Western Michigan University ScholarWorks at WMU Western's high school newspaper Western Michigan University 10-1-1952 State Highlights 10/1/1952 Western State High School Follow this and additional works at: https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/high-school-news Part of the Secondary Education Commons WMU ScholarWorks Citation Western State High School, "State Highlights 10/1/1952" (1952). Western's high school newspaper. 173. https://scholarworks.wmich.edu/high-school-news/173 This Newspaper is brought to you for free and open access by the Western Michigan University at ScholarWorks at WMU. It has been accepted for inclusion in Western's high school newspaper by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks at WMU. For more information, please contact wmu- [email protected]. State Highlights Volume IX Kalamazoo, Michigan, October 11 1952 Number 1 Summer Survey Mr. Sack Welcomed Library It seems that teachers too, like to Gets Face make the most out of the summer break. For instance, Mr. Stauffer Lifting turned his talents to managing his resort-restaurant up north and enter- Big things have happened in our tai.ning the customers by playing the library since we left school last Hammond organ during the supper hour, while Miss Crisman spent a Spring. Miss Lowrie is very pleased relaxing summer at home "just keep- with the improvement of facilities ing house." and she is certain that the wholt. Westward bound were two of the school will benefit from the changes. luckier faculty members. Miss Steke- tee got a first-hand view of the Cana- The old eighth grade room has been dian Rockies and saw a real rodeo directly connected to the main Ii" complete with cowboys. The hign brary and in it will be kept all the spots of Mr. Beloof's western. trip was a visit to Yellowstone National books and' reading materials for the Park, and a slight case of food pois- elementary grades. In the section oning. where the childrens' books were Other teachers who d'id some tour- formerly kept will be the High School ing included Miss Cleveland, who at- tended a conference on Children's fiction section. Miss Lowrie is plan- Plays at the University of Wiscon- ning to have comfortable chairs in sin, and paid a .short visit to Mrs. this end of the room so that we may Collins in Ohio. browse and read for fun in luxury. Mrs. Monroe spent the en.tire sum- mer at a Lake Michigan cottage near Mr. William Sack has returned to She is anxious to help student s find Saugatuck. Coach Walters took a five State High after an absence of four reports or just for pleasure reaJding. thousand mile air tour of the south- years. A graduate of Western, Mr. Sack; was forced to leave his teaching The remaining part of the library east. will be devoted to reference books, Mr. Schoenhals took time out from because of illness. He spent twenty- working on the shop to go on a ten six months in a tuberculosis sanitar- encylopedias, etc. Study tables will day camping trip in the upper penin- ium anid the rest of the time conval- be provided for our convenience. We sula. Mr. Hackney also took a spin up escing. Mr. Sack has resumed teaching of can secure only hour long permits north to look things over, and Mrs. this year from our teachers. No Osborn attended a Kiwanis conven- all speech classes, as well as direct- tion out wes. ing M asquer's Club, debate act,ivities, fifteen minute permits will be issued n Naura!ly, Mr. Deur and his travel and assembly duties, which have been by the monitors. club took their trad'itional trip way very ably handled by Miss Clevela.nd up north. Not tb be neglected are the •during his absence. industrious souls who labored through Inter-School the summer. The summer months Operation Yearbook Begun found Mr. Leonardelli, Miss Smutz, This year, Mr. Stauffer, is a ssuming ·Council News Miss Lowrie, and Mr. Lindquist in the duties of faculty aldvisor of the their familiar roles as spreaders of Highlander ably handled in the past The first fall meeting of the Inter- knowledge. by Mrs. Collins. school Council will be held on October A slight change of jobs resulted The staff held their first meeting 7th. at Portage High. The repi\esenta- for Mr. Stevens and Mr. Frey, who last Wednesday and have alredy be- tives from the schools participating in were busy on the hilltop while the g un work on the book . the council are: Portage, Nazareth, others loafed. John Weber is Editor of the High- Central, apd State High. Ideas will lander and will be assisted by Nancy be discussed that