A Brief Resume

A Brief Resume

A Brief Resume Name : ARCHANA SHARMA Address : B-62 Textile Colony Garh Road, Meerut Phone: - 0121-2760173, M. 9319387436 Designation : Professor & Head, Department of Political Science Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut & Dean Faculty of Arts, Ch. Charan Singh University, Meerut Born : 29.12.1954 Academic Qualifications Exam. Passed Year Board/Uni. Percentage Division High School 1969 U.P. Board, Allahabad 70% First Intermediate 1971 U.P. Board, Allahabad 71% First B.A. 1973 Agra University, Agra 61% First M.A.(Gold Medal) 1975 Agra University, Agra 62% First M.Phil 1978 School of International A Soviet – Vietnamese Studies, J.N.U. Relations 1964-1968 Ph.D. 1989 Department of Politics British Foreign Policy Towards Hull University, U.K. Malasiya 1957-1967 Teaching Experience 1. Joined as a lecturer in the department of Political Science, Ch. Charan Singh University as Permanent lecturer on 30th September, 1977. 2. Joined as a Reader in the Department on 12.02.1992 3. Joined as a Professor in the Department on 8.11.2001 4. Taught both, M.A. since 1977 and M.Phil since 1980. 5. Shall complete 31 years of teaching in the department on 30th September 2008 Research Experience (Self) 1. M.Phil 1975-1978 : S.I.S., J.N.U. – Soviet Vietnamese Relations 1964-1968 2. Ph.D. 1981- 1989 : Department of Politics, Hull University, U.K. British Foreign Policy towards Malasiya 1957-1967 Research Guidance Ph.D. awarded 1. Manmeet Kaur (1991) : Community Transformation and Electoral Participation : A study of Muzaffarnagar City. 2. Km. Madhu Sharma (1993): Pressure Groups in Politics : A study of Meerut University Karamchari Union. 3. Sudha Garg (1995) : Impact of Higher Education of Women’s Political Participation : A Comparative study. 4. Amita Dixit (1997) : Study Youth’s Political Begaviour and Decision making approach : A study of Modinagar (U.P.) 5. Seema Sharma (2000) : Women’s Political Participation and Panchayat Raj: A study of Bulandshar District 6. Hasnain Akhtar (2001) : Role of Regional Parties in Indian Politics. 7. Sanjay Kumar (2001) : Federalism in Canada and Qubea problem. 8. Ashok Kumar(2002) : Dalit Verg ka Vikas Prakriya Mein Pichrapan A study of Garhmukteshwar. 9. Ms. Savita Avana (2002) : The Question of Reservation and Empowerment of Women in Indian . 10. Ms. Babita (2003) : Rajanitik Samajikaran avam Shiksha Vyavastha: Kharkhauda Vikas Khand Ka Adhyan. 11. Neetu Chaudhary (2002) : Empowerment of Women and Political Participation. 12. Rajni Pilania (2002) : Political Socialization and Recruitment of Muslim Women: A study of Sambhal Town. 13. Km. Sarfaraz (2002) : Chunav Prakriya avam Alpsankhyak Mahila Matdata: Meerut Mandal Ka Ek Adhyan. 