1940 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE 5721 eration of their resolution with reference to the United States us by Thy power that we give heed only to that which is right Housing Authority program; to the Committee on Banking and, speaking the truth in love, may keep ourselves close to and Currency. the lives of the great body of men, and, sharing alike their 8105. Also, petition of the Los Angeles Industrial Union joys and sorrows, may follow in the steps of Him who made Council, Congress of Industrial Organizations, Los Angeles, this world's ills His own, even Jesus Christ, our Lord. Amen. Calif., petitioning consideration of their resolution with ref­ THE JOURNAL erence to the Dies committee; to the Committee on Rules. 8106. Also, petition of Branch 79, International Workers On request of Mr. BARKLEY, and by unanimous consent, Order, petitioning consideration of their resolution with the reading of the Journal of the proceedings of the calen­ reference to the Dies committee; to the Committee on Rules. dar day of TUesday, May 7, 1940, was dispensed with, and 8107. Also, petition of Lake County (Ind.) School Em­ the Journal was approved. ployees Local 123, Hammond, Ind., petitioning consideration MESSAGES FROM THE PRESIDENT of their resolution with reference to Senate bill 591, United Messages in writing from the President of the United States Housing Authority program; to the Committee on States submitting nominations were communicated to the Banking and Currency. Senate by Mr. Latta, one of his secretaries. 8108. Also, petition of Local 18, United Retail and Whole­ CALL OF THE ROLL sale Employees of America, Philadelphia, Pa., petitioning consideration of their resolution with reference to the so­ Mr. BARKLEY. I suggest the absence of a quorum. called antialien bills; to the Committee on Inimigration and The VICE PRESIDENT. The clerk will call the roll. Naturalization. The Chief Clerk called the roll, and the following Sen­ 8109. Also, petition of the Wood Preserving Employees, ators answered to their names: Union Local No. 20493, Terre Haute, Ind., petitioning con­ Adams Davis Lodge Sheppard Ashurst Donahey Lucas Shipstead sideration of their resolution with reference to Senate bill Austin Downey Lundeen Slattery 591, United States Housing Authority program; to the Com­ Bailey Ellender McCarran Smathers Bankhead Frazier McKellar Smith mittee on Banking and Currency. Barbour Gerry McNary Stewart 8110. Also, petition of the Distillery Workers' Union No. Barkley Gillette Maloney Taft 20418, petitioning consideration of their resolution with ref­ Bilbo Glass Mead Thomas, Idaho Bone Gutfey Miller Thomas, Okla. erence to Senate bill 591, United States Housing Authority Brown Gurney Minton Thomas, Utah program; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. Bulow Hale Murray Townsend Burke Harrison Norris Tydings 8111. Also, petition of the International Hod Carriers' Byrd Hatch Nye Vandenberg Building and Common Laborers' Union of America, Galveston, Byrnes Hayden O'Mahoney VanNuys Tex., petitioning consideration of their resolution with refer­ Capper Herring Overton · Wagner Caraway Holman Pittman Walsh ence to Senat-e bill 591, United States Housing Authority pro­ Chandler Hughes Radclitfe Wheeler gram; to the Committee on Banking and Currency. Chavez Johnson, Calif. Reed White 8112. Also, petition of the International Workers' Order, Clark, Idaho Johnson, Colo. · Reynolds Wiley Clark, Mo. King Russell . Branch No. 614, Yukon, Pa., petitioning consideration of their Connally La Follette Schwartz resolution with reference to the Bill of Rights; to the Com­ Danaher Lee Schwellenbach mittee on Rules. Mr. MINTON. I announce that the Senator from Georgia 8113. Also, petition of the United Retail Shoe Employees, [Mr. GEORGE] is absent from the Senate because of illness. Local No. 114, Philadelphia, Pa., petitioning consideration of The Senator from Rhode Island [Mr. GREEN] is unavoid­ their resolution with reference to the United States Housing ably detained. Authority program; to the Committee on Banking and Cur­ The Senator from Alabama [Mr. HILL J, the Senators from rency. Florida [Mr. ANDREWS and Mr. PEPPER], the Senators from 8114. Also, petition of the Labor Department, Local No. 12, West Virginia [Mr. HoLT and Mr. NEELY], and the Senator United Federal Workers of America, Washington, D. C., peti­ from Missouri [Mr. TRUMAN] are necessarily absent. tioning consideration of their resolution with reference to Mr. AUSTIN. I announce that my colleague the junior Senate bill 3859, concerning Federal employees; to the Com­ Senator from Vermont [Mr. GIBSON] and the Senators from mittee on the Civil Service. New Hampshire [Mr. BRIDGES and Mr. TOBEY] are necessarily 8115. Also, petition of Peter TUrk, Perth Amboy, N. J. <Hun­ absent. garian Section, Branch No. 1010), petitioning consideration The VICE PRESIDENT. Eighty-five Senators have an­ of their resolution with reference to the Dies committee; to swered to their names. A quorum is present. the Committee on Rules. REVISED REPORT ON LOGAN-WALTER