I I • NORTH AMERICAN BAPTIST GENERAL CONFERENCE 11111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111111 11 11111111 11 111111111111111 11111111111 111111 11 11111111 11 111 11 1111111111111 111111 111 11111 111 11 111 11111111 11 111 11 111 11 11 1111111 11111111 11 1111111111111111111111 111 111 111111 11 111111111111111111111111 11 11111111111111 January 26 1956 'IJ.ou"9 People Oil Uheir Way to Church Youth Week Issue Strive to Win! Possibilities Unlimited gram as outlined a total of $750,000 will be required. The Central Com­ mittee of the World Council of BAPTIST HERALD Churches, which met at Davos, Swit­ zerland, last summer, voted to ask CONTENTS the member churches to assume re­ sponsibility for the raising of $300,000. ~ Dr. D. Elton Trueblood, Quake:­ cil of Churches. The Conference in­ Volume 34 No. 2 0 The National Council of Churches philosopher and writer, has resigned cludes the 32 Protestant and Orthodox J anuary 26, 1956 a:; chief of religious policy for the communions in the United S ta tes has announced it is conducting the first nation- wide survey ever made on o. U.S. Information Agency. He return~d which are members of the world body. Striving With Serenity! to Earlham College, Richmond, Ind., The world body has 164 member com­ county-by-county basis of the reli­ gious affi liations of Americans of the • on January 1 to resume his post as munions in 47 countries. According ·~ ::> chairman of the department of philos­ the plans presented by Dr. Eugen2 three major faiths. Results of t he ( VERYONE who wants to strive with winning success must learn Cover . .. .. .. Eva Luoma Photo two-year study, which it is estimated "Young P eople on Their Way t o ophy and religion. He has been on Carson Blake, the new headquarters how to be completely relaxed, to be restfully composed, to be Church" leave from the Quaker school since buildings will include a modern office will cost in excess of $100,000 will be published in 1956. The study will be serene in spirit. The athlete who strains every nerve fibre in J\Ia.rch of Events . 2 March 1954, when he accepted ·che building, a chapel and a library. The ~ Baptist Briefs . ..... .... .... .. 2 the first one ever made giving the re­ government appointment. property is close to the center of the winning of the race must, first of all, learn the art of physical Editor ial Geneva and well situated for its pur­ ligious picture in every county, rural " Striving With Ser enity" . 3 @ Commercial Sunday sport wa:; and suburban. U.S. census reports r elaxation, mental alertness without being overly anxious. Television " Possibilities Unlimited!" turned down by Winnipeg, Manitoba, pose, he said. The present headquar­ Rev. Joe Sonnenberg . 4 ters building is, however, o. rather have not covered country units or has shown us this truth in a new light. The "television stars" are those voters after a strong publicity cam­ "Strive to Win!" small Swiss- type chalet, quaintly communities of less than 25,000 popu­ who, in addition to their unusual skills, are fully relaxed with a casual i\Iiss Verda Scheeler, Mr. Lyle Wa cker, paign against it was carried on by lation. (The last Federal Govern­ i\Ir. Bert Braun, Mrs. Eldon Leitner , lovely, but quite inadequate for the: "at ease" attitude, serenely meeting with their unseen audience. In Miss Joan Marklein, Miss Ellen Canadian churchgoers and others op­ ment religious census was made in F roehlich . 6 posed to Sunday afternoon games. The rapidly expanding program of the the Christian life this spirit of serenity is likewise important, and World Council. For the building pro- 1936.) The survey is being financed "Our CBYF, a Revie\v and Previe"r" vote was carried with a narrow mar­ by an initial grant of $35,000 from a especially when young people strive to win their coveted prizes. Every Rev. Lawrence Bienert . S gin-just 152 votes-out of a tata! 1 1111111 1111 1 11 1 tl l llllll ll llll ll l lJ 111111 111 !1 11 llll ll Dll!I C1 1 111 1• ~ 1; I Q' : I ' I foundation which prefers to be anon­ "Leaders Are Traine d , Not B orn" fi bre of their being becomes tense in these strenuous efforts to win J\Iiss Sena Plucker 9 ballot of 67,000. Almost half of Win­ ~ YOUTH I SSUE ~ ymous. Cooperating church statistical " Young People in Action for Christ"' nipeg's voters, apparently, are in ~;; This special " Youth Numbe r'' of ~ a gencies are supplying services, which the prize, but in this striving they must never lose sight of the impor­ Mr. Jerome Janssen . 