14. Dushyant Kumar (2001) : Decentralization in Rural India 2 15. Dhanpal Singh (2002) : Resercation Policy: A Critical Evaluation 16 Km. Farnaz (2003) : Human Rights and Muslim Minority Women 17. Giriraj Singh (2002) : The Political Ideology of B.J.P 18. Satendra Kumar (2002) : Development in Rural India and Panchayati Raj: A study of Nanota Vikash Khand 19. Mohit Malik (2004) : pUnz”ks[kj% ,d v/;;u 20. Manoj Kumar(2004) : nfyr xzkeh.k ;qod ,oa pqukoh izfØ;k esa lgHkkfxrk 21. Savita (2006) : mnh;eku xzkeh.k ukjh usr`Ro 22. Jitendra Singh(2006) : xzkeh.k ;qokvksa dh jktuhfrd lgHkkfxrk 23. Khilafat Hussain (2002) : vYila[;d eqfLye ;qok oxZ ,oa jktuhfr 24. Pradeep Kumar (2003) : oS”ohdj.k ,oa Hkkjrh; fdlku 25. Ms. Anju (2000) : Terrorism and Kashmiri Migrant Community 26. Ms. Lalita (2002) : jktuhfrd laLd`fr% ,d ewY;kadu 27. Mamta Rani (2005) : nfyr xzkeh.k efgyk ,oa iapk;rh jkt 28. Rashmi Fauzdar (2006) : pkS0 pj.k flg% ,d fpard ,oa iz”kkld 29. Ms. Archana Sirohi (2005) : Child Labour in Village India 30. Azhar Khan (2004) : Federalism and the Question of Antonomy 31. Durg Vijay Bharati (2006) : Communal Politics: A comparative study 32. Ms. Archana (2007) : efgyk fodkl ,oa jktuhfr 3 33- Jaiveer Singh (2008) : lw{e Lrjh; yksd dY;k.k iz”kklu% ,d foospukRed v/;;u 34- Narendra Singh (2008) : ekuokf/kdkj ,oa efgykvksa dh jktuhfrd lgHkkfxrk Ph.D. Submitted: 1. Sanjeev Kumar : xzkeh.k ;qokvksa dk ernku O;ogkj 2. Yatendra Singh : vkfFkZd mnkjhdj.k ,oa Hkkjrh; d`f’k uhfr 3- Ms. Manjulika : Electoral Participation and Political change at micro-level 4. Ms. Alpana Jain : Decision Making and socialization of Women Ph.D. Registered 1. Manoj Choudhary 8. Manisha Kinnu 2. Abdul Saleem 9. Pratap Saroha 3. Deepa Sharma 10. Meenu Yadav 4. Seema Devi 11. Mamta Sharma 5. Nagendra 12. Satish Kumar 6. Tayyab Ali 13. Km. Shailja 7. Nidhi Garg 14. Trishukh Singh M.Phil Completed: 1. Uma Rani : Political Participation of Women in Electoral Process: A study of Gunnair (U.P.) 2. Amita Dixit : Decision Making Approach and Youth’s Political 4 Behaviour in Modinagar (U.P.) 3. Anuja Rani : Leadership in Uttar Pradesh 4. Madhu Sharma : Pressure Groups in Meerut University. 5. Archana Tripathi : Leadership in Perspective : Mulayam Singh as Chief Minister. 6. Sudha Garg : Impact of Higher Education on Political Participation of Women : A study of Meerut city. 7. Rakesh Solanki : Village as a Community 8. Jaya Gupta (1994) : Socio-Economic Development and P.W.D. (A Case study of Meerut Distt.) 9. euh"kk vxzoky (1994) % “kjrh; jktuhfrd O;oLFkk esa O;oLFkkRed ruko ¼esjB ds usr`Ro esa tkfr dh “wfedk dk v/;;u½ 10. uhrw pkS/kjh (1996) % efgyk ’kfDrdj.k ,oa pqukoh lgHkkfxrk esjB eaMy esa “Vhiqjk ,o “Vsy xzkeksa dk rqyukRed v/;;u 11. vatw (1996) % d’ehj leL;k ,oa foLFkkfir leqnk; dk v/;;u 12. cchrk (1996) % jktuhfrd lekthdj.k ,oa xzkeh.k f’k{kk O;oLFkk% fodkl [kaM [kj[kkSnk ¼tuin esjB½ dk ,d v/;;u 13. gluSu v[rj (1997) % “kjrh; jktuhfr esa {ks=h; nyks dh “wfedk ,o izHkko 5 14. dq0 uqiqj xxZ (1997) % jktuhfrd lekthdj.k ,oa nfyr cky Jfed lwjtdq.M% {ks= ¼esjB ’kgj ½ dk ,d v/;;u 15. dq0 lhek ’kekZ (1997) % iapk;rh jkt O;oLFkk esa efgykvksa dh lgHkkfxrk % ftyk cqyUn’kgj dk ,d v/;;u 16. Mohd. Azhar Khan (1997) : Federalism in India. 17. Smariti Rajvanshi (1997) : Rajnaitik Chetna avam Balshramik Meerut Shahar Ka Ek Adhyan 18. Sanjay Kaur (1997) : National Integration in Canada : A study of Quebec problem 19. Km. Savita (1998) : Udayiman Gramin Naari Netratva; Samasayayein avam Sambhavnayein Muzaffarnagar avam Meerut Janpadon Ka Ek Adhyan. 