:,. .~ A;~N U~4,L,w,Jftt:r OR T j- COL(JJiIAL CHURCH>&SCHOOL... S8CIETI ... '~~ " .' .' FOR TBIII . DIOCESE.O·F ·QUEBEC,. 'CANADA. ~, - , ..'.. ' '~. :., :~~ . '-' -: '. ' .:. ADOPTED 4" ~.·TBB. ANNuA,L DETIN:G slLD AT THE U:crURE BAi.L~ 8"~' - ANNE . - BTROT, ON THE 10TH OF FEBBl1,ABY, 1859. ~ . ..";':#b- . '. .~ cmntllti:,. / PRINTtr.'i MIDDLETON"~' D2\.~ON, :FOOT OF. MOUNTAIN ;';~~:'I< . ~ .,. .~,I·-,,·:t s!> 9'~ :. - " . ~~- ~ ," .1 SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE COLONIAL CHURCH &SCHOOL SOCIETY. FOR THE DIOCESE OF QUEBEC? CANADAe ADOPTED AT THE ANNUAL MEETING HELD AT THE LECTURE HALL, ST. ANNE STREET, ON THE 10th OF FEBRUARY, 1859. @u£b£c : PRINTED BY MIDDLETON & DAWSON, FOOT OF MOUNTAIN HILL. ..- 1859 . • "RULES AND REGULATIONS. 1. The management of the Society Rhall be under the direction of persons who are members of the United Church of England and Ireland, and all the agents of the Society shall likewise be members of the same. 2. The selection, appointment, removal, and field of labor of all the agents, together with the amount of their re~pective salaries, shall rest entirely with the Committee of the Society. The clergymen employed by the Society shall be subject to the ecclesiastical jurisdiction of their Diocesans j and the Schools shall be open at all times to the visits of the Diocesan, and the parochial or missiofJ.ary clergy in their respective districts. 3. The religious instruction in all Schools maintained wholly or in part by the Society, shall be in the Holy Scriptures and (except in ca!es where the parents or guardians of the children formally object) in the formularies of the Church of England; and no books shall be used in the Society's Schools except with the approval of the Committee. 4. The affairs of the Society in the Colonies shall be conducted by the Gene­ ral Committee at home, or by Corresponding Committees, nominated or approv­ ed by them; and the Bishop of the Diocese shall, if so disposed, be President of the several Corresponding Committee~ in his Diocese. lPatron .. HER MOST GRACIOUS MAJESTY THE QV&iJ.'f. bite,.,tll atrons. rus GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF CANTERBURY. , HIS GRACE THE ARCHBISHOP OF YORK. lPrtStJ)tn1.-THE MOST HON. THE MARQUIS OF CHOLMONDELEY bitt,..,lPnsiJ)ents. His Grace the Duke of !lfarlborough. The Right Rllv the Lord Bishop of Mauri· The Right Hon. the Earl of Chichester. tius. The Right Hon. the Earl of Effingham. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Grahams­ The Right Hon. the Earl of Gainsborough. town. The Right Hon. the Earl of Harrowby. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Sierra The Right Hon. the Earl of Mountcashel. Leone. The Right Hon. the Earl of Shaftesbury. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Perth, The Right Hon. the Earl of Wald~rave, C.B. Western Australia. The Right Hon. Viscount Hill. The Right Rev. the Lo~d Bishop of Huron. The Right Hon. Viscount Midh,ton. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of KingstoD. The Rev. Lord \Vriothesley Russell. The Right Rev. Bishop Carr, D.D. The Right Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord BisLop The Right Hon. Lord ClLlthorpe. of London. Lieut-Gen. Lord Seaton, G.C.B. The Right Rev the Lord Bishop of WInchester. The Right Hon. Lord Teignmouth. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Manchester. The Hon. Arthur Kinnaird, M.P. The Hon. and Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of The Right Hon. Frederick Shaw. Carlisle. Sir Matthew Blakiston, Bart. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Gloucester Sir Oswald )1os1ey, Bart. and Bristol. Lieut,Col. Sir W. G. Colebrooke, K.H. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Ripon. His Excellency the Governor of the LeewlLl'd The Right Rev. the Lonl Bishop of Norwich. Islands. West Indies. The Right Hon. anI! lIiost Rev. the Lord Bishop The Very Rev. the Dean of Carlisle. of Meath. The Hon. and Very Rev. the Dean of St. Pat- The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Calcutta. rick an<l Christ Church. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Madras. The Very Rev. the Dean of Exeter. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop ot Bombay. Ven. H. Law, M.A., Archdeacon of We1l3. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Sydney.' Ven. Archdea.con of the Bahamas. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishsp of Melbourne. Ven. T. Hart Davies, M.A. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Montreal. Ven. J. H. Trew, D.D. The Right Rev. the Lord B:shopof Victoria. John David Macbride, Esq., D.C.L., Priu. lfaa The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Nova Scotia Hall.Oxon. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of Prince Ru. George Finch, Esq., pert's Land. Colonel Irwin. The Right Rev. the Lord Bishop of the United John Labonchere, Esq. Church of England and Ireland at Jerusa­ John Pemberton Plumptre, Esq. lem. Francis Wright, Esq. (fi:ommittee. Lord Henry Cholmondeley. Rev. R. W. Greaves, !