were brought up Magas, as associate editor. in the officers' meeting held in Sept- Staff-Hunt Ended ember. Senior Additions One of the ideas is to divide the Each graduation fin.ids a depleted The class of '53 is very fortunate council into three or four standing Hi.ghlights staff looking for new i,n getting two new interesting addi- committees, which would each be re- members. The new staff is chosen tions to the roll, Ingrid Geizler, and sponsible for a service project such from Lists recommended by the Eng- Judson Baldwin. as; a teen-age idriving program, and lish department and voted on by the Ingrid is from Germany and has a campaign to get more voluntary staff in the s1pring. been in this country only about seven help for Kalamazoo's hospitals. Our new staff members are; Polly weeks. When Ingrid was asked what Allen, Joan_ Biljum, Lyn Cassady, American foods she liked best, she The council officers are from Port- Charles Maloney, Ann Mahoney, Jim promptly replied; "hot-dogs anld ban- age, Nazareth, and State High. The Otis, Barbara Rock, Jon Sebaly, Dave ana splits." She has had only two president, Lance Johnson,. and' the Swoap, Ron Tanis, and Larry Weis- years of English, put is nevertheless recording secretary Phyllis . Ran.cie man. Bob Herman is going to act as able to keep up with her class. I are from Portage; the treasurer staff photogrpher. can just see some of us kids in Mary Ellen Walenta is from Naz- Members of the staff are planning France or Spain after two years. areth, the vice-president, Lyn Cas- on attending a Journalism Day, being The other half of our duet, Jud sady, and the corresponing secretary, held at Michigan State College in Baildwin, comes from Lansing Ever- Judie lyon are from State High. East Lansi,ng on October 15th. The ett High School. Jud is going out for Christian and St. Augustine have day will be spent attending lectures cross country track, and basketball. been invited to join and it is hoped' on journalistic styles in feature, news, About State High Jud just said "The that they will become members of and sports writing. girls can't be much friehdlier"-hm. the council this year. STATE lllGHLIGHTS Sophomore Recovers Platter Chatter Curtain About a month ago Merton Nor- man, who will be a sophomore this "LOVERS" of popular music are Call year, came down with polio. He has usually sharply divided between those been in the hospital since that time. who prefer the Tin Pan Alley song Once again the curtain is r1smg At first his legs, hand, and one hits, and those who prefer the less at the Civic Theater. The Civic's 24th shoulder were paralyzed. Now, how- seaso,n will bring you eight memor- commercial bands. able plays including comedies, thril- ever , he has shown vast improvement lers, and ea rly Americans. and should be home within a week In this column we will try to give October 9th to 18th will be "Hap- to t en days. Merton's hand is ,no long- the current "tops" in both groups. py Time," November 6th to 15 "Re- er paralyzed and his legs are im- mains to be Seen," December 4th to Familiar today to eve·ryo,ne's ears 13th "Li.Hom," February 5th to 14th proving so that by the time he are the sobbing tones, "I Went to Your "Darkness at noon," April 5th to 8th comes home he shoul>d be completely Weddilnig," (Patti Page) the harmony "Oh! Susanna." recovered. of the Mills Brothers with their re- O,n Tuesdays, curtain time is at 7 :30. Other nights the plays begin written version of "Glow Worm," the at 8:30. Whichever time you pick ballad strains of "You Belong to Me," will be an enjoyable time so be sure Faculty Cleans Up (Jo Stafford) and the bouncing and take time out to see the Civic It was decided at a pre-school "Botch-a-Me," (Rosemary Clooney) productions. faculty meeting to follow a policy of which employs the same harpsicrod "Share the Work," and on September effect that we featured in the fabu- 16th the faculty do,nned old clothes, rolled up their sleeves and began lous "Come on-a-My House." the monumental task of making a Making a strong drive for the top College Profile messy State High into a well-ordered is Bill.y May with his many saxa- A two hour drive from Kalamazoo succession of classrooms. brings you to Ann Arbor, the home phones. He seems to be at his best As a reward for their efforts, Dr. as background for current artists of the University of Michigan. The Bryan provided a luncheon for all the U. of M. is one of the really great weary workers at Chicken Charlie's.
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