Emerging Best 2 Practices JARRETT WALKER + ASSOCIATES AC Transit Map Assessment Report | 33 Emerging Best Practices In order to take a map from the conceptual stage parks, hospitals, and all the other places (when its purposes are defned) to a real docu- people might want to travel is shown? What ment, it must be designed. How well a map are the criteria for the selection of these ele- actually accomplishes its purposes arises from ments of the map? Again, a direct import of the quality of the design process, and from the geographic information may not achieve the skill and thoroughness of the designers. Both desired outcomes. Details like every public could be described as “cartography.” right-of-way, freight railroads, the exact out- lines of greenspaces, minor parks, freeway Transit maps are a diffcult design task, requir- ramps and precise shorelines (especially at ing careful attention to a multitude of factors. ports) should each be considered and some- The task of the designer is to select and repre- times simplifed or eliminated in support of sent the most important information possible the map’s purposes. at a given scale, without overwhelming the map reader. Some of the areas in which cartographic PRACTICES BEST EMERGING and design expertise have a very positive effect Frequent Network maps are: Many cities now produce a separate system map • How space is represented. Many of the that only shows frequent services. This seems most famous transit maps, such as those to be particularly important in places where the of the London Underground or New York system map is very complex. City subway, reduce real geographic space LA Metro once produced the “Every 15 Minutes to a diagram. The diagram represents the or Better” map (referenced with regards to structure of the transit network in a simple showing other agencies’ services, on page 26, manner, rather than showing how the and shown in full in Figure 27 on page 35). network relates to real distances. Service cuts in recent years have decreased the • How lines are represented. While the clas- siZe of the frequent network in LA, so Metro no sifcation of services will guide the color and longer produces the standalone map. style of lines, the designer will also need to A private citiZen in Seattle has begun produc- decide how to draw parallel and intersect- ing a similar map, that shows very little of the ing services, and the level of routing detail copious detail included on the King County to show. A direct import of GIS data about Metro map. It shows only services that come each route’s exact turns is not necessarily the every 15 minutes, or better, and also leaves off a right amount of detail for the map. lot of the other information included in the King • The use of text. Insets from maps by King County system map. The two are shown side-by- County Metro (shown in Figure 5 on page side, in Figure 28 on page 35. 