20. Mrs. Lata Sharma (1998) : Indian Defence Policy after Pokharan –II 21. Ms. Neeraj (1999) : India- Pakistan Relations : From Bus Diplomacy to Cargil Conflict. 22. Manjulika (1999) : Electoral Participation and Political Change at Micro Level : A study of Meerut Zila Panchayat 23. Mamta (1999) : Panchayati Raj Vyavastha Mein Dalit Mahilaon Ki Shabhagita : Parikshit Garh Vikas Khand Ka Ek Adhyan 24. Sarfaraz (1999) : Chunav Prakriya avam Alpsankhyak Mahila Matdata : Gulaothi (District Bulandshar) Ka Ek Adhyan. 25. Farnaz (1999) : Human Rights and Muslim Women : a Comparative Study. 26. Yatendra Singh (1999) : Arthik Udarikaran avam Bhartiya Krishi Niti : Ek Samikshatmak Adhyan. 27. Khilafat Hussain (1999) : Muslim Yuva Varg Ka Rajnitik Samajikaran : Simbhavali (Tehsil Ghaziabad Ka Ek Adhyan. 28. Payal Bansal (2001) : Rastriya Ekta: Ek Vichar Sardhana Vikas Khand Ke Sandarbh Mein. 29. Km. Nidhi Garg (2001) : Sustainable Development at Micro level : A study of Sardhana Town 6 30. Km. Lalita : jktuhfrd laLd`fr dh vo/kkj.kk% ,d xzkeh.k lekykspukRed v/;;u 31. Dhanpal : xzkeh.k nfyr lekt ,oa jktuhfr ,d lw{e Lrjh; v/;;u 32. Satendra Kumar : xzkeh.k fodkl es {kf=; lfefr dh Hkwfedk& ¼fodkl [k.M ukukSVk½ tuin lgkjuiqj dk ,d v/;;u 33. Manoj Kumar : nfyr xzkeh.k ;qokvksa dk ernku O;ogkj 34. Anand Pal : xzkeh.k ,oa jktuhfrd lgHkkfxrk 35. Pradeep Kumar : Bhartiya Kishan Union ek Mooliyakan 36. Madan Pal : National Planning Commission 37. Mohit Sharma : Role of Governor in Indian Politics with Special Reference to U.P. 38. Tyabb Ali : “kgjh eqfLye usr`Ro % esjB “kgj ds lUnHkZ esa 39. Abdul Saleem : gfjtu efgyk ernkrk 40. Durg Vijay Bharti : Hkkjrh; jktuhfrd O;oLFkk ,oa lkEiznkf;drk dh leL;k 41. Sanjeev Kumar : pquko O;ogkj 42. Vinita : lektoknh ikVhZ ,oa ewY;kadu ¼mÙkj izns”k ds fo”ks’k lUnHkZ es½ 43. Manoj Kumar : dsUnzh; ;kstuk vk;ksx ,d foospukRed v/;;u 7 44. Rashmi Faujdhar : pkS0 pj.k flag ,d fpUrd ,oa ,d iz”kkld 45. Manoj Bhargav : f”k{kk dk vf/kdkj ,oa vYila[;d oxZ ,d lw{e Lrjh; v/;;u 46. Narendra Singh : ekuokf/kdkj ,oa efgykvksa dh jktuSfr lgHkkfxrk 47. Deepa Sharma : xzkeh.k efgyk usr`Ro% n”kk ,oa fn”kk 48. Seema Devi : 49. NagendraPal : Hkwe.Myhdj.k ds ;qx xzkeh.k fodkl% ,d fo”ys’k.k 50. Satish Kumar : xzkeh.k jktuSfrd ifjorZu esa vkj{k.k dh Hkwfedk % ,d fo”ys’k.k 51. Shailja Kumar : xzkeh.k jktuhfrd vfHktu ,d lw{e Lrjh; v/;;u 52. Sapana : Hkkjr la;qDr jkT; vesfjdk vlSU; ukfHkdh; lg;ksx le>kSrk&2005&2006 53. Dalip Kumar : lwpuk dk vf/kdkj&2005 ,oa lq”kklu ¼tuin esjB dk ,d v/;;u½ 54. Tek Chand : mÙkj izns”k iapk;rhjkt ,oa LFkkuh; lq”kklu ds e/; vUr lEcU/kksa dk ,d v/;;u 8 55. Chetan Chaudhary : ?kjsyw fgalk vf/kfu;e vkSj ?kjsyw fgalk dk orZeku ifjn`”; 56. Manju Solanki : ekuo vf/kdkj ,oa nfyr efgyk ukxfjd ,oa lekykspukRed v/;;u 57. Ravindra Singh : vkj{k.k uhfr% ,d foospukRed v/;;u Publication: 1. Books : British Policy towards Malaysia 1957-1967, Radiant Publisher , New Delhi 1993. 2. Women and Politics in Rural India: An Empirical Investigation, Pragiti Prakashan, Meerut 2002. 3. Monograph: Violence against Women in Rural Setting, Pragiti Prakashan, Meerut 2002. 4. An article on “Good Governance: A conceptual critique ( In the Press) 5.

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