10 favor of Sunday sports. Local news­ th e " Baptist Herald" has been pre- - o.re expected to bring the total cost " Going to a Summer Assembly?" pa red for our d enomina tional ob- ~ tance of spiTitual serenity as the real secret of success! Mr. Russell c. Middleton . .. 11 !1apers supported crusading clergy­ ser vance of YOUTH WEE!\ from E to more than $100,000. Preliminary Our Home Mission Fields . .12 m en who opposed Sunday sport by ~ J anuary 29 to February 5. It is In the Christian life this serenity is ours when the goals of life are sincerely d edicated to thP. promis­ details were announced at the sixth Engagements .. 12 giving them liberal space in which to = ing young people of our ch urch es. ~ annual assembly of the organization's clearly in sight. Much of our striving goes around in a circle, getting " Let Us Renew Our Covenan t·• ~ Baptist World Alliance . 13 voice their disapproval. EDITO!l. ;; Division of Home Missions at Buck - us nowhere. In Shakespeare's words, a great deal of our intense Rev. Daniel F u chs, Evangelist .. 13 rfi 1 11 1 11 111 111 1 11111 1 11 1 11111 1 11 1 11111 1111 11 1 11 111 111 1 11 11: 111 1 11 1 •11 11 111 111 1 1ii Hill Falls, Pennsylvania. • Chicago's famed Pacific Garden activity in modern life is "much ado about nothing." But a life that is "Memorials to Dr. H. Theodore Sorg" Mission in the State Street "honky Tribute Messages .... 1'1 undergirded by God's purposes, that is motivated clearly by God's " The 50th l'rlilestone at L odi, Cali f." tonk" area is going to expand. The i\lrs. Thelma Fisch er . 15 mission where Evangelist Billy Sun­ will, that is focused on this goal that "I may win Christ and be found "Sunday School Un.ion'' day was converted to Chri ~ frmity in him" (Philippians 3 :8-9), possesses a serenity that gives :increased Mr. E. Ralph liletke . 16 has purchased the Loyal Hote l nex t " Sunday Sch ool Lessons" power to every striving effort. The envisioning of these spiritual goals Rev. Brw10 Schreiber . .. 17 door for $177,500 to increase its s ~ee!J­ What·s Ha1>pening .18 ing facilities from 85 to 200 persons. comes to us in quiet moments of revelation and inspiration. They Our Denomination in Action . .. ... .19 This is in addition to accommodations belong to the serene experiences when we wait on God and our Sav­ Obituaries . .. ... ... .. .. .. .... 23 fo r 50 men in the mission's service © Spurgeon's College, locate cl a t @ Dr. Sta nley I. Stuber, prominent men's center. Another $200,000 will ior. Only when we are able to say, "To do thy will, 0 God, is the de­ South Norwood Hill, London, England, be spent to remodel and r ehabilitate Baptist, who for the past 14 years has light of my heart," can we strive with success. will celebrate its centennial in 1956. been an executive of national and • the hotel, a four-story fireproof build­ Alderman C. W. Black, T.P., M.P., i:; ing that is in sound condition but interdenominational church organiza­ In every effort of striving, we find increased power necessary. chairman of the Centennial Commit­ that had wire cages in Skid R ow flop­ tions with offices in New York, re­ Striving burns up energy. It requires the utmost of our capacit ies. Bi-weekly Publication of the h:mse style. tee. The College has appeal2::! to t he signed as general secretary a nd direc­ churches of the Baptist Union of Grea t We have to put our all into the race. But often "our all" is not ROGER WILLIA M S PRESS tor of The Japan International Chris­ 3734 Payne Ave., Cleveland 14, Oh io ~ John Libi of San Francisco, Calif., Britain to oa rticioate in a wave o( enough! It would be a puny effort for the Christian if he did not have is leading another expedition up eva ngelism ~ s a c~nte nni al activity. tian University Foundation, Inc. Dr. Martin L. Leuschner, D.D., Editor Mount Ara rat in an attempt to locate O Tru·.;tees of O!dahor.:;a E arit:::;t Stuber will become on February J the ... the assurance of God's inexhaustible resources, of his unfailing gifts, Rev. E. J. Baumgartner , Business Noah's ark. During a similar trek University voted to admit Negro stu­ general secretary of the Council of of his marvelous powers that supplement all that we can do. "But my Manager last year he claims to have sighted dents to the school at the beginning Churches of Greater K ansas City. God shall supply all your need according to his riches in glory by "a prom1smg 500-foot-long maund of the next semester. Dr. H. H. Hobbs, Over 400 churches in K ansas and Mis­ • a bout 1,000 feet below Ararat's 19,946- Okla homa City pastor and chairmo.n souri participate in its program.
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