University of New Mexico UNM Digital Repository 1983 The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 1-10-1983 New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 087, No 76, 1/ 10/1983 University of New Mexico Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1983 Recommended Citation University of New Mexico. "New Mexico Daily Lobo, Volume 087, No 76, 1/10/1983." 87, 76 (1983). https://digitalrepository.unm.edu/daily_lobo_1983/1 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the The aiD ly Lobo 1981 - 1985 at UNM Digital Repository. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1983 by an authorized administrator of UNM Digital Repository. For more information, please contact [email protected]. (~t?Vrrov '~ ·s :~j 3 78.1 ~'f IJN [S ({ W NEW MEXICo-------------- l (1 'i1_3 0 ~-~~~ ___D_ .. ..• _al_.·ly Lobo Vol. 87 No. 76 Monday, January 10, 1983 .........., .... ·$~ill ft.agin9 ..•••.. ·· Over ·President : '·. • .• ~~.ro,gress Ma:de ·O:a.··.:u:nivereity,, ,' ,, ' 'l '' ' l . :Construction ,.•• , ii ' • • - . I . ~ .. ·.. · [\ \) 0•, LOlli&. LO:U:ie tsMorflfh8n ,J,urst a M-scot · ··psge22 A HITCHHIKER'S GUIDE• • •to the University. Welcome b•clc. Do you know where your towelis? Surfboard counesy ol S•iling Center Inc. If ' .. .. ' " • ~ 11 • ,, ' ' • . .. Page 3, New Mexico Daily Lobo, January 10, 198;3 Page 2, New Mexico Daily Lobo, January 10, 1983 r-------~----------------, Wire Report by United Press lntE:3rnational .~g~ 0550 . 2400 Central SE I r----------------,I I I . Across from I WELCOME BACK STUDENTS! I •. 7 :~0 a.m. • 12:00 p.m. ' JahOSQn Gym I I ART 6 I Reagan Ready To Cut Military different perspective of this -whole matters as defense, he predicted I I WASHINGTON -President Reagan, hoping to head off huge de­ situation." Sunday the president wiii submit "a ! DRAFTING ficits, will agree to cutbacks in his Somewhat out of character, con­ bold, {]ecisive, imaginative budge( I package" reflecting the concerns military buildup and possibly higher servative Laxalt, who last week I Home of the latest in Broiled Food and the Homemade .Sweetroll 1 taxes after 1984, a key Capitol Hill termed the Iatestprojcctions "a little expressed by GOP leaders and top administration officials. 1 confidant predicted Sunday. terrifying,'' said Reagan should I DIW\KFAST SUPPLIES Sen. Paul Laxalt, R-Nev., once agree to "trigger in" additional re· Another important Republican I I venues after I 984 as a sign of his player in the budget process, Sen. described as Reagan's "eyes and (Served with whole wheat toast, margerine 6 jelly) 1 Good through Jan. 31st 1 ears" in Congress, said the presi­ determination to shrink future de­ William Armstrong, R-Colo., urged f . I dent will heed the message of advis­ ficits. Reagan Sunday to propose "very No. 1 TWO EGGS, bacon, ham or sausage, hash browns 6 toast•••••.•••.•••.•••••••••.••• 52.65 I ers who warned last week that he Although Laxalt said last week bold spending reduction­ No. 2 ONE EGG, bacon, ham or sausage, hash browns 6 toast ... , ........................ 52.15 must temper his policies to cornba.t that Reagan was "very close to s ... everywhere, including de­ I No. 3 TWO EGGS, hash browns 6 toast .................................................S 1.80 "terrifying" deficits. being locked in concrete" on such fense." ! 20o/o 06~~} OFF I ''He recognizes that unless some­ No. 4 ONE EGG, hash browns 6 toast ••••.•.••.•..•••••.•••••._ ..•••.••..•••..••••••• II! •••• S1.30 I thing bold and decisive is done, I ,tl No.-5 PANCAKES _(4). _, ...... -. •.•••••••• ·~ •••• -. ••• , ...... IIJI ••••••••••••••••• -•.•••• " •••••••••••• -$1.45 we're going to have a terribly diffi­ Quakes Moving Ground No. 6 HUEVOS RANCHEROS, two eggs, beans, sauce, corn tortilla 6 toast ••. , •••••••..••..•• $2.15 · · .I cult couple of years in every way. I No. 7 WESTERN OMLE"nE, ••.••• :_ • •_ •••.•••••..••.••••..•.•.• , ••.•••••.••••.•.••..•• ,. •••.•••• $2.99 ~~ tJ~~J) I think he's going to move," Laxalt I I \ \ I said on ABC's "This Week with Across the High Sierra three eggs, green.chlli 6 cheddar cheese, served With tomato, hash browns 6 toast ·I David Brinkley." Free Cup of Coffee or Hot Tea With Any of The Above Breakfasts I I After a week of frank discussions I with political allies and mixed sig­ MAMMOTH LAKES, Calif. - night and Sunday morning register- I nals on how firmly he will insist on Swarms of earthquakes that have · ing between 3 and 3.5. more defense spending and no new rattled the high Sierra in recent days C. Dan Miller, volcano hazards I SIDE ORDERS I I taxes, Reagan girded Sunday for a are related to underground magma assessment coordinator for the I final round of tough judgments on flow and possible activity from an USGS, said scientists using laser in- the fiscal 1984 budget, to be deli­ ancient volca~o tha~ is altering the struments had detected changes in I French Fries ••••••• $.55 One Egg •••••••••• $.50 Bacon, Ham, Sausage or Beef Pattie ••••••••••• $.85. I I vered to Congress Jan. 31. ground, officials sa1d Sunday. the earth's surface in the region Hash Drowns • ; ••••••65 Pancake •••••••.