Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA Vol. 94, pp. 9532–9537, September 1997 Geology Buoyancy-driven, rapid exhumation of ultrahigh-pressure metamorphosed continental crust W. G. ERNST*, S. MARUYAMA†, AND S. WALLIS‡ *Department of Geological and Environmental Sciences, Stanford University, Stanford, CA 94305-2115; †Department of Earth and Planetary Sciences, Tokyo Institute of Technology, Meguro-ku, Tokyo 152, Japan; and ‡Department of Geology and Mineralogy, Faculty of Science, Kyoto University, Sakyo-ku, Kyoto 606-01, Japan Contributed by W. G. Ernst, June 24, 1997 ABSTRACT Preservation of ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) coupled to the descending lithosphere, continental indentation minerals formed at depths of 90–125 km require unusual would occur instead (7). conditions. Our subduction model involves underflow of a For the UHP case discussed here involving well-bonded salient (250 6 150 km wide, 90–125 km long) of continental crust plus mantle, entrance of increasing amounts of sialic crust embedded in cold, largely oceanic crust-capped litho- material into the subduction zone enhances the braking effect sphere; loss of leading portions of the high-density oceanic of buoyancy; this in turn results in loss of the high-density lithosphere by slab break-off, as increasing volumes of mi- lithospheric anchor leading the downgoing plate at interme- crocontinental material enter the subduction zone; buoyancy- diate upper mantle depths where the sinking lithosphere is in driven return toward midcrustal levels of a thin (2–15 km extension (8). Slab break-off (9, 10) enhances buoyancy fur- thick), low-density slice; finally, uplift, backfolding, normal ther, and causes the sialic prong—or at least a slice thereof—to faulting, and exposure of the UHP terrane. Sustained over decouple from the descending but faltering lithospheric plate '20 million years, rapid ('5mmyyear) exhumation of the and move back up the subduction channel. Exhumation is thin-aspect ratio UHP sialic sheet caught between cooler aided in part by (i) progressive shallowing of the ruptured and hanging-wall plate and refrigerating, downgoing lithosphere now buoyant, rebounding continental-crust-capped litho- sphere, and perhaps more importantly, (ii) due to reduction of allows withdrawal of heat along both its upper and lower the shear force acting along its base due to its increasingly surfaces. The intracratonal position of most UHP complexes ductile behavior as the slab gradually warms with depth in the reflects consumption of an intervening ocean basin and deep upper mantle. Because of continued subduction-induced introduction of a sialic promontory into the subduction zone. refrigeration tectonically beneath the rising UHP complex, UHP metamorphic terranes consist chiefly of transformed, and observed extensional faulting against the overlying, cooler yet relatively low-density continental crust compared with hanging-wall plate, relatively thin slices of UHP terranes displaced mantle material—otherwise such complexes could effectively lose heat along both upper and lower surfaces not return to shallow depths. Relatively rare metabasaltic, during ascent; thus, such complexes may nearly retrace the metagabbroic, and metacherty lithologies retain traces of subduction-zone pressure–temperature (P–T) trajectory dur- phases characteristic of UHP conditions because they are ing decompression (11, 12). massive, virtually impervious to fluids, and nearly anhydrous. Proposed relationships are shown diagrammatically in Fig. In contrast, H2O-rich quartzofeldspathic, gneissosey 1, and apply equally well to the exhumation of high-pressure schistose, more permeable metasedimentary and metagra- (HP) and UHP terranes. An upper normal fault and a lower nitic units have backreacted thoroughly, so coesite and other reverse fault bound the thin-aspect-ratio slab. Such shear UHP silicates are exceedingly rare. Because of the initial senses seem required by structural relations, for example, in presence of biogenic carbon, and its especially sluggish trans- the Dora Maira Massif (13–15), and in the Dabie Shan (16). formation rate, UHP paragneisses contain the most abun- Yet another exhumation scenario involves the antithetic fault- dantly preserved crustal diamonds. ing characteristic of some compressional orogens, in which double vergence is produced during end stages of the collision Previous workers (1) have demonstrated that deep subduction and ascent of sialic crust (17). of continental crust is required to explain the generation of Where thin UHP slices are exhumed during continued ultrahigh-pressure (UHP) terranes. An outstanding petrotec- subductionyrefrigeration, the ascending complex will more- or-less follow the prograde metamorphic P–T path in reverse; tonic problem consists