1 ON T H E #169 • JANUARY-FEBRUARY 2016 Illinois Council 31—American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees—AFL-CIO Standing Org Postage PAID AFSCME U.S. Non-Profit together for a fair contract 31 Ave. STATE EMPLOYEES RISE TO MEET THE CHALLENGE 60601 IL Floor Council Michigan 21st N. Chicago, AFSCME 205 2 On the Move January-February 2016 EXECUTIVE DIRECTOR’S REPORT On the Move AFSCME Illinois On the Move is published six times annually by Illinois Public Employees Council AFSCME never quits 31 of the American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees, AFL-CIO. Send correspondence to: [email protected] or: AFSCME, On the Move, 205 N. Michigan Ave., 21st Floor, Chicago, IL 60601 Roberta Lynch, Executive Director Mike Newman, Deputy Director Unions faced with unprecedented assault in high court Nell McNamara, Editor Dolores Wilber, Designer Council 31 Executive Board Officers STATE EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT Ralph Portwood, Stateville CC, Local 1866 CITY/COUNTY EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT Carmin Willis-Goodloe, Cook County Hospital, Local 1111 that same kind of warm, fuzzy PRIVATE SECTOR EXECUTIVE VICE PRESIDENT encouragement to quit from Yolanda Woods, Hope Institute oes Bruce Rauner go out for late- Local 2481 another faux friend, Gover- UNIVERSITY EXECUTIVE VICE-PRESIDENT night cocktails with Charles and nor Bruce Rauner—the same Dorinda Miller, U of I Clericals, Local 3700 governor who is leading the David Koch, the infamous uber-rich SECRETARY D charge to drive down the Pat Ousley, Department of brothers who are seeking to remake the take-home pay of state work- Employment Security, Local 1006 TREASURER American political landscape with their vast ers, abolish the collective bar- Rob Fanti, Sheridan CC, Local 472 fortune? gaining rights of local govern- Board Members ment employees, and S TATE CONFERENCE BOARD CO-CHAIRS w Gloria Arseneau, (RC-14), DOES THIS TRIO RENDEZVOUS echoing the Center’s argu- privatize whatever and wher- Northeastern Illinois State Employees, EVERY YEAR AT SOME EXCLUSIVE ments. ever he chooses. Local 2794 Many in the media will Gary Ciaccio, Shapiro, DC RESORT OR JET OFF TOGETHER While purporting to be Local 29 to some tropical island? Do about freedom of speech for echo their calls. When orga- Kathy Lane, (RC-63), they brainstorm together public employees, this case nized labor backed legislation Northwestern Illinois State Employees, Local 448 about what company to take (Friedrichs v. California that sought to prevent a strike over next or where to invest Teachers Association) is at its in state government by pro- REGION I VICE-PRESIDENTS (COOK AND LAKE COUNTIES) their mega millions? These root an attempt to bankrupt viding for the intervention of Safiya Felters, Department of Health- are things we regular folks labor unions—requiring an independent arbitrator, care and Family Services, Local 2854 BY will likely never know. them to provide all aspects of just about every newspaper in Ellen Larrimore, Northeastern Illinois ROBERTA LYNC H But whether or not union representation (con- the state parroted Rauner’s University, Local 1989 Stephen Mittons, Department of Chil- they’re drinking buddies or tract negotiations, grievance talking points, which argued dren and Family Services, Local 2081 traveling companions, procedure, legal advocacy, it would be better to let him John Rayburn, Chicago Public Library, Rauner and the Kochs are etc.) to all employees in a force a strike. As if that Local 1215 Kobie Robinson, Cook County Asses- most definitely political soul- union workplace, while allow- weren’t enough of media sub- sor’s Office, Local 3835 mates, joined at the hip by a ing any employee who so servience to the powers-that- REGION II VICE-PRESIDENTS fierce desire to silence the chooses to refrain from pay- be, the Illinois Policy Institute (NOTHERN ILLINOIS) WE HAVE TO voices of average working ing even a penny toward the just bought up the Illinois Garry Cacciapaglia, city of Rockford, Radio Network, one of the Local 1058 families in the political arena cost of that representation. Dave Delrose, Will County, Local 1028 HOLD FAST TO and the workplace. Their Fair Share fees were ruled primary sources of news for Carlene Erno, Illinois State Employees, strategy for achieving that aim constitutional by a 9-0 vote of local radio stations all across Local 2615 THE POWERFUL the state of Illinois. Ruby Robinson, Illinois State Employ- is straightforward: eradicate the US Supreme Court in ees, Local 2833 FORCE WE’VE unions, especially public 1977. But with a majority on So we have to begin now Yurvette Simmons, United Cerebral employee unions. the current Supreme Court to prepare for the massive Palsy of Will County, Local 3237 BUILT UP OVER onslaught of misinformation Without the organized now firmly allied with the cor- REGION III VICE- PRESIDENTS strength of the millions of porate elite, it is all too possi- that’s about to descend on all (CENTRAL