eyeeye THESUNDAYEXPRESSMAGAZINE KOLKATA, LATECITY OCTOBER18,2020 PAGES 11, 12, 13 14PAGES,`5.00 Talkin’About aRevolution (EXKOLKATA`7,`12INNORTHEASTSTATES&ANDAMAN) Ahandful of contemporarypractitionersare trying to DAILY FROM: AHMEDABAD, CHANDIGARH, DELHI, JAIPUR, KOLKATA, LUCKNOW, MUMBAI, NAGPUR, PUNE, VADODARA WWW.INDIANEXPRESS.COM negotiate aplace forDalit identities in the Indian art world WEST BENGAL JAMMU AND KASHMIR PANCHAYATI RAJ ACT AMENDMENT HEALTHMINISTER, PMO OFFICIALS AT MEET NosignofAssemblypolls,Centrefloats PM: Learn from newlocallevelgovtinJ&K:distcouncil polls to prepare for TWO KILLED IN FIRE vaccine delivery AT BURRABAZAR UT administration says will empowerthird tier;PDP’s Naeem Akhtar calls it end of politics HIGH-RISE PAGE 3 Says involvedistofficials, civilsociety Eachdistrict will be divided WORLD NAVEEDIQBAL into14territorial constituencies organisations, volunteers, experts SRINAGAR,OCTOBER17 forwhichelections willbeheld, WhatistheDistrict andthewinners willelectachair- of the PMO, and officials from WITH ALL senior political lead- person and avice-chairperson DevelopmentCouncil? KAUNAINSHERIFFM various other departments. ers including Mehbooba Mufti from amongstthemselves. The NEWDELHI,OCTOBER17 The suggestion by thePrime released, the CentreonSaturday councils will replace the District Ministercomes even as the amendedthe Jammu and DevelopmentBoards, which THE DDC will comprise elected representativesfrom14 CHAIRINGAmeeting to review National ExpertGroup on Kashmir Panchayati RajAct, earlier (when J&K wasastate) territorial constituencies to be identifiedineachdistrict. It the Covid-19pandemic and pre- Vaccine Administration for NEW ZEALAND PM 1989, to facilitatethe setting up were chaired by aCabinet will have jurisdiction over theentire district excluding paredness of vaccine delivery, Covid-19isworking closelywith MehboobaMufti, Farooq of District Development MinisteroraMinisterofState and parts under the municipal corporation. Eachwill have a PrimeMinister NarendraModi states on prioritisation and dis- JACINDA ARDERN Abdullah,Omar Abdullahat Councils (DDC), the members of includedMLAs, MLCs and fund comprising grantsand itsown resources. The Block on Saturdaysaid that to ensure tribution onceapotential vac- WINS SECOND TERM ameetingonThursday. ANI whichwillbedirectlyelectedby Members of Parliament. Development Councils will function under the DDC. speedy access to thevaccine,the cine is made available. IN LANDSLIDE VOTE voters in the Union Territory. CONTINUEDONPAGE2 delivery system could learn from The government had previ- PAGE 10 the successful conduct of elec- ouslyestimated that it is likely to tions and disastermanagement. receive and utilise 400-500mil- Astatement issuedbythe lion doses of Covid vaccine and government quoted the PM as that as manyas25crore individ- AFTER JAGAN LETTERTOCJI saying that giventhe geograph- uals could be vaccinated by July ical span and diversity of the 2021. country, speedy accesstothe “The Prime Ministerstressed Need free judiciary, vaccine should be ensured. thatevery step in the logistics, “He further directed that we delivery,and administration should makeuse of the experi- should be put in place rigorously. it is for ajudge to ence of the successful conductof It mustinclude advancedplan- elections and disastermanage- ning of cold storagechains, dis- ment in the country. ThePrime tribution network, monitoring Ministersaid that in asimilar mechanism, advance assess- withstandpressure, manner, vaccine delivery and ad- ment, and preparation of ancil- ministration systems should be laryequipment required,suchas put in place. This should involve vials, syringes,” the government says Justice Ramana the participationofStates/ UTs/ statement said. District Levelfunctionaries, civil The Indian Express had earlier society organisations, volun- reportedthat the expertgroup ‘Strength of judiciaryisfaith of people... teers, citizens, and experts from hasbeguntomap cold chain stor- all necessarydomains,” the agefacilities across the country, can’tbecommanded, has to be earned’ statement said. including those available withthe The meeting wasattended food processing industryand by Union Health MinisterHarsh those outside of the 16,000 cold ANANTHAKRISHNANG Vardhan, Principal Secretaryto chain storages available with the NEWDELHI,OCTOBER17 PM, Member (Health) NITI government’s universal immuni- Aayog, Principal Scientific sation programme. DAYS AFTER AndhraPradesh Advisor,senior scientists,officers CONTINUEDONPAGE2 Chief MinisterYSJagan Mohan Reddy's letter to ChiefJustice of IndiaSABobderaisedallegations of improprietyagainsthim,Justice Jagan Mohan Reddy; BJP snub to Chirag NVRamanasaidSaturday“itisan Justice NVRamana important quality forajudgeto withstand all pressures and odds