>I.A. Rev. J. B. Owen, M. A. George Arbuthnot, Esq. G. Noel Hoare, Esq. Rev. J. W. Reeve, M.A. Rev. Edward Auriol, M.A. Admiral Sir Henry Hope, K.C.B. F. J. Ridsdale, Esq. John Bridges, Esq. Rev. J. M'U. Hussey, )I.A. J. S. Reynolds, Esq. :Kev. Wm. Cadman, M.A. Rev. Charles Kemble, M.A. TohnG. Sheppard, Esq. J. W. Cater, Esq. Henry Law, Esq. John Sperling, Esq. A. CrawfordJ, Esq., M.D. John Martin, Esq. Huddleston Stokes, Esq. Rev. J. W. (;unningham, !lI.A. Robt. Nesham, Esq. Robert Sweeting, Esq. Rev. Henry Deck, M.A. P. F. O'Malley, Esq., ~C. Rev. M. H. Vine, M.A. Rev. C. W. Edmonstone, M.A. A. P. Onslow, Esq. Rev. Daniel Wilson, M.A Rev. E. Garbett, M.A. Q!r.easUrtr.-R. O. L. BEVEN, ESQ. 5ttrdary.-REV. MESAO THOMAS, M. A., ~s.GistCtnt,., .6t.crdary .-WILLIAM H. A. HEART, 2ssodaHoll .6 etrdaries. !onth-Western DiRtrict.-REV. JA3rn;I HAmLTON, M.A •• CHELTENHAM. Northern District.-REV. ROBERT c. KING, M,A •• LIVERPOOL. South-Eastern Distl'iCt.-REV, WILIJAM WICKES, M. A., LONDON. Central and Eastern Distl'ict.-REV. W. DE QUErfll\'ILLE, M. A., pJ!:l'}.'RBOaOUOu. Ireland.-REV. II. M. PINNIrr, M.A., DUBLIN. C!tolltdor.-MR. ARTHUR WILLIAM STONE, LONDON. General Superintendent in B.N.A.: THE REVEREND 1. HELLMUTH, D. D. QUEBEC CORRESPONDING V01UUTTEE : THE REV. E. SEWELL. ILIEUT. COL. FITZGERALD, B.A. THE REV.!. HELLMUTH, D.D., LIEUT. ASHE, R.N., THE REV. OFFICIAL MACKIE, D.D.\ H. S. SCOTT, ESQ., TIlE REV. C. P. REID, I CHARLES MONTIZAMBERT, ESQ., Honorary Secretary :-DR. BLATHERWICK. Treasurel' :-A. C. BUCHANAN, ESQ. LIST OF AGENTS OF THE COLONIAL CHURCH AND SCHOOL SOCIETY IN THE BIOCESE OF QUEBEC: REV. I. HELLMuTH,-Superintendent. REV. J. I. MOMBERT,-Missiollary to the French and Germans. REV. W. L. THOMPSON,-Missionary at Stanstead. SCHOOLS FOUNDED OR AIDED BY THE COLONIAL CHURCH AND SCHOOL SOCIETY. Sherbrooke,-C. BURN. 1st Range, Bourg Louis,-MISS M. McLEA...'\. Sherbrooke,-.MRs. BURN. 2nd Range, Bourg Louis,-MISS TURNER. Bury,-W. BEST. 3rd Range, Bourg Louis,-R. Ross. Stoneham,-D. McMURRAY. Acton,-MISs S. Dul<.'N. Lake Beauport,-J. HEMSWORTH. 1 Portneuf,--J HALL. Pine River, Valcartier,-S. LINDEN- 2 Portneuf,-G. BETTS. BERG. Quebec,-MISS HUGHES. ANNUAL MEETING OF THE HELD AT TilE LECTURE HALL, 8T. ANNE STREET, On Thursday Evening, 10th of Febrnary, 1869. PRAYER BY THE REV. DR. HELLMUTH. ADDRESS BY H. S. SCOTT, ESQ. REPORT READ BY THE SECRETARY. FIRST RESOLUTION.-Moved by Rev. WILLIAM BOND, seconded by Rev. A. WOOLRYCH: " That this meeting acknowledges with gratitude, the goodness of God, in blessing the exertions of the Parent Society, and of its Corresponding Commit­ tees throughout the Colonies of the British Empire, and that the Report, an abstract of which has now been read, be received and printed, under the direc­ tion of the Committee." SECOND RESOLUTION.-Moved by the LORD BISHOP OF HL'RON, seconded by Rev. E. W. SEWELL: " Whilst this Meeting, deeply impressed with the duty and necessity of in­ creasing the number of Scriptural Schools, desires to record its earnest hope and pra.yer, that it may plettse God to enable the Society to send an ad­ ditional number of devoted Clergymen as Missionaries, to preach the Gcspel of Christ to the spiritually destitute and Bcattered settlers in this vast Colony." 6 THIRD REI!lOLUTION.-Moved by Rev, Dr. HELLMl1TB, seconJed by Rev. R. ARNOLD: " That this meeting, thankful to hear of the Society's successful efforts to in­ crease the number of Chaplaincies for British residents and travellers on the Continent of Europe, rejoices, at the same time, to learn of the co-operation in this as well as in the other departments of the Society's labors of that excellent and laborious prelate, the Right Reverend the Lord Bishop of London." FOURTH RESOLUTION.-Moved by Rev. W. L. THOltSON, seconded by Lieut. ASHE, R.N.: "That this meeting, grateful for the continued grant from the Parent Society, pledges itself to increased exertions to aid and to co-operate with the Local Committee in the laudable endeavor to carryon and onwards the good cause of the Colonial Church and School Society." SECOND ANNUAL REPORT OF THE It is with feelings of deep gratitude to Almighty God that the Corresponding Committee of the Colonial Church and School Society in rendering their Annual Report for the year 1858, congratulate their friends on the continued success with which he has been pleased to bless the labors of the Society in general, as shown by their report rendered at their last Annual Meeting. To those who are unacquainted with the precise objects in view, and the leading principles by which the Colonial Church and School Society is guided, it may be as well to state that the object of the Society is to send Clergymen, Catechists, and School-masters to the Colonies of Great Britain, and to British residents in other parts of the world.
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