PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ORDER OF THE LIEUTENANT GOVERNOR IN COUNCIL Order in Council N6.. i 1429 , Approved and Ordered NOV.~ / Lieutenant Governor Executive Council Clrnmhers, Victoria On lhc rccnmmcmlatinn nf the undersigned, the Lieutenant Governnr, by and with the advice nm! cnnst.:nl nf the Exccuti-,. Council, orders that 1. Ortkr in Council No. 7(,K, approved ;1ml ordered June 8. l<JCJ4 be amended al section I. by dt.:k:ting "Districl ol' Ahhn1srord/ivbtsqui" and suhslilutin1!, "City of Abhotsford/Matsqui". 2. Order in Council Nn. 7()K, ;1pprnvcd and ordered Jum: 8, jlJCJ4 he amended at scclinn 2. and -section.'.. hy tickling "J;muary .1, ltJtJ5" and substituting "January I, 1995" . .1. Supplementary Letters f';1tcn1 in the fnrm allm:hcd he issucd for the City of Ahbulsftml/tv1;11squi. 4. Supplc111cnt,1ry Letters Palen! in !he fnrm attached he issued rm the Central Fraser Valley Regional Dis I ricl. 5. Supplementary Lc!tcrs Pall'nt Ill lhL'. form ;1ltachcd be issued for the Dcwdncy-Alouctlc RL:gion:tl Dist ricl. 6. Supplcmcnlary LcltL:rs P:11cn1 in the fnrm ;1!l;1chcd he issued l'or lhc Greater Vancouver Rcgionnl Di:-;tricl. (771is 1)(/rf 1~,· for ad111i1, •.Hratii·,· puqu,.n·s m1(v anti is nor pmt of r//c Ore/er.) Authorily undt·1· which Ordt·r b 111:tcll': Ac! and section: Municipal Ari st·rtinm S, U Olhcr (specify): ---~----------------------------------- November 81 J!N4 ,· · -.:.i. , n / q . , / .,. ·-i .7'. ~) io-1 , ~;. __;, C A N A O A PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ELIZABETH the SECOND, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her Other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. To all to whom these presents shall come - GREET ING WHEREAS pursuant to the ( provisions of section 768 { of the Municipal Act, the Dewdney-Alouette Regional District was incorporated by Letters Patent effective Minister of Municipal Affairs October 27, 1967 AND WHEREAS the District of Matsqui is an extraterritorial municipal participating area in a Dewdney-Alouette Regional District service; ANO WHEREAS the District of Matsqui is dissolved and the City of Abbotsford/ Matsqui is incorporated effective January 1, 1995; NOW KNOW YE that these presents, we do order and proclaim that: REGIONAL DISTRICT SERVICES WITH CITY OF ABBOTSFORD/MATSQUI A PARTICIPANT 1.1 The area of the former District of Matsqui within the City of Abbotsford/Matsqui shall be an extraterritorial municipal participating area in the Oewdney-Alouette Regional District service of water supply, established by Letters Patent Division XIV, issued July 10, 1980. 1.2 The City of Abbotsford/Matsqui shall levy, collect and remit to the Oewdney-Alouette Regional District, such taxes and charges as are necessary to meet its shat·e of the operating and debt servicing costs of the service indicated in section J .1 above. APPOINTMENT OF MUNICIPAL DIRECTORS 2. Notwithstanding sectibn 776(1) of the Municipal Act, the Council of the City of Abbotsford/Malsqui shall, at is inaugural meeting, appoint municip.11 directors to the Board of the Dewdney-Alouette Regional District. 2 EFFECTIVE DATE 3. These Supplementary letters Patent are effective January 1, 1995. IN TESTIMONY WHEREOF, We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent and the Great Seal of Our said Province to be hereunto affixed. WITNESS, the Honourable David C. lam, Lieutenant Governor of Our said Province of Brit~sh Columbia, in Our C~ty of Victoria, in Our s~id Province, this ~1../-;1iday of ,Jove«i.Bef<. , in the year of Our Lord one thousand nine hundred and ninety-four and in the forty-third year of Our Reign. By Command. Attorney General 3 . ,_,-:J Lieutenant~~ Governor C A N A D A PROVINCE OF BRITISH COLUMBIA ELIZABETH the SECOND, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom, Canada and Her Other Realms and Territories, Queen, Head of the Commonwealth, Defender of the Faith. To all to whom these presents shall come - GREET ING WHEREAS pursuant to the provisions of section 768 of the Municipal Act, the Central Fraser Valley Regional District was incorporated by letters Patent effective Minister of Municipal Affairs October 17. 1967 AND WHEREAS the City of Abbotsford/Matsqui, lying within the boundaries of the Central Fraser Va 11 ey Regi ona1 District, is incorporated effective January 1, 1995; AND WHEREAS Section 774 of the Municipal Act allows the Lieutenant Governor in Council to issue Supplementary Letters Patent transferring from the regional district to a ne\:ly incorporated municipality the jurisdiction for a service in respect of all or a specified part of a service area; NOW KNOW YE that by these presents, we do order and proclaim that: REGIONAL DISTRICT INAUGURAL MEETING 1. The inaugural meeting of the regional district shall be held as soon as possible after January l, 1995 on which date the Council of the City of Abbotsford/Matsqui Nill have appointed municipal directors to t°he Board of the regional district. REGIONAL