ILLINOIS) DECADES: of us. Mark Kerr, McFarland Zone Center, working people who belong ble that decades-old decision Local 2767 OUR UNION. to unions today, the super- will be overturned—and the We have to be prepared Gary Kroeschel, Sangamon County rich would effectively control collection of fair share fees to hold fast to the powerful State Employees, Local 2224 force we’ve built up over Matt Lukow, Springfield Area State the entire political process. will become unconstitutional. Employees, Local 1964 Theirs would make up the If that happens, you can decades that has significantly David Morris, Illinois State Employees, overwhelming bulk of cam- be certain that the Illinois improved wage levels, Local 805 ensured access to affordable Steve Nordyke, Department of Health- paign contributions, theirs Policy Institute (IPI), a water- care and Family Services, Local 2600 would be the only viewpoints carrier for the Rauner/Koch health care for us and our Trudy Williams, Fulton County Sheriffs offered up in a conglomerat- crowd, will go into high gear. families, successfully defend- Dept. & Courthouse, Local 3433 ed against all attempts to ed media world in which they IPI gets funding from both REGION IV VICE-PRESIDENTS hold the controlling financial Rauner and Koch-backed slash pension benefits, tack- (S OUTHERN ILLINOIS) led countless managerial Chris Milton, Madison County, interest, and theirs would be organizations. It’s been lead- Local 799 the loudest voices in the poli- ing the fight to abolish pub- abuses at worksites all across Duane Montgomery, Metro-East State cy debates over the critical lic-employee pensions, Illinois, brought dignity and a Employees, Local 1805 issues of our time. expand privatization of public measure of fairness to every Cary Quick, Choate MH/DC, Local 141 Mike Turner, Southern Illinois Depart- The interests of the services, and cut state employ- represented employee, ment of Corrections, Local 415 Kochs and Rauner converge ee salaries. defended public services against privatization, and won Trustees most clearly in a case now So if you work anywhere in Stephen Howerter, Canton Correction- before the US Supreme Court the public sector, you can be legislative and political victo- al Center Employees, Local 3585 that seeks to banish ‘fair very sure that this right-wing ries that have improved the Tom Minick, Moline Board of lives of all citizens. That force Education, Local 672 share fees’ in the public sec- empty-thought tank is not on Miguel Vazquez, Aurora Sanitary tor. In fact, the connection your side. But you can also be is our union. District, Local 3297 could hardly be clearer. The sure that they will be trying to AFSCME has never quit Retiree Chapter 31 Representative suit was brought by a right- sell themselves as your new best in the fight for a better life Larry Brown wing legal group, the Center friend—pressing you to quit for all—and that’s why it’s for Individual Rights, that the union and make your co- essential that none of us ever gets its funding from the workers who are union mem- let ourselves be manipulated Koch Brothers, with Bruce bers pay for you. into quitting on our union. Rauner filing an amicus brief You can also expect to get On the Move January-February 2016 3 Rauner breaks off contract negotiations Seeks to foster conflict Areas of disagreement can’t let him divide and con- n the final minutes of a Jan. 8 negotiating between the parties include: quer working people,” session between AFSCME and Gov. Bruce • Affordable health care. Robinson agreed. “That’s why The administration wants to “Unions are the we need as many citizens as IRauner’s administration, members of double health premiums for only voice that possible to help us fight the state employee Bargaining Committee employees if they keep their working people have.” back.” were shocked when the governor’s represen- current health plan, making At press time, AFSCME Illinois among the worst states planned to renew its support tatives announced that they believed negotia- in the nation for health cover- for legislation to provide arbi- tions were at impasse and would no longer age. tration as an alternative continue to bargain. • Fair pay. Rauner wants means to reach a contract set- to freeze wages and step tlement. And state employees increases for four years. With began organizing local union w no general or step increases meetings to discuss the status “IMPASSE” IS A TERM WITH LEGAL employees out on strike in plus huge hikes in health of bargaining and the possi- for 40 years,” said Ruby MEANING IN COLLECTIVE BAR- order to impose his extreme costs, workers would see their bility of a strike. Robinson, president of Local GAINING, REFERRING TO A SITUA- demands. take-home pay diminished. “We’re prepared to con- 2833 and a member of the tion in which further negotia- That’s why unions repre- The governor also wants to tinue to work in good faith to Council 31 executive board tions are futile.
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