Macedonian Journal of Chemistry and Chemical Engineering, Vol. 38, No. 1, pp. 39–48 (2019) MJCCA9 – 767 ISSN 1857-5552 e-ISSN 1857-5625 Received: November 13, 2018 DOI: 10.20450/mjcce.2019.1623 Accepted: February 1, 2019 Original scientific paper FORMATION OF NIOBIUM OXIDES BY ELECTROLYSIS FROM ACIDIC AQUEOUS SOLUTIONS ON GLASSY CARBON Nataša M. Vukićević1*, Vesna S. Cvetković1, Ljiljana S. Jovanović2, Miroslav M. Pavlović1, Jovan N. Jovićević1 1Institute of Chemistry, Technology and Metallurgy, National Institute, Department of Electrochemistry, University of Belgrade, Njegoševa 12, Serbia 2Faculty of Science, Department of Chemistry, Biochemistry and Environmental Protection, University of Novi Sad, Trg Dositeja Obradovića 3, Serbia [email protected] In this study niobium oxide films were formed without peroxo-precursors from three different mixed acidic aqueous solutions on glassy carbon. Linear sweep voltammetry and potential step were techniques used for electrochemical experiments. The simultaneous and consecutive electrochemical re- duction of water, nitrate and sulphate ions provided an alkaline environment with oxygen in the near vi- cinity of the working cathode, which in combination with the present niobium ions, produced niobium oxides and/or oxyhydroxides on the glassy carbon substrate. The formed deposits were analyzed using scanning electron microscopy and energy dispersive spectroscopy and appear to consist of NbO, NbO2 and Nb2O5. Both the niobium and acid concentration of the electrolytes used influenced the morphology and particle size of the deposits. The formation of niobium-fluoride and hydrogen-niobiumoxide com- plexes is addressed. Key words: electrochemical deposition; niobium oxides; acidic solution; glassy carbon ФОРМИРАЊЕ НА ФИЛМОВИ ОД ОКСИДИ НА НИОБИУМ СО ЕЛЕКТРОЛИЗА ОД КИСЕЛИ РАСТВОРИ НА СТАКЛЕСТА ГРАФИТНА ЕЛЕКТРОДА Во овој труд е изучувано формирањето на филмови на оксиди од ниобиум што се одвива без пероксидни медијатори од три различни водни раствори со различни рН вредности на стаклеста графитна електрода. Како експериментални техники во електрохемиските експерименти беа користени линеарна циклична волтаметрија и пулсни волтаметриски техники. Симултаната и последователната редукција на водата, како и на нитратните и сулфатните јони, доведува до локално зголемување на алкалноста и на концентрацијата на кислород во близина на работната електрода. При овие услови се формираат оксиди и оксихидриди на ниобиум на површината од работната електрода. Формираните филмови беа анализирани со употреба на скенирачка електронска микроскопија и енергетски дисперзивна спектроскопија, при што беше утврдено дека во составот на филмовите постојат оксиди на ниобиум од типот NbO, NbO2 и Nb2O5. Морфологијата на депонираните честички и формираните филмови зависи од рН на водните раствори, како и од концентрацијата на јоните на ниобиум. Во рамките на овој труд вниманието е посветено и на формирањето на ниобиум флуорид и на хидроген комплекси на оксиди на ниобиум. Клучни зборови: електрохемиска депозиција; оксиди на ниобиум; кисели водни раствори; стаклеста графитна електрода 40 N. M. Vukićević, V. S. Cvetković, Lj. S. Jovanović, M. M. Pavlović, J. N. Jovićević 1. INTRODUCTION acid on a mercury electrode [29, 30]. Thin films of niobium oxides have been obtained at more accessi- Recently, niobium oxides have garnered in- ble electrodes (SnO2-conducting electrode and plat- creased attention due to their potential for industri- inum) from acidic aqueous solutions containing hy- al applications. The interest in niobium oxides is drogen peroxide as a precursor [22, 23] and by elec- based on their excellent chemical stability and cor- trodeposition or combining sol gel procedures with rosion resistance in most acidic and basic media electrodeposition [24]. [1]. In addition, electrochromism, catalytic activi- This work is focused on the formation of ni- ty, good optical and dielectric properties, biocom- obium oxide thin films by electrochemical means patibility and high mechanical flexibility make on glassy carbon substrates. These films are these materials of great interest [1–3]. Some niobi- formed from mixed acidic electrolytes without um oxide applications include solar cells and LEDs peroxo- or any other precursors, at room tempera- [2, 4, 5], batteries and supercapacitors [2, 6, 7], tures without electrolyte stirring. The influence of catalysts [4, 8, 9], electrochromic devices [4, 10], the potentials applied, niobium and acid concentra- gas sensors [11] and biocompatible coatings for tions in the electrolytes used on the deposit ob- implants [12, 13]. Niobium oxides appear in three tained are reported. stable forms: NbO, NbO2 and Nb2O5. Each of these forms presents distinctive electric properties, rang- 2. EXPERIMENTAL ing