ValleyH H H ofH H Pittsburgh H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H ’S DAY TINE LEN VA PY AP H Rite Online The News February 2016 It’s Time to Share the Light of Freemasonry! Page 5 LOVE 164 Years of Scottish Rite Masonry in Pittsburgh SuperbowlSunday, Tailgate February Party 7 VVaalllleeyy ooff PPTeachingiitttt sschildrenbbuu withrr dyslexiagghh he men and organizations pictured to the right are those who have made a $10,000T or more commitment to support the Valley of Pittsburgh Children’s Dyslexia Center Endowment Fund. As Freemasons, we have always been Robert & Janice Emery & Carol David & Carol Robert & Jacqueline Jeff & Susan benevolent and charitable. For Scottish Rite Amend Anden Bagaley Beatty Biddle Masons, our Charity is to teach children with dyslexia how to read. It is important in giving them social confidence. The teaching method is the Orton-Gilling- ham program. It is a one tutor –one student ratio. This method is very expensive but extremely effective. It costs approximately $5,000 a year for each child. Our goal is to Raymond & Lynn Fred & Kathy Robert Eckbreth James Ecker & James & Ellen raise $2,500,000 to endow the Children’s Dietz Donatelli Donna Murtha Flanigan Dyslexia Center for the future. To make it easier to make this commitment, you can spread out your $10,000 donation over a ten year period. Call Bro. Ray Dietz, 33°, at 412-369-9500 for information. The future of our children is our most important mission. I encourage each of you to have your picture on this page and be a BUILDER of this Masonic benevolence. Leland A. Hale, Jr. Jeff & Lauren Raymond & Dorothy James & Lisa Robert & P.J. Your donation is tax-deductible. Heiger James Jenkins Jones Thomas K. Sturgeon, 33° Deputy for Pennsylvania Builders Council Enrollment Form I pledge the sum of: $10,000 $15,000 Frank R. Mangery Jack Marsh John & Judy Roy & Sara Jane Jay & Joanne $20,000 $25,000 McCombs McCullough McElravy With payments in equal installments over a period of: 3 years 5 years 10 years. This pledge will be payable: Annually Semi-annually Quarterly *Monthly *Monthly payments may be made only by credit card. First payment of $ is enclosed. Deduct my pledge from my credit card when due: Ronald & Karen D. William Roberts Bruce A. Robinson Richard & Bette Don & Ginny MasterCard Visa American Express Plesh Rodibaugh Sauer Discover Other . Number Exp. date Name you would prefer in recognition: This gift is anonymous. Signature Kurt & Nancy Gregory Triko George & Norma S. Timothy Warco Bob & Charlene Name Tesche Vance Wells Address Homestead Amity City State Zip Lodge Washington Infinity Lodge Valley McCandles Ph. ( ) Date No. 45 Lodge No. 164 No. 546 of Lodge No. 582 Mail to: Builders Council, 3579 Masonic Way, Pittsburgh Pittsburgh, PA 15237-2700. F. & A.M. F. & A.M. F. & A.M. F. & A.M. toBB readuu –i oneill childdde eat arr time!ss CCoouunncciill Help the Endowment Fund for Dyslexia Mark & Patty George H. Cox Rick & Reneé James & Eda Mario & Linda Bill & Heather GROW! Bliler Cross Dean DeBlasio Dickey Make a Pledge or a Donation! GOAL: $2,500,000 100% 2,500,000 2,375,000 Howard & Sharon Donald & Debra Wallace & Leah Eric & Raylene Harvey & Carol John & Ruth Flynn Green Grossett Gumto Gumto Habel 90% 2,300,000 2,125.000 80% 2,000,000 1,875,000 Paul & Penny Paul & Jackie David & Sandy David & Judy John Kovac William & Babara 70% 1,750,000 Kappel Kauffman Kearns Kielman Magnotti, Jr. 1,625,000 60% 1,500,000 1,375,000 50% 1,250,000 Glenn & Mary Dr. Glenn & Roberta Jack & Carol Donald & Barbara John & Valerie Raymond & Joy Miller Miller Miller Murphy Nicklas Nicklas 1,125,000 40% 1,000,000 875,000 30% 750,000 Joseph A Schrock, Jr. James W. Seel William Shaw William Slater II Samuel & Judy Thomas & Joan 625,000 Spanos Sturgeon 20% 500,000 Oakdale 30th Chartiers Lodge No.669 375,000 In Memory of Masonic Lodge No. 297 W. Robert & 0% 250,000 District F. & A.M. Marion Jones James & Annetta James & Jill Jeff & Sharon West West Wonderling GOAL $2,500,000 *RECEIVED *from donations, bequests, Pittsburgh Valley Supreme Unified pledges & fund raisers. Valley of Commandery Council Group “We make a living by what of Pittsburgh No. 1 Lodge No. 2 Valley of we get, but we make a life Legion of Knights by what we give.” Uniontown Pittsburgh IOOF Honor Templar – Bro. Winston Churchill H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H H Valley of Pittsburgh Officers St. Valentine’s Day - A Day of Love! he history of Valentine’s Day were discovered, Claudius ordered and the story of its patron saint that he be put to death. is shroudedT in mystery. We do know Other stories suggest that Valentine that February has long been cele- may have