Yukon Economic Planning Studies 1986-1992 An annotated bibliography ,Cinll ?mt impact liSS!:~Stlhmf. f:ll1"'~C l' S(.'opill(1 Yuiwn dil'fJ1111fkarioll: be.ll.cihs (\mi ASStlSSllHmt ef i1I11llJrt i'lUhli11tution j'1H,H Xt.?'poct • 1), H~ 1Iossillilic1f)s. Dmf. dis!.'l.IlIlI.imt l'Ulf>f:r 0I111orm!iiti{~g • p ') I)!tJpaH~i {Ol th<: YUR(!l\ {l(;Ol)(Jlllic n{~lIlfldere Hoelll . .Ii·!Ja~})i!itv o{ r;rmstm!;til)TI , 'BE VfR C 1:;l{ dtiVel()'llrm~nt 9wm1flY (Illl (;onft:r<:rn~~ . 11•2 GrC<11"cr Klu,ll\C rHfJ10n<;1 laod UG(, nl,111 • 11.13 p.3!; IhlSill<1S!'> oppmhmititlS rda!!I(t to oH IUlr.l {jat! ),l\\ao(> r(')9iOn trllJriiffi dtJliH!oIJnl«nt pl,\lI fJxplowtmn .md. pwduoion )(l ()ortlwm ft(!m('wor~ l)l,>j<;:\H.;,jOll 1l<\II~r ,}).JG BOREi\L ALTERNATE ENERGY Glluadll • f).J hinan(' rr-l91011 touri~m d.~veh)llm(·nt pl,\lI I',m CENTRE Hu~nell!l OWilVifiW. 'flin'lll.:'Kaska r;;nt\~fll!i~f)S 1: HC»O!l Par' ?; 'f.~hni('itl Npmt ' p.16 Wind mmlgy pot\mtittl. Whit~hOl~'l, \!\llv.m ' J.td. Ajoint··vcntuw ot th!1 Calr;)o\ltliTar;lsl, [\lnanc- rn<]lonul HClmQmil.; pWfH.l • 1111} 11.33 Indhm I1/11U.l ;mu tilt: l..i;m! Imtum "am! • Klu,'!i» 'l'rlbrd Council ('(·nllnmIHV (~t:I)li')mi(. p.:! tl(>vclopm.mr ~Iitn . p. t(; BOREAt. CONSUl. TING SERVICES 'l'h" <~(;()ru}mlC Villbihty {U ,!J(~ White !.'a9s /,Ild '(.VhHc HlII(~r ;:'jrsl Natlon A pI1l1l tor COmlU\Ulltv L Yukon lllil'.vay. ~'tndy mpmt Ilnd Itwlmk;t! IlCOllOllllr: clcv·~lo))l.nGnt • \1.32 l'\~po.rt • p.S Gent.r<ll heating plllnt wooo chip boiler hiMibility , p.4 I:;Vllbl/lChm {)1 th{~ 'i'lllrcm Imll/m entl\~pt<)ll\"!!il,l BELVEDERE ol"CL dtlvl'llopmf.'nt Im*~" • 11.9 ~'t)M\ibility otudy on 'lstabllohmeol of (i Bf:lv(jdeH.~ H(Jt{,;1~ Ff;11sH'nhlY nt t::Ofuu;rUCr!on • j'o'fjl':lnu tho dlllH<:ltl)f.'J.l 01 t.b(~ 19909 • fI.e {;ommcrd:d (JIOW1.,rS r;oopcrat.ilre <1M p.Z 'l"fJlllllilllhty amI ir.rqm(;ts tll rllr funning in tlw il~g()d(i.tecl ,~t()rtl{j'l facility in Yukon· p.10 Yuk(m . p.t () Hural !>dl()f)ll~,dliti(·~ study· p.2G BERENDT. DAVID A r(~aSl bllky smdv for il Whlt\~holSfl tlll~il1osl! A Jnck~lO\lOd pap(" on thH W,lt")f nOREAL ENGmF.RRING SERVICES \mtt:rprill(~ clmtf'J • p.10 trallS\)mt(Hl(ln se!'vioo to anc( from tlie 'l'l\el,ld,'1Il1 IIO(X1.9Ilruj lIIe.rvl(:e11 ta.l{ Ilnd t!t,·; YU1Nll l'H:titorj. 19'10·19$6 ' 1'.2 LTD, Yukol) . ll.il Whit(1horoo ,)chool Lwil1ti(.)~ nC(l(lG ;j!udy • p.:l2 l!'illlll BERRYP" BOULT,DAvm Science ami t.e{':.'1ll()lI."IY ltl tlw rh~lil~l()pmcllt of nmtheln r.:(.).rnlllllmt.II~!I· liix C/lll" lo."tmtiflS • 11.2() WIld 11flrncs HI amTISH COLUMBIA ENERGY, I.lIID\iES AND PETROLEUM RESO RCES canada/yukon economic development agreement Canada "kenEconomic Development Yukon Economic Planning Studies 1986-1992 An annotated bibliography compiled by Wynne Krangle and Peter Long K-L Services Wbitehorse. Yukon 1992 canada/yukon economic development agreement Canada "IronEconomic Development @ November 1992, Government o( Canada, Depanment o( Indian Affairs and Northern Development and Government of the Yukon, Economic Development Whitehorse, Yukon, Canada Canadian Cataloguing in Publication Data Krangle, Wynne Yukon economic planning studies, 1986-1992: an annotated bibliography Includes index. ISBN 1-55018-524-1 1. Yukon Territory-Economic policy. 2. Yukon Territory-Economic conditions. 1. Long, Peter. II. Yukon Territory. Dept. of Economic Development. m. Title. HC117.Y8K73 1992 330.9719'1 C92-090711-3 Introduction In 1985, the CanadalYukon Economic Development Planning Management COmmittee requested an annotated bibliography of economic planning studies in the Yukon. The Yukon Archives headed and completed this project in December of 1986. In late 1991, a project to produce an update to this bibliography was undertaken by the Policy and Planning Branch of the Department of Economic Development, Government of the Yukon. A working group was set up, consisting of Margaret Donnelly and Thorn Stubbs (Government of the Yukon, EconOmic Development), Steve Bernard (Department of Indian Affairs and Northern Development, Economic Development) and Peggy D'Orsay (Government of the Yukon, Yukon Archives). Funding was obtained through an Economic Development Program Planning Co-op Agreement (CanadalYukon Economic Development Agreement). K-L Services, Whitehorse, was contracted to do the project. This current bibliography will serve to provide an awareness of what studies have been done, their intent, and where they can be located. It brings together in one reference source an annotated listing of all relevant works concerned with economic planning for the Yukon. Its scope covers Yukon-specific sectoral and regional economic planning studies, including initiatives of both the private and public sectors, for the years 1986 to 1991, with some coverage of 1992. Included are planning, feasibility, and strategic studies