DISTRICT SERVICES TRANSFERRED TO THE CITY OF ABBOTSFORD/MATSQUI 2.1 The following local services of the Central Fraser Valley Regional District are hereby transferred to the City of Abbotsford/Matsqu; and the service authorities for thesr services established by Supplementary Letters Patent and local service establishment bylaw are hereby rescinded: - 2 SERVICE AUTHORITY REFERENCE Swimming Pool Supplementary Letters Patent, Division, VII Lna Supplementary Letters Patent, Division II 2.2 Subject to these Supplementary Letters ?atent, all property, both real and personal J and all rights, powers and privileges arising out of any contract, agreement, collective agreement. license, permit, covenant, or otherwise whatsoever, and all taxes, debts, actions, causes of action, and all claims and demands whatsoever, either at law or in equity, appertaining to the regional district, in respect to the those services described in section 2.1 above, vest in, and belong to the City of Abbotsford/Matsqui on and from the effective date of these Supplementary Letters Patent. REGIONAL DISTRICT SERVICES WITH CITY OF ABBOTSFORD/MATSQUl A PARTICIPANT 3.1 The City of Abbolsford/Matsqui shall be a municipal participating area in the following local and eY.tended services of the Central Fraser Valley Regional District: 3 ' - .,,,.. -./• . SERVICE AUTHORITY REFERENCE Trunk Sewage and Sewer Disposal Service Establishment Bylaw No. 474 Regional Parks Service Establishment Bylaw No. 523 E 9-1-1 Emergency Telephone Service Establishment Bylaw No. 470 Civil Defence (Emergency Programs) Central Fraser Valley Regional District Supplerne~tary Letters Patent Division VI Air Quality Management Planning Service Establishment Bylaw No. 501 Mosquito Control Central Fraser Valley Regional District Supplementary Letters Patent Division VIII Noxious Weed Control Service Establishment Bylaw No. 447 3.2 The City of Abbotsford/Matsqui shall levy, collect and remit to the Central Fraser Valley Regional District, such taxes and charges ~\ are necessary to meet its share of the operating- and debt servicing costs of the services inrlicated in 5ection 3.1, above. SEWER COMMISSION 4.1 All terms and conditions pertaining to the establishment of a sewer commission authorized under Supplementary Letters Patent Division v. Trunk Sewers and Sewage Disposal, as amended are rescinded. The Board may, by 4 . bylaw, establish a sewer commission and specify any terms and conditions. 4.2 The number of members appointed by the Council of the City of Abbotsford/Matsqui to the Matsqui, Mission, Abbotsford Joint Sewer Board shall be the same as if the appointments were made by the Councils of the former District of Abbotsford and the former District of Matsqui until the 11 "Matsqui, Mission 1 Abbotsford Joint Sewer By-Law No. 477-1991 is otherwise amended. REGIONAL DISTRICT SERVICES WITH CITY OF ABBOTSFORD/MATSQUI NOT A PARTICIPANT 5.1 The Central Fraser Valley Regional District extended service area for animal control, established by Division X of Supplementary Letters Patent for the regional district 1 is reduced by the exclusion of the area within the former District of 1\bbotsford, and the City of Abbotsford/Matsqui shall not be a participant. 5.2 The Central Fraser Valley Regional District extended service area for economic development commission, established by Division XI of Supplementary Letters Patent for the regional district, is reduced by the exclusion of the area within the former District of Abbotsford and the former District of Matsqui, and the City of Abbotsford/Matsqui shall not be a participant. 5.3 The Central Fraser Valley Regional District extended service area for fireworks and firearms control, established by Division IX of 5 Supplementary Letters Pater1t for the regional district, is reduced by the exclusion of the area within the former District of Abbotsford, and the City of Abbotsford/Matsqui shall not be a participant. ARBITRATION 6. In the event that the Central Fraser Valley Regional District and the City of Abbotsford/Matsqui are unable to agree on any matter arising from the implementation of these Supplementary lett~rs Patent or those of the City of Abbotsford/Matsqui 1 the parties may request the Inspector of Municipalities to review the issue which is the subject of the dispute, and the Inspector may make recommendations, or may impose a resolution which is binding on both parties. TRANSFER OF SERVICES 7.1 The jurisdiction for all services of the Central Fraser Valley Regional District except those described in section 3.1 above, which are within the jurisdiction of the City of Abbotsford/Matsqui, are hrreby transferred to the City of Abbotsford/Matsqui. 7.2 The effective date of transfer of jurisdiction for the services described in section 2.1, 5.1, 5.2 and 5.3 above shall be six months after the effective date of these Supplementary Letters Patent, unless otherwise provided by Order of the Minister.
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