been killed for attempting to brated as a month of romance, and help Christians escape harsh Roman that St. Valentine’s Day, as we know prisons, where they were often beaten it today, contains vestiges of both and tortured. Christian and ancient Roman According to one legend, an GOURGAS LODGE OF PERFECTION 14° tradition. imprisoned Valentine actually Robert B. Ruff, 32° . .Thrice Potent Master But who was Saint Valentine, sent the first “valentine” greeting Sam H. Jessee, 32° . .Deputy Master and how did he become associ- himself after he fell in love with Shawn P. Lang, 32° . .Senior Warden Brian T. Wilding, 32° . .Junior Warden ated with this ancient rite? a young girl – possibly his Branden T. Plesh, 32° . .Orator The Catholic Church recognizes at jailor’s daughter – who visited him Zack S. Morgans, 32° . .Master of Ceremonies least three different saints named during his confinement. Before his Jeffrey R. Jones, 32°. .Guard Valentine or Valentinus, all of whom death, it is alleged that he wrote her a PENNSYLVANIA COUNCIL, PRINCES OF JERUSALEM 16° were martyred. One legend contends letter signed “From your Valentine,” an Larry D. Horath, 32° . .Sovereign Prince William J. Wiker, 32° . .High Priest that Valentine was a priest who served expression that is still in use today. Erastus Z. Allen, 32° . .Senior Warden during the third century in Rome. Although the truth behind the Valen- Joseph G. Whitaker, 32° . .Junior Warden When Emperor Claudius II decided tine legends is murky, the stories all Robert M. Polander, 32° . .Master of Ceremonies that single men made better soldiers emphasize his appeal as a sympa- Charles H. King, 32° . .Master of Entrances than those with wives and families, he thetic, heroic and – most importantly – PITTSBURGH CHAPTER OF ROSE CROIX 18° Rodney E. Boyce, 33° . .Most Wise Master outlawed marriage for young men. romantic figure. By the Middle Ages, Robert B. Malwitz, 32° . .Senior Warden Valentine, realizing the injustice of the perhaps thanks to this reputation, James C. Mayes, 32° . .Junior Warden decree, defied Claudius and continued Valentine would become one of the Joshua S. Freeman, 32° . .Orator to perform marriages for young lovers most popular saints in England and Charles J. Anthony, 32° . .Master of Ceremonies v David B. Firda, 32° . .Guard in secret. When Valentine’s actions France. PENNSYLVANIA CONSISTORY 32° Donald W. Boehm, 33°. Commander-in-Chief David W. Morgans, 33° . .1st. Lt. Commander A New Communication Service Jeffrey M. Wonderling, 33° . .2nd Lt. Commander David L. Moore, 32° . .Orator Joshua L. Miller, 32° . .Chancellor Rite News On-Line Edition Mitchell D. Goldstein, 32° . .Master of Ceremonies Richard H. Kucera, 32° . .Engineer & Seneschal Eric S. Teasdale, 32° . .Standard Bearer D. Wiliam Roberts, 33°, Editor Matthew A. Boice, 32° . .Guard ecognizing the need for more coming up on October 29, this 2nd communication with the mem- edition is concentrating on providing bership,R an On-Line Edition of the Rite information to our members and News will be posted on the Valley web candidates about participating in the site between times the printed Rite ‘Day of Opportunity’ of a lifetime. The Rite News News is mailed to your homes. This That information will also be in- will be an on-line edition only and will cluded in our March printed edition. On-Line Edition No. 2 February 2016 not be mailed. However, some articles The on-line edition will be emailed D. William Roberts, 33°, Editor and pictures will be carried over to the to all Lodge Secretaries in Western [email protected] - 412-683-0359 printed edition as well. Pennsylvania Regions 4 and 5. D. Todd Ballenger, 33° . .Features More and more of our members are Future on-line editions will be Dr. Glenn D. Miller, II, 33° . .Columnist becoming computer oriented, and the scheduled in those months when a Rev. John M. Piper, 33° . .Columnist P.J. Roup, 33° . .Columnist Valley schedules activities and events, regular Rite News is not scheduled. Austin R. Shifrin, 32° . .Columnist at times, that the Rite News cannot be If you have not provided your Jeffrey M. Wonderling, 33° . .Columnist used to promote those activities and email address to the office, simply Mark E. Bliler, 33° . .Proof Reader events – now our members can go to drop us an email to: William D. Johnston, 33° . .Proof Reader the web site: [email protected] Robert J. Binnie, 32° . .Photographer www.valleyofpittsburgh.org to be added to our email contact list. The Rite News magazine is the official publication of the Valley of Pittsburgh, AASR, District of Pennsylvania, Northern Masonic for up-to-date information.
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