M, *“ ‘ K w S 4 t i TUESDAY, SEPTEMBER T, IHB n s W i B t h d B VAGI rOUBTEEir iianrliPB tw EofttitiB A vstm ^ Daily Net Press Bun I Feeeeais of U. s. Wgaftar B v M SWthaMemhefAeseMlSa gradea. Ih a cuatodlana bava eom- y aad w ana'^ aflwB^'' village Camera Club members Mr. and Mrs. Joseph H. Marsh- pleted amaJl repairs and general Men and women o f the Cove­ eeal wlada aaar goaot) vofttlM will resume monthly meetings to­ bum of Norman, Oklahoma, who Well Again After Schools Ready cleaning In all buildings duitog the nant-Congregations* church are re- were here for the wedding of their 9,243. JordoMMl MiiM M# oueated to meet at the church thi« morrow night at eight o’clock at summer months. WANTED A bout Town the y . M. C. A. Started iMt son. Joseph H. Marshbum, Jr. and 2 Years in Hospitals partly deadly norgdag. evening at 6 o’clock to make pw- Mias Patricia E. Dowd, aalled to­ For Reopening The Board of Bducatlcm haa March the enrollment la now 30. hired 35 new teaohera to till va­ narattona for the dedication of the day for England where they plan M ancheM ler^^ CUy of rOlago Charm ' 8 t BOTiwdatte’* Ifethcn Clrel; ^ church addition, and family Several leettirea were given In cancies. The new teachere have CASHIER I UlU BBMt tCBlght »t * June, and ten membera completed to spend a year. They have been banquet at 6:30 o'clock Saturday. visiting Mr. and Mrs. Page Bennett Sessions to Start at’8:45 filled all vacanoiee In the Man­ PLEASANT WOBKINO tiM ¥<-«• V t Mn- Mward Faber of an early summer course. Pictures chester School system for the first O O N m n oN B (EIGHTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS • Dover rood. were exhibited at the Mary Cheney of East Hartford. Mr. Bennett is a AdeartWas au Page IS) MANCHESTER, CONN„ WEDNESDAY, SEPTEMBER 8,1948 The WilUng Workera aroup of nephew of Mr. Marshbum. The Tomorrow Morning; time in a number o f years. VOL. LXVIL, NO. 288 the South Methodist W.S.C.S. will Library and It is hoped to have an­ APPLY TO MANAGER Allan Kaofla of Henry atrert ha« latter la a professor of English at Tha cafeteria at Manchester open Ita season tomorrow with a other exhibit- there this fall and Cafeteria to Open High school will be open and serv­ CIRCLE THEATER been vWtlB* frtenda In meeting at the church at 1 o’clock. winter. Tomorrow evening one of the University o f OklsJioma. N. Tn over u e week-end and holl- ing meals tomorrow. Work will be to Ue two quilts. the membera ^11 give an Illus­ Preparations have been com­ Five Die in Qiicago Fire doy. ____ Hostesses will be Mrs. Joseph trated talk. An unusual car marker attract­ pleted for the opening of the local Moore and Mrs. James Richmond. ed considerable attention yester­ public Bchoola tomorrow. Garment Industry 19 Western Berlin Mr. and M ra l<eo Schendel and day on Main atree^;,On the white Mr. and M n . C. B. W U .^ « ’ A meeting of the members of . Sesaions will start at 8:45. New Manchester Lodge. L«yal Or­ St. Bridget's parish wlU be held in background were large blue num­ hooka have been received and have turned atter an enjoyable trip to bers and letters, and underneath Nlafara FalU and Canada. der of Moose, will meet tomorrow the church hall Thursday evening, been 4(*l*^**i*^** ^ different evening at 8 o’clock In "nnker hall. to discuss plana to raise funds for instead .of a aUte abhreviatlon In New York Hurt Committees will be appointed for a building program on the prop­ were the words: "United States of America." Inquiry revealed the car Policemen Kidnaped coming activities and after the erty recently purchased on Henry was the property of a U. S. aoldler CAMERA REPAIR business refreshments will be street. THE OFFICE OF served. » who had been serving In Germany SERVICE and was on hla way to be dis­ By Truck Walkout The North Methodist WSCS will ARNOLD LAWRENCE Company No. 1 of the South charged. Ray Dwyor*# Photo Shop meet tomorrow afternoon In the End Fire department was called Next » o New aocial room of the church. Mrs. ARCHITECT By Soviet Gunners Saturday afternoon at four o’clock Miss Clam Skrabacc, organist of Ftrat Natloaal Store Willard J. McLaughlin, wife of the OpfriiUoiiB Laggiilg m TeL TSdB to extinguish a fire In an automo­ miniater, will meet with the group St. John’s church has called a re­ 869 MAIN STREET Latest French hearsal for this evening at 7:30. bile at the com er of Pine and for the first time, and will be the The Ladies’ Sewing Circle will al­ S trike Tightens Grip Center streets. The Are was ex principal