Distribution '•' Weather Today Fair, warm mi humid tonight tad tomorrow. High both BED BAM 17,175 days near M. Low tonight, *8. See weather, page* 2. SH. 1-00.10' 35c PER WEEK Issued daily, Monday through Friday. Second Class Poslag* 7c PER COPY PAGE ONE VOL. 84, NO; 18 Paid at Red Bank and at Additional Malllni Olflcea. RED BANK, N. J., FRIDAY, JULY 21, 1961 BY CARRIER Astronaut's Flight Into Space A Success Beachfront Controversy Narrow Escape Seek Mrs. Wilson's After Journey Capsule Sinks After Being Beach Post Removal Dropped by Helicopter LONG BRANCH —Mrs. Lucy views, was sharply criticized in the fight, said he will suspend Wilson is apparently headed for a caucus she did not attend lasl Mrs. Wilson as co-chairman of Rescuing Grissom a public spanking Tuesday at night. the beach committee and will the hands of the eight men who She was unavailable for com issue a "white paper" on her BULLETIN sit with her on City Council. ment last night and this morn alleged offenses when council The fifth ward councilwoman, ing. meets in public Tuesday night. CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Astronaut who has been at odds with her| Afterwards, Mayor Thomas L Council's Ire associates for a weak aboutiMcClintock, back in City Hall Mrs. Wilson drew council's ire Virgil I. Grissom was rocketed on a 5,310-mile-an- beachfront condition's and her!after having cut his honeymoon Sunday when, after a tour of the hour ride into space today but had a narrow escape right to tell newspapers her'short by four days to mtervene beachfront she told newspapers at the end of his journey when his capsule filled conditions were "chaotic" and had not improved since two with water. ,000 Project weeks ago when she submitted number of recommendations CAPE CANAVERAL, Fla. (AP) — Astronaut to the acting manager, Miss Sa nita J. Camassa, who also is Virgil 1. (Gus) Grissom vaulted across the frontier city clerk. She noted a drowning of space today in the space ship Liberty Bell 7 and Legal Woes Snarl of a boy from her ward in the period on a protected beach. was recovered safely after a spine-tingling 5,310- She charged lifeguards were mile-an-hour flight. unqualified, that many had aban America's second spaceman rocketed 118 miles MotelConstruction doned their stations and were either in swimming or playing on 4-H FAIR CORONATION—Sen. Richard R. Stout placet crown on Miss Peggy Kaul, high and impacted in the Atlantic ocean 305 miles KEANSBURG — The possibil- an agreement embodying thes the beach when she made her 15, of Freehold Junior Dairy Club and 4-H Vaquero Glub, who was chosen queen down range in a thrilling 16-minute journey. Ity of construction of an $80,000 stipulations be signed by both tour; that beaches were dirty, At one point in the flight, Grissom reported motel-efficiency apartment build- parties. and that hundreds were bathing of 1961 County 4-H Fair in Freehold last night. Directly behind the new queen ing on the Belvidere tract, Beach- Mayor Collichio, a councilman free, having entered the beaches is Betty Freiberger, Allentown, I960 queen. She is flanked by Barbara Hansen, he was so fascinated by the view of the earth be- way, appeared uncertain yester- at the time the land sale took unchallenged through fence holes. of Robertsvill* club, first runnerup, and Pat Frudden, Clarksburg club, second run- low that he momentarily forgot to work. y day after Borough Council dis- place, said yesterday that it wa. Dealing with the charges, May- . A helicopter hauled the 35-year-old Air Force cussed the matter with Harry his understanding at that time, or McClintock said "this is an nerup. ' . % Pivnick, Newark builder. that an agreement would be inherited situation from the for- captain from his capsule after it parachuted into The hour-long discussion dis- signed by Mr. Pivnick on the use mer administration and we are the sea northeast of Grand Bahama Island. closed the following: restriction, minimum value of ttv doing everything possible as fast Meetings Susoended 'Grissom was ferried to the nearby carrier 1. Mr. Pivnick says he cannot building, and the construction as we can to make improvements. Hexagon secure mortgage money to con- time limit. He also said it wa But it can't be done overnight." USS' Randolph for immediate physical examina- struct such a building "in Keans- understood that these restriction As to the training of guards, tion. burg." \ would be recorded in the deed he said when council took office Request Renewal Group On the Deck 2. His deed for the tract—pur- given to the builder. (See POST, Page 2) chased two years ago at a public The attorney was instructed by The Randolph reported at 8:01 a.m. that