\ THUMDAT, JULY f, ItSO iKtmcljpatpr lEppitteg IfgraUi Spend and Save on Manchester's Red Tag Specials Mr. .and Mra. Frank J. PranaU clalmanta (Or unemployment bene­ fit! in the etate < remained un­ and two children have moved Little Change V The Weather About Tow n from 87 Washington street to changed at 28,125 during Ifpt week ae compared with 28,008 for. the their recently completed home on SPECIAL I Average Daily Net Press Run Fereeaet of U. fl. Weather Bnrean AH parenU of glrta attending the In Idle Here prevloua week. Whof you buy ;Panner street The IncreiMe in initial claima For the Month of June, 18B8 Olri Scout day camp at Cam ^ waa attributerl to claima from Reg. $2.95 Ingraham Tenight, fair; low aear 60. Sat­ Merri-Wood are Invited to t f Rev. James V. Claypool, who .Is employee not entitled to paid va- open houee at the camp tomomw at preserit spending his vacation Situation Last Week 9,904 urday, fair and warms Ugh aear ond whore you cationa during plant ehutdowns. S4. afternoon, at two o’clock, ^ e y In Klllingly, will be guest speaker About the Same; State Layoffs were reported In the Member of the Audit JiattrpfitFr fcupmttg m vm a will flrat be given an op p or^ lty at the Sunday morning worship following industries: OarmenL ALARM CLOCKS Bateau of ClrcutettoBS to Inspect the camp and >^lt the Manchester-—A City of Village Charm Buy it mokes o • • services at the South Methodist Statistics Are Given electrical appliances, machines, •A. • various units and at g:80 the. church. He Is a ifccretary of the ------- hardware, telephones, and. aports- campers will present a {Srogram. American Bible Society In Chica­ The unemployment- situation wear. $ MANCHESTER, CONN.. FRIDAY, JULY 7, 1950 (FOURTEEN PAGES) PRICE FOUR CENTS go and la well known In this area, here remained practically un­ Bridgeport continues to lead the 1.69 ‘ (daaMfled adeertlalag oa Page tS) World of Difference C. Gideon Rice end Helen M. having preached in Manchester changed last week as 431 claim­ .state in the number of Claims while * VOL. LXIX, NO. 235 Rice have sold Lot 68. Rice road. on a number of occasions. He la ants filed at the local office. In­ Manchester was next to laa;. (Pins 10% Tax) ^ Here Toa set top quality— Hem* **?'*'■ Lakewood Circle tract, to Fred- the author of the book, "God on a cluding 256 females. toweirt! You SAVE, SAVE. SAVE everylime you -hop ■iHck R. Smore and Alice P. Smore. Battle Wagon,” and during the There were 428 jobless clalth- The transfer was made through war served as a Navy chaplain. anta filing for unemployment torn- PRESCRIPTIONS • ahetree. Flap to com* 1* today. the Arthur A. Knofla agency. pensatlon. Forty-nine were Initial claims, 364 continued, and 13 Com pounded by. men of many From Becker Mr. and Mra. Kenneth Ostrln- King David Lodge No. 31, I.O. sky of 182 Blssell street ha,ve re­ agent. Five veterana filed, three m S a t ii,. Freshly Picked NeUve years expertenee. OPRISCRIPTION p h a r m a c y I O.F., will hold an Installation of turned home after spending the Initial and two continued. officers tomorrow evening at Odd long week-end In New York City. Deapite an Incref^e of 2,005 In MAIN ST«irT-MAHCMISTf« Initial claims due U> vacation shut­ Yanks Aid in Recapture of 2 Key Towns Cttle Sloof, BEETS Fellows hall. The Installation They were registered at the Hotel Arthur Drug Stores for csremonles will be performed by Taft. downs, the number of Jobless fHAT*t OOPISINT District , Deputy Grand Master Bch 10c Clarence S. Aaplnwall, who la Dr. Robert R. Keeney, Jr., and a member of King David Lodge, Mrs. Keeney of 75 Robert road, Death Jumps the Rails u 1 Moemreaaer and hla staff. The officers to be will keep "open house” Sunday, Crips Celery Installed are: Franklyn Syphers July 9, from three to six o'clock. Truman Red Column Speeds M(C*u*> aukaanm Mot House Tomatoes as Noble Grand. Fred Edwards as In honor of Mrs Keeney's par­ Packaced Tomatoee Vice Grand, Walter Walsh as ents, Mr. and Mrs. Samuel J. Cucumbers treasurer and Robert O. Johnston Johnson of 122 Maple street, From Becker I as recording secretary. whose golden wedding anniver- Two Hundred-Sixty CRISP FIRM NATIVE .sary will fall on Friday, July 14. The Board of Trustees of Eman­ Toward Vital Pusan; . I . ■ _ Radishes Bch. • 0 uel Lutheran church will meet to­ A requiem high mass will be morrow, evening at eight o'clock. said for the repose of the soul of Edmund S. Haponlk Saturday Million For A-Bomb| Calif. Long While Polatoee morning at eight o'clock, f t St. Nattee Green‘Beans James's church. Big Battle Impends - - • s. Iceberg Lettuce Part of Fund Will