speaker. The members WILL BE CLOSED Aid Their German Po­ Ungulshed at slight loss. so get together at 7:30. Mrs. Mary On Metropolitan Com­ are requested to bring their birth­ SEP. 4 THROUGH Cabinet Falls; lice in Seizure After day boixea. Tonight the Men’s Club Sumlalaska, the president, will be Berlin Attacks Seen in charge. Misa Helen Orxyb m erce; Settlement LIQUORS will have an outing at the cottage SEPT. 11 Russian Commandant of Lieon Holmes, Coventry Lake. It Mary C. Keeney Tent, Daughters Miss Helen M. Grzyb, daughter Prospects in Stoppage 64 Hours Old REASONABLE PRICES! will be ladles’ night with the club. Had Guaranteed Safe of Union Veterans o f the Civil of Mr. and Mrs. Joaeph Grxyb of Appear to Be Remote Move to Balk Talk Atlantic War, will meet this evening at 47 37 Mill street, has returned home Passage from Oty ARTHUR'S ‘The Aabury Group o f the South Maple atreeL A rehearsal for the Aturiol Calls in FoRow- Methodist WSCS will meet Thurs­ after three brain operations and Hall; Council Demands 845 Main Street initiation ceremony will take place. New York, Sept. 8.—<^P)— Harthatt Says Commune day afternoon at two o’clock at the more than two years of hospital Operations were reported ers o f de Gaulle in Ready to Talk Range and Fuel home o f Mra. Harry Ryan, 138 ist Actions Effort to Release of Men and The Friendship Circle of the Sal­ ization In different inatitutlons. lagging in New York city’s Solve Cri' Charter Oak street. HALE’S Effort to 19 Previously Seized vation Army will meet tomorrow She was able to be present at the giant garment industry to­ Upset Conferences Be- evening at seven o’clock at the wedding, Saturday, o f her coualn, SIS After Overthrow About Colonies O IL day sa the trucking strike citadel, and leave for a hot dog Benjamin S. Orxyb, and Mias Headquarters ttceen Military Heads Berlin, Sept. 8.— <AV-Rus- Plan Your roast and farewell party liT honor Amelia B. Koeak, which took place tightened its grip on metro­ Bulletin! sian gunners and their Ger­ of Misa Beverly Russell of Spmee In SL John’s church on Golway FOR politan commerce. Federal, Britain Notifies Russia THE Paris. S ej^ S—(P)—Miniater Washinffton. Sept. 8.— man police kidnaped 19 po- House Painting L. T. WOOD CO. street, who la leaving In mid-Sep­ street. She received a joyous re­ state and city mediators were tember for the Salvation Army ception from hundred! of friends, o f Pobiio Works Hear! Qneu- — Secretary Marsliall said to­ Of Willingness to Con­ icemen from western to meet again with officials Ule said today PresMeat Via- Now! 51 Bitten SL TeL 4496 Training College In New York who came to witness the ceremony. day Communist attacks on fer Before Sept. 15 today after the Soviet com­ RED CROSS A Herald reporter who could of the AFL International Broth­ seat Anrkil has asked lilm to Firemen atW aearch throogh the wreckage for pMsiHe vWrtiros of a candy company blast and Sre la erhood o f Teamsters thla after­ form a new goveramenL i;he Berlin city governnient mandant had guaranteed Tiaic PaynenU Arranged Misa Columbia A. Botticello, hardly believe the good newm called Chicago. A t least five persona were IcUIed and 16 Injured In the Mast that threw two workers oot noon, but prospecta for an early Qneullle visited the president were largely intended to up­ 1 0% Down daughter o f Mr. and Mra. Henry Misa Grzyb by telephone this of tha tap loer. Blast was beUeved to be the result o f starch In a candy machine. (NEA telephoto) London, SepL 8—(iP) — Britain them safe passage from the end o f the xtoppage, now in Its at Elyseea palace atter Ed- Botticello o f 54 Ruaaell street has morning to congratulate her. She set talks of the Big Four lias notified Russia aha ta iwady wsieged City Hall. The antt- Balance Monthly eighth day, appear^ remote. noard HerrioL sick aad aged, recently completed a six weeks* expressed her great happiness at military governors on the to open four-power tallu on tlie I Communist City Council met being again with her family and SO Per Cmt Behind Scbednle aaaooaced he had rejected an Wm. Dickson and Sou course at the Carmel and Mary With some 15,000 truckera now otter. crisis in the Soviet-blockaded future of Italy’s pre-war colonies again in western Berlin and Angelo School of Ballet, Hartford. friends. Dewey Plans roundly denounced the police Idd- Paiattag Ooatraetors The picture with this story was Idle here and In adjacent New Jer­ Stassen Aims Salvo capital.
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