International Journal of ody, Mind & Culture Cross-Cultural, Interdisciplinary Health Studies Information for Authors AIM AND SCOPE managers and therapists to make more Modern medicine is thought to be in a integrative decisions. paradigmatic crisis in terms of the accelerative STUDY DESIGN demographic, epidemiologic, social, and We advise authors to design studies based on the discursive aspects. The ontological, appropriate guidelines. In randomized epistemological, and methodological gaps in controlled trials, the CONSORT guideline biomedicine lead to a chaotic condition in (www.consort-statement.org/consort-statement ), health beliefs and behaviors. The International in systematic reviews and meta-analyses, the Journal of Body, Mind and Culture (IJBMC) is an PRISMA (formally QUOROM) guideline international, peer-reviewed, interdisciplinary (www.prisma-statement.org ), in studies of medical journal and a fully “online first” diagnostic accuracy, the STARD guideline publication focused on interdisciplinary, cross- (www.stard-statement.org ), in observational cultural, and conceptual research. The studies in epidemiology, the STROBE researches should focus on paradigmatic shift guideline ( www.strobe-statement.org ), and in and/or humanizing medical practice. meta-analyses of observational studies in All interdisciplinary researches, such as epidemiology, the MOOSE guideline social sciences (e.g., sociology, anthropology, (www.consort-statement.org/index.aspx?o=1347 ) and psychology), humanities (e.g., literature, should be used. religion, history, and philosophy), and arts (e.g., music and cinema), which have an impact HUMAN AND ANIMAL RIGHTS on medical education and practice, are Researches involving human beings or animals acceptable. must adhere to the principles of the The IJBMC team is based mainly in Germany Declaration of Helsinki and Iran, although we also have editors (www.wma.net/e/ethicsunit/helsinki.htm ). elsewhere in Europe and in the US. 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