BILL--SETTLEMENT OF DIS­ 8116. Also, petition of the Cherneshevsky Club, New York, PUTES WITH UNITED STATES petitioning consid.eration of their resolution with reference to the Bill of Rights; to the Committee on Rules. The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a letter from the Secretary of Agriculture, transmitting a revised report relative to the bill (S. 915) to' provide for the more expeditious SENATE settlement of disputes with the United States, and for other purposes, which, with the accompanying report, was referred WEDNESDAY, MAY 8, 1940 to the Committee on the Judiciary. (Legislative day of Wednesday, April 24, 1940) PETITIONS The Senate met at 12 o'clock meridian, on the expiration The VICE PRESIDENT laid before the Senate a resolution of the recess. of the Pasadena (Calif.) Branch of the National Woman's The Chaplain, Rev. Z~Barney T. Phillips, D. D., offered the Party, favoring the prompt adoption of the so-called equal­ following prayer: rights amendment to the Constitution, which was referred to Almighty God, our Heavenly Father, as we enter the Holy the Committee on the Judiciary. of Holies through the sanctuary of prayer, fill us with the He also laid before the Senate the petition of the city of spirit of reverence and awe, and fix our minds on things eter­ Seward, Alaska, signed by the mayor thereof, praying for a nal, that we may learn how dear we are to Thee, as Thou set­ congressional investigation of the entire Alaska Railroad test our feet upon the rock of Thy favor. Encourage in our situation, together with the Matanuska Farm Colony in the hearts this day every good intent; cleanse our consciences, Territory of Alaska, which was referred to the Committee on and stir our wills, that we may gladly serve the living God, Territories and Insular Affairs. who dost carry us from strength to strength. REPORTS OF COMMITTEES Leave in us, dear Lord, no room for spiritual wickedness, no Mr. WHEELER from the Committee on Interstate Com­ lurking place for secret sins, but so establish and sanctify merce, to which was referred the resolution (S. Res. 259) 5722 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD-SENATE MAY 8 authorizing the preparation of a supplement to the docu­ (Mr. O'MAHONEY introduced Senate bill 3943, which was ment on the Compilation of Federal Laws Relating to the rreferred to the Committee on Public Lands and Surveys, Regulation of Carriers Subject to the Interstate Commerce and appears under a separate heading.) Act, reported it without amendment and submitted a report By Mr. SHEPPARD: (No. 1575) thereon. S. 3944. A bill for the relief of emergency officers with Mr. TYDINGS, from the Committee on Territories and certain specified service; to the Committee on Finance. Insular Affairs, to which was referred the bill <H. R. 9185) By Mr. WILEY: to amend section 73 of an act entitled "An act to provide S. 3945. A bill to amend the Public Salary Tax Act of a government for the Territory of Hawaii", approved April 1939 to grant relief to certain State employees from pay­ 30, 1900, as amended, reported it with amendments and sub­ ment of Federal income taxes for taxable years beginning mitted a report <No. 1576) thereon. prior to January 1, 1939; to the Committee on Finance. Mr. McKELLAR, from the Committee on the Library, to SACO DIVIDE UNIT, MILK RIVER PROJECT, MONTANA which was referred the joint resolution (S. J. Res. 175) to Mr. WHEELER. Mr. President, I ask unanimous consent provide for the observance and celebration of the four hun­ to introduce, for proper reference and printing in the RECORD, dredth anniversary of the discovery of the Mississippi River a bill which was prepared and approved by the Bureau of by Hernando De Soto, reported it without amendment. Reclamation at the request of Mr. 0. S. Warden, president of ENROLLED BILLS PRESENTED the National Reclamation Association. The bill is endorsed Mrs. CARAWAY, from the Committee on Enrolled Bills, by the districts affected, and I shall press for its speedy con­ reported that on today, May 8, 1940, that committee pre­ sideration. sented to the President of the United States the following The VICE PRESIDENT. In the absence of objection, the enrolled b:ils :· bill will be received and appropriately referred. S. 1542. An act to authorize the Director of the Geological The bill CS. 3942) authorizing allocation of funds for the Survey, under the general supervision of the Secretary of construction of Saco Divide unit, Milk River project, and for the Interior, to acquire certain collections for the United other purposes, was read twice by its title, referred to the States; Committee on Irrigation and Reclamation, and ordered to be S. 1780. An act to authorize the Secretary of the Interior printed in the RECORD, as follows: to acquire property for the Antietam Battlefield site in the Be it enacted, etc., That the President, in making allocations from State of Maryland, and for other purposes; and pursuant to the item for water-conservation and utility proj­ S.
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