Connecticut College Digital Commons @ Connecticut College 1964-1965 Student Newspapers 11-12-1964 ConnCensus Vol. 50 No. 8 Connecticut College Follow this and additional works at: https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1964_1965 Recommended Citation Connecticut College, "ConnCensus Vol. 50 No. 8" (1964). 1964-1965. 12. https://digitalcommons.conncoll.edu/ccnews_1964_1965/12 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Student Newspapers at Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. It has been accepted for inclusion in 1964-1965 by an authorized administrator of Digital Commons @ Connecticut College. For more information, please contact [email protected]. The views expressed in this paper are solely those of the author. CONNCENSUS CONNECTICUT COLLEGE Vol. 2O--No. 8 New London, Connecticut, November 12, 1964 Priu 10 eente 'The Club' to Sponsor Hecht Union's Glee Oub Authority on Colonial America In Sunday Afternoon Reading To Sing with Choir • M.I Le The best way to top off the And it hasn't troubled me since, At Vesper Service To deliver emorra cture Princeton-Yale game this weekend but at last today, On Sunday, November 15, the (# Dr. Carl Bridenbaugh, an au- would be to go to the Sunday aft- I remembered that hill; it lies just Glee Club of Unlon College, Sche thority on the colonial period in ernoon poetry reading at Connec- to the left nectady, New York, will join the American history, will dellver the ticut College. Anthony Hecht, poet Of the road north of Poughkeep- Connecticut College Choir for a twenty-first annual Henry Wells in residence at Bard College and sie, and. as a boy, musical Vesper service. The pro- Lawrence Memorial Lecture next author of "A Summoning of I stood before it for hours in win. gram, which is open to the pub Wednesday at 7:30 p.m. in Palmer Stones," will read from his poetry ter time. Ilc, will be held in Harkness Cha Auditorium. in the Palmer Library at four pel at 7 p.m. o'clock. Mr. Hecht's reading this Sun. Both choruses will join togeth Dr. Bridenbaugh, who is Univer- Mr. Hecht, who is the second day at 4:00 is sponsored by "The er to perform Poulenc's Gloria sity Professor and professor of poet to read here at Connecticut Club." Mr. William Meredith will Mrs. Adele Burnham of the Con history at Brown University, will College this academic year. is the mtroduce Mr. Hecht. There is no necticut College Department o! speak on "Our Ancestors: The first to make the rounds of col- charge for admission. Music will be the soprano solo People of England, 159().1640." leges-Bowdoin, Wesleyan Univer- Ist, She will be making her inltia In 1945, Dr. Bridenbaugh organ- sity, Trinity, Williams, and Con- appearance at the College since ized the Institute of Early Amer. necticut, among others-under the joining the faculty this year. Ac ican History and Culture in Wll- auspices of the New England Po- Rabbi M. Shapiro companyists will be Miss Zosia liamsburg,first director. Virginia and became its etry Circuit Jacynowicz, pianist, and Mr Since A Swnmoning of Stones, To Discws Morals James Annstrong, organist, both The author of many well known which -contatns his most antholo- of the department of music. books, Dr. Bridenbaugh's best gized poem (and according to In addition to the Gloria, each known works are Cities in tile some, his most perfect) "Samuel Of College Students group will also perform individu Wilderness (1938), which won him Sewall," 'Mr. Hecht has published • ally. The Glee Club, under the the Justin Windsor Prize, and poems in The New Yorker, Poetry, On Wednesday evening, Novem- dtrection of Mr. Hugh Wilson, Clties In Revolt (1955), which won and The Nation. I ber 18, Rabbi Morris Shapiro will will select their numbers from him the Commonwealth Club med- In this last mentioned maga- discuss "Campus Morality _ an the Renaissance and Baroque Dr. Carl Bridenbaugh al an dprizes . fromth e Socie . ty 0f zine, readers will find his poem Honest Appraisal" at 7:00 p.m. in periods. The Choir's selections Colonial Wars and the Society of "More Light! More Light!" which the chapel library. will be from the Romantic and Colonial Dames-both of New treats of a medieval execution in Contemporary Repertoire. The Dr. P. Munter York. His most recent book is the Tower and moves to the more Rabbi Shapiro received his B.A. latter will include Ideas from Al- Mitre and Sceptre (1962J. tragic deaths of countless non-Ar- from Yale University in 1944 and bert Camus' Actuelles, a piece es· To ilfeet Girls He is a graduate of Dartmouth, yans in World War II, thus sym- was ordained at the Jewish Insti- peclally written for the choir by with M.A. and Ph.D. degrees