from conducting to insulating properties [1, 13, 14]. Among them, niobium pentoxide (Nb2O5), is Electrochemical experiments were per- often researched as the most thermodynamically formed in a custom made electrochemical cell stable oxide form. Additionally, niobium oxides (made of PTFE, Aldrich, USA), resistant to hydro- have a complex crystalline morphology with an ex- fluoric acid (HF), supplied with argon atmosphere tensive number of polymorphic structures [1, 2]. (Fig. 1). All experiments were performed at room Besides, the method of niobium oxide synthesis has temperature. Glassy carbon (GC, Sigma Aldrich, a great impact on thin oxide film structure and prop- USA) embedded in epoxy resin (Struers, USA) erties [1]. A number of methods have been utilized was used as a working electrode, with a surface for formation of niobium oxides films. These meth- area of 0.13 cm2 that was exposed to the electro- ods include sol-gel [4, 15], anodic polarization [16], lyte. A niobium plate (99.998 %, LTS Chemical dc magnetron sputtering [13, 17], atomic layer dep- Inc., USA) (surface area = 1.2 cm2) was used as a osition [18], chemical vapor deposition [19], ther- counter electrode. A saturated calomel electrode mal oxidation [20] and spray pyrolysis [10]. (SCE) inserted in a Luggin capillary was used as a Alternatively, cathodic electrodeposition of- reference electrode. All measured potentials are in fers an opportunity for more accurate control of the reference to the SCE. metal oxide film microstructure composition, thick- ness and purity at potentially lower processing costs. In past decades, several metal oxides were efficiently deposited from aqueous solutions via electrodeposition [21–23]. An additional benefit of employing electrochemical deposition is the produc- tion of crystalline rather than amorphous metal ox- ide films [24, 25]. In the available literature, there are only a few publications that address the topic of cathodic electrodeposition of niobium oxide films from acid solutions [22–24]. This is most likely due to difficulties characteristic to the processes of nio- bium and niobium oxide formation from aqueous systems. Primary reason for this is the very negative niobium reduction potential, which interferes with H2 evolution in aqueous electrolytes [26, 27]. There is also a predisposition of niobium to produce elec- trochemically inactive species when reacting with oxygen, often leading to the formation of stable clusters [24, 28]. Research conducted by McCullough еt al. (1968) reported the mechanism of electroreduction of niobium(V) in hydrochloric Fig. 1. Cross-section of the PTFE electrochemical cell Maced. J. Chem. Chem. Eng. 38 (1), 39–48 (2019) Formation of niobium oxides by electrolysis from acidic aqueous solutions on glassy carbon 41 Both the working and counter electrodes was held constant for 6, 60 and 180 minutes, at T = used were polished prior to experiments. The sur- 25 ± 0.5 °C. The working electrodes were then face of the glassy carbon working electrode was withdrawn from the cell under applied potential to mechanically polished with emery paper and then maintain the deposited material. After electrodepo- with a polishing cloth with 0.05 μm grain size sition, obtained deposit samples were washed with Al2O3 powder. Finally, the electrode was ultrasoni- absolute ethanol and analyzed by scanning electron cally degreased in diluted HCl and rinsed in dis- microscopy (SEM, JEOL, model JSM-5800, Ja- tilled and deionized water, respectively. Niobium pan) and energy dispersive spectroscopy (EDS, electrode surfaces were mechanically polished by Oxford INCA 3.2, U.K.). emery paper and then chemically polished in a mixture of cc. HF : cc. HNO = 1 : 1 (p.a. Acros 3 3. RESULTS AND DISCUSSION organics, USA and Merck, Germany, respectively) in three 10 second intervals, interrupted by rinsing The electrodeposition of niobium oxides in deionised water. The surfaces were finally from a number of aqueous solvent systems have washed with absolute ethanol (Zorka-Pharma, been attempted by electrochemical pH manipula- Šabac, Serbia). tion of the solution [24]. These techniques rely on Three different electrolytes were used to ex- - amine the electrochemical deposition and dissolu- the electrochemical generation of H2 and OH ions tion of niobium oxides. Niobium was introduced in aqueous solutions, which should promote niobi- into the electrolytes by applying careful chemical um oxide films formation from acidic media. dissolution of niobium metal in concentrated nitric In the acidic mixture of HF + HNO3 + H SO , each of the aqueous solution constituent (p.a. HNO3, Merck, Germany) and hydrofluoric 2 4 acid (p.a. HF, Acros organic, USA) [28]. A con- plays an important role: acids
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