which deal with economic development by region or sector; infrastructure and institution studies which analyse constraints to development; and socio-economic impact assessments of particular projects. Bibliographies, theses and excerpts from larger studies are cited. There are many more reports on government-related studies than business studies because the work of a particular bUSiness is generally confidential in the short-term. This material often works its way to the Yukon Archives over time. This bibliography contains 329 entries, most of which are available in Yukon libraries. Information on how to use this bibliography is provided on the following page. All of the data in this bibliography exists as a database. For more information on access to this database, contact the library at Economic Development (Government of the Yukon) or the Yukon Archives. The contractors, K-L Services (Wynne Krangle and Peter Long), wish to thank the committee members for their support, and Grafton Njootli for his role in the early stages of this project. As well, we wish to acknowledge the courtesy and professional support of the staff of the many libraries we contacted in the course of this project. YUKON ECONOMIC PLANNING STUDIES, 1 ....1982. AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY How to use this bibliography A complete listing for each report appears once in the front part of this bibliography, listed in alphabetical order by its title. The information provided has been taken from the cover, title page, table of contents, executive summary and introduction, as well as a scan of the report itself. When reproducing the title of a document, the proper names are spelt as they appeared on the document. However, for the purposes of the index, liberty was taken to standarize on the currently accepted spelling or format of the name. A sample entry is provided below with each of the parts identified. Not all elements will appear in each entry. title (If the word "The" or "A" or "An" are 'I'll. as. of radlotracen to evaluate gold 108888 at the first word o[ a title. the title will be filed __ BlODeIIke plac:er mID... 1889 IDiDlDg seasoD under the next word. in this case "use. ") . 1990; 59 pages, with graphs, tables date o[ publiCBtiOn./ International Standard Book Number (ISBN) or Randy Clarkson; NEW ERA Engineering Corporation; InternatJonal Standard Senal Number ~SSN}, Whitehorse' prepared for Klondike Placer Miners number o[ pages and attributes ' /" Association; sponsor: National Research Council, author and/or COlPOrare author. place. /" Goverrunent of the Yukon prepared [or. sponsored by . ...• ~ -mining -resource development -science and technology subject words (ldenliDed WIth an ) This paper presents flIe existing and potential gold recoveries of a variety of sluiceboxes. It recommends sluicebox deSigns and operating parameters based on the / results of nuclear tracer testwork in 1989 and the description conventional sampling program of 1988. Included are two chapters on the value of gold losses and the value of recoverable losses. library location and can number - ________ YG, Economic Development, T 24 Index The second part of the book, beginning on page 41, contains an index to the bibliography. Terms used in the index include subject words chosen to describe the contents of the item, the author, corporate author, sponsoring agencies, and where known, the name of the agency for whom the report was prepared. ("Agency" can include federal, territorial, municipal or community government, First Nation or private business.) After each index term are listed all the titles for which that term is relevant. Included are page numbers to refer the reader to the full entry in the first part of the book. In the index, all Government of the Yukon departments are listed in alphabetical order under "Government of the Yukon." Below is a sample index entry with the elements clearly marked. see reference refers the reader to -------------__ correct index term to use EMERGENCY MEDICAL TRANSPORTA'J'lOli8HEAL'J'H SERVICES index rerm - ~ additional pJaces in the index to _ see also FUEL PRODUCTS, HYDROCARBON DEVELOPMENT check for references IAssessment of impon substitution opponunities • p.2 title and page nwnber for...-- Canyon Creek microhydro project feasibility study • p.4 relevent references Central heating plant wood chip boiler feasibility· p.4 A map with some of the geographic locations mentioned in this bibliography appears on the inside front cover. YUKON ECONOMIC PLANNING STUDIES,1988-1992. AN ANNOTATED BIBUOGRAPHY Library locations A location has been provided for each report listed in the bibliography. The preferred location listed for each item is the library at Economic Development (Government of the Yukon).
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