Springfield Leader, Feb

Springfield Leader, Feb

•••: / ° 133 «iJ -Two sections o N •••.•'• ;'•••• ' ••"•.';.''•*•••'•*':•' •••'•'• •••.'• -,1 >'"''.'•;" :'''-T "': -'• '•'•".-. '•,."•"•.' •.''"' •"•;'•'" •'"'''•' '">'•'•••'?'.:":~\"-.\r*'-'Z"'A r'1-1".:i',',h.v1 "•': '• V'/••?''"';-:"'' 'y'Y-:*',:' ^\:6iir;^."..,..'-':^.'.f.'.>"'': •!.- ,'••'->'.i.,i•:".'.'r*<\'-?-'...'"<•> 'I* '.;';T': ••:•••: •>-•••••' •"-i:..-i;"'r;:J;,;;>;.;i-:~-y b.''i-..•'.'.'•- •:4. 4i uieucnoor system is. compromise;'':. •!'.• ^; ^ .y teachers have been /Board member Lee Eisen said the ^.wau-jct for too long a period—district •• has— benefltted greatly a and have either lost interest during Applebaum's tenure on. the «»^«,i.tqpch with the students. • . ' board; : ; : " v ftpplebaum said the presence of a "He has helpeo. reset the district —5 U "••<•',$:•'"""•••',",••'.'-'••"*' \ - ouijryo;y>4uwi K>I«ui^,uieiiame' budget,expressed publicly ataFeb.r •ft'l Y1" ^The^(^led^ster^?(brSa^niw •'••^ _^countv.riianaeeril»ii;nlnki^-i!ivnAuj-^you'wrat~it^'Tliai^county.hwnager(ih«S.,plcked-u^n p " ' ' -•-•*••'-'—~ '—*— ^•ifepet^-U-^--:'^.Vri«:-'':'-i.:-';-;i: J 1 I ; W*!&?,' ••"W,-,."' »«.• • ^ |1 SS;'1Glnsberd'is fourth^grade class at Sandmeler School; The ';;;• •!U,n,l<>rit:>X!bunty:; :;B;o iS!^&Kni^' class celebrated the birthday of the first President of the •••FreiBh^dws- .Chalrriian-V; ' rt'a^i h«w••'•-" United States Friday, :• . ' : . O'Keeffe announced at«thi ;;i:fteb; 20-agenda' sesslon-tt a meeUngs held " * (Phbtoby John Boutslkarls) w ^proc^'Abr * caaUng .c^ll a.t^El - ifTbfatt sthatUieywantus W <^HniM^rfajhf A verdict in trial of Palestinian, alien Hanna An Interpreter was seated next to Ghanem • Ghanem was due tliis week after the jury heard throughout the trial translating the proceedings, into closing arguments Monday from both, the Arabic. •• • • '•• ••••••• • • : prosecutionandthedefense. : .• •'•••:,:' .\- - )'••, :• "•'• During the cburse of thel ing, Ghanem was also Ghanem- is accusedv of killing .Milltown, Road administered a test to det\ rfne whether, he was aiaentS^l«ink<iWi«lii.feiifti<»4l >^'« ' V " •. • •.:•..••. '• coni|pWent tdstand trlalS 7h<emrkihg[Man;$Dealership v LL /In':;denying.;,:both Menza 'noted," 3r 300 Cars Teo ^h5 iftl Jlmjprint'found ;£lty gamWlMg- have been HanKarisbefg\ ||j|| t murdered.••• ': AS-3«*v -i. r onejpf the key v The' defense^sald • thhe accusedaccuse , a resident of _5he.trlaili . .-^ .. 7* ( iPlainfieldfl-won $11,000 invAtlaniic city that day; murder victiin.the- then '• '.During the trial, Ghanem testified he knew thedate'1 A.P.R. Financing The defense, meanwhile, claimed the accused was •\;..--, : ; of the murder'because a relative died at around the tohittee; will ihclude';1 i trial i»rtlybecuase of his foreign heritage. '•'•'•; same time, but the prosecution said Ghanem,knew on selected models • .i;«mrlBiK" •**^"ti"j:-'-i""; - '---«•-«»- Defense.attorney Raymond Brown had tried a 'the date because of he'committed the murder that ; v; :i • j'Spapfl^'K variety of'tactica durlpg the four-week trial and a, ."d&y., ;';•••.. v •••'•'•:. - • -'-^:-'y-: '.)'••••':••': •" Rebates aw ;Aug\istine three-weelrMiranda hearing that preceded the trial. • ' The victim's husbandr-Herbert/ followed the in- 'Ja'mes^'-Fji r.r _...,__.._,.