Vegan Guide to Leather Alternatives From The Vegetarian Resource Group fibers, or recycled rubber when possible? On the other hand it can be argued that by using leather and fur n many occasions, after turning down a hotdog alternatives we can show others a way of wearing or hamburger at a barbecue and explaining that clothes with the look they like that doesn’t require the you’re vegetarian, the next question you might exploitation of animals for it. be asked (if wearing leather-like Birkenstocks) is, O or this update we have been able to add a vegan “Then why are you wearing leather?” You’ll answer that the sandals are made from synthetic materials source for Play Station Portable cases. We also that look like leather, and this usually pacifies the Fdiscovered cd player and disc carrying cases. inquisitors. They do ask a valid question though. If When choosing a non-leather company, one you are choosing a vegetarian diet for ethical reasons, should also consider the company’s reasons for “How can you stop eating animals, but continue to carrying non-leather goods. Although we are pleased wear them?” Like a vegetarian diet, people often choose that more and more companies offer non-leather to “quit leather” at different stages. items, most large manufacturers and retailers who Since cowhide is the most common animal hide carry both leather and non-leather offer the non- used, links to the meat industry are undeniable. Accord- leather goods primarily for economic reasons. It is ing to the Leather Industries of America, the leather cheaper to manufacture non-leather goods, and as a industry’s trade association, very few animals are raised result they often cost less. Note that many of these specifically for their hides. But cows are just one of the companies sell mainly leather items. Still, by support- animals whose skins are used for shoes, wallets, coats, ing the vegan articles these companies distribute, a belts, clothing, and accessories. Other animals can be clear statement can be made in favor of alternative pigs, deer, horse, and sheep. Some articles are even products. Maybe this will encourage companies to made from “exotic” animal skins ranging from alligator produce more synthetic products, even if their reasons and lizard to sealskin and snakeskin. for this decision are not necessarily ethical. You may ask, “Well what should I do with all the The vegan mail-order companies, on the other leather I have?” Again, just as some people go vege- hand, take a particular interest in avoiding animal and tarian overnight and others do it slowly, the same goes Earth exploitation through the products they offer. for leather. Some people choose to gradually replace Many of these companies employ Earth-friendly worn out leather items with non-leather alternatives. manufacturing and working conditions. We believe Others donate their leather goods to charities. Many that it is important to support these companies. throw the stuff away, and although you might prefer Though beyond the scope of this handout, when that no one wear animal hides (besides the animals), making choices, you may also want to research how most leather is not biodegradable due to the tanning businesses treat workers and the environment. process, so a charity might be the best bet. The To make your selection of non-leather goods damage that has been done can’t be reversed. as effortless as possible, the companies listed are That brings up the question of which causes less separated into categories. The Vegan Mail-Order or damage to the environment – petroleum-based Stores section indexes companies that sell only vegan synthetic leathers or leather treated with multiple products. The Catalogs, Companies, and Stores chemicals? While petroleum-based products often section lists companies that sell or manufacture both cause pollution from manufacturing and its waste, leather-free and leather goods, so check these carefully leather manufacturers are still dealing with problems to make sure what you’re buying is non-leather. The caused by the use of chemicals for tanning. Either remaining sections of this guide list specific styles of alternative leads to some environmental damage, but shoes (athletic, dress, etc.) and the companies who while you’re supporting the exploitation of animals by make them or the stores/catalogs that carry them. purchasing leather, choosing leather alternatives will We often depend on company statements for at least help alleviate some cruelty to animals. product information. It is impossible to be 100% sure Maybe we should also ask ourselves if leather- and about a statement, information changes, people have fur-like materials are always the best choice. Do these different views, and mistakes can be made. Please use materials give the impression that leather and fur are your own best judgment about whether a product is socially and ethically acceptable? Why not go with suitable for you. To be sure, do further research or some other materials such as hemp, cotton, synthetic confirmation on your own. S PECIAL R EPRINT FROM T HE V EGETARIAN R ESOURCE G ROUP VEGAN MAIL-ORDER OR STORES much more. You can also order online. The following companies sell only animal-free products. CBH Studio Ahimsa Footwear (978) 449-0222. 