10) and WMATA (before it was rede- signed, shown in Figure 16 on page 21) demonstrate how cluttered a map can become with text. Decisions about what text to include and what to leave off, as well as decisions about fonts, color, capitaliZation and weighting will enormous impacts on the usefulness of a map. • Non-transit information. How much second- ary info about streets, points of interest, JARRETT WALKER + ASSOCIATES AC Transit Map Assessment Report | 34 metro.net Every 15 Minutes (or Less) PACOIMA FOOTHILL BL GLENOAKS BL LAUREL CANYON BL ARLETA AV SAN FERNANDO RD WOODMAN AV VAN NUYS BL 233 ARLETA Northridge Cal State 761 902 Fashion Center Northridge NORDHOFF ST SUNLAND BL PASADENA CHASE ST NORTHRIDGE LDNOR PANORAMA CITY SIERRA MADRE CORBIN AV ROSCOE BL MEMORIAL PARK LAKE ALLEN VILLA PARTHENIA ST KESWICK ST VAN NUYS BUR BURBANK SHERMAN WY 180 BOB HOPE GLENDALE 81 84 81 180 WILBUR AV RESEDA BL RESEDA 181 180 181 780 180 181 780 180 181 780 VANOWEN ST AIRPORT BROADWAY COLORADO BL CANOGA DE SOTO 780 780 PIERCE SHERMAN WY 224 METRO ORANGE LINE VICTORY BL COLLEGE Van Nuys EAGLE DEL MAR VICTORY BL SEPULVEDA NUYS BL VAN DEL MAR BL LA Pierce Gov’t Ctr ROCK LAKE AV WOODMAN BRAND BL WARNER BALBOA WOODLEY HARVEY DR CENTRAL AV College VERDUGO RD FIGUEROA ST FIGUEROA FAIR OAKS AV OAKS FAIR CENTER VAN NUYS COLORADO ST AV GLENDALE LOS ROBLES AV LOS WARNER ROCK BL EAGLE TAMPA RESEDA LA Valley 603 SIERRA VILLA DR CENTER College BL ORANGE GROVE 180 181 780 233 761 LAUREL CHEVY CHASE DR CANYON LANKERSHIM BL CALIFORNIA BL BURBANK BL VALLEY WINNETKA AV BL BALBOA AV WOODLEY BL SEPULVEDA COLLEGE NORTH HOLLYWOOD FILLMORE LOS FELIZ MAGNOLIA BL VALLEY 81 VILLAGE Universal 94 RIVERSIDE DR Studios GRIFFITH GLENDALE 603 GLENARM ST WOODMAN AV WOODMAN LOSRIVERSIDE FELIZ BL DR 794 UNIVERSAL CITY PARK SOUTH VENTURA BL SAN FERNANDO RD ENCINO BRAND BL PASADENA SHERMAN STUDIO 180 CITY FRANKLIN AV 181 OAKS 780 LAUREL CYN LAUREL CYN BL COLDWATER CYN AV CYN COLDWATER MISSION HOLLYWOOD/ HOLLYWOOD/ MISSION ST HOLLYWOOD/ VINE WESTERN 90 91 HIGHLAND MONTEREY RD HIGHLAND 94 603 PARK 217 780 180 181 794 ST FIGUEROA HOLLYWOOD BL 217 780 207 204 HIGHLAND PARK HOLLYWOOD 757 754 VERMONT/SUNSET 2 302 81 SUNSET BL FLETCHER DR SOUTHWEST WEST 2 302 MUSEUM LA BREA AV VINE ST HOLLYWOOD HIGHLAND AV SILVER LAKE NORMANDIE AV WESTERN AV VERMONT 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51 66 WHITTIER BL M L KING JR BL CENTRAL AV SUNSET AV 740 740 52 352 C6 VERNON OLYMPIC PICO RIVERA BL PASSONS 212 LORENA R6 AV GREENWOOD WINDWARD AV VERNON AV VERNON AV MONTEBELLO 312 INDIANA ST ARIZONA AV HERBERT ST C1 CULVER CITY 40 JEFFERSON BL AV ATLANTIC 81 GOODRICH BL 33 TRANSIT CENTER 740 VENICE BL AV GARFIELD MONTEBELLO/ LINCOLN BL HARBOR FWY COMMERCE 733 SLAUSON SLAUSON COMMERCE DOWNTOWN LOS ANGELES SLAUSON AV GAGE AV INGLEWOOD CHINATOWN C1 CUDAHY FLOTILLA ST Dodger WASHINGTON BL GAGE AV Stadium MAIN ST SAN PEDRO ST FLORENCE HUNTINGTON PARK VENICE BBB3 40 111 CHINATOWN 111 311 111 311 111 311 NORTH SPRING ST R3 JEFFERSON BL 311 740 FLORENCE AV 53 COLLEGE ST MANCHESTER LINE SANTA ANA ST SANTA ANA ST DOWNEY SEPULVEDA BL SEPULVEDA LA BREA AV FIRESTONE VIGNES ST NORTH BROADWAY 115 115 115 115 115 110 ST YALE HILL ST BBB3 MANCHESTER AV INGLEWOOD MANCHESTER AV FIRESTONE BL FIRESTONE BL ELYSIAN PARK AV 2 4 ORD ST R3 TRANSIT CENTER 445 45 302 704 81 90 45 91 94 83 84 SUNSET BL BEAUDRY AV WILCOX AV WILCOX 605 605 68 70 71 LAX CITY CENTURY BL 450X 745 BL AVALON 794 EASTERN AV 78 79 378 HAWTHORNE AV ATLANTIC GARFIELD AV GARFIELD 103RD ST AV LAKEWOOD BUS CENTER 204 754 550 103RD ST DOWNEY 2 4 55 770 STATE ST STATE BBB3 51 BL BEACH LONG 704 728 BROADWAY 60 355 302 2 302 704 83 704 745 C CENTRAL AV 704 733 745 C6 IMPERIAL HWY 52 352
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