on SEE STORY, PAGE 4 The Weather Ked Rank, Freehold FINAL Cold, chance of light snow Long Branch tonight and tomorrow, REGISTER EDITION Monmoutli County's Outstanding Home Newspaper 24 PAGES VOL.95 NO. 124 RED BAM, NJ. WEDNESDAY, DECEMBER 27,1972 TEN CENTS MuriiinaiiiiitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiJiiiiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiittiiiiiiDiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiniiiiiiiiiiiiiiii iiiiiiiiiiiiiBiiintiiHiiiuiiiiiuiiuuniuiiuiiuiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiii m niitiuii iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiifiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiuitiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiu IIIIHHHDHinllllllllllllllllllUimUIIUIUiniUR Vation Mourns Teople's President' INDEPENDENCE, Mo. torian mansion, that looks as yesterday after word of the (AP) - For the final time, it did more than 100 years ago former president's death Harry S. Tniman today travels except for the fence erected reached her by telephone. But the half mile from his home to by the Secret Service during a family friend, Randall Jos- the presidential library that, Truman's presidency. see, said she was calm and bears his name. There, at the busy inter- composed. And the nation he led from section of Truman Road and She and Margaret, who ar- war into the chill of an uneasy Delaware, the motorcade was rived late Christmas day, had peace will have a day of to pause briefly and begin the spent a last few minutes with mourning tomorrow to com- leg Truman had walked so of- Truman that evening — al- memorate the man whose ten, past the homes of neigh- though he had been uncon- dearest wish was to be known bors who knew Harry Truman scious for two days. The Tru- as "The People's President." and Bess Wallace as children. man women, Jessee said, Richard M. Nixon, the 37th iiiiiiiniiiiiilii iiiiiiiiiiiiimmiiiiiiiiiiii "have both taken this with the president of the United States, great style and grace they and Lyndon B. Johnson, the Other Truman have always exhibited." 36th, were to be at the library Magaret's husband, New to bid farewell to the 33rd. Stories, Photos York Times associate editor But mostly the honor of pay- Clifton Daniel, and their four ing last respects is reserved On Pages 3,13 sons were to arrive in time for for close family and friends t|l"l» »"""" "«««i"««> theprivate'scrvice. and the ordinary people with A catafalque was placed in Military Tribute Set whom Truman so strongly the lobby of the library before The 5th Army, which is han- identified in his 88 years. a 60-foot mural depicting "In- dling the state funeral, said There will be little of the dependence and the Opening more than 1,000 servicemen pageantry of other state fu- of the West" and it was there will be involved in the cere- nerals for the former Presi- that people could come to say monies, providing a 24-hour dent who died Tuesday. In farewell. honor guard and music befitt- keeping with Mrs. Truman's Simplicity Desired ing man who was president • AP Wlrepholo wishes, once-elaborate plans The wreath-laying visits of nearly eight years. LONELY VIGIL — Solitary security guard maintains vigil at gates to the were scrapped for rites with President and Mrs. Nixon and Tomorrow at 4 p.m. EST, Harry S. Truman Library in Independence, Mo./ last night. The library is simple dignity. former President and Mrs. the burial site for the late Harry S. Truman. Truman will be laid to rest in A memorial service is to be Johnson a day before the bur- the landscaped courtyard of held in Washington's National ial was planned as the course .the library — near the win- Cathedral within a week after best for Mrs. Truman and in dows of his private office. deference to her wishes for Congress reconvenes Jan. 3 In this Missouri River town, for the dignitaries, American as simple a funeral as pos- sible. the passing of Harry S. Tru- and foreign, who could not be man brings a special sorrow County Leaders accommodated here. Thousands were expected to — he was their own. President Nixon ordered all pass by the coffin in the 21 but essential government hours of lying in state. But "We felt so comfortable, all agencies closed tomorrow and only 200 — the capacity of the of us here in Independence, TRUMAN AT 79 - Former President Harry 5. flags to half staff for 30 days. Truman Library Auditorium knowing he was down the Truman was in a lovlal. mood in this photograph Mrs. Truman, daughter — were invited Into the ser- street in his big white house," taken at his 79th birthday party In Kansas City on Margaret and here family, vice tomorrow to be con- said Mary Do well, 57. May 8,1963. Praise Truman and close friends were to be ducted by the Rev. John H. at a private service in the