Vol. 43-No. 129 l 7-5-78 WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1978 PAGES 28965-29100 w I - - 7-- j v highlig hts SUNSHINE ACT MEETINGS-.... ... 29055 1 FREE ENTERPRISE DAY Presidcntial proclamation .. - 28975 COST OF UVING ALLOWANCES Executive order adusting 28977 FOREIGN ASSISTANCE PROGRAMS Executive order 28965 FEDERAL EQUAL EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITY PROGRAM Executie order 28967 CIVIL RIGHTS ACT ExecutX,.e order provdng for tho transfer of certain functions to the Attorney General .. 28971 EXECUTIVE SCHEDULE Executive order placinq certan postons In Lewel IV- 28973 IMPROVING GOVERNMENT REGULATIONS Pbstal Rate Cnnmss!aon issues a report on tmpro4gn Goern- ment regu!Wtons; comments by 7-28-78 29045 SURFACE COAL MINING AND RECLAMATION OPERATIONS lnterior/SMRE announccs a;a&7a.ty of draft rcguat-n.s seenam on 8-9 and 8-10-78 29012 NUTRITION EDUCATION GRANTS USDA/FTS annunces p!ans to proa,-1 funds to States for conducting experimntaLr or demcnstraton pros ztz, app:za- tons duo by 8-14-78 - 29022 YOUTH EMPLOYMENT PROGRAMS Labor/Secy proposes anendments of p:c-ren's urdfr the Youth Employment and Demrnostraton Prcle:ts Act; com- ments by 7-31-78 (PatV of tlt! Iue) .... 29098 RESTRICTIVE TRADE PRACTICES OR BOYCOTTS Comrnerce/rTA implements reporting '.uirean-ts; effec,.a 8-1-78 (Part Wl1of tWs Issue) 29078 CITIZEN PARTICIPATION GRANT PROGRAM CS amends rule to provde addifiora time for applicants to develop and suxnit ther applicatione 29017 CONSTRUCTION GRANTS EPA pro.des suject Inda .It of reinaI adrr sfrater pro- et"de rninatons;, comn,, nts by 9-5-78 29001 COtTNUED INSIDE dialonoreg Now available in Los Angeles For an advance"'look" at the Federal Register, try our information service. A recording will give you selections from our highlights listing of documents to be published in the next day's issue-of the Federal Register. 213-688-6694 M:3 1= m Published daily, Monday through Friday (no publication on Saturdays, Sundays, or on official Iederal holidays), by the Office of the Federal Register, National Archives and Records Service, General Services MAdministration, Washington, D.C. 20408, under the Federal Register Act (49 Stat. 600, As amended: 44 US.C. o WCh. 15) and the regulations of the Administrative Committee of the Federal Register (1 CFR Ch. I). Distributioln NCO is made only by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Ofice, Washington, D.C. 20402. The FzeaL RGxss provides a uniform system for making available to the public regulations and legal notices issued 5 by Federal agencies. These include Presidential proclamations and Executive orders and Federal agency documents having general applicability and legal effect, documents required to be published by Act of Congress and other Federal agency documents of public interest. Documents are on file for public Inspection In the Ofice of the Federal Register the day before they are published, unless earlier filing is requested by the Issuing agency. The FmDAL REGsE will be furnished by mail to subscribers, free of postage, for $5.00 per month or $50 per year, payable 0= in advance. The charge for Individual copies is 75 cents for each Issue, or 75 cents for each group of pages as actually bound, Remit check or money order, made payable to the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402. There are no restrictions on the republication of material appearing In the FEEAL REomsTEz. FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL 43, NO. 129-WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1978 INFORMATION AND ASSISTANCE Questions and requests for specific information may be directed to the following numbers. General inquiries may be made by dialing 202-523-5240. FEDERAL REGISTER, Daily Issue: PRESIDENTIAL PAPERS: Subscription orders (GPO) .............. 202-783-3238 Executive Orders and Proclama- 523-5233 Subscription problems (GPO) .......... 202-275-3050 tions. "Dial - a - Reg" (recorded sum- Weekly Compilation of Presidential 523-5235 mary of highlighted documents Documents. appearing in next day's issue). Public Papers of the Presidents ...... 523-5235 Washington, D.C ....................... 202-523-5022 Index ...................................................523-5235 Chicago, III ................................. 312-663-0884 PUBLIC LAWS: Los Angeles, Calif .................... 213-688-6694 Public Law dates and numbers ....... 523-5266 of documents for 202-523-3187 Scheduling 523-5282 publication. Srip Laws ........................................... 523-5266 of documents appear- 523-5240 Photo copies 523-5282 ing in the Federal Register. U.S. Statutes at Large ...................... 523-5266 523-5237 Corrections ........................................ 523-5282 Public Inspection Desk ..................... 523-5215 Index ................................................... 