Town of Alta Newsletter May/June 2003 A monthly report of municipal business in the Town of Alta. MAYOR William H. Levitt TOWN COUNCIL Rosalee Gale Municipal Report Bill Lennon This report documents mu- port will give a cost estimate The UFA is working to create Paul Moxley nicipal news, presented at the and funding options. a fire district including Salt Tom Pollard Town Council meetings on Salt Lake County Fire Chief Lake County and all of the TOWN Thursday, May 8 and Thurs- Duane Park gave the Town contracting municipalities by ADMINISTRATOR day, June 19, 2003. of Alta a status report for the January 2004. At this time, The Alta Town Council first quarter of 2003. The Fire the UFA is working on creat- John Guldner unanimously supported the Department prepares quar- ing bylaws and personnel TOWN CLERK declaration of the month of terly written status reports for rules for the new fire district. Kate Black May as “Mental Health each of its contract agencies. John Guldner is represent- JUSTICE COURT Awareness Month”. Most of businesses in Town ing the Town of Alta at water JUDGE Assistant Town Clerk, Piper have been inspected; the in- summit meetings, spear- Clinton Balmforth Lever reported on the pro- spection results have been headed by Salt Lake City and JUSTICE COURT gress of the Community Cen- favorable. Night inspection at Salt Lake County. The goal CLERK ter Feasibility Study. The bars in Alta (precipitated by of the water summit is to con- Town and community mem- the bar fire events back east) serve water. Piper Lever bers have been working with were also favorable. Assistant Town Administra- TOWN MARSHAL the architectural firm, Eaton Town Administrator John tor, Laura McIndoe, re- Jerry Larson Mahoney, to identify design Guldner is participating in ported that the FAA has com- options for an expanded com- biweekly meetings of the Uni- pleted its public scoping Editor, Laura McIndoe munity center. The final re- form Fire Authority (UFA). (Continued on page 2) Marshal’s Report Inside this issue: This report covers highlights hospital. April 18, 2003 from the Town of Alta’s Mar- April 13, 2003 At 12:01 am, 3 men on snow- Municipal Report 1 shal’s Office from April 10 Cabin and property checks mobiles were issued citations Marshal’s Report 1 through June 12, 2003. were conducted in the Albion for violating watershed regu- April 10, 2003 Basin. lations. Court Report 2 At 4:30 pm, several snow- April 15, 2003 April 19, 2003 boarders who were using the At 1:30 pm Alta Dispatch At 12:10 pm, the Deputy in- Welcome to Summer 3 decks and railings of a Griz- received a request by Salt vestigated a minor car acci- zly Gulch home as a play- Lake County Sheriffs to assist dent in the Flagstaff parking Economic Study 3 ground were removed from in locating a possible armed area. Update the property. and suicidal person. The Alta May 3, 2003 Watershed Education 4 April 12, 2003 Deputy located the person in At 6:42 pm, an Alta Deputy, At 6:09 am, the Alta Deputy his car in the Grizzly Gulch while investigating a check Water Conservation 4 responded to a medical emer- parking area and waited for fraud case that occurred at the gency at a residence in the County backup. The situation Albion Grill, discovered that Road Work 5 Sugar Plum Area. A 7-year did not escalate and the per- the suspect fraudulently used old child had fallen out of bed son was released to friends numerous checks and credit Calendar of Events 6 and was transported to the and family. (Continued on page 2) Page 2 Town of Alta Newsletter May /June 2003 Municipal Report Marshal’s Report (Continued from page 1) The Committee upheld the (Continued from page 1) from Alta and Snowbird, and phase for the Northern Utah Town’s actions with respect cards throughout the Salt the Salt Lake County Sher- Airspace Initiative draft envi- to fees for records search and Lake Valley, totaling several iff’s and Fire Departments. ronmental impact statement. retrieval, and classifications thousands of dollars. The May 12, 2003 As part of FAA’s proposal, of protected records. suspect was found, inter- A three-day cycle of wet commercial aircraft will be Three Town Council seats viewed, and arrested. The snow avalanches in the Hell- routed over the Town and are up for election this No- Alta Deputy is working with gate/Superior Area required adjoining areas. vember. Two of the seats are the other agencies involved to monitoring and traffic control. A public hearing was held four-year terms, and one is a present a case to the County May 14, 2003 on June 19th on the proposed two-year term. Those who Attorney’s