••.•40 Salad with choice of Dressiing .••••.••••••••••.••15 I His return from a weekend at . It had been suspected, but not pre- where the quakes have been cen- 1 I Camp David came amid growing vJOusly confirmed, that the more tcred, just south of the intersection . Western Sfyle ••••••99 Toast 6 Jelly •••••••.•45 Extra Blue Cheese •••••.••.••••••••.••••••••• 15 I I signs that political n:alities - than 2,000 quakes that have rocked of Highways 395 and 203 - the Onion Rings •••••••••75 Jelly ••••••••••••••••05 Tomatoes (3 slices) ••••••••••••••••••.•••••• , •• 15 namely the prospect of $200 bil­ the area since Thursday at the rate of main thoroughfares into the popular I lion-plus deficits - will force him one every one or two minutes, were ski resort of Mammoth Lakes. Deans ••••••••••••••35 Crackers ••••••.•••••05 American or Cheddar Cheese •••••••••••••••••••20 I to retreat from some fundamentals portents of possible volcanic erup- . The roads are the only way out of Ranchero Sauce (8 oz.) •••••••••••.••••••••••50 Green Chili or Chili con Carne (1 oz.) •••••..••.••20 of his economic and fiscal prog­ tions. the area during the winter, but I rams. "The U.S. Geological Survey Michael Jencks, chairman of the Administration officials hinted at says t?.equakes are related ~o n:tagm.a Mono County Board of Supervisors, a strong likelihood Reagan will flow, and not normal seJsmJc ac1- told a meeting of concerned resi­ Take Out All Items agree to cutbacks or delays in his tivty, said Donna Perez of the inter- dents Sunday the board would de­ I on. I $1.6 trillion, five"year defense buil· agency office at Bishop, Calif. cide later this week whether to snow dup and were careful to distinguish A news release jointly issued Sun- plow an escape route over the dirt between his opposition to highel' day afternoon by the USGS, and the Jogging .roads that are normally II HAMBURGERS II taxes in 1984 and in future years. Mono County Board of Supervisors, closed this time of year. Their comments suggested noted that the nature of the .quakes Scientists continued to stress No. 1 HAMBURGER salad dressing, tomato, pickles. onion 6 lettuce •••••••••••.• $1.35 Reagan might accept the reality of a "continues to sug~est'' a magma there was no immediate danger to . No. 2 CHEESEBURGER same as above with cheddar cheese •••••••••••••••••••• 1.50 · 1 record deficit in the range of $200 flow source, she sa1d. the town or its residents, although , No. ~· DO.NANZA ~.rn.at, American ch,.se, thousand islond, !omato, onioni lefti,Jce & pickle ......• 2).29 _ billion next year, but further corn­ .. Most of the quakes have: reg- there was no guarantee that an I promise to bring it down in later 1stered about 1.0 on the R1chter emergency would be preceded by No. FIE.STA BURGER.chll con cam• or cfllll, cheddar cheese, onion.& lettuce ................ •... ,. 4 or-.n t.55 ··1 >\ years to build confidence in the eco­ scale, too small to be felt, but tre- long periods of danger signs, 5 FLAME BURGER hickory smoke sauce, onion 6 lettu_ce • : •••• ~ •••••• ~ • :' .: •• 1.~30 .: · 'l nomy. mor~ large en.ough to. be detecte~ "We don't know the significance I.·_ .. ....... r·· I After last week's round of meet­ contmuted to J~lt tounsts and res1- at this point," Miller said, adding it ·. , ·· 9.:_4: Cop¥(~~ ~~~ ,.ch~p; ,ick~.. ~· qnfon .................· ••••••••. ·~~. • 1.30- _,_·. · ···.·I ings at the White House, Laxalt dents several t1mes a day. There was unclear whether the shifts could said, "I sense that he's got a wholly were four such temblors Saturday be interpreted as danger signals. 1 .. .. ~- . .'• .. -. ~~ MriDWfcHES . '. I GRILLED. CHEESE- o~ ~ole wheat YAtt, .American cheese, lettuce. 6. tomatC> •••••• $~90· I HAM,. LEnUCE 6' TOMATO· on: whol~ wheat with salad dressing .••••••••· .•.••••••• f .45 1 I BACON~ LmUCE. &: TOMATO same as above ••••••••••••••••••••••••••••••• ~ 1.45 Sun:rranomics is I EGG. LEITUCE & TOMATO· sam& as above ........... ~ ............. , ......... t .10 1 ·· . ; ·. MEXICAN· FOOD: I More for Less. I No. 7 TACO meat. 'cheeset leth..c& 6 fomat~ •••..•.•• : . ·~ ·•• ~ •••• ~-~r ••••••••••• S·.80. I (MUea) (Monerl . No. 8 CHALUPA beans. cheese, lettuce & tomato •••••••••••••••••••••••••••• • •• 70 I No;. 9 ENCHILADAS served with lettuce 6 tomato ••••••••••• • ••• • • • • • • • • • • • • • • 2.29 I How much are you spending for commuting to school'? As a BEEF with Chili Con Came, cheddar cheese & onion fuD-time student. )OU could pay as little as •so.oo per semester. I CHEESE with GREEN CHILl STEW, cheddar cheese 6 onion. --_ .. __ --··------------- ~~----. • That's the priced Sun-Tran's Sem~ Pass. And you don't .VEt?£:FARIAN ~th-~REEN CHILl, cheddar ~heese 6 oni9n --~ .. -~· -... ··-· ·:··,1--"-- .,. I have to stop at school, the Semeste,.e Pass is good for unlimited I MEXICAN COMBO enchilada, taco 6 beans.-••••••••••••••• • •••• • • • • • • • • • 2.19 1 -- -- { I rides during the week and weekend.
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