„, ,,„„ T , During-the-Mirahda-hearlng, Brown had, tried tqi^ vestigation of the murder until his death in 1984. _ former : Deirtbcratlcirf'freehplders, 'ifttisti^Mvwffliiiiiti^^ convince; presiding Union County Superior Court ; The jury heard testimony from county Investigator former Chairman Harold Seymour and in'a' firianoially. iiTesponslble W>rk and New Jersey. / WilllamJohnson that the death of Herbert Karlsberg on selected models : : Financing available to qiulifieil bayers.' ^of^ai^f^i-and^r^i^rejeji.^oi. mdo^^ji^if^^:!^^' y w'/-« ': ' Fulcomer also called for a shift in very little English and, as a result, didn't understand Was initially investigated as a homicide, but,was ••.*;:;) Plainfleld. The other two comm ' : The boardorlglnallV'announced at the present allocation of revenues his rights the night ho was arrested late In 1984, •{bund to bo from natural causes. .. '. ; ;i:meiljb^;;are.;f6riniBr •-'-'•'•*'•" its Jah. 5 redrgahi?atlon-meeting* from public utilities from the state.;' that «h,exe<!Utlve search firm would 'back to the;municipalities which he : • VV-Y ••:;: i.. '-•;:. ":'."•• •.; ':''•-' former, -state Assemblyma^Hugo W nlred to select a .county manager: ;. said had received the revenues prior' ^aulkes^bothJlepubl&:'';i; / *^ :; ; : : ; l ; : on ;^t«flfift|;! :••• ;The i ioj|nmlt^"'; v^):;:^o¥Jc-'-;IW' ^me^wiU>ln; th^W«iltsif« ;- ;;}ii''.:v &••.•: - jcUp>vii)r.lftaph Capdo\. ,O r ; i jconjunc^iMi^UiTtjr.iRaphaM^^^-'iH O'Keeife^tplaitiitkl thiit the county v. ---•;;—;•"--.•-• -^---.•rT;-:-'P'• ''•.••".T^hb;':DyE>e« ^ pif dgram for hah- and. Caldwell of the Rutgers Universityi aduate; - sent out re 0 mplon''Isgotog tothe d,lc>pped cnlldwri williw eliminated J ,,schools on a half-time basis, and one »oj''U»:cltlefciin.Vj986-87 as part a ••set'of''recbm- three;first grades of.-17 each; two one art teacher- for ; ,.v.,..."*!V',we 'irfendatlohs-made public by the second grades, one with 17, the other g 'help, offset Springfield ; Board of Education with 18; three .thlnl.,grades',*of,.lS- : ,„.__ taxes," ;Fulcomer ex- Jjonday.: ;,: •: > >;:; •/••, .'each; and] two. fourth grades, one '•-.,. Applebaum-said he did not know • resumes,,conduct initial interviews board — anxious tokeepcoats-down ^plained;:"This takeover of revenue •,', Acting Superintendent of Schools ; •ffllSili^ v : ; : : .with?2,'theotherwith23; ; /; •. what, effect .the recoriimendations •••..: 'and^ri*erivthis ,<sai*di«ia.t?!S^<3'f.tlte;,.' -v.—r.cpiisidcti^^Afae tdo.miich.'-v -AiliJL; increases; by; the state causes -,Dr, Leonard, DIGiovannl said the Class sizes for the Gaudlneer would have on staffing in 198647. , commHtee. O'Keeffe saldthe list of "The municipalities /and ; the property -taxes to Increase more program was being cut because middle school had- not been. _jrhe.bdard-Monday-also cahdidates is ^expected Yto be ; mayors are teljjn^ us to keep our '„• than they should and helps to make •, thbre are hot enough students within, 7 -projected as-of-Monday'.sTni6etfng7T a motion' setting the salary of availabletotte.cbmmittee.by April costs down,''Augustine said. He was it dlHicultMpeppleil^ meet Ihe^ l;; Also recomtrjended