office. The Alta Marshals Office 2003/2004 fiscal budget for meet eligibility requirements May 7, 2003 participated in weapons train- the Town. A resolution was can run for these offices, and At 3:15 pm, Alta Ski Lifts ing and qualification at Camp passed by the Town Council must sign up between July 15 company reported another Williams. Deputy Peterson approving the proposed and August 15. To meet the case of bad checks that were again won top gun hon- 2003/2004 fiscal budgets re- eligibility requirements, those forged and written in the com- ors.May 25, 2003 flecting an 8.5% tax increase interested must be U.S. citi- pany’s name. Evidence was At 6:24 pm, the Alta Marshals in the certified tax rate. As a zens, a registered voter in the collected and the case is under and County Fire departments result of the proposed in- Town of Alta, and a resident investigation. responded to a home in the crease of the certified tax rate, of the Town of Alta for a pe- May 10, 2003 Falls Area to assist with a there will be a truth in taxa- riod of 12 consecutive months At 2:52 pm, a ski touring small oven fire. tion hearing on August 12, immediately preceding the party led by Bruce Tremper of June 1, 2003 2003 at 7:00 pm at the Alta November election date. the Utah Avalanche Forecast At 8:14 pm, the deputy on Library. The total General Please contact Kate Black at Center witnessed a backcoun- duty assisted with a man ex- Fund budget is $1,015,688, the Town office if you have try accident. A 43-year old periencing a seizure at Snow- reflecting a 4% increase over questions. Salt Lake City man fell from bird. the 2002/2003 budget. The Town has contracted a cornice overlooking East June 3, 2003 The Town of Alta was re- with an outside company to Greeley while skiing. His fall At 6:24 pm, the deputy on quested by an Albion Basin codify its existing ordinances. resulted in fatal head injuries. (Continued on page 5) property owner to attend a The codification process is A rescue/recovery mission second hearing before the anticipated to take 1.5 years. was conducted by the Alta State Records Committee. (Continued on page 5) Marshal’s Office, Ski Patrols Other Duties of the Alta Marshal’s Office During this Time Court Report for April and May 2003 • 12 Alcohol A Salt Lake City resident interlodge violation. The During April and May, 11 Enforcements appeared in court to address a defendant was fined $200, traffic cases were filed, in- • 487 Property Checks charge for speeding nine with $100 suspended upon cluding five moving viola- • 13 Motorist Assists miles per hour over the speed payment of the fine. tions, two non-moving viola- • 15 Traffic Stops limit. The defendant pled tions, one driver license viola- A Sandy resident appeared in • 16 Motorist Violations guilty and the plea will be tion, and five parking tickets. response to an assault charge. • 12 Watershed held in abeyance for six Seven traffic cases were dis- The guilty plea will be held in Violations months. If the defendant re- abeyance for six months, posed of either through bail • 36 Agency Assists ceives no further moving vio- wherein if the defendant has forfeiture, trials, arraignments • 5 Ski Rack Patrols lations in that time, the charge no further similar violations, or transfers. • 1 Vehicle Impound will be dismissed. The defen- the charge will be dismissed. Eight criminal cases were • 5 calls for service on dant was ordered to pay court The defendant was ordered to disposed of, and seven new false burglar alarms costs of $50. pay $150 court costs and have criminal cases were filed. • An employee at the Alta Peru- no contact with the victim. 56 Contract Forest Service Patrols vian Lodge was cited for an Town of Alta Newsletter May/June 2003 Page 3 Welcome to the Summer Season! Economic Study Update; Informational Meeting Planned Summer is a wonderful time to explore the Little Cottonwood Canyon community. Summer recreation, such as hiking and bik- ing, are popular past times. There are many trails that will lead The Town of Alta commissioned a study of its current eco- you on spectacular journeys, from the famous wildflower fields of nomic condition with the request for recommendations that Albion Basin, to the ridges that create the Little Cottonwood could expand the current economic market. The Town’s Creek watershed. economy is based primarily on a recreational tourism market. Alta has been losing market share compared with other Utah The solitude and setting create a dynamic venue for observing the and Rocky Mountain resorts. natural cycles of life.
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