irish Pub led to the stabbing of left the building. a ticket for public intoxica- Staff writer will develop new programs to the bar’s manager. Officers arrested 29-year- tion and left the jail on Satur- better address student needs. The manager noticed a fight old Adam Day and 26-year-old day, said a representative from In order to better understand “These results will help us brewing between two custom- Christopher Day in the parking McLennan County Jail. the role of drug and alcohol use answer questions like whether ers around 1 a.m. Saturday and lot. A d a m D a y ’ s b a i l w a s $ 5 5 , 0 0 0 , in the Baylor community, the we should have more programs grabbed a man brandishing a Adam Day was charged with which he posted on Sunday. Baylor Division of Student Life among certain groups on cam- bottle and preparing to strike aggravated assault and unlaw- and the Office of Institutional pus, whether we should focus on the other customer, said Sgt. fully carrying a weapon. Please see STABBING, page 3 Research and Testing have part- putting programs into place in Christopher Day nered to conduct a survey that residence halls,” Scott said. “The will attempt to measure student work we do is only made effec- attitudes and behaviors in regard tive by being in contact with stu- to drugs and alcohol. dents and their needs. We have Baylor is one of the universi- to grow and make changes to ties nationwide participating in keep up with the needs of the this study, conducted by the Core population here.” Gun standoff near campus Institute at Southern Illinois Uni- Questions dealing with how versity Carbondale. Student Life often students use drugs or By Brittany Hardy Kate Ross Apartment Com- ments, the officers followed minor brick damage. sent a group of randomly select- drink alcohol are found in the Staff writer plex, on the 1100 block of 11th the truck to the Cambridge The of f icers ch a sed t he d r i v- ed students an e-mail with the survey, as well as questions that Street. The vehicle matched the apartment complex at 1321 S. er on foot for several blocks to link to the survey Monday, and deal with how risky students A footchase near Baylor description of one involved in 11th St. the La Mirage Apartment com- students will have until March 6, perceive this behavior to be. campus ended with the arrest a disturbance with a gun in the There, the driver put the plex on 909 Baylor Ave., Rose- the Friday before Spring Break, “Baylor cares very much of a man in connection with a area of 12th Street and Inter- pick-up in reverse and jumped borough said. to complete it. about students and their atti- gun disturbance Sunday after- state 35, said Sgt. Melvin Rose- out of it, fleeing the scene on Christopher Turner, 23, was “For us, it’s more about look- tudes toward this kind of behav- noon. borough of the Waco Police foot. arrested near the La Mirage ing at trends and making adjust- ior. Certainly abuses of any kind Officers noticed a white Department. The pick-up rolled into the ments,” said Dr. Martha Lou often have very negative conse- Dodge pick-up truck near the From the Kate Ross Apart- Cambridge Complex, causing Please see GUN, page 3 Scott, associate vice president quences that result,” said Terri for student life. “Every student Garrett, director of Campus Liv- is not surveyed, so we hope to ing & Learning. “Most of our edu- have a good enough response cational efforts focus on helping to know the general trends and people see those consequences, know how to develop programs because it’s very important for to address student needs.” Based on answers compiled Please see STUDY, page 3 Law team wins competition for third time By Shauna Harris consistently risen to the top in Reporter interscholastic competition.” The team, consisting of Plano Are Baylor Law students the second year law student Sean new kids on the block? Hicks and Mission second year Not by a long shot. law student Robert Lopez, will For the third consecutive be making their way to North year, a Baylor Law team won Carolina in March to represent the American Bar Association’s Baylor in the National Client Regional Client Counseling Counseling Tournament. Hicks Competition and in doing so and Lopez, coached by Waco qualified for the national tour- attorney and adjunct law profes- nament. sor Vic Deivanayagam, defeated Shanna Taylor/Lariat Staff “While I am certainly 11 teams from seven different pleased with these wins, Bay- law schools across Texas. In love and war lor’s winning these regional Hicks said he is thrilled to competitions, in a sense, is have made it this far and is no surprise,” said Brad Toben, excited about the opportunity Cast members of Baylor’s production of Iphigenia 2.0 rehearse in the Mabee Theatre Monday night. The production is a modern-day remake dean of the Baylor Law School. to bring awareness to those of a Greek tragedy with contemporary commentary about the world today. It will open today and runs through Sunday. For more information, “Baylor client counseling, mock please visit: www.baylor.edu/theatre. trial and moot court teams have Please see LAW, page 3 Obama to ‘confront’ budget deficit By Liz Sidoti quences to the next budget, the ernment increasing ownership. the administration inherited a The Associated Press next administration or the next It was the administration’s latest $1.3 trillion deficit for the cur- generation.” attempt to bolster the severely rent fiscal year from the Bush WASHINGTON — Urging Obama summoned allies, weakened banking system with- administration, that’s the figure future restraint even as current adversaries and outside experts out nationalizing any institu- Obama says he’ll cut in half, and spending soars, President Barack to a special White House meet- tions, which the White House the stimulus law, coupled with Obama pledged on Monday to ing on the nation’s future finan- has said it does not intend to do. rescue efforts for ailing automak- dramatically slash the skyrock- cial health one week after trium- Wall Street showed it was ers, the financial industry and eting annual budget deficit as phantly putting his signature unimpressed by all the activity. beleaguered homeowners will he started to dole out the record on the gargantuan spending- The Dow Jones industrials were raise this year’s red ink to $1.5 $787 billion economic stimulus and-tax-cut measure designed down more than 200 points just trillion. package he signed last week. to stop the country’s economic before the close of trading. The administration hopes to “If we confront this crisis free fall and, ultimately, reverse Obama goes before Congress trim the deficit by scaling back without also confronting the def- the recession now months into and the nation Tuesday night Iraq war spending, raising taxes icits that helped cause it we risk its second year. to make the case for his budget on the wealthiest and streamlin- sinking into another crisis down At the same time, federal reg- plans, which the White House ing government. Associated Press the road,” the president warned. ulators announced a revamped is to release in more detail on The president also said he House Majority Leader Steny Hoyer, D-Md., (left) asks a question of President “We cannot simply spend as program to shore up the nation’s Thursday. Barack Obama (right) at the close the Fiscal Responsibility Summit Monday in we please and defer the conse- banks that could give the gov- By the president’s account, Please see BUDGET, page 3 the Old Executive Office Building at the White House in Washington. VOL. 108 No.65 www.baylor.edu/Lariat © 2009, BAYLOR UNIVERSITY 2 The Baylor Lariat OPINION Tuesday, February 24, 2009 Editorial point of view Chimp cartoon Quality deserving of TV lost in reality negative reaction nonsense What was supposed to be a comical cartoon was “an invitation to assassi- cartoon interpretation of two news sto- nation.” They have also called for the It began with the “Real World” and ries last week instead ended up caus- newspaper to remove editor-in-chief Col “Survivor” and it has manifested into ing an uproar among many readers. A Allan and cartoonist Sean Delonas. a monster that is slowly but surely New York Post cartoon went too far to The negative attention now inflict- sucking the taste out of the American be funny. ed upon the Post is certainly deserved. public. That’s right, you guessed it — In Wednesday’s edition of The Post, The NAACP’s evaluation of the cartoon reality television.
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