Les Roches on track and on the move Les Roches Four Year Accreditation BSc in International Hospitality Management In Boston, MA USA, the 112th. Annual Meeting of the New England Association of Schools and Col- leges, Inc. USA, was a memorable event for our School. (left to right) On the 4th December at the meeting of the Commis- Mr Charles E. sion on Technical and Career Institutions it was Combs, announced that the Swiss Hotel Association Hotel Les Roches Management School “Les Roches” had received Dean of Studies accreditation from the Association as a Four Year Ins- Mr Ronald titution delivering its own Bachelor of Science in Carpenter International Hospitality Management. and Mr Arthur Harris Les Roches has therefore become the first Hotel Visiting Peer Review Committee: Management School in Switzerland to receive accre- Chair : Mr Arthur Harris, Professor and Department Head of Business Administration, New ditation at baccalaureate level. Hampshire Technical Institute, NH Assistant Chair: Joy Veaudry, Vice-President, Associate Provost, New England Institute of Tech- This accreditation marks an important recognition for nology, Warwick, Rhode Island, RI the work which has been done by Les Roches faculty, John P. Avery, Superintendent/Director Bristol-Plymouth Regional Technical School District, MA staff and management. It is also a challenging opportu- Sister Marian Batho, CSJ, President, Aquinas College, Newton, MA nity which will carry the School forward in its constant Charles E. Combs, Chair, General Education, Berkley College of Music, MA endeavour to improve and offer high standards of edu- (NEASC Mission Statement see - page 2) cation to all its students. Editorial A Special Christmas Greetings Card In the next few weeks a circular will ideas to the successful preparation go out to all of our Alumni. The aim of the recent accreditation process. is primarily to accelerate and finali- se the updating of our address data The Review Commission was impres- bank. At the same time we want to sed by the continued progress of the glean as many professional “tips” Alumni organisation. This is largely from you for inclusion in our due to your help and enthusiasm. constant, internal review of the School’s programmes. In this way Merci beaucoup you can, “at distance”, actively par- ticipate in the further development Next time round, we shall be cove- of the School. You will also benefit ring Kenya, Thailand, El Salvador from sharing the ideas of your fel- among other countries. Please do low Alumni when we publish the not forget that you too can send in report on the feedback sent to us in articles for publication. You should “Saxon et ses arbres fruitiers” mai 1991. the next editions of “the link”. send them to the address in the little box above. You can also contact us This is a reproduction of a painting by the late Mr Freddie Schnyder. He Accreditation at: was well known to many of you as your expert in Wine Knowledge. A Tel. +41 27 481 95 10 freak accident left him totally paralysed from the neck down but his spi- “the link” is proud and delighted to Fax +41 27 481 51 27 rit was in no way daunted. It took a lot of tenacity for him to complete congratulate all those who contribu- E-mail: [email protected] the tableau - using his teeth only to guide the brush strokes... ted so much of their time, effort and Web: www.vsnet.ch/roches/ the link Pioneers December 1997 Estimado Editor First of all, my congratulations to all A couple of years back, I was invited of you for keeping us informed about by Mr Marcel Clivaz to attend the “Les Roches” and its students. I will Les Roches 40th Anniversary just tell you very quickly about Reunion. Much to my surprise, I myself. found that I was the only one from the group that graduated in 1983. I I am Alberto Volkers and I was one of was told that the addresses had been the 70 students who “opened” the lost in the fire of 1985. I might yet school in 1980. I graduated in Sum’83 decide to settle in the south of France and after that I travelled world wide or Spain, but nothing is definite and working in the hotel and tourism busi- in the meantime my address is Berg- ness. I settled down in Sweden in sgatan 91 C, 852 336 Sundsvall, 1988, and in 1993, I opened my first Sweden.Tel:0045 60 1297 80 Fax . Mexican restaurant in the city of Snas- 0045 60 128007. I am very pleased vall (350 kms. North of Stockholm). to know that something is being In 1995, I opened my second restau- done to keep the Alumni together rant. I have to say that although the and I hope that I will soon be in economy in Sweden is not all that touch with my classmates. great, our business is surviving well. Best wishes, Alberto. Susanne, Alexander and Alberto Alexander