523-5266 523-5227 Finding Aids ....................................... 523-5282 Public Briefings: "How To Use the 523-3517 Federal Register." U.S. Government Manual .................. 523-5230 Code of Federal Regulations (CFR).. 523-3419 Automation .......................................... 523-3408 523-3517 Finding Aids ....................................... 523-5227 Special Projects ................................. 523-4534 HIGHLIGHTS-Continued LOAN GUARANTY PEANUTS VA increases ma.imum interest rate to 9% percent on guar- USDA/ASCS etab'ishe3 acreage ai!otmsnts, farm ye.ds, and anteed, insured and direct loans for new homes and condo- poundage quotas for 1978; effectIve 7-5-78 ............ 28986 miniums; effective 6-29-78 .............. ..... ............ 29000 PNEUMATIC MARINE FENDERS FROM JAPAN PROFESSIONAL STANDARDS REVIEW Treasuzy Issucs tentative negatve antidump:ng deterrr 'naton, HEW/HOFA adopts amendment to criteria for designating effectve 7-5-78 ................ ........... 29046 PSRO areas; effective 7-5-78 ................ ...............-.... 29005 NONPERISHABLE SUBSISTENCE ITEMS HEW/HCFA proposes to designate Texas as a sIngle PSRO GSA transfers procuxement management responsibtes to area; comments by 9-5-78 ....... .................................. 29061 VA; effective 7-5-78 ................ 29005 FARM CREDIT INVESTMENT BOND LABORATORY AND RESEARCH EQUIPMENT PROGRAM GSA establishes addetional contros for management in Feder- Farm Credit Administration proposes to provide additional al laboratorlcs; effective 7-5-78 ............. 29003 funds to Farm Credit Banks; comments by 7-27-78..._......... 29010 CONDUCT ON FEDERAL PROPERTY TAXICAB RADIO SERVICE CHANNELS GSA pro-ides reised po, des and proced=re;, effective FCC determines to retain four frequency pairs for exclusive 7-5-78- 29C01 use of taxis .................. ............... ............ .. 29007 PRIVACY ACT ELECTRIC SYSTEM REVIEW AND Labzr/4y propozes exemptlons for a systEm of records; EVALUATION commenls by 8-4-78 29042 USDA/REA proposes to revise bulletin providing criteria and MEETINGS- pro adures for REA electric distribution borrowers; comments .................... ............29009 Corn'nerce/ITA. Nurricr ay Controlled Machine Tool Tech- by 8-4-78 nc-"Advisory Committee, 7-24-78 ...... 2S024 EASTERN TIMBER WOLF DOD/Sczy: sDfenoe Science Board AdMiscry Committee, lnterior/FWS proposes special regulations concerning the tak- 7-31-78 29025 ing of gray wolves in Minnesota; comments by 8-31-78 .......... 29019 EPA: Techt.cai Assessment and Pot'urban Control Advi ory Comrnittee. 7-20 through 7-22-78 .......... 29028 RANGE MANAGEMENT AND TECHNICAL FCC: R.cdo Techdical Commission for Mafe Services, SERVICES 7-18 and 7-24-78 ... 29029 IntErior/BLM updates livestock grazing regulations for public HEVIOFE Career Eduzaton N1tona Advisory CounzI., lands and adds provisions required by the Federal Land Pocy 7-21-78 29033 and Management Act of 1976; effective 8-4-78 (Part II of this Vocational Education N3atonal Adisory Council, 8-3 and issue) ............................................................................................ 29058 8-4-78--. - 29034 FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL 43, NO. 129-WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1978 HIGHLIGHTS-Continued Historic Preservation Advisory Council: Public information USDA/FS: National Forest Management Act Committee of meeting, 7-20-78 .................... 29022 Scientists, 7-14-78 .... .................. 29023 Manpower Policy National Commission: Recent European manpower policies, 7-19 through 7-21-78 ...... 29043 SEPARATE PARTS OF THIS ISSUE NRC: Reactor Safeguards Advisory Committee, Electrical Systems Subcommittee, Control Instrumentation, Part II,Interior/BLM ......... 29058 7-20-78 .................................................................................... 29043 Part Ill, Commerce/TA .......I .......... ° .....................°,*°,~ ...........29078 State: Shipping Coordinating Committee, Subcommittee on Part IV,EPA .................... ...................I...... ..................° O,° ... 29086 Safety of Life at Sea, 7-26-78 .............................................. 29046 Part V, Labor .................... .., ...,.°.°...................°= o, ° O ...,..J...... 29090 FEDERAL REGISTER, VOL 43, NO. 129-WEDNESDAY, JULY 5, 1978 contents THE PRESIDENT Notices Proposed Rules Executive Orders Committees; establishment, re- Air quality implementation newals, terminations, etc. plans; enforcement by State Civil Rights Act, transfer of cer- and Federal governments tain functions to the Attorney Aviation Mobilization Indus- try Advisory Committee_...... 29024 after statutory deadlines; General ..................................... 28971 Hearing, etc.: Maine (2 documents).. 29013, 29015 Cost of living allowances,
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