Parties/Groups Quiz MULTIPLE CHOICE. Choooe the one altunatlve that best S) Lobbying includes all of the following completes the ltatemeot or ....,... the question. EXCEPT I) African Americans, women, and people A) mounting advertising campaigns to with no college education tend lo be alert the public about an issue A) Republicans B) hosting receptions and special events B) Democrats for members of Congress C) Independents C) approaching members of Congress D) Socialists as they walk through the Capitol E) Libertarians D) telephone calls to members of Congress E) scheduled face-to-face meetings with 2) Whites, men, and people with some college education tend to be members of Congress A) Independents B) Socialists 6) What role does the majority party C) Democrats undertake in legislatures at all levels? D) Libertarians A) Leading oversight and criticism of El Republicans ruling-party policies BJ Electing the legislature's leaders C) Making commitlee assignments 3) Political parties do all of the following D) Electing legislative leaders, making EXCEPT committee assignments, and holding A) campaigning for candidates BJ identifying potential candidates the majority on committees E) Holding a majority on committees C) identifying a narrow issue concern DJ organizing elections El nominating candidates to run for 7) Federalist 10 suggests that the framers of the office Constitution were: A) in favor of strong political parties. B) in support of parties as a necessary 4) Interest groups can ensure that laws condition of democratic government. passed by legislatures and signed by C) suspicious of parties. executives are in keeping with current O) oblivious to parties. constitutional interpretation by A) reviewing the law after it is passed 8) Mayhew argues that congressional by the legislature micro-management of executive affairs: Bl reviewing the law after it is signed A) decreases with divided government. C) violating the law 13) helps end divided government by O) reinterpreting the law attacking presidenlS from other El litigation parties. C) is independent ofdi v ided or unified contro l. D) increases with divided government. E-t 9) Over the last several decades, political •~> What term is used by political scientists to scientists have agreed that the power of describe a shi fl in party allegiances or political parties has electoral support? A) declined significantly A) Reorganization B) increased significantly B) Reconsideration q declined slight! y q Reconstruction D) increased slightly OJ Transference E) remained static E) Realignment 10) All of the following are key Republican IS) Toe party in the electorate is made up of positions EXCEPT A) individuals who vote for a candidate A) environmental protection of a particular party B) a larger role for state governments BJ individuals who are qualified to vote q limiting or reducing social welfare q all individuals who identify with or programs tend to support a particular party D) the protection and support of D) all individuals who do not identify business with a particular party E) a pro-life stance on abortion E) the party elite 11) Many people over 50 join the AARP 16) In Federalist 10, James Madison suggests that (American Association of Retired Persons) the most enduring cause of faction is: as a result of which incentive? A) unequal distribution of property. B) differing political opinion. A) Economic incentive CJ the large geographical area of the B) Moral incentive country. C) Solidary incentive D) the separation of powers. D) Ethical incentive E) Purposive incentive 17) Which of the following best describes the impression most Americans have of 12) The interaction of mutual interests interest groups? involving interest groups, government A) Somewhat negative officials, and members of Congress is BJ Neutral known as a(n) q Very positive A) mutually beneficial network D) Generally negative B) iron triangle E) Somewhat positive C) direct-action network D) lobbying network 18) For a range of reasons, children from E) issue network working-class families are ____ to have been socialized to participate in 13) Toe three components of the party include interest groups. the party in the electorate, the party A) Neither more nor less likely organization, and the party BJ Much more likely A) ideology q More likely B) platform DJ Much less likely C) system EJ Less likely 0 ) at conventions E) in government E-2 19) The modem descendants oftbe 23) A device used to reward political Democratic-Republicans are today called supporters is known as A) Independents A) patronage Bl Republicans Bl kickbacks q liberals C) the political machine D) conservatives D) the merit system E) Democrats E) advances 20) A "free rider problem" is created when 24) One of the criticisms of interest groups is A) an interest group member does not that they pay membership dues A) perform electoral functions B) someone derives a benefit from the B) lobby government officials action of others C) are an integral part of the q a non-professional joins a government's system of checks and professional interest group balances D} no one benefits from an interest D) can protect the common good group's actions E) contribute to the appearance of E) only members benefit from the corruption in the political system interest group's actions 25) All of the following are key Democratic 21) Interest groups positions EXCEPT A) are organizations that seek to achieve A) environmental protection their goals by influencing B) gay rights government decision making C) abortion choice B) are very small in number in the D) social welfare programs United States E} a larger role for state governments C) require the leadership of the rich and well-connected in order to be 26) Divided government occurs when elTective A} different parties control different D) seek to control the government branches of government E) are less important in the political B} the same party controls different process in the United States than in branches of government other countries C) different parties vie for control of one branch of government 22) Outcomes of interest groups that are D) different parties vie for control of all shared by the general public arc called branches of government A) shared goods E) none of these answers is correct B) uniform goods C) collective goods 27) When one party controls one chamber of D) general goods Congress and the White House, wbile the E) unique goods other chamber is controlled by the other party, it is known as A ) checked government B) divided government C) limited government D) weakened government El truncated government E-3 28) According to elite theorists, a ruling class 32) David Mayhew, in Divided We Govern, of wealthy, educated individuals wields suggests that: most of the power in which of these A) a divided government writes as many laws as a unified one, but the laws are institutions? not as good. A} The military B) divided government is the preference of B} The top universities irrational voters. C) Major corporations C) unified versus divided control of DJ Media outlets government makes little E) Top universities, major corporations, difference in the outcome of media outlets, and the military policymaking D) a unified government is more able to 29) In Federalist 10, Madison suggests that attach an ideological coherence to its faction may be controlled by: programs. A) a republican fonn of government. B) a powerful Supreme Court. 33) Which I 976 Supreme Court decision C) a national legislature. created the soft-money loophole, through D) a strong presidency. which political parties could raise unlimited funds at the state level? 30} Scholars who emphasize how important it A) Miller v. Colf/ornio is for a democracy to have large numbers BJ Citizens United v. Federal Electoral of diverse interest groups representing a Commission wide variety of views support the C) UnitedStates v. Lopez A) pluralist theory D) floe v. ff/ode 8} independent theory E) .Buckley v. //oleo C) individualist theory D) democratic theory 34) An issue network is a E) elitist theory A) fluid web of connections between lobbyists and the public 31 ) James Madison argues, in Federalist 10, that 8) nuid web of connections among faction: those concerned about a policy and A) is always opposed to the national those who create and administer the interest. policy 8) provides an important underpinning for C) television special about an issue democratic government. D) talk radio station C) should be stamped out D) helps to advance the national interest. E) series of media buys to educate the public about an issue E-4 JS) According to James Madison, the only 40) With Quizzes like this Mr. Knock is • way to cure the "mischiefs of faction" was violating my 8th amendment protection to against cruel and unusual punishment. A) enable groups to compete with one another, but not proliferate B) enable groups to proliferate and compete with one another C) ban political parties DJ ban interest groups El enable groups to proliferate, but not compete with one another 36) Political Action Committees (PACS) A) may not pay for political advertisements B) raise and spend money to influence the outcome of elections C) may not buy issue advertisements D) disproportionately support challengers in elections E) may not contribute money to individual campaigns 37) Today, political parties are accessible to A) labor unions and workers' organizations 8) government and elected officials C) powerful interest groups DJ virtually everyone E.J Fortune 500 corp0rations 38) David Mayhew argues that A) the promotion of a European-style party government system will solve many of the United States' problems. B) "party government'' schemes are a mistake. C) the United States needs to maintain separation of powers but increase the power of the two major political parties.
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