Gris- sale from the borough — contains council to check with Howard W, Denied som was on the deck. He was smiling and ap- no restrictive covenants requiring Roberts, former borough attorney Realty Firm Will Await Call peared in excellent condition apparently surviving him to actually construct the to see if such an agreement was WASHINGTON — The House building; requiring that the build- signed. Appropriations Committee this RED BANK — The Redevelop- tion," Bernard Kellenyi, chair the brutal effect of the crushing forces of liftoff ing have a minimum value of No Sign of It Ordered To morning rejected a request by ment Agency last night suspended man of the agency, said. and re-entry and a giddy five-minute period of meetings until further call from $80,000; and requiring that the Mr. Ostrov said a Fort Monmouth for $7,171,000 to Council Monday night deferred weightlessness. project be started within three check of borough records failed complete its Hexagon building its chairman who called Borough action on a resolution concurring years of the transfer of title. to turn up the agreement. Halt Bias which houses the Signal Corps Council "timid" for deferring ac- in the agency's application for The pickup came at 7:51 a.m. (EST), 31 min- tion on the agency's application 3. A formal agreement between Mr. Pivnick declined to say NEWARK (AP) - The state Research and Development Lab- $67,540 in federal funds to study utes after the Redstone booster rocket thundered for urban renewal study funds. the borough and Mr. Pivnick re- whether he signed such an agree- Division on Civil Rights yester- oratory. a proposed redevelopment area. "They (the council) didn't show away from Cape Canaveral to fling America's quiring the above provisions is ment. day ordered the Haridor Realty The same request was turned The section is a 29.5-acre trac full faith in our recommenda lying east of the stores in th space hero over almost the same sub-orbital course uncertain. Mr. Pivnick also said that he Co. to stop discriminating against down last year. central business district on Broai thought the tax assessment on Ermon K. Jones in the sale of a Four sides of the building have covered by astronaut Alan B. Shepard May 5. George E. Ostrov, borough at- St, - torney, informed council of the the land — $50,000 — was too lot and a house at Asbury Gables, been completed at a cost of $13,- To Await Master Plan The flight had been delayed twice previously high. Neptune. 750,000. The project was approved Swim Pool lack of restrictions in the deed. Of the council's action nn th —on Tuesday and Thursday—by heavy clouds over Seek Agreement "You bought the land fpr a Jones, a Negro, complained to in 1952 and initial construction the division, a part of the state started in October of that year application, Mr. Kellenyi said the launch area which prevented camera tracking He also said the minutes of the bargain price of $15,000," re "Iii' my opinion they were Department of Education, that he The first stage was completed in Variance governing body disclose the adop- torted Mayor Louis Collichio. timid. ." of the Redstone during powered flight. had been denied an opportunity September 1954 at a cost of $6,- tion of a resolution authorizing "I'm not trying to swipe the Specifically the council—bow- Today a thin layer of clouds was over the the land sale and requiring that (See KEANSBURG, Page 2) to purchase » home in the de- 250,000. Attacked velopment. ing .to continued opposition to ur- Cape but a hot sun burned the clouds away. Rough Water ban renewal from a small, vocal Following a hearing, Dr. Fred- Stage two of construction—at a FREEHOLD — A New Shrews- erick M. Raubinger, state com- bury resident filed suit in Supe group — voted to delay action on After Grissom was retrieved, a Helicopter cost of $7,500,000—was completed the agency's application until dropped the capsule and it sank in the Atlantic. missioner of education, entered from August 1953, to March 1955. rior Court here yesterday seeking Board to Seek Bids; a cease and desist order against to reverse a variance granted by completion of master plan The funds were appropriated in studies. Grissom demonstrated his pilot training by the realty company and its offi- 1953. the New Shrewsbury Board of cers: Harold Strauss, Arthur C. Urban Planning Associates asking to remain in the capsule an additional two AuchlnclOM Waa 'Hopeful' Adjustment to permit, a swim- Expect State Okay Samuels and Isadore Strauss. ming pool in a residenial zone. New York, is preparing a master minutes after he landed to complete a check of The respondents were ordered to Rep.
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