1668 Marion St., Denver, CO 80218 Website: www.cbhstudio.com (877) 834-3668 or (303) 860-VEGI Packrat vinyl lunch boxes, backpacks, and totes for children. Website: www.ahimsafootwear.com Vegan boutique and online store offering shoes, boots, belts, Charmone Shoes handbags, messenger bags, wallets, and more. 8 Commonwealth Ave., Massapequa, NY 11758 (516) 809-6277 All Vegan Website: www.charmone.com 4669 Park Blvd., San Diego, CA 92116 Charmone’s mission is to produce shoes that are sustainable (619) 299-4669 and cruelty-free. Offers open and closed toe shoes, sandals, and Website: www.allveganshopping.com boots for women. This vegan store carries leather-free shoes, hiking boots, belts, handbags, and much more for men and women. Cosmo’s Vegan Shoppe (678) 921-0102 Alternative Outfitters Email: [email protected] 408 S. Pasadena Ave., Ste. 1, Pasadena, CA 91105 Website: cosmosveganshoppe.com (866) 758-5837 or (626) 396-4972; Fax: (626) 396-4952 You’ll find a wide variety of bags, wallets, and footwear here. Email: [email protected] Also sells vegan shoe polish. Website: www.alternativeoutfitters.com This vegan boutique and online store offers non-leather Couch footwear, handbags, accessories (including vegan watches and 2502 N. Palm Dr., Ste. 1, Signal Hill, CA 90755 luggage tags), and much more. (562) 595- 6965 Website: www.couchguitarstraps.com Artisan Gear This online site specializes in vegan guitar straps. They also sell PO Box 205, Gold Hill, OR 97525 vegan belts. (888) 499-4367 or (541) 855-5468 Email: [email protected] Cow Jones Industrials Website: www.artisangear.com 5 Main St., Chatham, NY 12037 Artisan Gear produces a line of classic/casual bags and (518) 392-2139 accessories (watch bands, toiletry bags, etc.) from hemp canvass. Website: www.cowjonesindustrials.com You can order their bags online or visit their website to find This vegan boutique located in Chatham, New York carries a stores selling their bags. wide variety of shoes, handbags, belts, and more. Bello Iris DownBound (866) 975-IRIS 322 Pacific Ave., Toronto, ON M6P 2P9 Canada (866) Email: [email protected] 933-DOWN Website: www.belloiris.com Email: [email protected] Offers non-leather designer-inspired bags, wallets, and belts. Website: www.downbound.com Canadian company offering products made out of hemp including backpacks, duffle bags, toiletry bags, wallets, fanny Beyond Skin packs, and more. They also offer hemp shoes for men, women, 59 Lansdowne Place, Hove, East Sussex BN3 1FL and children. United Kingdom; Tel: 0-11-44-845-373-3648 Email: [email protected] Website: www.beyondskin.co.uk Ecolution Here you’ll find stylish shoes handmade in England. PO Box 697, Santa Cruz, CA 95061 (800) 973-HEMP Website: www.ecolution.com Bourgeois Boheme Hydrex House, Garden Rd., Richmond, England TW9 This mail-order wholesale company makes hemp products, 4NR including shoes, clothing, wallets, bags, belts, etc. Their product Tel: 011-44-20-88-788-388 line, Ecolution, can be ordered through www.mooshoes.com or Email: [email protected] www.thevegetariansite.com. Website: www.bboheme.com This vegan boutique offers unique women’s and men’s footwear, bags, wallets, black faux leather gloves, belts, plus S PECIAL R EPRINT FROM T HE V EGETARIAN R ESOURCE G ROUP English Retreads Website: www.freerangers.co.uk 4939 N. Broadway, Ste. 58, Boulder, CO 80304 Online store offering made-to-order handcrafted shoes. (303) 258-1625 Email: [email protected] Genuine Fake Furs Website: www.englishretreads.com (615) 887-7661 English Retreads manufactures totes, purses, bookbags, wallets, Email: [email protected] backpacks, key chains, belts, and dog collars from recycled Website: www.ifakeit.com rubber inner tubes, seat belts, and fan belts. Fake fur coats made out of synthetic materials. Ethical Soles Trading Company, Inc. Gloria Gerber 893 Westminster Ave., Winnipeg, Manitoba, R3G 1B4 (330) 867-2102 Canada; (204) 772-9596 Email: [email protected] Website: www.ethicalsoles.ca Website: gloriagerber.com This Canadian company offers high- and low-top canvas and Handbags made out of recycled rubber and stainless steel. hemp sneakers. Gorsetree Vegan Store Ethical Wares Email: [email protected] Caegwyn, Temple Bar, Felinfach, Ceredigion, Website: www.veganstore.gorsetreemall.com SA48 7SA, Wales, United Kingdom Online store offering a wide range of items including shoes, Tel: 011-44-1570 471155; Fax: 011-44-1570 471166 handbags, belts, and much more. Email: [email protected] Website: www.ethicalwares.com Herbivore Clothing This company sells shoes and belts.
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