SPECIAL ELECTION ISSUE FOR MEMBERS IN REGION 3, 4 & 7 Early Winter 2004 The Offi cial Publication of the Professional Ski Instructors of Amer i ca Eastern/Education Foundation A “Look” Before and After the Skiing Exams of 2003-04 by Peter Howard PSIA-E Chair, Alpine Education & Certifi cation Committee Over the years, progressions have been was a quality of performance that supersedes width, amount of wedge, when matching oc- used for teaching skiing and testing the com- the ability to get close in look to a certain curs, width of wedge, and the timing, duration petence of instructors. In the seventies, PSIA maneuver. But, perhaps because we couldn’t and intensity of movements. It is important brought the world the wonderful ski teaching quite fi gure out how to articulate the qual- that teachers can choose from, and demon- concept of being “Student- Centered”. The ity of performance we were looking for, we strate with, these tactical variations in order to practice of sticking with a narrow linear ap- continued in many cases to test for “one way provide an image that is tailored to the learning proach to learn to traverse, to snow plow, to do a wedge turn”. Sadly, the exam process needs of the students. When all of these tactical to stem, and to Christie was replaced by this was still somewhat maneuver-centered in an variations are supported by effi cient, modern, new concept. The bold and liberating idea of evolving Student-Centered era. and mechanically consistent movements, the student-centered teaching encouraged teach- So, what are the implications of these new marriage is complete. The performance is “spot ers to do whatever it took to help a student thoughts? What is the description of the qual- on”, and the versatility to be an effective “Stu- develop skills and move along a general path of ity of performance that works on the job and dent Centered Teacher” is present. improvement. PSIA and other countries contin- at the exam? Will tasks be part of the skiing Will there still be wedge turns and Chris- ue to refi ne their teaching progressions. Here, exams? Is there one way to do a wedge turn? ties at exams? Yes, but they will not be a cel- they have been called “Milestones”, “Center- THE ANSWER: What works on the job for luloid idealistic attempt at the “perfect”. They line”, “Stepping Stones”, etc… In most cases, our students and at exams is skiing that is ef- will be the same ones we show our guests when the committees and individuals who created fi cient, modern, and mechanically consistent, we are helping them develop skills. Will there these concepts never intended they become with the capability for tactical variation. Yes, still be tasks that test balancing, adaptability testing fi gures. However, these concepts and this is quite a mouthful, but it’s really very and agility? Yes, because our jobs require these their named maneuvers became just that. sensible and why it took so long to articulate physical qualities. Is there one “look”, or “one Why this happened, and why it is still part it is anybody’s guess. way” to do things? If performance and versatil- of our ski teaching culture probably goes some- Mechanical Consistency refers to the quali- ity have a “look”, I suppose the answer is still thing like this: Simply speaking, if you can do ties of effective skiing as described by PSIA in yes, but not in the traditional sense or percep- it, then you should be able to teach it, so let’s the Alpine Concepts Manual (statements like, see you do it. This was probably the underlying “Engage and release the edges in one smooth con tin ued on page 5 logic for the fi rst testing of ski teachers. Pro- motion with forward and diagonal movement gressions and methodology were developed, of the legs; Balance over the whole foot; Flex years passed, and Final Forms become exacting evenly in the joints; etc”). These statements testing fi gures. The free thinking sixties and are also contained in the white paper, “The on the inside seventies softened regimented thinking, but Unoffi cial Guide to Good Skiing”, and in the the idea that there is one exactly right way laminated pocket guide on “Effective and Inef- Guest Editorial 2 to make a wedge turn, a wedge Christie, etc., fective Movements”. remains with us to this day. Chances are that If we exhibit these aforementioned quali- President’s Message 3 the exam process and those who design it and ties in all our free skiing, teaching activities, Around the Regions 10 conduct it are as much to blame as the his- and skill level representations, we will be tory from which we’ve evolved. Right up until providing good service for our students, our Candidate Profi les 12 last season we probably gave the impression personal enjoyment, our personal safety, and “15 Below” section 26 that the demos done at exams had to have our exam scores. one correct look. I think for many years - in The Capability for Tactical Variation refers Election Ballot for Regions 3, 4 & 7 35 fact, probably since the beginning of testing to the developed skill of being able to select - testers have known in their hearts that there at-will variations of turn radius, speed, stance CANDIDATE PROFILES STARTSnowPro ON PAGE N Early Winter12; ELECTION2004 N Page 1 BALLOT IS ON PAGE 35. have to switch places. Maybe this was to be. One has to pass the torch at some Editor’s Desk point...... Maybe. My last day at Massanutten turned Guest Editorial into a rough ski day. Because of the excellent winter, we actually had a Volume 30, Number 3 mogul run, and most of us were hit- Bill Hetrick, Editor ting it pretty hard to try to gain some The offi cial publication of the Profes sion al experience. The moguls were defi nitely getting Ski Instructors of America-Eastern Education A Little Spring Skiing the better of me that last morning: Merlin, our Foun da tion. top educational staff member, grinningly said 1-A Lincoln Avenue by Walter Jaeger I should get right up there and try it one more Albany, NY 12205-4907 Phone 518-452-6095 PSIA-E Alpine Level II time. I, however, knew two things: it wasn’t my last day (I was going to Breckenridge) and age Fax 518-452-6099 Massanutten Ski Area, VA brings a little wisdom: sometimes you don’t www.psia-e.org push the river. This past April I was reminded yet again General Infor ma tion So, with the memory of a rough last day, Submission of articles, photos or other of the huge value of PSIA-E’s educational pro- an undertone of overthrow in the air, concerns items for publication is invited. Com put er grams during my fi rst visit out west to “the about steeps, powder and trees, off I went with generated docu ments MUST be in IBM- big mountains.” I went to Breckenridge to visit a light heart and a smile a mile wide to meet com pat i ble format, and ac com pa nied by and ski with my son Matt, who for almost two my destiny. hard copy. Send all materials directly to: seasons has lived in Boulder. This was my fi rst My brother Greg met me at the Boulder Bill Hetrick, Editor ski vacation out west, even though I’m now airport and we drove to Breckenridge where 110 Hubler Rd. 54. Funny, isn’t it, how one can love a sport so Matt would catch up with us the following State College, PA 16801 much, yet other seemingly pressing concerns evening. I didn’t think the altitude would af- Phone 814-466-7309 obstructs one from a fuller exploration of its fect me overly, but after one short day of skiing [email protected] possibilities? However, I was happy skiing east, gasping for breath, the discovery of an oxygen discovering and pushing my skills, as well as bar was this Easterner’s delight. That fi rst day Pro Shop header and Your Turn header pho tos raising children and creating a business with I kept looking up to the bowl, tree and free by Scott Markewitz. Courtesy of PSIA. All submitted material is subject to editing. which to enjoy the magic of skiing. East always skiing area, knowing when Matt arrived we’d Its use, whether so lic it ed or not, is at the has been great fun to me. be heading up. For the past seven years dis cre tion of the editorial staff. All published The dance on the We kept to the main ma te ri al becomes the property of PSIA-E/EF. Ar- I have been a PSIA member, slopes occurs when slopes the day Matt ar- ti cles are accepted on the condition that they and have immensely enjoyed rived, enjoying a crisper may be released for publication in all National participating in the events of- the rhythm between and lighter snow than and Divisional publications. fered by PSIA-E. I earned a what I’m used to. There Level II in 1999, and have the skills I bring and were lots of grins. On the SnowPro is published fi ve times per year by the since focused on PSIA-E’s the forces of the second day we rode the Professional Ski Instructors of America-East ern Master program and on puma lift up to the ridge Education Foundation.
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