from bolizing that persecution is inhu- Miss Martha Alter, chairman of Harvard. Before joining the fac- man no matter what the circum- tute of Religion in 1948. Talk In.rormall the department of music. ." I y ulty at Brown, Dr. Bridenbaugh stances. I He has occupied pulpits in Jack- Saturday evening the Glee Dr. Preston K. Munter will lead taught at M.I.T. In "A Hill" Mr. Hecht describes son, Michigan; Lock Haven, Penn- Club will be the dinner guests ot some "Conversations on Sex and The Henry Wells Lawrence Me- a vision_"It was nothing at all sylvania; Cleveland, Mississippi; the Choir at the Harris Refec- morial Lectureship was estab- like Dante's, or the visions of tory. An informal reception in Marriage" this Thursday. Inter- lished at Connecticut College in Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania and saints, And perhaps not a vision the Main Lounge of Crozier-Wil ested students will have a chance 1944 to honor the late Professor at all"-which appeared suddenly, Rome, Georgia. In all these com- Iiams is planned for later in th to participate in five of these in- Lawrence, for 22 years chairman during his stay in Italy and trans- munities he has been an active evening. formal discussions, each of which of the College's department of formed the Palace Farnese and its worker in civic affairs. The rabbi "warm, sunlit piazza" into a "hill, history and government. Each fall is now spirftuaj leader of Temple Three Departments will be limited to 125 girls. It is ex- it brings to the campus an emi- mud-colored and bare. It was very Israel in Waterbury, Connecticut. pected that Dr. Munter will open nent speaker in the broad field of cold." He hears something whjch Institute Programs the conversations with a few com- history. he takes to be a rifle shot and Rabbi Shapiro lectures on col- For Language Work ments of his own, and devote most =--------- then, "the soft and papery crash" lege campuses under the auspices of branches falling into the snow. The following is the concluding of each hour to answering stu. of the Jewish Chautauqua Society, article concerning the newly in- dents' questions. Blue and Yellow This transformation lasted several I moments he relates, and then he an organization which aims to cre- stituted honors program: Dr. Munter comes to us from is "restored to the SUnlight and ate better understanding of Jews English Dilemma - - (his) friends," "But," he says In the English department, elev- the Harvard University Health and JUdaism through education. Blue Cab and Yellow cab, the . for more than a week en students are considering topics Services, where he is Assistant two major taxi companies in New I was scared by the plain bitter- The Jewish Student Fellowship ranging from Milton to Yeats and Director and Psychiatrist. He has London, have a combined fleet of ness of what I had seen. extends an open invitation to hear including the novel and drama. practiced psychiatry in anum. 32 cabs. On the Connecticu t Col- AIl this happened about ten years Rabbi Shapiro speak on a topic Most of them are working on pro- ber of places, including secondary schools and colleges. He held the lege campus there are about 1450 ago, pertinent to all students, jects connected with one of the ad- vanced COurses in the department position of assistant psychiatrist girls. with an instructor who specializes at the Columbia University Health It is axiomatic that getting a in that field. The instructor serves Service, and was Consulting Psy- cab on the last day before a vaca- ~Monster Mixer' Exemplifies as the student's advisor, but she chiatrist to the Northfield and tion is harder than taking a corn- also is in contact with the profes- Mount Hermon Schools. At pres. prehensive. sor who teaches the course. ent he is a ditlomate on the Na- Charles Curtin, owner of Blue College's Revised Atmosphere An alternative plan for the hon- tional Board of Medical Examiners Cab, estimates that 75 to 80 cabs ors program allows students to and the American Board of Psy- The "Monster Mixer," kickoff would be needed to accommodate work on a topic not directly cov- chla'try and Neurology. the rush for trains the morning symbol of Connecticut College's ered by one of the department's Dr. Munter will be on campus of Thanksgiving recess. That is New Social Polley, was an enor- courses. In either case, a student from 9:30 in the morning until 2Ih times the available cabs. mous success, if one determines can choose to turn in a paper at 8:00 p.m. He will meet groups of "The trouble is," one girl says, such things as success by num- See Honors Program Page 2 bers of happy faces.
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