came after JD(U) andto standupbravelyagainstall oneself.” obstacles”andthata“vibrantand “Mostimportantly, particu- independent judiciary... is re- larly forajudge, one mustbe RAMLILA,VIRTUALLY quired in the current times”. steadfastinholdingontoprinci- noteofcaution Speaking at acondolence ples and be fearless in decisions. Ascene from the Ramlila being shotonthe banksofthe Yamuna, in Delhi on Saturday. Withliveshows no longer an option, meeting forformer Supreme It is an important qualityfor a it will be screenedonYouTube. Praveen Khanna Can’t playbothsides, says JD(U), wants CourtjudgeJustice AR judge to withstand all pressures Lakshmanan who passedaway and odds and to standupbravely no RS seat, no Cabinetpostfor LJP on August27, Justice Ramana, againstall obstacles,” he said. next in line to be the CJI, said: The remarkscome aweek af- EXPRESS NETWORK Covid effect? Sharper fall in girls’ “Thereare innumerable qualities terJagan Mohan Reddy’s LIZMATHEW that aperson needs to live what Principal Advisor Ajeya Kallam FIR AGAINST NEWDELHI,OCTOBER17 can be calledagoodlife: humil- releasedtothe media the CM’s KANGANA, SISTER; ity,patience, kindness, astrong October 6lettertothe CJI, alleg- REPUBLIC STAFFER NEET attendance than boys RATTLED BY LokJanshakti Party work ethic and the enthusiasm ing that Justice Ramana “has leader Chirag Paswan’s repeated QUESTIONED PAGE 5 to constantlylearn and improve CONTINUEDONPAGE2 NEET: HOW THEY FARED attacks on itsleader Nitish RITIKACHOPRA Kumar —and his simultaneous NEWDELHI,OCTOBER17 BOYS GIRLS praise forPrime Minister Year Appeared Attendance(%) Appeared Attendance(%) NarendraModi and BJP —the Proposal to Army: Cut ceremonies, THE ONGOINGpandemic seems JanataDal (United)has cau- 2017 4,73,30595.22% 6,16,772 96.09% to have hit young women aspir- tionedits ally that this could hurt ing to getintomedical school 2018 5,53,849 95.38% 7,16,072 95.98% the alliance. Nitish Kumar in Aurangabad canteen for better use of resources this year harder than their male 2019 6,30,28392.63% 7,80,46793.03% AndhasaskedtheBJPto clearly district on Saturday. PTI counterparts. 20206,18,075 86.25% 7,48,86685.02% signal that it’snot playing in Indian Army', the exercise was The SundayExpress analysed both sides. This maybe MANAMANSINGHCHHINA conductedearlier this year. datasince 2017 to find that like easier said than done. especially among asec- CHANDIGARH,OCTOBER17 Severalsuggestions were circu- everyyear,while moregirls hand, 85.02% of thegirls who this year wasmired in contro- But, sources said, tion of Dalits. lated amongmajor establish- (7,48,866) thanboys (6,18,075) had registeredtook thetestthis versy with asection of students this wasbehind senior At leastthree JD(U) ASLEW of measures proposed ments, command headquarters appeared forthe National time, an 8.01percentagepoint and parentsdemanding afur- BJP leaders Fridaycom- MPs TheIndian Express to streamline utilisation of man- and majordirectorates of the Eligibility cum Entrance Test drop since 2019. ther postponement because of ingout sharplycriticis- spoketoadmitted that poweraswell as financial and Army—and receivedbroad con- (NEET), the attendance rate of The Union government has the rising number of Covid cases ing Paswan, backing DECISION therewas sucha“delib- material resources has been re- currence. girlshad, forthe firsttime in four been conducting the medical en- and movement restrictions in Nitish and announcing 2020 erate” attempt. ceivedwell,but is creating rip- The SundayExpress has learnt years, fallen behindthat of boys. trance test foradmission to place across thecountry. Theex- joint rallies of Prime BIHAR “In the BJP,thereisa ples in Armycircles. Because the Proposals includecutting thatthe proposedmeasures in- This year,the overall atten- about one lakh MBBS and BDS amination washeld as sched- MinisterNarendra section that doesnot like proposals include doing away down on ceremonial clude discontinuing the Army dance rate fell from 92.85% to seatsacross the countryonthe uled, on September 13,after the Modi and Nitish Kumar. Nitish Kumar and theywanted with ArmyDay and Territorial practices likebrass bands. File Dayparade on January15and 85.57%, but the genderbreak-up orders of the Supreme Court. Supreme Courtdismissedpeti- This, even as asection of the to belittlehim. That boy(Chirag) ArmyDay parades in NewDelhi, Territorial ArmyDay parade on shows the drop is muchsteeper Attendance data for2017, 2018 tions seeking apostponement. BJP plannedtopropupthe young wascreated by this section. But cutting down on ceremonial October 9. forgirls. According to the and 2019 shows that women as- The disruption of education Paswan, hoping this will “cut then they realisedthatwhen the practicessuchasbrass bands
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