March 13, 2008 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 3 4161 tried 5 minutes; it doesn’t work. But 10 who served together for almost two That is what he will be remembered minutes we are going to do. This is decades, made an unparalleled team for for. going to apply to my side of the aisle Ohio. I particularly admire his family. and the other side of the aisle, the 10 Senator REID mentioned that Howard Howard was a great family man—a minutes. We are going to cut things was a child of poverty. He was a child man who cared very much about Shir- off, if people miss votes. of prejudice growing up as a Jew on the ley, his wife, and his four daughters: Mr. MCCONNELL. Will the leader east side of Cleveland and suffered both Shelley, Amy, Susan, and Barbara. He yield? That would include, of course, from his family’s poverty and anti- will be greatly missed. the 1-minute explanation of the amend- Semitism in all too many cases. He After his service in the Senate, as ment on each side. worked his way in jobs, starting as a Senator REID said, he became the head Mr. REID. Of course. I appreciate 10-year-old, through Ohio State. of the Consumer Federation of Amer- that very much. As my friend indi- Senator REID told us that in the Sen- ica. He never gave up his passion for cated, prior to each vote there will be ate, Senator Metzenbaum was a master fighting for ordinary people and for 1 minute on each side, pro and con. I of the rules, a constant presence in an being a warrior for social and economic also have asked the Parliamentarian to often empty Chamber, who would, justice. enforce this. I say to the Chair, and I when leaving the Chamber, post an Mr. President, I yield to Senator hope you will notify your successor, we aide to scout for an unexpected amend- KENNEDY, who was a comrade in arms are going to gavel people after 1 ment or hastily scheduled floor action in so many ways with Senator Metzen- minute. These 1-minute speeches drag on various bills. Once, when a 2-week baum. on for 3 or 4 minutes. That takes away filibuster was cut off and Metzenbaum The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- from what we are supposed to do. The was still determined to block action on pore. The majority leader is recog- 1 minute is something we have kind of lifting natural gas price controls, he nized. traditionally started doing. There is and a partner sent the Senate into f nothing in the rules to say you have round-the-clock sessions by demanding ORDER OF BUSINESS any time. rollcall votes on 500 amendments. He I ask unanimous consent that the did not care if he angered his col- Mr. REID. Mr. President, one thing I first vote be 15 minutes plus 5, subse- leagues. He did not care if he was liked did not mention—the Republican lead- quent votes will be 10 minutes, with no every day by his colleagues. What he er is on the floor—we are going to fin- wiggle room after that, and that there cared about was to fight for economic ish this bill tonight. Or if it goes past be 1 minute on each side on each and social justice for the 10 million midnight, we are going to finish it on amendment and that the Chair will en- citizens whom he represented in Ohio Friday. We are going to finish this bill. force the 1 minute. and for the 250 million or so Americans We have a lot of amendments. It is not The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- when he served in the Senate. as if we have not done this before. I pore. Without objection, it is so or- The Washington Post, in 1982, said hope people will be understanding of dered. that Senator Metzenbaum singlehand- the rest of the Senators as to how Mr. REID. Mr. President, my final re- edly saved at least $10 billion by block- many amendments are offered. quest would be that the Senator from ing special interest tax breaks and We understand the rules. You can Ohio, Mr. BROWN, be given 5 minutes to pork-barrel programs. offer all you want. We are going to fin- speak as in morning business. I remember watching Senator ish this legislation tonight. It is impor- The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- Metzenbaum when I served in the tant we do that. We have a very impor- pore. Without objection, it is so or- House, at the beginning of my House tant work period coming, with many dered. career and at the end of his Senate ca- things scheduled. I have had a number Mr. REID. I ask unanimous consent reer. I watched him as a younger elect- of Democrats and Republicans come to for 3 minutes for Senator KENNEDY. ed official in State politics. Even as he me and say it would be to everyone’s The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- was getting older and he began to show advantage if we finished this bill ear- pore. Without objection, it is so or- his age, when he stood in front of an lier tonight rather than later. But dered. audience, the energy just burst from whenever it is, whether it is late on The Senator from Ohio. him. Fiery passion for economic justice Thursday, early on Thursday, or early f and social justice poured forth from Friday morning, we are going to finish Howard Metzenbaum. He would start at this legislation tonight or in the morn- SENATOR HOWARD METZENBAUM the podium—he is the first politician I ing. Mr. BROWN. Mr. President, Senator saw do this—and as he would work his The ACTING PRESIDENT pro tem- KENNEDY and Senator Metzenbaum way up into his speech and begin to in- pore. The Senator from Massachusetts. were so often fighting for same causes spire people, he would come away from f and the same issues and showed the the podium and walk out into the audi- same courage. They both were and are ence, and he had a strong, powerful SENATOR HOWARD METZENBAUM heroes to many. I thank the majority voice even when he was no longer Mr. KENNEDY. Mr. President, all of leader for the time. speaking into the microphone. People us are deeply saddened with the loss of A great son of Ohio, Senator Howard would always respond with the same an extraordinary Senator and a great Metzenbaum, passed away last night in kind of passion and be inspired by him. human being: Howard Metzenbaum. We Florida. He was personally inspira- That is my clearest, favorite memory extend our condolences to Shirley and tional to so many. He changed the lives of him. His legislative record, of to the members of the Metzenbaum of Ohioans, as he changed the lives of course, was so important too. One of family. so many Americans through his life- the most important things he did was He truly was the conscience of the time commitment to public service. I the plant closing legislation, giving 60 Senate for so many years. This is an am honored to hold his seat in the Sen- days’ notice to workers who too often institution made up of 100 individuals, ate and to follow in his footsteps. have seen their jobs disappear with and all of us wonder whether any of us According to Senate tradition, many nothing to show for it—pensions, can make much of a difference in a Members of the Senate carve their health care, all that. group of 100. But history will show that names in the drawers of the desks that Howard Metzenbaum always fought Howard Metzenbaum made an extraor- line the rows. Whoever has Senator for people who had less. He always dinary difference in this institution Metzenbaum’s desk can, with all of us, fought for people who had less privilege and for the working men and women of share in the legacy of his greatness. than he had. He always fought for op- this country whom he championed. As different as they were, Senator portunity for people of all races and He was an unabashed champion for Metzenbaum and Senator John Glenn, both genders and all social classes. those who were left out and left behind. VerDate Mar 15 2010 09:09 Oct 21, 2010 Jkt 069102 PO 00000 Frm 00002 Fmt 0686 Sfmt 0634 E:\BR08\S13MR8.000 S13MR8 rmajette on DSK29S0YB1PROD with BOUND RECORD 4162 CONGRESSIONAL RECORD—SENATE, Vol. 154, Pt. 3 March 13, 2008 So often their interests and their well- law degree from that same institution the only thing that exceeded his zeal in being are forgotten, but they never in 1941. The early days of his legal guarding against legislation that he were when Howard Metzenbaum served practice were devoted to representing viewed as helping large corporations. I in this institution. labor unions in Ohio. recall with some amusement an inci- Reference has been made to one of In 1943, he began an 8-year period of dent surrounding an amendment I was the great battles, among the many he service in the Ohio State Legislature, trying to add to a tax bill on the Sen- fought, and that was on this issue of serving 4 years in the Ohio House of ate floor that would have lowered ex- the deregulation of natural gas. How- Representatives and 4 more in the Ohio cise taxes for certain companies that ard and Jim Abourezk and a few of us Senate.
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