I. Melas (Sum. ’83) with Martin van Kan (Win. ’84) that Brian (drive the school Janet Tang ’83 is Head of Market- his wife Cheryl Lesley Williams found us on what he calls “the tractor in any Grand Prix!) ing and Corporate Training at the (Sum. ’84) and their little son, Stefa- yahoo search engine”. Over the Pirie is General Manager with Flamingo Institute of Further Edu- 1 no-Ioanni, 2 /2 years, have just moved years Martin has been with Inter Meridien in Jakarta. Mr Lavarini, cation, Selangor to Holland. They were delighted to Continental in London, Abu our representative, met Martin hear about “the link” and are planning Dhabi and Muscat. He did a spell quite by chance on a recent tour Helen Lim announces the birth of a visit to Bluche in 1998. They keep in with Meridien in Jakarta, Mel- in Indonesia. her third child - a little daughter - touch with Paul Poort (same batch) bourne and Baan Boran. Now he Zara. Congratulations! and Anthony Thomas (one batch is with Hyatt Regency in Sura- Reginald Pereira’83 is Director, 1 later), both of them from Holland. baya. Martin, his wife and 2 /2 School of Tourism and Hospitali- Michael P.K. Tan directs Busi- Alex’s address is Gaffel 1, 6026 DJ year old son were recently in ty Management in Kuala Lum- ness Development for Swisscorp Maarheeze, The Netherlands. London on vacation. He tells us pur. (M) SDN BHD in Kuala Lumpur Hello New England Association of Schools and Colleges, Inc. USA Les Roches, Mission Statement The New England Association of assessment of educational effective- Among educational organisations, Schools and Colleges serves the ness. Through its process of assess- the New England Association uni- My name is Lionel Chee, gra- public and the educational communi- ment, particularly as it focuses on quely comprises both schools and duated in 1983 Summer ty by establishing and maintaining institutional self-evaluation and self- colleges. Its structure and activities batch. Presently I run my own high standards of educational excel- improvement, the Association reflect its perception of and commit- restaurant and catering compa- lence through self-evaluation and encourages and assists in improving ment to the unity of education in the ny. While browsing on the peer review. Schools and colleges the effectiveness of affiliated institu- many levels and forms represented web, I thought I’d drop a line which demonstrate that they meet tions. In this way, public assurance is by the membership of the Associa- to my former School. You those standards are accredited and provided as to the quality of institu- tion. contact me via E-mail if you thus become members of the Asso- tions granted membership. need anything from the Singa- ciation. The New England Association is an pore Alumni. Merci et à bien- While initially devoting exclusive advocate of educational quality and tôt, Lionel Chee One of the six regional accrediting attention to New England schools and its improvement, and serves as a associations in the United States, the colleges, in recent years the Associa- public policy resource on issues rela- Ms Joanna Phang Lee Im New England Association is com- tion, recognising the interconnected- ted to the condition of education ’85. Deputy Head of Hospita- mitted to the self-regulation of the ness of the educational enterprise, has throughout New England. It likewise lity Management School academic community by means of also sought to serve educational insti- seeks to sustain and advance the prin- INTEC COLLEGE Penang effective peer review. Through its tutions abroad, particularly at the K - ciples of self-regulation and peer and Arthur Chin ’83 Mana- several commissions, each compri- 12 level. In doing so, it not only review. ger of Mingood Hotel, Penang sing a distinct segment of the educa- encourages their improvement and send their best wishes to tional institutions, the Association excellence, but also advances the idea everyone. develops, makes public, and applies of self-regulation through peer review Adopted May 18, 1995 clearly stated standards for the in regions outside the United States. Board of Trustees Meeting. 2 the link Valais December 1997 Just Married Béatrice Clivaz, elder daughter of Marguerite and Marcel Clivaz got married to Joseph Zumofen, archi- tect, on August 9. They received their guests for a garden reception beside the Les Roches swimming- pool. This was followed by a sump- tuous banquet prepared by the school Chefs and students. The bri- dal couple wish to thank everyone who contributed to making it a most memorable day. Emilie Hummel-Smith also got married recently. She gave us this news when she paid a visit to the School in October.
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