I THE MAGAZINE OF 3-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING, PAST & PRESENT hrurrrrlApril7998 Volume 25, Number 1 A Publkatkn d NATIONAL STEREOSCOPIC ASSOCIATION, NC. An Invitation to Share Your Best Stereo Images ASSIGNMENT~-Dwith the World! More "Favorites" Needed "Mythical & Mysterious Creatures" by Dale Walsh of St. Laurent, Quebec, was taken ntries have begun to trickle i in 7 986. Notes on the back explain, "This is the Nytapola Pagoda in the Nepal city for the current "One of Your of Bhaktapur. The outside of this pagoda displays ten mythical beasts each one EFavorites" Assignment. We stronger than the previous one (in this view we do not see all of them). Life in the hope the two views reproduced Himalayans is a fragile state and the people of these mountains know it. Earthquakes, here will inspire more readers to avalanches, freezing cold winds and steep thin trails threaten constantly. Spirits, send in examples of their slide or demons & demigods haunt those who live there. " o D. wobh 1986 .. print work that, for whatever aes- ihetic, technical, emotional or The Rules: ners, the idea will be to present as many whimsical reasons, are among their good stereographs as possible from among As space allows (and depending on the those submitted. favorites. response) judges will select for publication Any image in any print or slide format is in each issue at least two of the best views eligible, (K~~~in mind that images will be No Deadline submitted by press time. Rather than tag We're asking vou to send in images as first, second or third place win- (Continued on page 35) 1 "One of your &vorites" from among all the stereo images you've 1 ever photographed, drawn or oth- erwise generated. That's the extent of the category. Entries simply need to be images you find special Books IN Stereo somehow-something you'd like to share with other members even if you can't easily explain why. If Books ABOUT Stereo you wish, feel free to send up to Books RELATED to Stereo six stereos for us to do the selec- tion from a few of your favorites. If a book even MENTIONS stereography or stereographers, there's As yet, no deadline has been set a good chance that you can order it from the NSA Book Service! for this very open Assignment, in For a complete catalog and ordering information, contact the NSA Book the hope of eventually sharing a Service, 4201 Nagle Road, Bryan, TX 77801 or visit the NSA web site: wide variety of interesting views www.nsa-3d.orq from more readers. March/April l99R STEREO WDRLD Volume 25, Number 1 MarchIApril 1998 THE MAGAZINE Of 3-DIMENSIONAL IMAGING, PAST & PRESENT Drivin So'ourner on Mars .......................................... 4 A Pvbllratm d NATIONAL by John Bennis Churches in the Parlor: John McAllister & Brother of Philadelphia ............................ 12 of Directors by Dr. William Allen Zulker n, Chorrmon Fleming The Amateur Photographic Exchange Club: Alloy brlscorn David HI~tchison Deja Vu All Over Again ...................................................... 20 D~eterLorenz by Greg Kane T.K. Tre madwell NJA urrlcers 3-D Lab Report ............................................................ 25 Larry Moor, President by Bill Davis Mary Ann Sell, Kce President Bill Moll, Vice President, Actrvities Larry Hess, Secretory Stereographer's Studio to be David Wheeler, Treasurer Wisconsin Historic Site .............................................. 29 Stereo World Staff JohnDennis, Editor Labs Offering Stereo Processing/Mounting .............. 34 ean lacobowitz, Associate Editc Bill Davis Karen White, Associate Editor by Tim White, Associate Editor ~lkeProvince, Research Consultorr[ Mark Willke, Art Director Lois Waldsmith, Subscriotion Monaaer )n R. Gibbs, Ba, Editor's View comments and Observations .............................................2 by lohn Dennis row to keacn u, The Unknowns can You Identify the Subjects of These Views? ...................... 3 NSA Mernbership by Neal Bullington (New rnemberrh~ps, rene wolr & oddr~rsch 'anger) P.O. B#ox 14801, CO~lumbus, OH 113214 The Society News from the Stereoscopic Society of America ........................ 11 by Norman B. Patterson Questions Concerning Stereo World Subscriptions European Gems Stereoviews from Old Europe and the Stories Behind Them .... 26 Lar Hess (602) 638-1486 by Dennis Pellerin & Pierre Tavlitzki 1600 W La/& ~r.,'#l275,,Tempe, AZ 85282 0-mall: [email protected] Newviews Current Information on Stereo Today ....................................... 30 by David Starkman & Iohn Dennis o World Ba ck Issue Se (Write lor ovaik ihil!ty & pr~cer.) P.O. Box 398, Syc,arnore, OH 44 View-Master Information on the Reel World ......................................... 32 by Wolffancy& Mary Ann Sell Stereo World Editorial Office ll~t~ersto tlip editor ortl<Ier & coiendor lirfrnorl Classified Buy, Sell, or Trade It Here ...................................................... 