of elucidating the manner in which this phenomenon has been documented, for instance, in these complexes have returned to shallow levels while preserv- HPyUHP terranes of the western Alps and the California ing intact relics of the UHP phase assemblages. The ‘‘two-way Coast Ranges (18–20). For thick, more nearly equidimensional street’’ nature of subduction zones was recognized long ago masses (.30 km thick?), the ratio of cooling surface to mass (2–4). Briefly, salients or peninsulas of old continental crust, is low, and central portions are likely to remain sufficiently hot thoroughly embedded in chiefly cold, oceanic-crust-capped during decompression for the complete obliteration of all UHP lithospheric plates, descend rapidly, generating the character- relics, and perhaps even for partial melting to ensue; accord- istic UHP mineralogy (5, 6). The UHP slabs will be subducted ingly, such ascending, hot bodies retain none of the precursor to depths where the buoyancy forces tending to drive them UHP mineral assemblages. back upward are exactly balanced by the dynamic forces tending to subduct them still further. In a contrasting type of Buoyancy Forces continental collision, where the sialic crust is weak and poorly The densities of unaltered oceanic crust ('3.0), continental The publication costs of this article were defrayed in part by page charge crust ('2.7), and mantle materials ('3.2) increase with ele- payment. This article must therefore be hereby marked ‘‘advertisement’’ in vated pressure, reflecting the progressive transformation of accordance with 18 U.S.C. §1734 solely to indicate this fact. © 1997 by The National Academy of Sciences 0027-8424y97y949532-6$2.00y0 Abbreviations: UHP, ultrahigh pressure; HP, high pressure; P–T, PNAS is available online at http:yywww.pnas.org. pressure–temperature. 9532 Downloaded by guest on September 28, 2021 Geology: Ernst et al. Proc. Natl. Acad. Sci. USA 94 (1997) 9533 will tend to sink. Of course, if the conversion of crustal slices to UHP mineral assemblages is incomplete, continental crust should be even more buoyant than indicated in Table 1, whereas the oceanic crust would be less negatively (even positively) buoyant, depending on the extent of transformation to high-density phases. The several forces acting upon a sheet of subducted sialic crust, illustrated schematically in Fig. 1, may be described as follows. (i) Subduction of a low-density sialic slab occurs provided shear forces caused by underflow (Fs) overcome the combined effects of buoyancy (Fb) and frictional resistance along the upper wall of the subduction channel (Fr). In this case, Fs . Fb sinQ1Fr.(ii) Slab rise—not necessarily the complete section of sialic crust—occurs provided buoyancy is positive, and greater than the combined effects of shearing along its base and resistance to movement along its upper surface. For this situation, Fb sinQ.Fs1Fr. Kinematically, the illustrated process is rather similar to the ‘‘slab-extrusion’’ mechanism that Maruyama et al. (23) pro- posed specifically to account for the Dabie Shan UHP rocks of east-central China, as well as tectonic models advanced for the Himalayas and the Alps (24–27). Explicit in our scenario, however, is body–force propulsion of the UHP metamor- phosed sheet of continental crust back up the subduction zone due to its overall buoyancy, in contrast to the mechanism of compressional extrusion (28–31). But are other observed features of HP and UHP complexes explicable as conse- FIG. 1. Schematic diagram portraying the deep burial and thermal quences of our formation and exhumation mechanism? structure of a subducted microcontinent or continental salient (a), then decompression cooling of a rising slice of UHP quart- Easternmost Java Trench: A Modern Collision Zone zofeldspathic rock—not necessarily the complete section of sialic crust—accompanying steady-state subduction (b) [after Ernst and Peacock (12)]. During uplift of a thin UHP terrane (thickness some- A modern geologic analogue of the model shown in Fig. 1 is what exaggerated for clarity), cooling of the upper margin of the sheet represented by the eastern portion of the Indonesian arc takes place where it is juxtaposed against the shallower, lower tem- (32–34). The strongly curved portion of the Australian– perature hanging-wall plate; cooling along the lower margin of the Eurasian collisional suture zone between Timor and Seram is sheet takes place where it is juxtaposed against the lower temperature, illustrated in Fig. 2a) (33, 35, 36), with the geographic distri- subductingyrefrigerating plate. Stages depicted are as follows: (a) bution of uplifted HP blueschists indicated. The driving force prior to exhumation of the UHP complex; and (b) during exhumation for wedge ‘‘extrusion’’
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