was the em- DiGloyanrii at $43j833 plus $40 p^erV, K«$I "* •'*'•'"• *•"'• " ' referring to local opposition to the ployment of one librarian to serve, - '•-•- ^ • •-. ^' programs outside of the district, DiGiovannl ; i or ciark^alw ruling fw the 1^ ; ^butgoln^ Board; President Stuart The Planning Board Tuesday'will get its first formal look at a proposal ^So# fiSWw«^^the';\. ,,,..._Urtio „ n, .BoardIhthat:niunlclpallty..v.::s however, said the from Arden Associates for Springfield's first planned unit development. ', J,l> tJWtei'.ii^ebool. Dbitaldsoh was fflltectedl I« 1»&2 t*i regional board at lepsit iwide. C »^ommekidatl5n^as''n6t Written . Thei PUD proposal calls for 312 residential units plus 44,004 square feet of ' : [ ! MCommendatlon ns not wrltlen ^•'•; :•>:;« I > -BSASHlt^HooiiS&cS -' ^^balance;ora^uhekpMnerm:> foters; In :all:Osix ^ thel * .. retail shopping space and 231,000 square feet of office space to be built on a ,fth^APrl'lSscHwJ^boardelection. ; afte* xhls .Berkeleyr^ ^ reglbrial 54-acre tract near the intersection of Route 22 and South Springfield Avenue. : ; ;; The proposal to - eliminate the : '*:^e^A^ril';<i&i,^Eife ?r6presenV'ia ; m met with' stttmg-disap- .The offices: will be spread over four: buildings of unspecified she, • ac- " •• from- several parents who cording to Township EnglneerJHIarold-Reed,,." • • Arden Associates had negotiated with the township through much of 1985 : ihded Monday's meeting. , : vthey'f One parent said it Was unfortunate •" •''•- '"ics of the PUD, which will be built on land originally zoned for Kean. Registered yole'rs'Wlll decide Wh^ bjd>r:a;sMond^ferm on |ho.^im induslriafdevelopment. ,. L the fates of board candidates and the V" :;•:'••'•(! proposed school budgets on the local . The land was rezoned In 1984, after which Arden ahnouncedjrians for the , ; o:Cur.rertUy;«^re>re^ around like ::!'.a'rtd r^giona}le'yels;: .''; •;•;/;••;• •:;,•, WAV iSprlngfleld; is; Houghs; who^ was XBurdgettld' *> '„'••; ••••;•.'•: Ij";*"0"1- P^K^"" aroW •Theni-Mayor Edward,Fanning, while opposed to the PUOjajrlcept for the'y/1 ... •;ThreeM-me'four.candidatesi foi-: orlgihally«lectedlhl98o;ahaisnovv'; ""™™^ ? ;. ^ : v-' "v | v • i. - ,' iv - proposed; site, said the township had little choice but to approve such a ^-r^^thifw/ayallable'Wgi^ bbHr:3 project. Tho alternative, Fanning said last summer, would be for the! seats • are incumbents. They,' are thre^ye^r-bwr^ st|n^%^ township to take Its chances in court. I ' .; ; Harold Donaldson; Margarot Hough, theenlyjandldatefbrthiUeat, • , iwhrttie board's -;$25,1724;648 ram. , ; '.• "..',« Art-^i'^'il .»«'I(II"L'.;»':.'':IIII.V Current Mayor William Clerl, who voted against the passage of the or- y ":-.'Thethil^^IncumbenWBthecurrmt! proposed* djnance^rlierjhismQnth.sa.ldAhe.sltejwasbetter.suited^ ;,cflndidate', Janv int{ The Initial Arden proposal called for more than 600T55iaenlial units to be built, but,negotiations whittled the number of units down to the present " number.., '' .'"'••.•'. .•..•.".'.••.'.'. ••••;••" \ •.".;••. ••'""•.:'1' •••.••••.••.•,'• '.'•••:•','.., nt increase oyer the 124,691,866 ' ge^ej.a] made public followmri

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