36 k10 SE 71 st Ave., Portland, OR 97206 (503) 771 -4440 Calendar A Listing of Coming Events .................................................... 38 [email protected] tereo WorldI Advertisir -.(Clorrrlied . 8 d~rpioyads) bt-- I I st ~ve, Portland, OR (Insert flyers & aucrron odr) "Pinky" by Ernie Riardin of Cedar Rapids, /A, is one 3us, 1 Lauren Dr , Cardlner, of the views recently distributed to members of the Amateur Photographic Exchange Club, the 1861 )liver Wendell Holme stereo organization reconstituted (for the second eoscopic Research Lit time) in early 1997. On a regular basis, the group's d with th? Natronol St~reoscopicAss Erle Ave , Clnclnnatl, OH 4 members exchange (and keep) print stereographs, e-rnall vrnrnaselI@c~ntlnet creating several large collections of exceptional modern stereography. For more images and details, oscopic Society of America see "The Amateur Photographic Exchange Club: d wrth lhr Notronal Stpreorropa Arsor!~~t~on) Deja Vu All Over Again" by Greg Kane. Shi3b Levy, Membership Secreta?I 6320 !jW 34th Ave , Portland, OR 97 '201 ,-mall shab@easystreet corn A Projectic,n Consult,anr W~lllarnDu9sn Stereo World(ISSN 0191-4030) is published bimonthly by the National Stereoscopic Association, Inc., PO. Box 14801, Columbus, OH 43214. mall. wdugg,an3 ajuno cc Im Entire contents 01998, all rights resewed. Material In this publicat~onmay not be reproduced without written perm~ssionof the NSA, Inc. Print- ed In USA A rubscr~ptionto Stereo World 1s part of NSAmemberrhip. Annual membership dues: 126 th~rdclass US, $38 flrst class US, 138 Canada and fore~gnsurface, $56 lnternatlonala~rmail. All membersh~psare based on the publish~ngyear of Stereo World, wh~chbe Ins in March !ere0 World on the WI and ends w~ththe IanuaryiFebruary Issue of the next year All new membersh~psrecelved w~llcommence wlth the MarchiApri issue of the www.nsa-3d.org current calendar year. When apply~ngfor membership, please adv~seus 11you do not deslre the back Issues 01 the current volt - ~ Member, InternationalStereoscopic Union ~ Comments and Observations EDITORSHEW john Dennis Roving Mars With A Stereo Camera SA members attending the front cameras on the rover itself. and the world through the teach- national convention don't Not easily viewed stereos even ing magazine Science and Children. Nusually spend much (if any) after digital improvements, these Students were asked to select a time watching TV in their hotel very wide angle, wide based, low heroine and write about her histor- rooms, but last year's July 4th elevation, black & white images ical accomplishments, explaining landing of the Mars Pathfinder have received far less attention how a rover named for her would mission was an irresistible distrac- than the panoramic color views translate those accomplishments tion that kept a lot of sets turned from the lander's stereo camera. to the Martian environment. on for at least a few minutes dur- But since they reveal in 3-D sights Out of 3,500 essays by students ing the July 4-6 NSA convention in otherwise inaccessible to human from the U.S., Canada, India, Bellewe. Many newscasts made eyes, they seemed an appropriate Israel, Japan, Mexico, Poland and surprisingly frequent mention of way for Stereo World to observe the Russia, the Sojourner entry by 12 the fact that stereoscopic images first anniversary of the historic year-old Valerie Ambroise of were being sent back, and the tim- landing. Bridgeport, CT, was the winner. an ing of the event couldn't have Our thanks to Jurre van der been better if the Convention Woude at JPL and NSA member Committee had arranged the Peter Steinkamp for their help with Correctio~ns: this article. whole thing. No, you w eren't miss;ing any N!5 A Even among people paying the Naming Sojourner '98 Conventic2n forms f~-om last iss ,ue most attention, it's doubtful that C\ TL- C-. --/ -..---4 The Sojourner rover is certainly (bl. 24 NO. b,. I I IC IUI 11 I, (c~~rpifor many could have guessed just how the Auction Catalog order) were all widely and enthusiastically the the farthest traveling stereographer inserted in the earlier double issue mission's stereo images would be ever to send back views of an exot- (Vol. 24 No. 4h5). But a couple of disseminated via the internet, ic place, and while most people are small ads explaining where to get printed publications, slides and aware that it was named after 19th extra forms had a "see forms inserted CD-ROMs. Generally in anaglyphic century African-American aboli- with this issue" line that was mistak- tionist and feminist Sojourner enly left in when they were run in Vol. format, Mars Pathfinder stereos 24 No.6. became as well known as the color Truth, fewer know how the name was chosen. Also in Vol.. 24 No. 6, the table of panoramas from the lander and cor itents wrolngly identified "The In 1994, the Planetary Society -. are probably among the most Stereo Pinhole" as a review when it is and JPL distributed an essay con- widely distributed and studied ticle by Pa ul Gentry.
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