Be Ordden Carrots Truman Order Add attWapooo o< diili MOW Sweet Red Onions HALE'S Used to Push Experi­ 0 sour faeotitt ditMtng t o North Koreans Throw Personal Notices ments on H-Bomb; ook dt«. Gn«i • From Becker, Freeh Ooldeu Headquarters Stops Walkout Reds Are Determined 150 Tanks anil Nearly •lasor tod pi««r KWM“ , » Each at HALE'S Self Serve States Full Confi­ dik popular Ameneao ^ SUMMER FOR In Memoriam 90,000 Men Into gttfsooe at MeC^’a Kiithens dence in the Atomic Of Switchmen In memory of our desr mother. Mn. War; Small Ameri­ nwd about it and we te wre SQUASH r. lOe Ann» Mature, who passed sway July Energy Commission To Capture Formosa ja a t h a i t f will tofc R, 1944. and Health Market can Unit Stands Four of Five Railroads | Becker brings us special Mrs. Frances Hlchard, Washington, July 7.—(VP) Off Top Red Divi- gnn small heads of Cabbage Mrs. ■tells Btssts. Return to Operation; Despite U. S. Action , — ^President Truman today sion for Six Hours; asked CJongress for |260,000,- Rock Island Selected I Sunlight Hale's Fresh Grouhd Air Smashes .Continue . HEALTH MARKET 000 to speed development of To Test Legal Strike! Lake Succcbh, July 7 tJ’) Ri'tl . mlllliiiy force in hnllle. I’assiige atomic bombs and push ex­ China has served notice on the : of the measure appeared certain. I MILES BETTER | Cliou Rn-Lnl'a message accused periments on the hydrogen Chicago, July 7.—(JP)—AEL United Nations that it Is deter- | Tokyo; July 7.— (iP) —■ V Gotfiee MORE bomb. Mr. Truman said the the U. N. of acting as a tool of American and South Korean in avary woyl j Btttter MORE mined to aelze Formosa despite | j switchmen have called off their Anieiica by countenancing Presi­ forces were reported tonight Yes, we’ll have a larger Yes, we’ll have a larger money would be used to en­ 12-day etrljce against four of live any mllllary mrasurea America ; dent Truman's action In sending able the Atomic Energy may take. to huve recaptured Chungju supply'this week of sup|dy this week of big mid-west and western ' rail­ American naval vessels to guani Commiasion "to build additional Foreign Minister Chou Kn-Lai j Fornioee. It said: and I’yongtack, Important roads. They acted yesterday aft­ outlined the PelplnR reRlme B posl- ; FRESH DRESSED and more efficient planU” to car­ "By keeping silent on this act road junctures in the area Ranges, Refrigerators FRESH NATIVE ry out hie directive of Jan. 31 or­ er President Truman caUed the tlon in s cable yestcnlay to U. N iFlllEIUU.1 Secrctary-Generel Trygve Lie ]i ' of open aggression of the United south of Suwon where a big dering work on the H-bomb. strike unjustified end threatened States Government, the Security Washers ahd All TIRES accused the U. S. of an "act of Jello or Royal The preaident aald the funda­ drastic action. Council and the Secretafy-General l>atUc was impending. A Za*Rex Assorted BROILERS FOWL open aggression" In assigning South Korean colonel, consid­ mental objective is to use atomic The strike against the. Chicago, American naval units to protect of the United Nations hav, fore­ Other Appliances energy for peace, but he added: ered reliable,, said the report o f . Hock Island and Pacific, con­ the Chinese Natlonalisl island bas­ gone their functions Xnd duties of "Until this objective ia achieved, qphniding world peace, and there­ the recapture of the two town* lb. tinues. tion. from North Korean Red* waa iwJMrHAUceu Gelatin each $ 2 L * I 9 however, we must atrengthan our Meanwhile, the Security Couqcll by became pliant Instniments of Syrups The other lines—the Chicago own defenses by providing the nec­ made to the South Korean Aimy- MswMiisim Ca«» called e session 4oday to take the policy of the Un(ted States essary atomic energy capacity." Great Western, the Greet North­ n iB 1$ Ml fterUI view of the otmIr of two SoaU Fe otreondliiero—the Cfilef th«| K1 Government.” American headquarter* in Korea ern, the Denver end Rio Grande which Opel at least 10 Uvea. Both trmlni were toward OilcaRo on parallel Uackt when the El final action on s resolution asking For A Red Tag Special He pointed out in a statement Declaring the U.S. act violates had not reported recapture of the For A Red Tag Special that hla January directive called Western, and the Western Pacific Chpitan Jumped the track at MonIcWe III., while travcHtiR »t 00 mllee an hour. The Chief, trailing the United States to name Gen. towns.. Both were takfn by the on the AEG "to continue ita work -^ en t all efforts .today to get aUshtly behind* rammed Into the car* which left the ralN.
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