Lembeck, pastor of Trinity By BEN VAN VLIET ized then that he was not' only 'State Sen. Joseph Azzolina, Carson funeral home this Episcopal Church. morning. Monmouth County Demo- a great Democrat, but a great "he had tough decisions to The Trumans were married statesman," said Mrs. Kath- make, and.he made them." On View in Library in that church S3, years ago Water Utility Seeks , crats and Republicans alike joined yesterday in paying arine Elkus White of Red Mr. Azzolina, a Republican, Then a motorcade was to and so was Margaret, their tribute to Harry S. Truman Bank, former U.S. ambassa- said "I think Truman is more take the coffin in a direct only child, 37 years later. Un- saying the 88-year-old former dor to Denmark. respected today than he was route from the mortuary, til recent years, Mrs. Truman chief executive will be record- "He will go down in history when he was president be- through the streets of Inde- had been a member of the. ed in history as one of the as a fine president," Mrs. cause we know now that pendence that Truman had Parish Altar Guild there, White said, "a warm and kind many of those controversial walked so often to the library pitching in to polish the brass 'Bare Bones' Raise greatest of American Presi- By DORIS KULMAN than $2 million a year to Mon- able "to compete successfully dents. human being with very close decisions he made were the to which he devoted many of and prepare the altar. family ties, and well thought his retirement years. mouth Consolidated's annual with other enterprises for its right ones. He turned out to The 87-year-old Mrs. Tru- NEWARK - The 34 per operating income, according capital requirements," "Harry S. Truman meant of by members of Congress." be a strong and decisive presi- Midway on the route is the man, dubbed "The Boss" by an awful lot to me," said Mon- cent rate increase Monmouth to the company. In support of Its plea for Mrs. White, a long time See County, Page 3 Truman home, a modest Vic- her husband, was in seclusion Consolidated Water Co. wants It would raise the utility's higher rates, Monmouth Con- mouth County Republican Monmouth County and state is a "bare bones figure" ur- Chairman Benjamin H. Dan- Democratic leader, worked on rate of return from 7.07 per solidated cited increased la- skin. gently needed to attract the cent to 7.85 per cent, accord- bor, material and borrowing the Truman campaign in the Investment capital to pay for ing to testimony by Lorcn D. costs, the costs of servicing "I can remember driving 1948 election at the New York necessary expansion and keep Mellendorf, regional treasurer houses on lots with large fron- 400 miles from college to vote headquarters. U.S. Announces Loss the utility solvent, company of American Water Works tages in sprawling residential against him for my first presi- " "I met Mr. Truman several officials said in written testi- Service Co., Inc., Haddon developments far from water • dential vote," he said, "and times," she said, "but I can't mony submitted yesterday to Heights, and Monmouth Con- sources, and the economics —»-"Since that day I have had a really say that I knew him." the state Board of Public Util- solidated treasurer. The peculiar to the water busi- greater and greater apprecia- Mrs. White also had met Mrs. ity Commissioners. Shrewsbury-based utility is a ness. tion of him." Truman and the Trumans' Of 12th B52 Bomber The firm's written testi- subsidiary of American Water The new technology which Mr. Danskin, who was a stu- daughter, Mrs. Margaret Tru- SAIGON (AP) - The U.S. shot down 55 planes, including United States for their crimi- mony was submitted in the.Works, a Delaware holding man Daniel many times. brought other utilities new dent at Dickinson College in Command announced the loss 18 B52s. nal war escalation, and we first day of the PUC public company, sources of supply, cheaper Mrs. White noted that Mr. Carlyle, Pa., majoring in po- today of its 12th B52 bomber President Nixon reportedly are always prepared to deal hearings on its rate increase The PUC granted Mon- ways of operating and new litical science and history, Truman's advice and wisdom in an attack on the Hanoi-Hai- ordered resumption of. the air them more return blows and. request. The hearing was ad- uses for their products hasn't as an elder statesman was mouth Consolidated a 24 per drove to Interlaken, N.J. in phong area as the blitz of the attack over the 20th parallel' resolved to completely defeat journed until Tuesday, Jan. cent rate Increase, designed done that for the water busi- .November of 1948 to cast a well respected by statesmen North Vietnamese heartland last week in an attempt to the adventurous and criminal IB, at 10 a.m. in the PUC of- ness, Mr, Mellendorf said.
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